1,312 research outputs found

    Use of industrial grits in forest road pavements : influence of curing times on the mechanical strength and swelling of compacted soil-grits mixtures

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    Analisou-se a influência do teor de estabilizante, da energia de compactação e do período de cura na resistência mecânica e expansão de dois solos da Zona da Mata Norte de Minas Gerais. As amostras de solos residuais de gnaisse coletadas na cidade de Viçosa, MG, Brasil, respectivamente, de texturas argilo-arenosiltosa e areno-argilo-siltosa, foram denominadas solos 1 e 2. Empregou-se como estabilizante químico o resíduo “grits” fornecido pela empresa de Celulose Nipo Brasileira (CENIBRA); os teores, em massa, de 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24 e 28% desse resíduo foram utilizados nas misturas solo-“grits”. Corpos-de-prova das misturas solo- “grits” foram compactados nos teores ótimos de umidade relativos às energias de compactação dos ensaios Proctor intermediário e modificado e curados por 0, 7, 28 e 90 dias. Avaliou-se a resistência mecânica dos solos e misturas através dos seguintes parâmetros: (a) índice de suporte Califórnia (ISC ou CBR), resistência à compressão não confinada (RCNC) e resistência à tração em compressão diametral (Rt). Os resultados permitiram concluir que todos os parâmetros considerados na análise influenciaram, significativamente, a resistência mecânica das misturas solo-“grits”, sendo o comportamento das misturas solo 1-“grits” influenciado, também, pelo teor de sódio presente na constituição química do “grits”. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis paper addresses the influence of stabilizer content, compaction effort and curing time on the mechanical strength and swelling of two soils from the “Zona da Mata Norte” region, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Two residual gneiss soils from the municipality of Viçosa, Brazil, silt-sand-clay and silt-claysandy soils named soils 1 and 2, respectively, were used in this study. Industrial grits provided by Celulose Nipo Brasileira - CENIBRA was used as stabilizer, with contents ranging from 4 to 28 % regarding soil dry mass. Specimens of soil-grits mixtures were compacted at the Intermediate Proctor compaction effort and curing times of 0, 7, 28 and 90 days. Mechanical strength was evaluated as follows: California bearing ratio (CBR), unconfined compression strength (UCS) and indirect tensile strength (ITS). Data from the laboratorytesting program supported that all parameters affected mixture mechanical strength significantly, and the mechanical behavior of soil 1-grits mixtures were also influenced by sodium content of grits

