127 research outputs found

    Nonlinear model predictive control for aggressive maneuvers in a variable pitch quadrotor based on the extended modal series method

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    Este trabaja presenta el diseño y la implementación de un control predictivo basado en las series modales extendidas en un cuadrotor de ángulo de ataque variable.This work presents the design and implementation of a predictive control based on the extended modal series method in a variable pitch quadrotor.Magíster en Ingeniería ElectrónicaMaestrí

    Obesity Risk and Comorbidities Among Colombians in New York City and in Colombia

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    Introduction: The prevalence of obesity and overweight in adults and children continues to increase worldwide, accounting for the mortality and morbidity from several diseases. Obesity disproportionally impacts Latinos in the United States (U.S.), and despite their diversity in origins, ancestry, and culture, it is still unclear the burden of obesity by specific Latino groups. For example, little information is available about how obesity impacts Colombians in the U.S. (the largest South American population). New evidence also indicates that Latino immigrants may no longer be arriving with healthy weight status to the U.S. because Latin American countries are undergoing epidemiologic and nutrition transitions. More obesity research is required to understand the heterogeneity of Latinos in the U.S. and to examine the relationship between migration and obesity, including comparisons of Latino immigrant populations in the U.S. (e.g., Colombians in New York City (NYC)) with their source population in Latin America. Furthermore, Latino children embedded in migrant networks with relatives who live in the U.S. are at increased risk of excess weight. It is unclear if the same findings apply to intraregional migration networks in Latin America, such as Colombian children with migrant parents from South-to-South migration trajectories. Methods: Secondary analysis of data from two public health surveys (i.e., NYC Community Health Survey (NYC CHS) years 2013-2017 and the National Survey of the Nutritional Situation (ENSIN) year 2015) using weighted multivariable logistic regression models. The first study (Chapter 2) estimates how obesity (Body Mass Index (BMI) ≥30 kg/m2) may differ between adult Colombians and the four largest Latino adult populations in NYC (i.e., Puerto Rican, Mexican, Ecuadorian, and Dominican) controlling for lifestyle behaviors (i.e., daily consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) and PA in the past 30 days), health status (i.e., Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension diagnosis) and socio-demographic factors (e.g., age, gender, education level), using data from the NYC CHS 2013-2017. The second study (Chapter 3) compares obesity prevalence between adult immigrant Colombians residing in NYC and adult nonimmigrant Colombians residing in main Colombia cities and their home country controlling for age, gender, education level, and daily SSB consumption, using data from the ENSIN 2015 and NYC CHS 2013-2017. The third study (Chapter 4) explores the role of migrant parents on excess weight (BMI z-score ≥1) among children in Colombia, controlling for demographics (e.g., age, gender), behavior indicators (e.g., compliance with recommended PA and daily intake of fried food, fruits, and vegetables), urbanicity, and household indicators (e.g., wealth index, family characteristics, reasons for emigration, food insecurity), using data from ENSIN 2015. Results: In Chapter 2, we found that obesity prevalence among Colombians (23.8%; 95% CI 18.8, 29.5) was significantly lower than among Mexicans (36.8%; 95% CI 31.5, 42.4) and Puerto Ricans (36.3%; 95% CI 31.7, 41.3). After full adjustment, the prevalence ratios (PR) of obesity remained significantly lower for Colombians (PR=0.80; 95% CI 0.64-1.00) compared to Mexicans. No significant differences were found in the prevalence of obesity for comparisons between Colombians and Ecuadorians or Dominicans. In Chapter 3, we found that obesity prevalence was 49-62% greater for immigrant Colombians living in NYC when compared to nonimmigrant Colombians living in their home country (PR=1.49; 95% CI 1.08, 2.07) and in main Colombian cities (PR=1.62; 95% CI 1.01, 2.62). Sex strengthened these differences as Colombian immigrant men in NYC were 72% more likely to have obesity compared to nonimmigrant men living in their home country and in main cities (PR=1.72; 95% CI 1.03, 2.87). No significant differences were found in the adjusted models among women. In Chapter 4, we found that most migrant parents returned to Colombia from Venezuela (84%) and reported higher moderate and severe household food insecurity than non-migrant parents (59% versus 32%). Models excluding household food insecurity showed that PRs for excess weight were 48% lower for children with return migrant parents (PR=0.52; 95% CI 0.27, 0.99) compared to children with non-migrant parents. After adjustment for household food insecurity, the PR comparing both groups was no longer significantly different. Discussion: Colombians in NYC experience a higher prevalence of obesity compared to non-Latino Whites. However, Colombians have a lower prevalence of obesity compared to other Latino groups in NYC, such as Mexicans and Puerto Ricans. Any protection among men in Colombia is no longer present after immigration to the U.S., while Colombian women have a similarly high prevalence of obesity both in Colombia and NYC. Colombian children with migrant parents from other South American countries experienced less excess weight than children with non-migrant parents; however, disparities in household food insecurity largely explained the difference. Future research focused on understudied Latino populations in the U.S. may further our understanding of the diversity in the community in terms of obesity, obesity-related risk factors, and migration networks, which will inform public health efforts to combat obesity and other health risks. Collectively, the findings of this dissertation support the need to: disaggregate Latinos into distinct cultural groups in future obesity research; prioritize public health action for adult women in Colombia and both Colombian men and women in the U.S.; prioritize migrant populations in Colombia for public health efforts addressing food insecurity; and support binational obesity initiatives to prevent and avert the long-term consequences of obesity in Latino communities in the U.S. and countries of origin

