639 research outputs found

    Highly productive sown biodiverse pastures with low invasion risk

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    Driscoll et al. (1) have recently drawn attention to the risk of new pasture plants becoming invasive, because the same biological traits that promote pasture productivity may also facilitate the invasion of natural areas. The authors indicate some aspects that could mitigate the risk of invasion: namely, the use of native species to develop new pasture plants, the avoidance of new characteristics associated with environmental weeds, and the selection of new characteristics that limit invasion risk. Here we describe a system that meets the above criteria—specifically, the last one—through the existence of a mismatch between the environmental conditions found in managed and in natural areas, such that improved pasture plants face environmental limitations in natural areas while keeping a high performance in managed ones. The system of sown biodiverse permanent pastures rich in legumes (SBPPRL) has been successfully implemented in Portugal on farms in Mediterranean climate areas (2, 3). SBPPRL were developed by Portuguese agronomists, namely David Crespo, as a response to the low levels of productivity and feed quality obtained in seminatural pastures. The pastures’ low performance results from endogenous low soil fertility and historical land use practices that depleted soil nutrients, disrupted soil structure, and caused plant community impoverishment, especially the decline of legume species (4). SBPPRL consist in mixtures of up to 20 taxa of grasses and legumes, each mixture tailored to local environmental conditions (e.g., precipitation and soil texture) to best cover the available environmental niches. Seed mixtures include autochthonous (the majority) and exotic species (all native to the Mediterranean basin) selected to achieve the best performance in soils with enhanced fertility. Legumes and associated Rhizobium fix atmospheric nitrogen, making the system self-sufficient in nitrogen, but require an external input of phosphorus (a limiting nutrient in Mediterranean soils) and the correction of soil acidity for optimal legume growth (5). As result, improved cultivars are not competitive in oligotrophic environments with acidic soils (i.e., natural environments) but outcompete spontaneous pasture plants in managed systems. This aspect not only contributes to the longterm persistence of SBPPRL but also to reducing their invasive risk. In fact, the older SBPPRL are now over 30 y old, and there are no reports of exotic pasture species establishment outside ruderal or managed pasture habitats (i.e., in natural ecosystems). Moreover, SBPPRL offer an alternative for sustainable intensification by combining higher pasture productivity (i.e., socio-economic benefits) with environmental benefits that emerge as positive externalities, such as soil carbon sequestration and soil restoration, both associated with the absence of tillage in SBPPRL and the accumulation of soil organic matter (3, 4). Additionally, the use of phosphorus fertilization is more than compensated by the avoided impacts of using nitrogen fertilizers (otherwise required either to produce concentrate feed or fertilize pastures), and potential leaching of phosphorus is mitigated by increased soil organic matter (4). The opportunities for society of SBPPRL were acknowledged by the Portuguese Carbon Fund* through the payment of soil carbon sequestration (2009– 2014) in around 50,000 ha, in an estimated total of 1 million tons of CO2 (2).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mobile augmented reality game-based learning: teacher training using the EduPARK app

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    With the mobile technology widespread, new functionalities are being integrated in devices, namely augmented reality (AR), which can be used to enhance learning. Combining mobile AR learning with game-based approaches supports new forms of instruction in the outdoors and students’ engagement and motivation for learning are enhanced. However, new practices require teacher training. This is the case of the EduPARK workshop that aims to support teachers in the development of innovative outdoor practices, using mobile devices, AR and games. In this exploratory case study, qualitative and quantitative data were collected from five editions of the EduPARK workshop through a mandatory questionnaire and a voluntary reflexive self-account. Results show that teachers value this training for: i) the access to new educational resources, ii) the practices changing support, iii) knowledge update, although not necessarily in what concerns mobile learning, AR and game-based approaches, and iv) learning about cross-subjects approaches to teaching.publishe

    A questionnaire to Portuguese universities and polytechnic institutes

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    UIDB/05021/2020 UIDP/05021/2020Over the past decade, the societal impact of digital transformation, with the prospects of a Fourth Industrial revolution, has led to an innovation imperative in European policymaking regarding Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). This article examines Portuguese universities and polytechnic institutes, the two components of the national higher education system, in order to (1) characterize digital infrastructure, networks and equipment availability (hardware and software), (2) describe the self-reported digital practices among Portuguese HEIs’ faculty members, and (3) verify the alignment between faculty members’ digital practices, teaching environment and European recommendations for digital education. The study, descriptive in nature, conducts the most comprehensive online questionnaire available to date on digital innovation in Portuguese HEIs (N=547). The main constraints to digital innovation in Portuguese higher education teaching are the limited infrastructure and resources, a conservative academic culture, a lack of funding opportunities, insufficient technological resources and technical support.publishersversionpublishe

    Developing a community of practice on education for sustainable development: first steps towards the design of a storyboard

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    This study is part of a research project that aims to develop an online Community of Practice (CoP) to promote Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in the Portuguese context. Its potential members (teachers, pupils, parents, researchers and others) will collaborate in order to develop educational resources, to develop and share innovative teaching and learning strategies underlying an ESD approach, and help national school projects to implement an ESD approach. The aim of this paper is to present the first phase of the project: to collect the perceptions of a multidisciplinary team of researchers, who have different competences, about the principles that help to develop and sustain a CoP in the scope of ESD. Through a design-based research approach, the main technical and educational guidelines that emerged from a focus group survey will be presented. Some of the main key ideas discussed were (i) the need to be supported with the provision of teacher training and consultancy services, (ii) the identification of teachers that are already leaders in their own schools, and that could assume the leadership of this CoP, and (iii) the importance of opening the community up to other type of users, with different possibilities of access and interaction

    Tecnologias de informação geográfica e promoção do pensamento espacial crítico: estratégias transdisciplinares em educação para o desenvolvimento sustentável no 3º CEB

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    Doutoramento em Multimédia em EducaçãoPerante a fragilidade da atual conjuntura mundial nos contextos económico, social e ambiental, urge a necessidade de educar os novos cidadãos para a sustentabilidade, pelo conhecimento interativo do local onde vivem e do mundo que os integra. “Ensinar a pensar” e a encontrar soluções criativas sustentáveis, torna-se incontornável. Reconhecendo-se que este propósito carece da integração do conhecimento presencial no território, e a importância das competências de saber pensar o espaço e intervir no meio, partilhadas pela Educação Geográfica (EG) e pela Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (EDS), onde a dimensão “Espaço” é crítica e aglutinadora das aprendizagens, no presente trabalho propõe-se dar resposta à questão de como desenvolver o Pensamento Espacial Crítico, com recurso a Tecnologias de Informação Geográfica (TIG), de forma a promover aprendizagens significativas em EDS, ao nível do 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (CEB) e no contexto da Escola Básica de Campia. Tendo como grande finalidade a inovação das práticas educativas, espera-se com esta investigação contribuir para o alargamento de fronteiras do conhecimento em Multimédia em Educação e da EG, assumindo-se a importância desta no domínio da EDS, estimulando o Pensamento Espacial (PE), o Pensamento Crítico (PC) e a forma como os alunos e restante comunidade educativa olham e atuam sobre o meio. Face à finalidade apresentada e dado o caráter inovador da presente investigação, adotou-se a metodologia de investigação-ação (I/A), no contexto do paradigma sóciocrítico, de pendor qualitativo. Este estudo foi desenvolvido por intermédio de uma Oficina de Formação, em dois ciclos de I/A, tendo como objetivo a conceção e implementação de estratégias transdisciplinares de ensino e aprendizagem (E/A) em EDS, visando o desenvolvimento de capacidades de PEC e sendo suportadas por TIG. Foram concebidos diversos instrumentos de recolha de dados, para cada ciclo de I/A, e o corpo de dados foi analisado essencialmente através da técnica de análise de conteúdo e pontualmente através da análise estatística de cariz descritivo. O modelo de análise de dados centrou-se numa análise SWOT para identificação das forças, fraquezas, oportunidades e ameaças, e numa matriz TOWS para identificação das ações a empreender entre os ciclos de I/A. Propõe-se, para o efeito, um referencial teórico didático para o conceito de PEC, através de uma taxonomia de capacidades e competências resultante da implementação dos ciclos de I/A. Os resultados obtidos permitem observar que: i) a EG, pelas competências que preconiza e pelo enfoque da dimensão espacial, é potencialmente aglutinadora das aprendizagens, no currículo do 3.