    Benefícios terapêuticos do humor

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    Introdução: A palavra “humor” surgiu no passado, derivada da “Teoria Humoral” de Hipócrates, pai da Medicina (1,2). O humor e o riso são, desde a antiguidade, temas fracturantes. Devido à sua importância, complexidade e relevância histórica, o riso foi abordado em diferentes áreas por diversos pensadores e escritores, como Umberto Eco (3). O grande inspirador e pioneiro nos benefícios terapêuticos do humor, foi Norman Cousins (4). Esta dissertação centra-se nestes benefícios provocados pelo humor e pelo riso, no sistema endócrino, tegumentar, reprodutor e cardiovascular. Os estudos foram realizados em indivíduos saudáveis e com patologia: eczema atópico, diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e infertilidade. Pretende-se uma revisão sistemática para avaliar cientificamente, os benefícios terapêuticos do humor. Métodos: Foram pesquisadas publicações indexadas nas bases electrónicas científicas, Pubmed, B-On, Elsevier, ScienceDirect. Das 218 publicações identificadas, foram seleccionadas 10 para análise. Resultados: Doentes com eczema atópico mostraram significativa diminuição da produção de IgE pelas células B seminais cultivadas com espermatozóides e a expressão de galectina-3 nos espermatozóides foi reduzida. Os níveis de peptídeo derivado da dermicidina aumentaram sem afectar os níveis de proteína total no suor. Em mães saudáveis e com EA, os níveis de melatonina no leite materno aumentaram e as reacções alérgicas ao latéx e a ácaros diminuíram nas crianças alimentadas com leite materno após ambas as mães se rirem antes da amamentação. Doentes com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 tiveram uma diminuição do nível de pró-renina no sangue e uma regulação crescente do gene receptor da pró-renina, assim como uma supressão do aumento da glucose sanguínea pós-prandial 2 horas após a refeição. Em doentes inférteis, verificou-se que a taxa de gravidez aumentou. Em indivíduos saudáveis, houve um maior gasto de energia e um aumento da frequência cardíaca existindo uma correlação entre eles e deles com a duração do riso. Verificou-se também um aumento dos valores da capacidade de eliminação de radicais livres na saliva. Há um aumento da pressão arterial, da vasodilatação da artéria braquial mediada por fluxo induzido por isquémia, da complacência da artéria carótida apesar de voltar ao estado basal após 24 horas. Observou-se em idosos que o fluxo salivar aumentou e em jovens os níveis de CgA diminuiram. Conclusão: Este estudo leva-nos a supor que o humor e o riso apresentam benefícios terapêuticos em indivíduos saudáveis e com patologia, nomeadamente eczema atópico, diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e infertilidade, demonstrando a abrangência de efeitos benéficos nos sistemas endócrino, tegumentar, reprodutor e cardiovascular.Introduction: The word "humor" has emerged in the past, derived from the "Humoral Theory" of Hippocrates, father of medicine (1,2). Humour and laughter are divisive issues, from ancient times. Due to its importance, complexity and historical significance, the laughter was approached in different areas by different thinkers and writers such as Umberto Eco (3). The great motivational and pioneer in the therapeutic benefits of humor, was Norman Cousins (4). This dissertation focuses on these benefits caused by the humor and laughter, in endocrine, cutaneous, reproductive and cardiovascular systems. The studies were performed in healthy subjects and patients with disease: atopic eczema, type 2 diabetes and infertility. The aim is a systematic review to scientifically evaluate the therapeutic benefits of humor. Methods: Indexed scientific publications were searched in electronic databases, Pubmed, B-On, Elsevier ScienceDirect. Among the 218 identified publications, 10 were selected for analysis. Results: Patients with atopic eczema showed a significant decrease of IgE production by B cells cultured with sperms and expression of galectin -3 on sperms was reduced. The levels of dermcidin-derived peptides increased without affecting total protein levels in sweat. In healthy mothers and with AE, levels of breast-milk melatonin increased and allergic reactions to latex and HDM decreased in infants fed by breast-milk after both mothers laugh before breastfeeding. Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus have decreased the level of blood prorenin and up-regulation of the prorenin receptor gene as well as a suppression of increase of postprandial blood glucose 2 hours after meal. In infertile patients, it was found that the pregnancy rate increased. In healthy subjects, there was a greater energy expenditure and increased heart rate existing a correlation between them and of them with the duration of the laughter. There was also an increase in the values of the free radical-scavenging capacity in the saliva. There is an increase in blood pressure, ischemia-induced brachial artery flow-mediated vasodilation, carotid arterial compliance despite returning to baseline after 24 hours. It was observed in the elderly the salivary flow rates increased and in young, salivary CgA declined. Conclusion: This study leads us to assume that humor and laughter have therapeutic benefits in healthy individuals and those with disease, such as atopic eczema, diabetes mellitus type 2 and infertility, demonstrating the range of beneficial effects on the endocrine, cutaneous, reproductive and cardiovascular systems

    A criação de powerpoints pelos alunos do 2º ciclo do ensino básico : ventos de mudança na aprendizagem da história