    Thermic Attenuation on Concrete Sidewalk under Urban Trees. Case Study: Santa Marta – Colombia

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    Background and purpose: Urban trees provide a number of services including shade and thermal attenuation. This is related to morphological and physiological characteristics of trees and may vary between species and even between individuals of the same species. The aim of this work was to identify thermic attenuations on concrete sidewalks under six tropical urban trees with six different types of shadows. Materials and methods: In Santa Marta City, Colombia (10º12´20” N, 74º13´33” W, 10 meters above sea level and 31ºC temperature), we selected six trees (species) with different types of shade, and they are evaluated for soil temperature and the temperature in the shade and off throughout the day for four different days of the year. ANOVA and t-tests were performed with R program in order to identify the influence of the specie, the day, the hour and the position (at the thermic comfort level, surface temperature) on the temperature results obtained. Results and conclusion: Some trees have the most translucent shadows most likely due to nictinastic movements and consequently less temperature attenuation. On the other hand, other trees have denser shadows and can generate more substantial thermic attenuations. Regarding temperature data, the hour of the day shows the greatest influence on the variability of air temperature and the species shows the greatest influence on the variability of surface temperature. Honey berry (Meliccoca bijugatus) and Malay almond (Terminalia atappa) trees have denser shadows and can generate more substantial thermic attenuations.Tree physiology can play an important role in temperature attenuation in cities as a result of shadow effects and can be applied as a criterion to select urban trees in tropical cities

    Attenuation of temperature and UV radiation of vegetation in urban environments of riverside cities and their water demand.