º CEB, e pode favorecer a transdisciplinaridade, essencial na EDS; ii) as estratégias de ensino e aprendizagem assentes na EG e com recurso a TIG são promotoras de aprendizagens significativas em EDS pelo desenvolvimento de capacidades de PEC. Contudo, as limitações evidenciadas na investigação suscitaram, através dos ciclos de I/A, a redefinição do percurso formativo proposto e dos instrumentos de recolha de dados concebidos, bem como a introdução de melhorias à taxonomia de PEC desenvolvida no âmbito da presente tese. Entre outras limitações discutidas (como a resistência à utilização de tecnologia em contexto de E/A), salientamos uma limitação sistémica, inerente aos atuais contextos educativos formais (currículo, distribuição do serviço docente, etc.), que desincentiva uma efetiva implementação de estratégias transdisciplinares e do trabalho colaborativo entre professores. Apesar das limitações elencadas consideramos que este estudo contribui para um aprofundamento do conhecimento sobre a potencialidade das TIG na promoção de competências e capacidades de PEC dos alunos, nomeadamente pelo avanço na clarificação das mesmas, plasmadas no instrumento desenvolvido no âmbito desta tese (taxonomia de PEC). Como disseminação desta investigação, salienta-se que o referido instrumento integrará o referencial teórico de um projeto europeu Erasmus + (ENAbLE), para suporte à conceção dos dispositivos didáticos que acompanharão uma aplicação de TIG que será concebida especificamente para o contexto de E/A.Due to the fragility of the current global environment on the economic, social and environmental contexts, the need to educate new citizens for sustainability, the interactive knowledge of where they live and the world that integrates them, "teaching how to think" and how to find creative solutions becomes imperative. Recognizing the generalized lack of integration of classroom knowledge in the territory, and the importance of knowing how to think and act in space through skills, shared by Geographic Education (GE) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), where the "space" dimension is critical and a unifier of learning, the present study seeks to answer the question of how to develop Critical Spatial Thinking (CST), using Geospatial Technologies (GT), in order to promote meaningful learning in ESD in Lower-secondary Education, in the context of the School of Campia. Having as its main purpose the innovation of educational practices, it is expected this research will contribute towards extending the frontiers of knowledge on Multimedia in Education and GE, assuming its importance in the field of ESD, stimulating Spatial Thinking (ST) and Critical Thinking (CT) and the way the rest of the educational community and students look at and act upon the environment. Assuming the transdisciplinary nature and spatial dimension of GE and assuming ESD a knowledge integration dimension, we argue that GE is a fundamental pedagogical orientation in citizenship education and promoter of interpretive planning literacy, proposing a didactic theoretical framework for the concept of CST, in the form of a taxonomy of skills and competencies. Based on action-research methodology in the context of a socio-critical paradigm, this study was developed through teacher training in two cycles of action-research (A/R), aiming the design and implementation of transdisciplinary teaching and learning strategies in ESD, with the purpose of building CST capacities supported by GT. The results obtained confirm that: i) the GE, due to its potentialities and the focus on spatial dimension, is a learning unifier, promoting transdisciplinarity, which is essential in ESD; ii) teaching and learning strategies based on GE and supported by GT are potential promoters of meaningful learning in ESD while building CST capacities. Nevertheless, limitations highlighted in the study raised the definition of a new proposal for a training model, as well as improvements to the CST taxonomy developed within this thesis. However, limitations evidenced in the research originated, through the A/R cycles, a resetting of the proposed training path and of the data collection instruments designed, as well as improvements to the SGP taxonomy developed under this thesis. Among other limitations discussed (such as resistance to the use of technology in the context of learning and teaching), highlight a systemic limitation, inherent to current formal educational settings (curriculum, distribution of teaching service, etc.), which discourages effective transdisciplinary implementation strategies and collaborative work among teachers. Despite the limitations listed we consider that this study contributes to a deepening of knowledge about the potential of GT in promoting skills and CST abilities of students, including the progress in clarifying the same, molded during the development of the instrument within this thesis (CST taxonomy). As dissemination of this research, we highlight that this instrument will integrate the theoretical framework of a European Erasmus + project (ENAbLE), to support the design of didactic devices that monitor a GT application that will be specifically designed for the teaching and learning context

    Linfadenite necrosante histiocítica (linfadenite de Kikuchi) em um paciente HIV-positivo