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Educação (área de especialização em Supervisão Pedagógica na Educação em História e Ciências Sociais)O PowerPoint tem vindo a dominar as restantes ferramentas de apresentação no meio do ensino. Assim, a questão que se coloca nesta altura é se o PowerPoint melhora ou diminui o valor pedagógico de uma apresentação. Edward Tufte (2003) acredita que o PowerPoint reduz a qualidade analítica de uma apresentação. Contudo, esquece o facto de que uma aula não se limita à apresentação de um PowerPoint. Nas mãos de um professor competente, uma apresentação em PowerPoint com pouco texto e imagens preponderantes, pode servir de ponto de partida para uma aula brilhante. Esta reflexão fez-nos surgir as seguintes questões para o estudo em foco: Que quadro histórico é expresso pelos alunos em PowerPoints por eles construídos? Que conhecimento metacognitivo os alunos manifestam ao longo do processo de aprendizagem? Este estudo foi implementado numa Escola do Ensino Básico, localizada no concelho de Guimarães, com alunos do 6º ano de escolaridade. O primeiro momento consistiu na lecionação de duas aulas - oficina de 90 minutos sobre a unidade temática «O 25 de abril de 1974 e o regime democrático», com recurso a duas apresentações em PowerPoint. Nestas aulas foram privilegiadas as tarefas focando o questionamento histórico (leitura e interpretação de fontes) em duas fichas de trabalho, promovendo-se a participação dos alunos, de forma a construírem o seu conhecimento. No início da primeira aula foi proposto aos alunos o preenchimento de um questionário com a finalidade de efetuar o levantamento das suas ideias tácitas. Foi ainda usada uma aula de 45 minutos para preenchimento da ficha das ideias finais, das fichas de metacognição e dos PowerPoint projetados pelo professor. Num 2º momento, os alunos, em pares construíram autonomamente um PowerPoint sobre o tema «A Revolução do 25 de abril de 1974». Seguidamente, estes produtos foram partilhados em grande grupo, tendo-se efetuado a apresentação dos PowerPoints dos alunos. Posteriormente, as apresentações em PowerPoint foram avaliadas pelos próprios elementos de cada grupo através de um questionário de metacognição processual. Deste modo, esta investigação tem como objetivo refletir sobre as potencialidades do uso do PowerPoint em situações de ensino e aprendizagem em História. Pretendemos compreender se a criação dum PowerPoint pode ser uma estratégia que promova o desenvolvimento de competências históricas, e ser um dispositivo comunicativo do conhecimento aprendido pelos alunos.PowerPoint has come to dominate the other presentation tools in teaching. Thus, the question arising at this point is if PowerPoint improves or diminishes the pedagogical value of a presentation. Edward Tufte (2003) believes that PowerPoint reduces the analytical quality of a presentation. However, forgets the fact that a class is not confined to the presentation of a PowerPoint. In the hands of a competent teacher, a PowerPoint presentation with little compelling text and images, can serve as a starting point for a bright classroom. Consequently, the following issues arise: Which historical framework students express in a PowerPoint? What metacognitive knowledge do pupils manifest throughout the learning process? This study was implemented in an Elementary School, located in the municipality of Guimarães, with students of the sixth year of schooling. The first moment consisted in two Workshop-lecture of 90 minutes on the thematic unit "The April 25th, 1974 and democratic rule», using two PowerPoint presentations. Along these workshops-lecture students solved two worksheets focusing the reading and interpretation of sources on order to promote their participation on knowledge construction. At the beginning of the first lecture, it was implemented a questionnaire to identify students’ tacit ideas. An additional lecture of 45 minutes was used to fill out a final questionnaire to identify change or permanence of tacit ideas, a metacognitive worksheet, and one assessment worksheet to evaluate teacher’ PowerPoint. In the second moment, students in pairs built a PowerPoint dedicated to the theme ' The revolution of April 25th, 1974 ' being later on shared in the large group. Students’ PowerPoints presentations have been evaluated by themselves using a metacognitive worksheet. This research aims to reflect on the potential use of PowerPoint in history teaching and learning contexts. We want to understand if the creation of a PowerPoint can be a strategy that promotes the development of historical skills, and being a communicative device to evaluate students’ historical knowledge

    Avaliação semiológica da palidez: concordância entre observadores e comparação com níveis séricos de hemoglobina

