1,496 research outputs found

    A New Affordable Masonry System Based on Unfired Clay Sandwich Panel

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    Nowadays, construction is one of the main sectors that produces waste and consume more materials and energy, so there is a growing need for alternative construction technologies that allow us to modify this situation. In this context, this paper presents the development of an innovative proposal for an industrialized outdoor enclosure. This solution is based on a constructive system with prefabricated insulated sandwich panels, produced on the basis of a new eco-efficient composite material, based on raw stabilized clay. In this way, it is possible, prioritize environmental issues to significantly reduce the environmental impact generated during the manufacture of the piece. The use in the construction of buildings material such as stabilized raw clay can be an alternative to achieve buildings of nearly zero energy consumption. They are known both from a thermal comfort and ability to regulate temperature and humidity, as well as being materials that contain much less embodied energy. This study is a comparative analysis of building systems, as well, as a serie of selected patent systems and copyrighted materials. On the other hand, it also analyzes their enforcement against the values established by the Spanish building code

    El género Calliphora (Diptera: Calliphoridae) en Argentina y primer registro de C. lopesi Mello 1962

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    The genus Calliphora Robineau-Desvoidy 1830 is currently represented by only 6 species in the Neotropical Region of which 3 are present in Argentina. In this work, we report for the first time the presence of Calliphora lopesi Mello 1962 in Argentina, and we present an updated distribution of the species of the genus. We provide a key to the identification of the species present in the country.El género Calliphora Robineau-Desvoidy 1830 se encuentra representado por sólo 6 especies en la Región Neotropical, de las cuales 3 se encuentran en la Argentina. En el presente trabajo se reporta por primera vez la presencia de Calliphora lopesi Mello 1962 en Argentina, además, se realiza una actualización de la distribución de las especies del género. Se provee una clave para la identificación de las especies presentes en el país.Fil: Olea, María Sofía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Mariluis, Juan Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales; Argentin

    Factibilidad de la aplicación de un método rápido y sin efluentes destinado a la obtención de cueros vacunos semicromo

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    Se describe un proceso de elaboración de cueros vacunos semicromo en forma estática, diseñado para su empleo en mataderos o frigoríficos de mediana producción. Este proceso no requiere costosas inversiones en maquinarias y la contaminación generada en los procesos de ribéra es sensiblemente menor a la del clásico sistema sulfuro de sodio-hidróxido de calcio.A static tanning process of cattle hides ideal for slaughter houses of moderation production is described. The process avoids expensive investment on machinery and reduces the amount and degree of the tannery effluents

    Poaching and illegal wildlife trade in western Argentina

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    Human-wildlife interactions, poaching and illegal wildlife trade in particular, are among the major threats to biodiversity around the world, causing species and population extinctions, zoonotic diseases dissemination, and exotic species invasions, among others. Here we assessed the patterns of poaching and illegal wildlife trade in western Argentina. We reviewed official infringement and verification records for 5 years (2015 to 2019) in San Juan province. We assessed the taxa involved and their conservation status, including wildlife uses and poaching elements. We found 58 taxa involved in 697 records. Most of them were birds (72%), followed by mammals (26%) and reptiles (2%). However, mammals are proportionally the most poached taxon in relation to their richness in the region. We detected that the bird Saltator aurantiirostris was the most prevalent species, appearing in 63% of all records, while Diuca diuca, the second most seized species, appeared in 19% of the infringement proceedings. This study shows that illegal hunting and trafficking are frequent activities affecting many species in the province, and that mammals and birds are the most affected taxa. Mammals were mostly involved in poaching events for their meat and fur, for which individuals were killed. On the other hand, birds were mainly live-captured to be sold as pets. Actions are necessary to protect fauna and raise people’s awareness in order to effectively control these illegal activities and support ecosystem health and integrity. To tackle these problems, it is fundamental to understand the impacts of poaching and trade, improve state control to prevent these activities, and employ non-formal education actions to change people’s behavior towards conservation.Fil: Becerra, Sofía. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Departamento de Biología; Argentina. Grupo de Investigación en Interacciones Biológicas en el Desierto; ArgentinaFil: Marinero, José. Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable; ArgentinaFil: Borghi, Carlos Eduardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Centro de Investigaciones de la Geosfera y Biosfera. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones de la Geosfera y Biosfera; Argentin

    Análisis de proyectos de infraestructura vial en el valle del Cauca - Procesos terminados anormalmente y liquidados

