2,569 research outputs found

    Energy Efficiency of Hybrid-Power HetNets: A Population-like Games Approach

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    In this paper, a distributed control scheme based on population games is proposed. The controller is in charge of dealing with the energy consumption problem in a Heterogeneous Cellular Network (HetNet) powered by hybrid energy sources (grid and renewable energy) while guaranteeing appropriate quality of service (QoS) level at the same time. Unlike the conventional approach in population games, it considers both atomicity and non-anonymity. Simulation results show that the proposed population-games approach reduces grid consumption by up to about 12% compared to the traditional best-signal level association policy.U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research FA9550-17-1-0259Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte DPI2016-76493-C3-3-RMinisterio de Economía y Empresa DPI2017-86918-

    Real-Time Wireless Data Acquisition System

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    Current and future aerospace requirements demand the creation of a new breed of sensing devices, with emphasis on reduced weight, power consumption, and physical size. This new generation of sensors must possess a high degree of intelligence to provide critical data efficiently and in real-time. Intelligence will include self-calibration, self-health assessment, and pre-processing of raw data at the sensor level. Most of these features are already incorporated in the Wireless Sensors Network (SensorNet(TradeMark)), developed by the Instrumentation Group at Kennedy Space Center (KSC). A system based on the SensorNet(TradeMark) architecture consists of data collection point(s) called Central Stations (CS) and intelligent sensors called Remote Stations (RS) where one or more CSs can be accommodated depending on the specific application. The CS's major function is to establish communications with the Remote Stations and to poll each RS for data and health information. The CS also collects, stores and distributes these data to the appropriate systems requiring the information. The system has the ability to perform point-to-point, multi-point and relay mode communications with an autonomous self-diagnosis of each communications link. Upon detection of a communication failure, the system automatically reconfigures to establish new communication paths. These communication paths are automatically and autonomously selected as the best paths by the system based on the existing operating environment. The data acquisition system currently under development at KSC consists of the SensorNet(TradeMark) wireless sensors as the remote stations and the central station called the Radio Frequency Health Node (RFHN). The RFF1N is the central station which remotely communicates with the SensorNet(TradeMark) sensors to control them and to receive data. The system's salient feature is the ability to provide deterministic sensor data with accurate time stamps for both time critical and non-time critical applications. Current wireless standards such as Zigbee(TradeMark) and Bluetooth(Registered TradeMark) do not have these capabilities and can not meet the needs that are provided by the SensorNet technology. Additionally, the system has the ability to automatically reconfigure the wireless communication link to a secondary frequency if interference is encountered and can autonomously search for a sensor that was perceived to be lost using the relay capabilities of the sensors and the secondary frequency. The RFHN and the SensorNet designs are based on modular architectures that allow for future increases in capability and the ability to expand or upgrade with relative ease. The RFHN and SensorNet sensors .can also perform data processing which forms a distributed processing architecture allowing the system to pass along information rather than just sending "raw data points" to the next higher level system. With a relatively small size, weight and power consumption, this system has the potential for both spacecraft and aircraft applications as well as ground applications that require time critical data

    Observation of a valence transition in (Pr,Ca)CoO3 cobaltites: charge migration at the metal-insulator transition

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    X-ray absorption spectroscopy measurements in Pr0.5Ca0.5CoO3 and (Pr,Y)0.55Ca0.45CoO3 compositions reveal that the valence of praseodymium ions is stable and essentially +3 (Pr [4f 2]) in the metallic state, but abruptly changes when carriers localize approaching the oxidation state +4 (Pr [4f 1]). This mechanism appears to be the driving force of the metal-insulator transition. The ground insulating state of Pr0.5Ca0.5CoO3 is an homogeneous Co3.5-d state stabilized by a charge transfer from Pr to Co sites: 1/2Pr3+ + Co3.5 \to 1/2Pr3+2d + Co3.5-d, with 2d \approx 0.26 e-.Comment: Submitted. 14 pages, 4 Figure

    Adapting the Web for People With Upper Body Motor Impairments Using Touch Screen Tablets

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    People with disabilities frequently use the Internet to perform a variety of common activities; however, they may often encounter aggravated accessibility barriers when using mobile devices to access the Web. In order to alleviate the problems faced by this group when using mobile devices, we have extended a previously developed transcoding-based system that adapts non-accessible web pages to the needs of specific users in order to enhance their accessibility. In this version, we included new adaptation techniques gathered from the literature in order to apply transcoding techniques to mobile devices. The enhanced system was evaluated with eight users with reduced mobility using tablets. The exploratory study suggests that alternative interaction methods such as the ones named 'end tap' and 'steady tap' are beneficial for some participants with reduced mobility, dexterity or strength in the upper limbs. Other results show that six of the eight users preferred the adapted version with enlarged interaction elements which required less physical effort, even if this adaptation increases the size of the page with the disadvantages associated with such a change.This research work was developed within the project eGovernability, funded by the Spanish Government, Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO), and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), under grant (TIM2014-52665-C2-1-R). J.E.P. holds a PhD Scholarship from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Some of the authors are members of the EGOKITUZ/ADIAN research team, supported by the Basque Government, Department of Education, Universities and Research under grant (IT980-16)

