100 research outputs found

    Flagrante de uma Fratura da Clavícula por Acidente Tauromáquico

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    The Vila Franca de Xira Hospital is located in the region with the highest number of festivals and bullfighting activities of Portugal. As a natural consequence, the hospital ends up with a particular experience in the treatment of victims of bullfighting accidents. These are usually common people harvested in street celebrations during the traditional festivals of the region, but also workers such as cattle herders, foremen, ranchers and others who handle the wild cattle and in particular those who deal with the bulls, such as forcados, banderilleros, matadors and cavaleiros. Although we may refer the perforating injuries generated by the horns of bulls, the most frequent injuries are the blunt ones, among them bruises and fractures of the limbs. This work shows the typical striking of a bull horn, showing the violence of the trauma in bullfighting accidents, which in this case resulted only on the fracture of the clavicle from the member hit in the fall.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluation of salinization and sodification in irrigated areas with limited soil data: Case study in southern Portugal

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    Due to its high land productivity, irrigated agriculture has an increasing role in food production. In the Alentejo region (southern Portugal) the irrigated area has grown since the completion of the Alqueva dam in 2002. Climatic change patterns foreseen for the Mediterranean region (more heat extremes, less precipitation and river flow, increasing risk of droughts and decrease in crop yields) are prone to soil salinization and sodification in irrigated areas in the region. The Roxo dam has some of the higher records of water salinity and sodicity in Portugal, which makes the Roxo irrigated area (RIA) a very interesting case study. This paper aimed at two main objectives for the RIA: (i) evaluate soil salinization and sodification, and make spatial predictions of soils susceptibility to these degradation types; (ii) monitor current salinity and sodicity of the water, and simulate the effect of empirical based scenarios of water salinity and sodicity. The RIA (8250 ha) extends ~20 km along the Roxo river (northern Aljustrel), in Cenozoic sedimentary formations. Main soils mapped are: Luvisols (~40%), Fluvisols and Regosols (~20%), Gleysols and Planosols (~20%) and Vertisols (~10%). However, there are only five soil profiles with detailed analytical data from a more recent soil survey with 83 profile descriptions in the RIA and surrounding area. Irrigation water of the Roxo dam and drainage water of the Roxo river were monitored almost monthly during Jul/2014-Nov/2015 and Jun/2016-Jan/2017, for determination of electrical conductivity (EC), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), and other parameters. Soil salinity was not a significant problem in the RIA but a potential abundance of sodic soils was found that need future confirmation. A qualitative soil salinity index applied to the RIA suggests that soils most susceptible to salinity occur to a much smaller extent when this index is obtained from the soil profile data (approach B) than when it is based on information of the soil map (approach A). During the monitoring periods, both the water of the Roxo dam and of the Roxo river were slight to moderate saline for crop growth, with no restrictions for soil infiltration. The Roxo dam received water from the Alqueva dam for the first time between June and September 2016, and a small, though regular, decrease of the water EC (0.99 to 0.76 dS m-1) was observed during the same period. Three scenarios of irrigation water, identified by Low/High EC-SAR (L-L, H-H, L-H) were simulated with the Watsuit model. Low EC water (L-L and L-H) represent wet years and show no risk of soil salinity in the rootzone. However, the risk of waterlogging increases in sodic soils, especially with the scenario (L-H). High EC water (H-H) represents dryer years and results in severe saline conditions in the rootzone. In all three scenarios, prosodic and sodic soils are most sensible to degradation by salinization, sodification or both

    Employment Situation of Tourism Graduates Working In and Outside the Tourism Sector

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    This paper looks at the employment situation ofPortuguese tourism graduates, particularly to the differencesbetween the work situation of those employed in the tourismsector and those who are working outside this sector. Data wascollected through an online questionnaire applied to thePortuguese tourism graduates in Portugal, comparing theirsalaries, working hours and schedules, contractual situation,hierarchical position and job satisfaction. Results evidenced thatthe tourism sector is not taking advantage of the availablequalified human resources. Moreover, data suggests that tourismgraduates employed outside the tourism sector are facing poorerworking situations than those graduates employed within thisindustry

    Bem-estar psicológico de jovens universitários : contributos da intergeracionalidade

