52 research outputs found

    Feeding Forage Mixtures of Ryegrass (Lolium spp.) with Clover (Trifolium spp.) Supplemented with Local Feed Diets to Reduce Enteric Methane Emission E

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    In cattle, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and nutrient balance are influenced by factors such as diet composition, intake, and digestibility. This study evaluated CH4 emissions and surpluses of crude protein, using five simulated scenarios of supplementation in small-scale dairy systems (SSDS). In addition, two pasture managements (cut-and-carry versus grazing) and two varieties of legumes (red clover vs. white clover) were considered. The diets were tested considering similar milk yield and chemical composition; CH4 emission was estimated using Tier-2 methodology from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and the data were analyzed in a completely randomized 5 2 2 factorial design. Differences (p < 0.05) were found in predicted CH4 emissions per kg of milk produced (g kg 1 FCM 3.5%). The lowest predicted CH4 emissions were found for S3 and S4 as well as for pastures containing white clover. Lower dietary surpluses of CP (p < 0.05) were observed for the control diet (1320 g CP/d), followed by S5 (1793 g CP/d), compared with S2 (2175 g CP/d), as well as in cut-and-carry management with red clover. A significant correlation (p < 0.001) was observed between dry matter intake and CH4 emissions (g 1 and per kg of milk produced). It is concluded that the environmental impact of formulating diets from local inputs (S3 and S4) can be reduced by making them more efficient in terms of methane kg 1 of milk in SSDS

    Alimentos artesanales y tradicionales: el queso Oaxaca como un caso de estudio del Centro de México

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    Los productos alimenticios artesanales han sido ampliamente estudiados por sus características y potencialidades. Sin embargo, todavía no se cuenta con un concepto unificado de lo que se entiende por artesanal. Aunque se tienen disponibles algunas definiciones que hacen referencia a productos comestibles hechos a mano, no toman en cuenta la existencia de regulaciones, con parámetros específicos, que un producto alimenticio debe cumplir para ser comercializado. El aumento de la demanda de estos productos, sus valores cultural, saludable, de sabor y textura, aunado a su potencial para constituirse como una estrategia factible de desarrollo rural, ha llamado nuestra atención para investigar si los productos artesanales alimenticios podrían sobrevivir en un mundo regularizado lleno de especificaciones que deben reunirse. El caso de estudio del queso de Oaxaca producido en el centro de México da un ejemplo de la incapacidad de los artesanos para cumplir los requisitos legales actuales, diseñados principalmente para los productos alimenticios industrializados. Se propone un nuevo término para referirse a los productos comestibles elaborados con métodos tradicionales, que emplean el conocimiento tradicional, para que los artesanos pudieran continuar existiendo con su estilo de vida. Se sugiere también un enfoque nuevo para que se considere en el sistema de regulación para este tipo de productos, en el que no debe olvidarse que se debe informar al consumidor sobre la variabilidad natural del producto comprado debida al origen artesanal del mismo, esto es a su "artesanalidad"