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    Introducción. Este trabajo de investigación se realizó en la Ciudad de Honda, Colombia.  Identificó el efecto de la sombra de los árboles en la atenuación de la temperatura, humedad relativa, temperatura de superficie del suelo, radiación solar y ultravioleta (UV) y determinó requerimientos de agua para la vegetación arbórea. Metodología. Se tomaron datos de temperatura del aire y de superficie de suelo, humedad relativa del aire, radiaciones solares y UV bajo la sombra de árboles y a plena exposición. Resultados. Se encontró que la temperatura del aire osciló entre 50ºC a plena exposición solar y 41ºC bajo sombra. La temperatura de  superficie presentó a plena exposición solar valores de 66.8ºC y 42.6ºC bajo sombra. La variación de la radiación solar registrada ofreció un valor de 17.13 mW/cm2 a plena exposición solar y 1.69 mW/cm2 bajo sombra. La radiación UV presentó valores de 8 a plena exposición solar y 5 bajo sombra. La demanda hídrica por planta/día varió entre 5 y más de 500 litros, siendo la demanda diaria cercana a 2500 m3 . Conclusiones. En la ciudad no se realiza riego a los árboles, lo que conduce a que se produzca un déficit hídrico evidenciado por la pérdida de follaje ocasionando mínimas atenuaciones a la radiación UV. Las especies más relevantes respecto a la sombra son almendro (Terminalia cattapa), Pallandé (Pitecellobium dulce), naranjuelo (Capparis odoratissima), guayacán carrapo (Bulnesia carrapo), chirlobirlo (Tecoma stands), cumulá (Aspidosperma polyneuron) y mango (Manguifera indica). Los árboles pueden generar un buen servicio ecosistémico por la sombra, este servicio está mediado por la selección de la especie y el manejo de que son objeto los árboles.Introduction: This research work was carried out in the city of Honda, Colombia.  It identified the effect of tree shade on temperature attenuation, relative humidity, soil surface temperature, solar and ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and determined water requirements for arboreal vegetation. Methodology: Data on air and soil surface temperature, relative air humidity, solar and UV radiation were taken under the shade of trees and at full exposure. Results: It was found that the air temperature ranged from 50ºC at full sun exposure to 41ºC under shade. The surface temperature was 66.8ºC and 42.6ºC under shade. The variation of the registered solar radiation offered a value of 17.13 mW/cm2 at full solar exposure and 1.69 mW/cm2 under shade. The UV radiation presented values of 8 at full solar exposure and 5 under shade. The water demand per plant/day varied between 5 and more than 500 liters, being the daily demand close to 2500 m3. Conclusions: There is no irrigation of trees in the city which leads to a water deficit evidenced by the loss of foliage causing minimal attenuations to UV radiation. The most relevant species regarding shade are almond (Terminalia cattapa), Pallandé (Pitecellobium dulce), orange (Capparis odoratissima), guayacán carrapo (Bulnesia carrapo), chirlobirlo (Tecoma stands), cumula (Aspidosperma polyneuron) and mango (Manguifera indica). Trees can generate a good ecosystem service by shade which is mediated by the selection of the species and the management of the trees

    Caracterización de los usuarios del sector residencial como herramienta estratégica para la gestión comercial de la Empresa de Energía de Pereira S.A. E.S.P.

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    El presente trabajo es una investigación sobre la caracterización de los usuarios del sector residencial, como herramienta estratégica para la gestión comercial de la Empresa de Energía de Pereira S.A. E.S.P., el cual se realizó a partir de una investigación descriptiva de tipo cuantitativa y cualitativa de los usuarios, permitiendo la identificación de los electrodomésticos que inciden en el consumo de energía, la percepción que tienen los usuarios de la Empresa y la presentación de una herramienta para el mejoramiento de la gestión comercial y servicio al cliente, enfocada a la cartera, punto de pago y medios de atención al usuario -- El proyecto de investigación se desarrolló de acuerdo a los objetivos propuestos, permitiendo la estructuración del marco contextual, marco conceptual, marco teórico y marco legal, relacionados con la prestación de los servicios públicos a los usuarios residenciales -- De la base de datos comercial de la Empresa se obtuvo información como: matrícula, dirección, tipo de servicio y estrato socioeconómico, lo cual permitió la aplicación de la metodología seleccionada para la recolección de datos -- Adicionalmente, se aplicó la tabulación de la información recolectada y se realizó el análisis correspondiente -- El resultado del estudio permitió caracterizar los usuarios del sector residencial de la Empresa de Energía de Pereira S.A. E.S.P., establecer alternativas para aumentar el recaudo de facturas de servicios públicos en los puntos de pago energía de Pereira y reducir la cartera de la Empresa; además se identificaron los medios más utilizados por los usuarios para realizar sus peticiones y quejas y los electrodomésticos que inciden en el consumo de los usuarios, recomendando a la Empresa la implementación de herramientas, de acuerdo al entendimiento de los usuarios por estrato socioeconómic