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A palidez é caracterizada pelo descoramento da pele e mucosas, decorrente da pouca quantidade de hemoglobina circulante. OBJETIVO: O objetivo é comparar o grau de palidez, estratificada em cruzes, com os níveis séricos de hemoglobina, e avaliar o grau de concordância entre observadores. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados, no período de fevereiro a abril de 2009, por meio de estudo transversal observacional, os indivíduos com idade superior a 18 anos internados em um hospital no sul do estado de Santa Catarina, para os quais haviam sido solicitadas dosagens de hemoglobina. Os pacientes foram avaliados por dois observadores (médicos e estudantes de medicina) quanto à presença e grau de palidez (de ausente a ++++/4) na conjuntiva ocular. O índice de concordância Kappa foi utilizado para avaliar a concordância entre observadores. Foram avaliados 96 pacientes, caucasianos, com idade média de 57,7 anos, sendo 45,8% do gênero masculino e 54,2% do gênero feminino. RESULTADOS: A comparação entre os níveis médios de hemoglobina com a palidez graduada em cruzes não apresentou diferença estatisticamente significativa para os profissionais medicos, sendo a diferença significativa para os estudantes de medicina. O índice de concordância Kappa entre os observadores foi baixo. CONCLUSÃO: Esta pesquisa demonstrou que não houve boa concordância entre os observadores na avaliação de palidez estratificada em cruzes, sendo a avaliação mais fidedigna com relação aos níveis séricos de hemoglobina entre os profissionais médicos.INTRODUCTION: Pallor is characterized by discoloring of the skin and mucous membranes due to a reduction in the amount of circulating hemoglobin. The objective of this study was to compare the degree of pallor, stratified using crosses, with hemoglobin levels and to evaluate the correlation between observers. METHOD: From February to April 2009, an observational cross-sectional study was carried out of over 18-year-old individuals admitted to a hospital in the south of the state of Santa Catarina, for whom the measurement of hemoglobin levels had been requested. The degree of Pallor (from absent to ++++/4) of the ocular mucosa of 96 patients was evaluated by two types of examiners (physicians and medical students). The Kappa agreement index was used to assess the agreement between observers. RESULTS: All patients (45.8% male and 54.2% female) were Caucasian with a mean age of 57.7 years. There were statistically significant differences on comparing the mean hemoglobin levels with pallor for the medical students but no significant differences were seen for the physicians. The Kappa agreement index between the observers was low. This research demonstrates that the agreement between the observers was not good for the evaluation of pallor. The most reliable evaluation regarding the hemoglobin levels was by the physicians

    The Relevance of Vegetation Series on the Maintenance and Sustainability of Public Spaces in the Southwest Iberian Peninsula

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    City and countryside, by their mutual dependency, constitute a unique system, which is the basis for the development of a global landscape. This interaction is far from the country being simply the city’s food supply. The interaction should be reinforced through ecological corridors allowing the biodiversity movement that guarantees the landscape identity. In this regard, life’s standards are strictly related to the landscape quality. Moreover, landscape biophysical features determine the vegetal potential and consequently their uses and techniques adopted by man toward his territorial settlement. Contextually, two Iberian case studies have been selected and analyzed from a multidisciplinarity perspective, aiming to determine how vegetation series may influence the maintenance and sustainability of urban green spaces. Bearing this in mind that a landscape architecture project is dynamic and considering the fourth dimension: time—mainly regarding the vegetation development, creating new volumes and spaces‑considering their natural evolution, a deep knowledge of the plant material is seen as a critical factor for a sustainable landscape planning at several levels

    Evaluation of the incorporation of waste generated from titanium dioxide manufacturing in red ceramics

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    Rotary-vacuum-filter mud (RVFM) is waste generated during the manufacturing process of titanium dioxide. In this work, RVFM and ceramic bricks containing different ratios of this waste are investigated. The mud samples were characterized using thermal analysis (TG/DTG). The aim of the present work was to determine the effect of adding RVFM on the ceramic properties of clay, such as apparent porosity, water absorption, linear shrinkage and flexural strength, used to produce red ceramics (bricks and roofing tiles). Samples were dried out at 110°C and fired at 800°C, 950°C and 1100°C. The addition of RVFM tends to increase the apparent porosity and water absorption and to decrease the flexural strength of the ceramic specimens. Based on the results, ceramic specimens with 20% RVFM content that are burned at 800ºC can not be used as bricks, and ceramic specimens with 20% RVFM content that are fired at 800ºC and 950°C can not used as roofing tiles, according to Brazilian standards