    Value generation in LAFS of traditional cheeses in the center of Mexico

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    Se determinó la generación de valor en una cadena leche queso en el altiplano mexicano. La cadena está integrada por 269 unidades de producción de leche (UPL), 62 recolectores, 37 queserías y un número no determinado de comercializadores. Se analizó la cadena con el enfoque de Sistemas Agroalimentarios Localizados (SIAL), para el análisis económico se utilizaron Presupuestos por Actividad y para determinar la generación de valor Competitividad con Equidad en Cadenas Agroalimentarias. Se entrevistaron y se realizó un análisis económico a 28 UPL, 16 recolectores, 12 queserías y 8 comercializadores, se determinó la generación de valor a través de equivalentes a un kilogramo de queso. El precio de venta de 1 Kg. de queso al consumidor fue de 5,03USD,elcostodelalecheequivalentefuede5,03USD, el costo de la leche equivalente fue de 2,96USD (59%), el valor de los procesos de transformación de 0,51USD(100,51USD (10%) y la utilidad de 1,56USD (31%), del cual, 0,25USDfueparalaUPL,0,25USD fue para la UPL, 0,11USD para el recolector, 0,68USDenlaqueserıˊay0,68USD en la quesería y 0,53USD en la comercialización. La mayor generación de valor se encuentra en la quesería, por el contrario, la UPL fue la que obtuvo la menor utilidad y quien absorbió el mayor costo. Al considerar los volúmenes producidos y procesados en cada eslabón las UPL obtienen una utilidad anual de 2.012USD,losrecolectoresde2.012USD, los recolectores de 5.2240USD, las queserías 40.658USDyloscomercializadores40.658USD y los comercializadores 27.136USD. Se concluye que no existe una distribución equitativa del valor generado en la cadena aunque es competitiva debido a que comercializa todo el producto en el mercado.We determined the generation of value in the milk cheese chain in the Mexican highlands. The chain consists of 269 units of milk production (UMP), 62 collectors, 37 cheese factories and an undetermined number of salespersons. Chain was analyzed with a focus on Localized Agri-Food Systems (LAFS), for the economic analysis used by Activity Budgets and to determine the value generation Competitiveness Equity food chain. Were interviewed and performed an economic analysis to 28 UMP, 16 collectors, 12 cheese factories and 8 traders, we investigated the generation of value through the equivalent of a kilogram of cheese. The sale price of 1 kg of cheese to consumers was 5,03USD,theequivalentcostofmilkwas5,03USD, the equivalent cost of milk was 2,96USD (59%), the value of the transformation processes of 0,51USD(100,51USD (10%) and utility 1,56USD (31%), of which 0,25USDweretotheUMP,0,25USD were to the UMP, 0,11USD for the collector, 0,68USDinthecheesefactories,and0,68USD in the cheese factories, and 0,53USD the traders. The greater generation of value is in the cheese factories, by contrast, was UMP which was the least use and who absorbed the higher costs. Considering the volumes produced and processed, the UMP get an annual profit of 2.012USD,collectorsof2.012USD, collectors of 5.2240 USD, cheese factories 40.658USDand40.658USD and 27.136USD the traders. We conclude that there is an equitable distribution of value generated in the chain but is competitive because it sells the entire product on the market.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Value generation in LAFS of traditional cheeses in the center of Mexico

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    Se determinó la generación de valor en una cadena leche queso en el altiplano mexicano. La cadena está integrada por 269 unidades de producción de leche (UPL), 62 recolectores, 37 queserías y un número no determinado de comercializadores. Se analizó la cadena con el enfoque de Sistemas Agroalimentarios Localizados (SIAL), para el análisis económico se utilizaron Presupuestos por Actividad y para determinar la generación de valor Competitividad con Equidad en Cadenas Agroalimentarias. Se entrevistaron y se realizó un análisis económico a 28 UPL, 16 recolectores, 12 queserías y 8 comercializadores, se determinó la generación de valor a través de equivalentes a un kilogramo de queso. El precio de venta de 1 Kg. de queso al consumidor fue de 5,03USD,elcostodelalecheequivalentefuede5,03USD, el costo de la leche equivalente fue de 2,96USD (59%), el valor de los procesos de transformación de 0,51USD(100,51USD (10%) y la utilidad de 1,56USD (31%), del cual, 0,25USDfueparalaUPL,0,25USD fue para la UPL, 0,11USD para el recolector, 0,68USDenlaqueserıˊay0,68USD en la quesería y 0,53USD en la comercialización. La mayor generación de valor se encuentra en la quesería, por el contrario, la UPL fue la que obtuvo la menor utilidad y quien absorbió el mayor costo. Al considerar los volúmenes producidos y procesados en cada eslabón las UPL obtienen una utilidad anual de 2.012USD,losrecolectoresde2.012USD, los recolectores de 5.2240USD, las queserías 40.658USDyloscomercializadores40.658USD y los comercializadores 27.136USD. Se concluye que no existe una distribución equitativa del valor generado en la cadena aunque es competitiva debido a que comercializa todo el producto en el mercado.We determined the generation of value in the milk cheese chain in the Mexican highlands. The chain consists of 269 units of milk production (UMP), 62 collectors, 37 cheese factories and an undetermined number of salespersons. Chain was analyzed with a focus on Localized Agri-Food Systems (LAFS), for the economic analysis used by Activity Budgets and to determine the value generation Competitiveness Equity food chain. Were interviewed and performed an economic analysis to 28 UMP, 16 collectors, 12 cheese factories and 8 traders, we investigated the generation of value through the equivalent of a kilogram of cheese. The sale price of 1 kg of cheese to consumers was 5,03USD,theequivalentcostofmilkwas5,03USD, the equivalent cost of milk was 2,96USD (59%), the value of the transformation processes of 0,51USD(100,51USD (10%) and utility 1,56USD (31%), of which 0,25USDweretotheUMP,0,25USD were to the UMP, 0,11USD for the collector, 0,68USDinthecheesefactories,and0,68USD in the cheese factories, and 0,53USD the traders. The greater generation of value is in the cheese factories, by contrast, was UMP which was the least use and who absorbed the higher costs. Considering the volumes produced and processed, the UMP get an annual profit of 2.012USD,collectorsof2.012USD, collectors of 5.2240 USD, cheese factories 40.658USDand40.658USD and 27.136USD the traders. We conclude that there is an equitable distribution of value generated in the chain but is competitive because it sells the entire product on the market.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Technological and physicochemical properties of milk and physicochemical aspects of traditional Oaxaca cheese

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    Los parámetros tecnológicos de la leche (características tecnológicas y fisicoquímicas) son de gran importancia porque influyen en el rendimiento y calidad del queso. Se sabe que los parámetros en leche varían dependiendo de la época del año, pero no se ha estudiado su efecto en queso en sistemas tradicionales. El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar las características tecnológicas y fisicoquímicas de la leche, así como las fisicoquímicas del queso Oaxaca tradicional en época de secas y lluvias. Muestras de leche y queso se tomaron de 21 diferentes queserías a pequeña escala. En leche se analizó porcentaje de grasa (G), proteína (P) y acidez, tiempo de coagulación (TC), firmeza de la cuajada (FC) y rendimiento (RTO). En queso se analizó G, P, acidez, humedad y cloruros. Se utilizó un ANOVA de un factor (P<0.05), para evaluar las variaciones por estación. Se observaron diferencias significativas por época en G, P y acidez, además del TC, FC y RTO en leche; y G, acidez y humedad en queso. Los resultados del estudio muestran que las diferencias en las características fisicoquímicas y tecnológicas de la leche por época del año, se ven reflejadas en la composición del queso.Milk technological and physicochemical characteristics are vital to cheese yield and quality, but can vary in response to factors such as season. An evaluation was done of milk technological and physicochemical characteristics in the dry and rainy seasons, and their effects on the physicochemical characteristics of traditional Oaxaca cheese. Milk and cheese samples were collected from 21 different small-scale processing plants. Milk samples were analyzed for fat and protein content, acidity level, coagulation time, curd firmness and yield. Cheese samples were analyzed for fat and protein content, acidity level, moisture content and chlorides level. A one-way ANOVA was used to evaluate inter-seasonal changes. Differences by season were observed in milk fat and protein contents, acidity level, coagulation time, curd firmness and yield. In the cheese inter-seasonal differences were present in fat content, acidity level and moisture content. Season clearly affected milk physicochemical and technological characteristics, and consequently cheese composition

    Evaluation of soil amendments in perennial ryegrass pastures associated with white and red clover in small-scale milk production systems

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    Objective: To evaluate the effect of the inclusion of lime and dolomite soil amendments in an established pasture of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) cv. Tetragrain associated with white clover (Trifolium repens) cv. Ladino and red clover (Trifolium pratense) cv. Kendall. Methodology: Three treatments of soil amendments were implemented on a perennial ryegrass with white and red clover pasture A split plot experimental design was used. The treatments were: T1= control treatment (without soil amendment), T2= lime and T3= dolomite. The evaluated variables were: herbage mass (HM), dry matter (DM), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), crude protein (CP), in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) and estimated metabolizable energy (eME). Results: There were significant differences in all evaluated variables, the interaction between experimental periods and treatments was not significant for any variable. The treatments did not affect herbage mass. As for the the soil, a decrease in pH is observed at the end of the experiment, and there was an increase in the total soluble calcium, magnesium and nitrogen and a decrease in aluminum. Implications: This study illustrates the use of soil amendments, which somehow modulate effects of the farmer practices on the pasture soils. Conclusions: Inclusion of soil amendments in pastures did not increase dry matter production, content of FDN, FDA or IVDMD, but increased crude protein and evaluated minerals, and decreases aluminum.Objective:  evaluate the effect of the inclusion of lime and dolomite soil amendments in an established pasture of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) cv. Tetragrain associated with white clover (Trifolium repens) cv. Ladino and red clover (Trifolium pratense) cv. Kendall. Methodology: Three treatments of soil amendments were implemented on a perennial ryegrass with white and red clover pasture A split plot experimental design was used. The treatments were: T1= control treatment (without soil amendment), T2= lime and T3= dolomite. The evaluated variables were: herbage mass (HM), dry matter (DM), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), crude protein (CP), in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) and estimated metabolizable energy (eME). Results: There were significant differences in all evaluated variables, the interaction between experimental periods and treatments was not significant for any variable. The treatments did not affect herbage mass. As for the the soil, a decrease in pH is observed at the end of the experiment, and there was an increase in the total soluble calcium, magnesium and nitrogen and a decrease in aluminum. Implications: This study illustrates the use of soil amendments, which somehow modulate effects of the farmer practices on the pasture soils. Conclusions: Inclusion of soil amendments in pastures did not increase dry matter production, content of FDN, FDA or IVDMD, but increased crude protein and evaluated minerals, and decreases aluminum

