846 research outputs found

    Sustainability of small reservoirs and large scale water availability under current conditions and climate change

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    Semi-arid river basins often rely on reservoirs for water supply. Small reservoirs may impact on large-scale water availability both by enhancing availability in a distributed sense and by subtracting water for large downstream user communities, e.g. served by large reservoirs. Both of these impacts of small reservoirs are subject to climate change. Using a case-study on North-East Brazil, this paper shows that climate change impacts on water availability may be severe, and impacts on distributed water availability from small reservoirs may exceed impacts on centralised water availability from large reservoirs. Next, the paper shows that the effect of small reservoirs on water availability from large reservoirs may be significant, and increase both in relative and absolute sense under unfavourable climate change

    Identification of ancient gilding technology and Late Bronze Age metallurgy by EDXRF, Micro-EDXRF, SEM-EDS and metallographic techniques

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    A combination of analytical techniques capable of elemental and microstructural characterisation was used for the identification of ancient gilding technology and bronze metallurgy. EDXRF, micro-EDXRF, SEM-EDS analysis and metallographic examinations were applied in the study of artefacts dating to the end of the second millennium BC from Crasto de São Romão in Central Portugal. Results report to the finding of an exceptional gilded copper nail among bronze artefacts with 9 wt.% to15 wt.% tin and minute other metallic impurities. Additionally, analysis of a crucible fragment points out for bronze production at the archaeological site. EDXRF and micro-EDXRF analysis made on the copper nail showed that it was gilded only on the front side of the head, and that the gold layer has been lost in the most exposed areas. SEM-EDS analysis showed that the gold layer has 5–8 μm in thickness and is covered with a thick corrosion layer. The gilding technique is discussed based on the gold layer composition and gold/copper substrate interface. So far, this object seems to be the first diffusion gilded artefact identified in the Portuguese territory dated to Late Bronze Age

    Global biodiversity patterns of marine forests of brown macroalgae

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    Aim Marine forests of brown macroalgae create essential habitats for coastal species and support invaluable ecological services. Here, we provide the first global analysis of species richness and endemicity of both the kelp and fucoid biomes. Location Global. Time period Contemporary. Major taxa studied Marine forests of brown macroalgae, formed by kelp (here defined as orders Laminariales, Tilopteridales and Desmarestiales) and fucoid (order Fucales), inhabiting subtidal and intertidal environments. Methods We coupled a large dataset of macroalgal observations (420 species, 1.01 million records) with a high-resolution dataset of relevant environmental predictors (i.e., light, temperature, salinity, nitrate, wave energy and ice coverage) to develop stacked species distribution models (stacked SDMs) and yield estimates of global species richness and endemicity. Results Temperature and light were the main predictors shaping the distribution of subtidal species, whereas wave energy, temperature and salinity were the main predictors of intertidal species. The highest regional species richness for kelp was found in the north-east Pacific (maximum 32 species) and for fucoids in south-east Australia (maximum 53 species), supporting the hypothesis that these regions were the evolutionary sources of global colonization by brown macroalgae. Locations with low species richness coincided between kelp and fucoid, occurring mainly at higher latitudes (e.g., Siberia) and the Baltic Sea, where extensive ice coverage and low-salinity regimes prevail. Regions of high endemism for both groups were identified in the Galapagos Islands, Antarctica, South Africa and East Russia. Main conclusions We estimated the main environmental drivers and limits shaping the distribution of marine forests of brown macroalgae and mapped biogeographical centres of species richness and endemicity, which largely coincided with the expectation from previous evolutionary hypotheses. The mapped biodiversity patterns can serve as new baselines for planning and prioritizing locations for conservation, management and climate change mitigation strategies, flagging threatened marine forest regions under different climate change scenarios.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    Influência do super-resfriamento nas ligas cu-al-ni com efeito de memória de forma

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    Nesse trabalho foi avaliada a microestrutura da liga 83%Cu – 13%Al – 4%Ni (porcentagem em peso) em 3 condições experimentais: a) estado bruto de fusão, b) estado bruto de fusão temperada e c) solidificada com fluxo. A liga no estado bruto de fusão apresentou grãos contendo partículas precipitadas no interior dos grãos, sem a presença de martensíta e o contorno desses grãos foi definido pelas partículas segregadas, enquanto a liga no estado bruto de fusão temperada apresentou grãos com a presença de martensíta e contornos sem precipitados. A liga solidificada com fluxo apresentou grãos com a presença de martensíta e sem precipitado

    Impact of a virtual reality-based simulation on empathy and attitudes toward Schizophrenia

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    Virtual Reality (VR) has been identified as one of the most promising resources for developing empathy towards stigmatized groups as it allows individuals to experience a situation close to reality from another person’s perspective. This quasi-experimental study aimed to examine the impact on empathy, knowledge, and attitudes towards people with schizophrenia of a VR simulation that reproduces the experience of psychotic symptoms while performing a cognitive task compared with watching a 2D video and, thus, how these experiences could reduce stigma towards people diagnosed with schizophrenia. The sample comprised of 102 higher education health students, distributed by the experimental and control groups. The impact of the program was measured by completing multiple questionnaires on levels of empathy, attitudes, and mental health knowledge. Both methods (VR and 2D video) were, to a certain extent, effective. However, VR was more effective at eliciting attitudes and knowledge change compared to the control group. These findings suggest that not only VR but also 2D videos could be interesting strategies to enhance empathy and improve attitudes towards people with schizophrenia in higher education health students.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio