4,643 research outputs found

    Information and Communication Technologies (ICTS) as a Tool for Intercultural Education. A collaborative experience in secondary education in Tlapa de Comonfort, Guerrero, Mexico

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    This paper discusses the collaborative experience of creating educational materials for a secondary school in Tlapa de Comonfort, Guerrero, México. In this school, students from Nahuatl, Tun savi, Me'phaa and Spanish speaking communities live and learn together. The intercultural context provides challenges for science education that we sought to address. The use of collaborative technologies in science classes has made visible the cultural diversity in the classroom, helping students and teachers recognize themselves as active agents in the construction of common knowledge and in sharing their\ud knowledge. This experience also shows the importance of ICTs as technologies of expression that reinforce individual and collective identity in intercultural contexts

    Association between Caries, Obesity and Insulin Resistance in Mexican Adolescents

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    Aim: To determine the association among dental caries, obesity and insulin resistance in Mexican adolescents. Methods: Body Mass Index, obesity (OB) blood pressure, insulin level, insulin resistance (IR), triglycerides level, serum HDL-cholesterol (cHDL), DMFT index and salivary flow were measured. Results: Anthropometric measures showed a significant statistical difference (p \u3c 0.05). Insulin level was 8.98 for healthy subjects, whereas for OB-IR group was 25.35, there was a statistical significant difference (p \u3c 0.05). Triglycerides level was 88.50 for healthy subjects and 169.40 mg/dL for OB-IR; cHDL was 52.88 for healthy and 41.82 mg/dL for OB-IR group, both showed a statistically significant difference (p \u3c 0.05). Salivary flow was 4.30 for healthy and for OB-IR group was 5.48 ml/min showed a significant statistical difference (p \u3c 0.05). DMFT index was 3.02 for healthy and for OB-IR adolescents was 4.78, showed a significant statistical difference (p \u3c 0.05). The caries component of DMFT index was 1.84 for healthy and was 3.52 for OB-IR adolescents, showed a significant statistical difference (p \u3c 0.05). According to the multivariate analysis, DMFT (OR=3.10; IC95%=0.20-1.02, p=0.042) and decay (OR=3.30; IC95%=0.19-1.0, p=0.011) were associated with subjects with OB-IR. Conclusion: OB-IR Mexican adolescents showed a positive association with DMFT

    Estimación de puntos de cambio para modelos lineales mixtos: una solución usando algoritmos evolutivos

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    Mathematical models are used to describe the relationship between two or more variables or features over the target population. Statistically, Simple Linear regression model has been extensively applied and the properties of their estimators are well known. However, this kind of model is not correctly applied in most cases, such as a longitudinal setting. Linear mixed models (LMMs) are useful when the measurements have been done over a specific interval of time. One of the most important assumptions, on both models, has been established as that the model holds for the whole data. In latter case, we could find one or several points which the function changes into. This proposal allows us to estimate the points where the model changes by minimizing a specific risk function or a loss function associated with the fitted model.Los modelos matemáticos han sido usados para describir la relación entre dos o más variables o características de la población objetivo. En el campo de la estadística el modelo de regresión lineal simple han sido aplicados ampliamente y sus propiedades son bien conocidas. Sin embargo, este tipo de modelos no tiene aplicación an algunos casos como en el escenario longitudinal. Los modelos lineales mixtos (LMMs) son de utilidad cuando las medidas han sido registradas en un intervalo de tiempo. Uno de los más importantes supuestos, para los dos modelos, ha sido el establecer que el modelo se mantiene invariante sobre todo el intervalo de regresión. En caso contrario, se puede encontrar uno o varios puntos de cambio en los cuales el modelo cambia (media, varianza o simultaneamente media - varianza). Esta propuesta permite estimar los puntos de cambio sujeto-específicos que permiten la minimización de una función de riesgo o pérdida asociada al modelo en mención

    Elaboración de una escala de conductas antisociales en estudiantes de secundaria de instituciones educativas del distrito de Carabayllo, 2019

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    La presente investigación es de tipo psicométrico y tecnológico, teniendo como objetivo general construir una escala de conductas antisociales en estudiantes de secundaria de instituciones educativas del Distrito de Carabayllo. La versión del inventario estuvo conformada por 22 ítems. La muestra de 562 colaboradores fue obtenida por un muestreo de tipo no probabilístico por juicio. Se trabajó la validez de contenido mediante análisis de ítems considerando estadísticos descriptivos; además, se realizó la validez mediante el juicio de 10 expertos y se obtuvieron los índices mediante la V. de Aiken p>0.80 y la prueba Binomial p<0.05 en 22 reactivos, siendo aceptables. La validez de constructo se obtuvo a través del ítem-test, dimensión-test e ítem-dimensión, así como también por medio del análisis factorial exploratorio, que permitió verificar la pertinencia del modelo teórico compuesto por cuatro dimensiones de acuerdo a la fundamentación teórica del APA. La confiabilidad por consistencia interna fue obtenida a través del coeficiente de Omega de McDonald y Alfa de Cronbach obteniendo un valor de 0.88 y 0.86 respectivamente. Finalmente, se construyó baremos para la escala y sus dimensiones permitiendo la interpretación de la escala, con los niveles: Bajo, Medio y Alto. En síntesis, la escala de conductas antisociales reúne suficientes evidencias de validez y confiabilidad para su aplicación

    Testing balanced counseling to improve provider-client interaction in Guatemala\u27s MOH clinics

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    The job aids–assisted Balanced Counseling Strategy adopted by Guatemala’s Ministry of Health required specific instructions for use by nonprofessional providers and an intervention that assured provider compliance with the behavioral requirements of the new paradigm. Results show that the trained providers outperformed the controls in quality of care at each level of session length, but used nine extra minutes per session on average. Nonprofessional providers can take advantage of the job aids–assisted Balanced Counseling Algorithm and substantially improve their quality of care. Extra time invested in counseling new family planning clients will be easily absorbed insofar as they continue to represent a small portion of the total demand for services at the clinics

    Analysis of ecosystem services provision in the Colombian Amazon using participatory research and mapping techniques

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    Over the last two decades indigenous peoples in the lower Caquetá River basin in Colombia have experienced detrimental changes in the provision of important ecosystem services in ways that have significant implications for the maintenance of their traditional livelihoods. To assess these changes we conducted eight participatory mapping activities and convened 22 focus group discussions. We focused the analysis on two types of change: (1) changes in the location of ecosystem services provisioning areas and (2) changes in the stock of ecosystem services. The focal ecosystem services include services such as provision of food, raw materials and medicinal resources. Results from the study show that in the past two decades the demand for food and raw materials has intensified and, as a result, locations of provisioning areas and the stocks of ecosystem services have changed. We found anecdotal evidence that these changes correlate well with socio-economic factors such as greater need for income generation, change in livelihood practices and consumption patterns. We discuss the use of participatory mapping techniques in the context of marginalized and data-poor regions. We also show how this kind of information can strengthen existing ecosystem-based management strategies used by indigenous peoples in the Colombian Amazon

    Excessive age-related decline in functional ovarian reserve in infertile women: prospective cohort of 15,500 women

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    Context: Whether infertile women exhibit accelerated ovarian aging and whether a low ovarian reserve is overrepresented in infertility populations is not known. Objective: To compare the age-related decline in antral follicle count (AFC), a biomarker of the ovarian reserve, in fertile and infertile women. Design: Cross-sectional data from a large prospective cohort study conducted from January 2013 to December 2014. Setting: Thirteen fertility centers across Spain. Patients or Other Participants: Consecutive women aged 18 to 45 years of age attending the fertility centers either seeking fertility treatment or as fertile women wishing to act as potential oocyte donors. Intervention(s): Standardized AFC assessment on day 2 to 4 of the cycle. Main Outcome Measure(s): Age-related decline of AFC for both fertile and infertile women. Results: A total of 15 500 women, of whom 5722 were potential donors and 9778 were patients seeking fertility treatment, participated in the study. Average AFC was greater in potential oocyte donors than in infertile women (20 [interquartile range, 16–24] vs 10 [interquartile range, 6–15], respectively; P &lt; .001), a difference that was maintained after adjustment for age (P &lt; .001) in a model predicting log(AFC) from donor vs infertility, adjusting for 2-year age bands. The age-related decline in AFC was much steeper in infertile women compared with that of potential oocyte donors, with an increased prevalence of a low ovarian reserve (AFC &lt; 5) at all ages in infertile women. Conclusions: The age-related decline in AFC was substantially greater in infertility patients than potential oocyte donors. Overrepresentation in infertility populations of women with low ovarian reserve may be an additional functional cause of infertility

    Microbiota asociada a la enfermedad de la punta negra del trigo duro. Efectos del riego, el abonado nitrogenado y la variedad cultivada en la incidencia de la enfermedad

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    La enfermedad fúngica de la punta negra del trigo se caracteriza por provocar en las semillas afectadas un oscurecimiento de la zona del embrión que en ocasiones puede extenderse hacia la hendidura central dejando el grano completamente ennegrecido. Su incidencia en el cultivo de trigo es extremadamente variable y depende en gran medida de las condiciones ambientales, así pues, condiciones de alta humedad pueden incrementar a punta negra. Su presencia en el trigo duro repercute en el rendimiento semolero. Además la pasta elaborada a partir de semilla enferma presenta manchas negras y adquiere color y olor desagradable. Esta enfermedad es poco conocida a nivel europeo, sin embargo existen numerosos estudios para conocer su etiología y los factores que afectan a su aparición en países como Nueva Zelanda, Australia, Estados Unidos o Canadá. El presente trabajo pretende dar a conocer esta patología en España, determinando la influencia del riego, el abonado nitrogenado y la variedad cultivada en la incidencia de la enfermedad. Para ello se ha contado con un diseño experimental basado en 10 cultivares sembrados en parcelas con dos tratamientos de riego y dos de abonado nitrogenado. El análisis de las semillas infectadas en cámara húmeda y medios de cultivo PDA y K reveló 12 géneros fúngicos diferentes, de los cuales Alternaria alternata y Fusarium proliferatum estaban presentes en todas las muestras. El estudio del riego y abonado nitrogenado mostró diferencias significativas en la incidencia de punta negra pero fueron los 10 cultivares incluidos en el ensayo los que mayor importancia cobraron desde el punto de vista de la aparición de la enfermedad. El genotipo resultó determinante a la hora de establecer los niveles de afectación ya que las muestras encuadradas botánicamente como Triticum turgidum subsp. Turgidum convar. Turgidum presentaron una mayor susceptibilidad. las prueas de patogenicidd con los tres principales hongos asociados a la punta negra dieron resultados negativos para la germinación-nascencia de las plántulas de trigo duro inoculadas