    Milk yield derived from the energy and protein of grazing cows receiving supplements under an agrosilvopastoral system

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    En el suroeste del Estado de México producen leche y becerros en sistemas agrosilvopastoriles subtropicales. Durante la época de estiaje, el ganado es suplementado debido a la baja disponibilidad y calidad de los pastos, sin considerar la contribución de especies leñosas a las necesidades de consumo de energía metabolizable (EM) y proteína cruda (PC). El objetivo del estudio fue determinar leche producida a partir de aportes de energía (LFe) y proteína (LFp) de forrajes, de vacas en pastoreo con tres tipos de suplemento. El primero consistió en mazorca de maíz molida y concentrado comercial (14 % de PC) (S14). A la mezcla S14 se añadió 7 % de pasta de soya para incrementar a 16 % la PC (S16); y se utilizó concentrado comercial 16 % de PC (SC16) como tercer suplemento. Seis vacas en lactación se asignaron al azar en un diseño de cuadro latino 3x3 repetido (tres vacas/cuadro), y tres periodos experimentales (PE). El tipo de suplemento no tuvo efecto sobre las variables de respuesta (P=0.80). Leche producida a partir de LFe y LFp de forrajes fue 0.08 y 6.1 kg/vaca/día, respectivamente. Se detectaron altos niveles de nitrógeno ureico en leche (NUL), sin importar el tipo de suplemento. El tratamiento SC16 incrementó los niveles de nitrógeno en orina (44.1 mg/dl) (P=0.001) y en heces (1.4 mg/g) (P=0.04). Las vacas obtuvieron el 90 y 10 % de sus necesidades de PC y EM para mantenimiento y producción de leche a partir de forrajes consumidos en un sistema agrosilvopastoril.Dual purpose farms southwest of the State of Mexico produce milk and calves under subtropical agrosilvopastoral systems (ASPS). During the dry season, farmers supplement their cattle due to the low availability and quality of grasses, without considering, besides grasses, the contribution of woody species to dry matter intake, metabolizable energy (ME), and crude protein (CP) requirements of cows. The aim of this study was to determine milk produced from forage energy (MFe) and protein (MFp) of grazing cow with three types of supplement. First supplement consisted of cracked maize and commercial concentrate resulting on 14 % of CP (S14).  To the S14 mixture 7 % of soybean meal was added to increase CP to 16 % (S16), and commercial concentrate of 16 % CP was used as a third supplement (SC16). Six lactating cows were allocated in a 3x3 replicated Latin Square (three cows per square), three experimental periods (EP) (three weeks per EP). There were no significant effects of supplements (P=0.80) on performance variables. Mean milk yield was 6.8 kg/cow/d. Milk from forage energy and protein were 0.8 and 6.1 kg/cow/day, respectively. Mean milk urea nitrogen (MUN) was high regardless of supplement; but nitrogen in urine (44.1 mg/dL) and feces (1.4 mg/g) were higher for SC16 (P=0.001 and 0.04, respectively). Cows obtained 90 and 10 % of their CP and metabolizable energy requirements for maintenance and production from the agrosilvopastoral system

    Microbial biomass and earthworms as indicators of soil quality under contrasting management practices in small-scale dairy systems

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    Objetive: To determine soil quality under two contrasting agricultural management practices, based on microbial biomass and earthworm density, as compared to untilled control soils in two seasons (dry and wet), in different production units of small-scale milk production systems. Methodology: The work was conducted in ten production units in the municipality of Aculco, Estado de México, Mexico. We analyzed physical, chemical, and biological soil indicators (microbial biomass and earthworm density). We conducted an ANOVA with a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement (three systems [maize, grassland, and control] and two seasons [dry and wet]). Results: Values for all quality indicators in maize-cultivated soils were low, but increased in the wet season. Parameters in pasture-cultivated soils were similar to control soils. Implications: These results determine the conditions of the soils used in milk production systems. Conclusions: Some of the parameters assessed can be used as indicators of soil degradation and to strengthen other indicators which lead to an improved assessment of these systems’ sustainabilit