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    Tese de doutoramento, Educação (Psicologia da Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2017Com o aumento da esperança média de vida e da longevidade, verifica-se que o número de pessoas com mais de 65 anos está a aumentar, permitindo um maior contacto entre gerações. Estudos mostram que os avós têm um papel importante na educação e na socialização das crianças, tendendo a contribuir de forma positiva para o seu desenvolvimento e Bem-Estar Psicológico. Por outro lado, o jovem adulto, cuja idade concorre com a passagem pelo ensino superior, corresponde a uma fase do desenvolvimento psicológico com adaptações específicas e com um confronto com algumas tarefas psicológicas que poderão pôr em causa alguns aspetos desenvolvimentais e repercutir-se no seu rendimento, saúde física e bem-estar. Apesar de existirem já alguns estudos acerca das relações intergeracionais, existe ainda algum desconhecimento acerca da presença e do contributo dos avós como fonte de Bem-Estar Psicológico. Este estudo procura contribuir para melhor compreender de que forma os contactos intergeracionais se relacionam com o Bem-Estar Psicológico de jovens universitários e as perceções destes acerca do papel dos avós para o seu Bem-Estar Psicológico. A amostra é constituída por estudantes universitários de ambos os sexos, selecionados aleatoriamente e a opção metodológica desta investigação assenta numa abordagem mista. Numa primeira fase a que se chamou Estudo 1, foi utilizado um questionário sociodemográfico e a Escala de Bem-Estar Psicológico (Novo, Duarte-Silva & Peralta, 1997) com 1287 participantes a responder online e, num segundo momento, no Estudo 2, a recolha de dados foi efetuada a partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas presenciais a 18 participantes, selecionados aleatoriamente de entre os participantes da primeira fase. Os resultados mostram diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os jovens que contactam e os que não contactam com os avós, uma vez que os primeiros evidenciam maiores níveis de Bem-Estar Psicológico em todas as suas dimensões e de modo global. Os jovens parecem percecionar os avós como fonte de contributo para o seu Bem-Estar Psicológico, nomeadamente através do apoio instrumental, emocional e prático, corroborando a literatura revista.With the increase in average life expectancy and longevity, the number of people over the age of 65 is increasing, allowing a greater contact between generations. Studies show that grandparents play an important role in the education and socialization of children, tending to contribute positively to their development and psychological well-being. On the other hand, the young adult, whose age concurs with the passage through higher education, corresponds to a phase of psychological development with specific adaptations and a confrontation with some psychological tasks that may call into question some developmental aspects and reverberate in their income, physical health and well-being. Although some studies about intergenerational relations already exist, there is still some unfamiliarity concerning the presence and contribution of grandparents as a source of psychological well-being. This study seeks to contribute for a better understanding of how intergenerational contacts relate to the psychological well-being of young university students and their perceptions about the role of grandparents on their psychological well-being. The sample is constituted by university students of both genders, randomly selected, and the methodological option of this inquiry is based on a mixed approach. In a first stage, called Study 1, a sociodemographic questionnaire and the Scale of Psychological Well-Being (Novo, Duarte-Silva & Peralta, 1997) were used with 1287 participants answering online and, in a second moment, Study 2, the data collection was carried out from semi-structured face-to-face interviews to 18 participants, randomly selected from Study 1 participants. The results show statistically significant differences between the young people who contact and the ones who do not contact with their grandparents, since the former show higher levels of psychological well-being in all its dimensions and in a global way. Young people seem to perceive grandparents as a source of contribution to their psychological well-being, namely through instrumental, emotional, and practical support, corroborating the reviwed literature

    Performing a Thematic Analysis: An Exploratory Study about Managers’ Perceptions on Gender Equality

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    The purpose of this paper is to present results from an exploratory study that aims to investigate why gender role alterations in leadership positions is slow. The tourism managers’ perceptions of gender equality, within the workplace, were obtained resorting to focus groups. We chose thematic analysis to identify themes and patterns. This thematic analysis enables a methodological systematization of data. Data were coded using webQDA, a computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software that speeds up the team process of analysis. The systematization of information helped overcome the difficulties to synthesize the various interpretations; thus it was possible to generate more ideas and reduce researcher bias. The main outcome of the study was the development of an analytic framework where diverse components fit together by combining and cataloguing six main themes and their sub-themes. This framework is not only an analysis tool but also provides support to develop robust quantitative instruments and facilitate future meta-inference drawn from all data sources of a research project. We defend that mixed methods research is useful for finding credible answers to research questions on complex social phenomena. Discussion about qualitative vs quantitative dichotomy is sometimes irrelevant, because what matters is maximizing the process of research. Exploring the practicalities of using a qualitative methodology as a team of researchers, we contribute to theory development on human resources capitalization

    Minero-metallurgical processes for lithium recovery from pegmatitic ores = Processos minero-metalúrgicos para a recuperação de lítio de minérios pegmatíticos

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    ABSTRACT: With the expected increase of lithium demand in the forthcoming years, an efficient management of all the available resources is necessary. Rock minerals like pegmatites are important primary sources of lithium that shall be valorized. Minero-metallurgical processes have been developed for lithium recovery from pegmatitic ore deposits, involving physical concentration, thermal treatment, digestion and/or leaching in order to obtain a lithium soluble species adequate to produce lithium carbonate by precipitation. Physical concentration by froth flotation or by optical sorting are the two main alternative operations to produce a Li concentrate. Metallurgical treatment starts by calcination where the silicate structure is transformed to a more reactive solid phase (ß-spodumene). Afterwards digestion with sulfuric acid and water leaching allows the dissolution of lithium sulfate. Carbonate pressure leaching is an alternative technology for treating pegmatites and production of lithium carbonate. Energy and chemicals savings is crucial in order to reduce the high costs associated with metallurgical processing of Li rock minerals.  RESUMO: Com o aumento na procura de lítio nos próximos anos, torna-se necessária uma gestão eficiente de todos os recursos disponíveis. Os minérios pegmatíticos são fontes primárias importantes deste metal que devem ser valorizadas. Neste contexto, têm sido desenvolvidos processos minero-metalúrgicos para a recuperação de lítio, que envolvem a concentração física, o tratamento térmico, a digestão e/ou lixiviação, de forma a obter o lítio em formas solúveis que permitam a posterior produção de carbonato de lítio por precipitação. Na concentração física, as duas principais operações para produzir um concentrado de Li são a flutuação por espumas ou a triagem por processos ópticos. O tratamento metalúrgico começa por uma etapa de calcinação, onde a estrutura original do silicato é transformada numa fase sólida mais reactiva (ß-espodumena). Em seguida, a digestão com ácido sulfúrico e lixiviação com água permite a dissolução do sulfato de lítio. A lixiviação sob pressão usando carbonatos é uma tecnologia alternativa para o tratamento de pegmatitos e produção de carbonato de lítio. A gestão eficiente da energia e do consumo de produtos químicos é crucial para reduzir os elevados custos associados ao processamento metalúrgico de minerais de lítio