    Classification of rank 1 and 2 affine homogeneous distributions on 3-manifolds

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    El trabajo presenta la clasificación de distribuciones homogéneas estrictamente afines de rango 1 y 2 en variedades de dimensión 3. El método de clasificación usado fue el Método de Reducción de Cartán.This work presents the classification of homogeneous rank 1 and 2 homogeneous affine distributions in 3-manifolds. The method used in the classification was Cartan's Reduction Method.Matemático (a)Pregrad

    Influencia de la gestión del talento humano en la rotación de personal de la empresa Reckrear S.A.S

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    La investigación responde ¿de qué manera la gestión del talento humano en Casino Reckrear S.A.S influye en la prevención de la rotación de personal desde la selección de personal? Se sigue un método cualitativo con apoyo de referencias cuantitativas, como el índice de rotación de personal. Sin embargo, el análisis sigue una línea descriptiva-cualitativa con base en las percepciones de los trabajadores y el contraste de las respuestas con las entrevistas a la alta gerencia. La investigación toma como referencia la teoría de la administración de los recursos humanos de Idalberto Chiavenato (2002) y la planeación estratégica de Humberto Serna Gómez (2002). El trabajo de campo se desarrolla en la empresa de casinos Reckrear, que enfrenta la necesidad de averiguar la influencia de sus estrategias de gestión del talento humano para prevenir la rotación de personal, teniendo en cuenta que el indicador de la entrada y salida de trabajadores es muy alta.The research responds, how does the management of human talent at Casino Reckrear S.A.S influence the prevention of staff turnover from the selection of personnel? A qualitative method is followed with the support of quantitative references, such as the turnover rate. However, the analysis follows a descriptive-qualitative line based on the perceptions of the workers and the contrast of the responses with the interviews with the senior management. The research takes as reference the theory of human resources management of Idalberto Chiavenato (2002) and the strategic planning of Humberto Serna Gómez (2002). The field work is carried out at the Reckrear casino company, which faces the need to find out the influence of its human talent management strategies to prevent staff turnover, taking into account that the indicator of the entry and exit of workers is very high

    Case report: desensitization of hypersensitivity against the antisense oligonucleotide volanesorsen

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    Familial chylomicronemia syndrome (FCS) is a rare autosomal recessive metabolic disorder that causes extremely elevated plasma triglyceride levels, with limited therapeutic options. Volanesorsen is an antisense oligonucleotide approved for its treatment. A 24-year-old woman with genetically diagnosed FCS secondary to a pathogenic variant in APOA5 and a history of recurrent hypertriglyceridemia-induced pancreatitis episodes was being treated with volanesorsen, 285 mg every 2 weeks. Treatment with volanesorsen achieved normalization of triglycerides to <200 mg/dl. However, after the fifth dose of the medication, the patient developed urticaria and volanesorsen was discontinued. In the absence of alternative pharmacological treatments, the patient received a novel desensitization protocol for volanesorsen that allowed continuation of therapy, without evidence of hypersensitivity reactions after subsequent administrations. FCS requires aggressive multimodal therapy and close follow-up. Volanesorsen has shown great efficacy, but a significant rate of discontinuation due to side effects has been observed. Here, the patient presented an immediate hypersensitivity reaction to volanesorsen, but the provision of a desensitization protocol was effective, facilitating continued treatment and impacting the survival and quality of life of the patient

    Case report: desensitization of hypersensitivity against the antisense oligonucleotide volanesorsen