    Arteriolopatía calcificante urémica, reporte de un caso tratado con tiosulfato de sodio

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    We describe a case of calcific uremic arteriolopathyinitially associated with skin lesions within the context of a patient with chronic kidney disease on automated peritoneal dialysis therapy. Among the most relevant findings, the patient hadhyperphosphatemia, normocalcemia and severe hyperparathyroidism without nodular hyperplasia. Clinical improvement with multimodal management of enhancement in dialysis therapy and intravenous sodium thiosulfate is highlighted. Calciphylaxis is a disorder that has a high morbidity and mortality, secondary to sepsis. It occurs more frequently in patients with chronic renal failure who are on hemodialysis. It is characterized by systemic medial calcification of the arterioles, triggering ischemia and subcutaneous necrosis of skin and soft tissues. Histopathological evaluation helps to confirm the diagnosis.Describimos un caso de arteriolopatía calcificante urémica asociada,  inicialmente, a lesiones cutáneas,en unpaciente con insuficiencia renal crónica, en terapia de diálisis peritoneal automatizada, como hallazgos másrelevantes presentaba hiperfosfatemia, normocalcemia e hiperparatiroidismo severo sin hiperplasia nodular.Se destaca la mejoría clínica con manejo multimodal de intensificación en la terapia dialítica y tiosulfato desodio intravenoso.La calcifilaxis es un trastorno que debuta con alta morbilidad ymortalidad, secundaria a sepsis, ocurre con mayor frecuencia en pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica que se encuentran en hemodiálisis. Se caracteriza por calcificación sistémica en la media de las arteriolas, desencadenándose isquemia y necrosis subcutánea de piel y tejidos blandos. La evaluación histopatológica ayuda a confirmar el diagnóstico

    Influencia de la incorporación de la mujer a las redacciones en las audiencias de prensa

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    La presencia de la mujer en los medios de comunicación es escasa y limitada y no refleja el lugar que ocupa en la sociedad. Desde el I+D+i SANIMUEI, con financiación del Instituto de la Mujer, pretendemos encontrar las claves que permitan entender por qué existen medios cuyos índices de lectura femenino duplican al de otros y en qué medida sus contenidos justifican esos desniveles. Para ello esta comunicación busca cuantificar la presencia de las mujeres en las redacciones de los medios, para de este modo comprender cómo esto incide en la mayor o menor presencia de temas femeninos en las páginas de los mismos. Hemos seleccionado los tres periódicos que según los estudios de audiencia segregados por sexos tienen un mayor índice de lectoras y los tres que tienen un menor índice en la Comunidad de Andalucía. La cuantificación de firmas femeninas totales de los medios y su distribución por secciones, así como las firmas de las imágenes nos permitirá establecer relaciones entre la presencia de temas protagonizados por mujeres y las firmas de las periodistas y si la presencia visual está relacionada con la de autoras de fotografías. Avanzamos así en un estudio que busca relaciones e interacciones entre las empresas, las redacciones, los contenidos y las audiencias

    Quantifying Potential Cost-Savings Through an Alternative Imaging-Based Diagnostic Process in Presumptive Seronegative Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Background: Seronegative rheumatoid arthritis (SRA) is a condition that is not well understood and difficult to confirm by a conventional diagnostic process. We aimed to quantify the potential cost-savings of an alternative diagnostic process (ADP) imaging-based, for patients with presumptive SRA from everyday clinical practice. Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis for patients with presumptive SRA who tested negative for both rheumatoid factor and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies, through an ADP imaging-based, that is a standard clinical practice in our center. After we confirmed the diagnosis of SRA or reclassified patients in terms of another proper diagnosis, we estimate direct costs in two scenarios: a conventional and ADP. We compared the cost of RA treatment during the first year against the cost of the most misdiagnosed treatment (osteoarthritis) found after applying the ADP to determine potential cost-savings. Results: We included 440 patients with a presumptive diagnosis of SRA. According to the imaging-based ADP, SRA was confirmed in 106/440 (24.1%), unspecified RA in 9/440 (2.0%), and osteoarthritis in 325/440 (73.9%) of those patients. Although the costs of conventional diagnosis per patient is lower than those of ADP (59,20USDvs59,20 USD vs 269,57 USD), we found a potential drug cost-savings of $1,570,775.20 US Dollars after 1 year of correct treatment. Conclusion: An alternative diagnosis process, including X-rays, US and MRI imaging, and clinical and blood-test assessment, not only increased diagnostic certainty in patients referred for evaluation of presumptive SRA but also suggested a potential cost-savings in pharmacological treatments avoided in misdiagnosed patients

    Midlife contributors to socioeconomic differences in frailty during later life: a prospective cohort study