    Digestibility of total, insoluble and soluble dietary fiber of sows during gestation

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    When the level of fiber is increased, it is important to evaluate the impact of this addition upon the nutrients digestibility. The present study evaluated the effect of variation in the amount of total dietary fiber in sow diets, provided from 74 to 87 days of gestation, on the digestibility of nutrients. Thirty three sows were used in a randomized experimental design. The amounts of total dietary fiber in three treatment diets were 15.6; 22.3 and 28.2%. To increase the amount of dietary fiber, rice grain and soybean meal were partially substituted for defatted rice bran and soybean hulls. The daily consumption of nutrients and energy was similar between the 74 to 87 days of gestation, differing only in the volume of ration consumed, which was 2.1; 2.2 and 2.4 kg/day. During gestation, the increase in total dietary fiber resulted in a significant decrease in the apparent total tract digestibility of total dietary fiber, insoluble dietary fiber e soluble dietary fiber. Increasing the amount of total dietary fiber reduced the digestibility of nutrients, mainly of the total dietary fiber and insoluble dietary fiber

    Integral transform solution of the Navier–Stokes equations in full cylindrical regions with streamfunction formulation

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    A hybrid numerical–analytical solution based on the generalized integral transform technique is proposed to handle the two‐dimensional Navier–Stokes equations in cylindrical coordinates, expressed in terms of the streamfunction‐only formulation. The proposed methodology is illustrated in solving steady‐state incompressible laminar flow of Newtonian fluids in the developing region of a circular tube. The flow modeling also considers two limiting inlet conditions, namely, uniform velocity profile representing a parallel flow, and zero vorticity that characterizes irrotational inlet flow. The integral transform analysis for such a full cylindrical region brings up singularities at the channel centerline, and, as previously described in a work dealing with the boundary‐layer formulation, a way to alleviate this difficulty is to adopt a recently introduced fourth‐order eigenvalue problem as the basis for the eigenfunction expansion. A thorough convergence analysis of the proposed expansion is then undertaken, for different values of Reynolds number, and a set of reference results for the velocity distributions and friction factors are then presented in tabular and graphical forms.Indisponível

    Factors Associated with Post-Endodontic Treatment Pain Performed by Students in an Endodontic Graduate Program

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible associations between pre-established clinical variables and manifestation of postoperative pain after endodontic treatments performed by graduate students in endodontics, from June 2016 to December 2017. Methods and Materials: A total of 998 dental patient charts were included in the study. All the patients underwent the same clinical protocol. Possible associations between postoperative pain and clinical variables were investigated, including age, gender, type of tooth, type of treatment, pulpal diagnosis, periradicular diagnosis, instrumentation system used, number of sessions, previous symptom, procedural accident, and endodontic sealer extrusion. Patients were contacted by telephone 24 h and 7 days after treatment completion and were asked about the degree of postoperative pain they had experienced, using a four-level scoring system: 0, no pain; 1, mild pain (no medication was needed); 2, moderate pain (an analgesic or anti-inflammatory was needed); 3, severe pain. Fischer’s exact test, Pearson’s test, and logistic regression were used for the statistical analysis of the data. A significance level of 0.05 was used. Results: A total of 8.6% of the patients reported having experienced postoperative pain, 50% of which reported mild pain, 47.7%, moderate pain, and 2.3%, severe pain. The only variable significantly associated with postoperative endodontic pain was pre-endodontic treatment symptoms (Pearson’s test, P=0.0047). The logistic regression analysis indicated that the association between use of the Reciproc system and sealer extrusion posed a significant risk for postoperative endodontic pain. Conclusion: Based on this retrospective cohort study, the incidence of moderate and severe pain after endodontic treatment was low, and the only variable associated with a higher frequency of patients reporting postoperative endodontic pain was previous pain/symptoms. Therefore, in these cases, pain management methods such as the use of analgesics before treatment or immediately after treatment should be considered