    Confinement During the COVID-19 Pandemic After Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery—Associations Between Emotional Distress, Energy-Dense Foods, and Body Mass Index

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    Funding Information: The authors gratefully acknowledge the participants enrolled in the current study for their kindness, generosity, and time in contributing with their personal information. We also acknowledge the support from the Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Unit of Hospital CUF Tejo, CUF Healthcare Group, and the support of the Lifestyle Medicine Unit of CUF Healthcare Group by NOVA Medical School. Publisher Copyright: © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.Purpose: To estimate the association of emotional distress with both consumption of energy-dense micronutrient-poor foods (EDF) and body mass index (BMI) and the association between EDF consumption and change in BMI, during COVID-19 pandemic in patients with prior bariatric surgery. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study applied an online structured questionnaire to 75 postoperative bariatric patients during the first Portuguese lockdown. Emotional distress was assessed trough the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and dietary intake was evaluated by Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ). Self-reported BMI prior to and at the end of confinement was used to compute BMI change. Pre-surgery BMI was computed from measured height and weight from clinical records. Results: After adjustment for education, sex, time since surgery, pre-surgery BMI, and exercise practice, moderate/severe scores in HADS were significantly positively associated with consumption of EDF (ẞ = 0.799; 95% CI: 0.051, 1.546), but not with BMI. Daily EDF consumption significantly increased the odds of maintaining/increasing BMI (OR = 3.34; 95% CI: 1.18, 9.45), instead of decreasing it (reference). Sweets consumption was the only subcategory of EDF significantly positively associated with the odds of a worse outcome in BMI change (OR = 4.01; 95% CI: 1.13, 14.22). Conclusions: Among postoperative bariatric patients, higher reported levels of emotional distress during confinement are associated with increased EDF consumption. Increased EDF consumption during confinement, particularly sweets, is associated with higher odds of bariatric patients not decreasing their BMI. Additional effort is needed to address inadequate lifestyle behaviors among these patients in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]publishersversionpublishe

    Comparison of processes for lithium recovery from lepidolite by H2SO4 digestion or HCl leaching

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    Lithium is becoming a strategic metal due to its important applications in secondary battery electrodes used in electronic appliances and also in electric traction vehicles. Lithium primary resources are brines and rock minerals, the former being nowadays almost exclusively used in the production of lithium commodities. With the expected increase in lithium demand, the development of competitive technologies for recovery lithium from ores like pegmatites is getting imperative. The high energy and reagents consumption in processing minerals is an issue that should be considered. This paper presents some results on the comparison of two acid treatment routes for lepidolite, the H2SO4 digestion and HCl leaching. Before both chemical treatments, lepidolite was calcined at 800oC and was transformed in a more reactive species, ƒÀ-spodumene. The H2SO4 digestion at 175oC (followed by water leaching) allowed 88% Li recovery into the solution in 30 min. By the contrary, the HCl leaching process carried out at 90oC also achieved similar yields but only after 4 h of reaction. In both cases, an acid excess was used, but clearly higher for the essays with HCl. The H2SO4 digestion process was also advantageous in what concerns to selectivity over other contained metals. Al, Mn and Fe concentrations in solutions were substantially higher in the hydrochloric acid leaching. These results showed that the digestion with sulphuric acid can be a more efficient and competitive process

    ELV recycling steps up a gear: development of improved sorting technologies for the non-ferrous fraction of auto-shredders

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    Although the number of end of life vehicles (ELVs) needing recycling is growing, due to processing limitations aluminium recycling rates are being hindered. A European-funded project - ShredderSort - aims to contribute to new solutions to the aluminium recycling industry. More than 10 million tons of automotive waste from end of life vehicles (ELV) are generated yearly in the EU and the values are continuously increasing. ELV wastes are managed by the auto-shredder plants which process ELVs through a series of mechanical and physical operations in order to separate the materials into different streams: ferrous, non-ferrous, heavy non-metal and fluff. Ferrous materials, constituting more than 60wt% (percentage by weight), are sent to steel-making plants, while the non-ferrous (NF) fraction, rich in aluminium and representing slightly less than 10wt%, is processed to separate some alloys