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    Background Health inequalities persist into old age. We aimed to investigate risk factors for socioeconomic differences in frailty that could potentially be modified through policy measures. Methods In this multi-wave longitudinal cohort study (Whitehall II study), we assessed participants' socioeconomic status, behavioural and biomedical risk factors, and disease status at age 45-55 years, and frailty (defined according to the Fried phenotype) at baseline and at one or more of three clinic visits about 18 years later (mean age 69 years [SD 5.9]). We used logistic mixed models to examine the associations between socioeconomic status and risk factors at age 50 years and subsequent prevalence of frailty (adjusted for sex, ethnic origin, and age), with sensitivity analyses and multiple imputation for missing data. Findings Between Sept 9, 2007, and Dec 8, 2016, 6233 middle-aged adults were measured for frailty. Frailty was present in 562 (3%) of 16 164 person-observations, and varied by socioeconomic status: 145 (2%) person-observations had high socioeconomic status, 241 (4%) had intermediate status, and 176 (7%) had low socioeconomic status, adjusting for sex and age. Risk factors for frailty included cardiovascular disease, depression, smoking, high or abstinent alcohol consumption, low fruit and vegetable consumption, physical inactivity, poor lung function, hypertension, and overweight or obesity. Cardiometabolic markers for future frailty were high ratio of total to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and raised interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein concentrations. The five most important factors contributing to the frailty gradient, assessed by percent attenuation of the association between socioeconomic status and frailty, were physical activity (13%), interleukin-6 (13%), body-mass index category (11%), C-reactive protein (11%), and poor lung function (10%). Overall, socioeconomic differences in frailty were reduced by 40% in the maximally-adjusted model compared with the minimally-adjusted model. Interpretation Behavioural and cardiometabolic risk factors in midlife account for more than a third of socioeconomic differences in frailty. Our findings suggest that interventions targeting physical activity, obesity, smoking, and low-grade inflammation in middle age might reduce socioeconomic differences in later-life frailty. Copyright (c) 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.Peer reviewe

    Seasonal weather and climate prediction over area burned in grasslands of northeast China

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    © 2020, The Author(s). Grassland fire dynamics are subject to myriad climatic, biological, and anthropogenic drivers, thresholds, and feedbacks and therefore do not conform to assumptions of statistical stationarity. The presence of non-stationarity in time series data leads to ambiguous results that can misinform regional-level fire management strategies. This study employs non-stationarity in time series data among multiple variables and multiple intensities using dynamic simulations of autoregressive distributed lag models to elucidate key drivers of climate and ecological change on burned grasslands in Xilingol, China. We used unit root methods to select appropriate estimation methods for further analysis. Using the model estimations, we developed scenarios emulating the effects of instantaneous changes (i.e., shocks) of some significant variables on climate and ecological change. Changes in mean monthly wind speed and maximum temperature produce complex responses on area burned, directly, and through feedback relationships. Our framework addresses interactions among multiple drivers to explain fire and ecosystem responses in grasslands, and how these may be understood and prioritized in different empirical contexts needed to formulate effective fire management policies

    Primer consenso colombiano sobre Chagas congénito y orientación clínica a mujeres en edad fértil con diagnóstico de Chagas

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    La transmisión congénita de la enfermedad de Chagas ha sido poco estudiada en Colombia y existen pocos procedimientos rutinarios en el sistema de salud para el manejo de esta enfermedad. Por ello se desarrolló un consenso de expertos dirigido a generar recomendaciones de diagnóstico y tratamiento de Chagas congénito y orientación a mujeres en edad fértil. Con ese propósito se realizó una búsqueda extensiva de la literatura, empleando una combinación de términos Mes (Chagas, Chagas congénito, prevención, control, diagnóstico, tratamiento y embarazo) para reflejar el estado del arte en cada tema de interés. Después de ello, se leyeron los resúmenes y aquellos seleccionados para análisis del texto completo. La literatura relevante se sintetizo, clasifico y organizo en tablas y se presentó al panel de expertos, el cual estaba constituido por 30 profesionales en diferentes áreas. Mediante la metodología Delphi se realizaron 2 rondas de cuestionarios virtuales y una reunión presencial en los cuales se evaluaron los niveles de acuerdo entre los participantes. Los puntos con falta de consenso durante las 2 rondas virtuales se expusieron durante las mesas de discusión en la ronda presencial. La evidencia utilizada se adaptó a las particularidades nacionales según el caso y se aprobó el contenido del documento final. Se propone que estas recomendaciones sean usadas por profesionales de la salud en Colombia.Congenital transmission of Chagas disease has not been extensively studied in Colombia, and there are no standardized processes in the health system regarding the specific diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of this disease. To generate recommendations on congenital Chagas disease and Chagas in women of childbearing age in Colombia, a consensus of experts was developed. An extensive literature search through the Medline database was carried out using the MeSH terms: «Chagas disease/congenital», «prevention and control», «diagnosis», «therapeutics» and «pregnancy». Appropriate abstracts were selected and the full texts were analyzed. The relevant information was synthesized, classified, and organized into tables and figures and was presented to a panel of experts, which was composed of 30 professionals from various fields. Based on the Delphi methodology, three rounds of consultation were conducted. The first and second rounds were based on electronic questionnaires that measured the level of consensus of each question among the participants. The third round was based on a face-to-face discussion focusing on those questions without consensus in the previous consultations. The evidence was adapted to national circumstances on a case-by-case basis, and the content the final document was approved. These recommendations are proposed for use in routine medical practice by health professionals in Colombia