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    Familial chylomicronemia syndrome (FCS) is a rare autosomal recessive metabolic disorder that causes extremely elevated plasma triglyceride levels, with limited therapeutic options. Volanesorsen is an antisense oligonucleotide approved for its treatment. A 24-year-old woman with genetically diagnosed FCS secondary to a pathogenic variant in APOA5 and a history of recurrent hypertriglyceridemia-induced pancreatitis episodes was being treated with volanesorsen, 285 mg every 2 weeks. Treatment with volanesorsen achieved normalization of triglycerides to &lt;200 mg/dl. However, after the fifth dose of the medication, the patient developed urticaria and volanesorsen was discontinued. In the absence of alternative pharmacological treatments, the patient received a novel desensitization protocol for volanesorsen that allowed continuation of therapy, without evidence of hypersensitivity reactions after subsequent administrations. FCS requires aggressive multimodal therapy and close follow-up. Volanesorsen has shown great efficacy, but a significant rate of discontinuation due to side effects has been observed. Here, the patient presented an immediate hypersensitivity reaction to volanesorsen, but the provision of a desensitization protocol was effective, facilitating continued treatment and impacting the survival and quality of life of the patient

    ¿Cómo fortalecer las MiPymes a partir de la implementación de BPM?

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    El articulo tiene como objetivo reflexionar sobre el trabajo de grado “DISEÑO DE UN MODELO DE EVALUACIÓN DE PROCESOS CLAVE DE NEGOCIO PARA LA IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE BPM (BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGMENT) EN LAS MIPYMES COLOMBIANAS” de Gómez (2018), tomando como referencia el conocimiento que tiene el autor del texto sobre la implementación de BPM en diferentes organizaciones en Colombia, y además de ello, la importancia que ha tomado a través de los años la implementación de metodologías y herramientas que permitan mejorar los procesos de las compañías y adaptarlos a las nuevas necesidades del mercado. Lo anterior, teniendo en cuenta los vacíos existentes en las medianas y pequeñas empresas en Colombia, especialmente las agroindustriales frente a la adopción de nuevas tecnologías y disciplinas que buscan la optimización (eficiencia y eficacia) de los procesos de estas. Por lo tanto, es importante resaltar que la aplicación de la gestión por procesos de negocio ha permitido que las compañías que han adaptado esta disciplina organicen y mejoren considerablemente la jerarquía de procesos de la organización: disminuir actividades que no generen valor a la organización, reducir intervenciones humanas, redistribuir cargas laborales, incrementar la eficiencia, entre otros. En conclusión, los autores del texto buscan resaltar la importancia de adaptar la gestión por procesos en las organizaciones; aclarando conceptos claves del tema, exponiendo las brechas que aún se encuentran pendientes por cerrar en las pequeñas y medianas empresas de Colombia, dar el punto de vista sobre casos reales de implementación de la disciplina por medio de la adquisición de ERP´s (Enterprise Resource Planning) y otros componentes tecnológicos que apalancan la implementación de esta disciplina, y en general, tomar postura sobre el trabajo realizado acerca de la implementación de la metodología en las PYMES.Universidad Libre Seccional Pereira -- Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables -- Especialización en Planeación y Gestión EstratégicaThe article has as main objective to analyze about the thesis “DISEÑO DE UN MODELO DE EVALUACIÓN DE PROCESOS CLAVE DE NEGOCIO PARA LA IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE BPM (BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGMENT) EN LAS MIPYMES COLOMBIANAS” by Gómez (2018), taking as reference the autor’s knowledge about BPM implementation at various colombian organizations, besides that, the importance that has taken place trough the years the discipline implimentation which allows process improvement for companies and adapting them to the new market demands. The above, taking into account the existing gaps between medium and small colombian companies, especially the agroindustrial ones facing the adoption of new disciplines and technologies that seek the optimization (efficiency and effectiveness) of their processes. Therefore, it is important to highlight that the application of business process management has allowed companies that have adapted this discipline to organize and improve the organizational process grading: decrease activities that do not generate value for the organization, reduce human interventions, redistribute workloads, increase efficiency, among others. In conclusion, the text autors intend to highlight the importancy of implementing process management in organizations, clarifying topic key concepts, exposing the gaps that are still pending to be suppressed in small and medium-sized companies in Colombia, giving the point of view on real cases of implementation of the discipline through the adoption of ERP's (Enterprise Resource Planning) and other technological elements that leverage the discipline adoption, and in general, take a position on the work done on the implementation of the methodology in PYMES