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    Histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis, or Kikuchi's lymphadenitis (KL), is an unusual form of lymphadenitis, generally with self-limited clinical course. KL has been reported in rare patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Pathogenesis of the lesion is probably related to an impaired immune function. The purpose of the present article is to report on one case in which KL was diagnosed in an HIV-infected patient. Histomorphology and immunophenotype were similar to previous reports, but a focus of activated CD30+ macrophages was seen, what might be due to the immunological status of the patient. EBV was not detected on the sections using the in situ hybridization technique. Although rare, the occurrence of KL in HIV-infected subjects must be emphasized, because of the potential misdiagnosis of malignancy, especially in the presence of CD30+ cells.A linfadenite necrosante histiocítica, ou linfadenite de Kikuchi (LK), é uma forma rara de linfadenite, geralmente de curso clínico auto-limitado. Raros casos de LK associados à infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV) foram relatados, sendo sua patogênese atribuída à disfunção imunológica destes pacientes. O objetivo do presente artigo é relatar um caso de associação de LK em um paciente HIV-positivo. A histomorfologia e a imunofenotipagem foram semelhantes aos casos anteriormente descritos na literatura, mas focos de macrófagos ativados positivos para o CD30 foram vistos, o que pode ser devido ao estado imune do paciente. A pesquisa de EBV por hibridização in situ foi negativa no tecido. Embora rara, a ocorrência de LK em pacientes HIV-positivos deve ser lembrada, por causa do potencial erro diagnóstico com linfoma maligno, especialmente na presença de células CD30+

    Fisioterapia no tratamento das mulheres Angolanas com cancro da mama no Centro Nacional de Oncologia

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    Mestrado em FisioterapiaO cancro da mama é uma das doenças com maior impacto na sociedade angolana, não só por ser muito frequente e associado a uma imagem de grande gravidade, mas também porque se desenvolve em um órgão cheio de simbolismo na maternidade e na feminilidade. O Centro Nacional de Oncologia (CNO) reúne as principais opções terapêuticas do campo da oncologia: quimioterapia, radioterapia, cirurgia, hormonoterapia e imunoterapia, não sendo, os serviços de fisioterapia parte do leque de serviços prestados no mesmo Centro oncológico. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo construir um projeto de prestação de serviços de fisioterapia para as mulheres de Angola com cancro de mama que realizam tratamento no (CNO), o tipo de estudo que nos propomos desenvolver para a elaboração do projeto é do tipo observacional descritivo transversal. A implementação do presente projeto é o resultado esperado através do qual pretende-se demonstrar os benefícios da realização do tratamento de fisioterapia tanto para a paciente como para a unidade hospitalar e a sociedade em geral. Acreditamos que o presente projeto será uma mais-valia para a sociedade angolana em geral pois pretende dar resposta a uma lacuna existente nos atuais serviços de saúde prestados às pacientes com cancro da mama em Angola. Permitindo uma diminuição da incidência de complicações pós-operatórias e suas implicações sociais tornando-as ativas na sociedade contribuindo para o seu desenvolvimento.ABSTRACT - Breast cancer is a disease with high impact on Angolan society, not only for being very common and associated with an image of great gravity, but also because it develops in an organ full of symbolism on motherhood and femininity. The National Oncology Centre brings together the main therapeutic options in the field of oncology, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery, hormone therapy and immunotherapy, not being services for physiotherapy part of the range of services provided in the same cancer center. This paper aims to build a project for the provision of physiotherapy services for women with breast Angola who perform treatment at the National Cancer Centre of Oncology. The type of study that we propose to develop the project design is an observational cross-sectional descriptive. The implementation of this project is expected by the result which is intended to demonstrate the benefits of performing the physiotherapy treatment for both the patient and the hospital and the society in general. We believe that this project will be an asset to the Angolan society in general because it intends to address a gap in current health services to patients with breast cancer in Angola. Allowing a decreased incidence of postoperative complications and their social implications becoming active in society contributing to its development


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    Tem sido crescente a preocupação mundial em relação as mudanças do clima no planeta, decorrentes, principalmente, das emissões de dióxido de carbono (CO2) e outros gases de efeito estufa, como o metano (CH4) e o óxido nitroso (N2O). Estes gases são responsáveis pela manutenção da temperatura média de 16-180C na terra, promovendo o chamado “efeito estufa”, essencial para a existência da vida no planeta (BRUCE et al., 1999)