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    En la actualidad, la infraestructura vial en Colombia se encuentra en camino a la modernización con el ánimo de cerrar las brechas de conexión entre las diferentes regiones del país; por tal motivo, el Estado requiere contar con procesos sólidos de contratación pública que le permitan seleccionar sin sesgo alguno al proponente que garantice la ejecución de los proyectos de manera efectiva en términos de calidad, tiempo y costo. A pesar de esto, se evidencia en las regiones que los proyectos de infraestructura vial se ejecutan en su mayoría por “los mismos de siempre” desvirtuando la posición del Estado respecto al sesgo en todos los procesos de selección, especialmente en licitación pública. Por lo anterior se buscara analizar proyectos de infraestructura vial en el valle del cauca con montos de contratación mayores a mil millones de pesos entre los años 2010 y 2015 en la modalidad de licitación publica, enfocándonos en los procesos que tuvieron terminación anormal después de convocado y los liquidados. Verificando en los procesos terminados anormalmente después de convocados los requisitos habilitantes establecidos por las entidades contratantes, identificando las posibles causas para declarar los procesos desiertos o para su revocatoria, y posteriormente analizando las repercusión de la no ejecución de los proyectos en los municipios afectados. Adicionalmente se analizaran en los proyectos liquidados las causas de los sobrecostos y demoras en los tiempos de entrega, cuantificando estas adiciones y comparándolas con las condiciones iniciales contractuales, tipificando cuales son las razones más comunes para que los proyectos de infraestructura vial en el Valle del Cauca no finalicen de la manera prevista inicialmente.At the present, road infrastructure in Colombia is on way to modernization with the aim of closing the connection gaps between the different regions of the country; because of that, the State requires solid public procurement processes that allow selecting the proponent without any bias and guarantees the execution of projects effectively in terms of quality, time and cost. Moreover, it is evident that the road infrastructure projects in some regions are executed for the most part by "the same one" distorting the position of the State regarding the bias in all the processes of selection, especially in public bidding. Due to this fact, we analyze road infrastructure projects in the Valle del Cauca in contracting amounts greater than one billion pesos in the public bidding modality between 2010 and 2015, focusing on processes that shown an abnormal termination after being convened and the settled ones. The enabling requirements established by the contracting entities were verified in abnormally completed processes after being convened, the possible causes for declaring the processes deserted or for their recall were identified, and subsequently were analyzed the impact of non-execution of the projects in the municipalities. On the other, in this work is reviewed the causes of overcharges and delays in delivery times in liquidated projects, quantifying these additions and comparing them with the initial contractual conditions, typifying which are the most common reasons for the road infrastructure projects in the Valle del Cauca do not finish as originally planned

    Proceso de curtición vegetal sin efluentes

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    Se informan y analizan los resultados obtenidos en el estudio del grado de variabilidad de la determinación del tiempo de penetración (ensayo de la gota) de formulaciones acrílicas impregnantes, en toda el área del cuero para capellada, curtido al cromo, recurtido, flor corregida. También se sugiere la zona de ensayo más comveniente y otros datos que permiten crear las condiciones adecuadas para que esta determinación sea adoptada en práctica industrial.A study was made on the variability of penetration time of acrylic impregnating formulations. This test was carried out over the whole area of several chrome tanned, retanned and corrected grain side leathers« The most convenient test area and practical recommendations for leather technicians are also suggested.Trabajo presentado al IV Congreso Latinoamericano de Químicos y Técnicos de la Industria del Cuero, Santiago de Chile, noviembre de 1974

    On the effect of chaotic orbits on dynamical friction

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    Chaotic orbits suffer significant changes as a result of small perturbations. One can thus wonder whether the dynamical friction suffered by a satellite on a regular orbit, and interacting with the stars of a galaxy, will be different if the bulk of the stars of the galaxy are in regular or chaotic orbits. In order to check that idea, we investigated the orbital decay (caused by dynamical friction) of a rigid satellite moving within a larger stellar system (a galaxy) whose potential is nonintegrable. We performed numerical experiments using two kinds of triaxial galaxy models: (1) the triaxial generalization of Dehnen´s spherical mass model (Dehnen; Merritt & Fridman); (2) a modified Satoh model (Satoh; Carpintero, Muzzio, & Wachlin). The percentages of chaotic orbits present in these models were increased by perturbing them. In the first case, a central compact object (black hole) was introduced; in the second case, the perturbation was produced by allowing the galaxy to move on a circular orbit in a logarithmic potential. The equations of motion were integrated with a non-self-consistent code. Our results show that the presence of chaotic orbits does not affect significantly the orbital decay of the satellite.Instituto de Astrofísica de La Plat

    A double safety lock tumor-specific device for suicide gene therapy in breast cancer

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    Producción CientíficaThe complexity and continuous evolution of cancer make the design of novel strategies of treatment a constant challenge in biomedicine. Moreover, most of cancer treatments are still not tumor-specific and provoke high systemic toxicity. Herein we have developed a novel selective nanodevice to eliminate tumor cells while leaving healthy ones intact. To achieve this objective, a polyplex carrier, comprising an elastin like-recombinamer covalently conjugated to an aptamer and complexed with therapeutic DNA, was tested. This carrier forms a double-lock multifunctional device due to specific binding to a tumor cell marker and the selective expression of therapeutic DNA inside human breast-cancer cells. Due to the stability provided by ELRs, the homogeneous population of polyplexes obtained showed selective toxicity against cancer cells in in vitro and in vivo assay. Inhibition of tumor progression was detected early being very significant at the end point, with a dose-dependent reduction in tumor mass. Histological studies revealed a specific reduction in tumor parenchyma and in specific tumor cell markers. These results represent an important step toward the rational development of an efficient, safe and more specialized gene-delivery device for tumor therapy.Fondo Social Europeo - FEDER- Unión Europea (project MP-2014-646075Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (project PCIN-2015-010 / MAT2015-68901-R / MAT2016-78903-R)Junta de Castilla y León (project VA317P18

    Effect of Three Post-Harvest Methods at Different Altitudes on the Organoleptic Quality of C. canephora Coffee

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    C. canephora (syn. C. robusta) is distinctive due to its rising industrial value and pathogen resistance. Both altitude and post-harvest methods influence coffee cup quality; however, modest information is known about this coffee species. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the relationship between four different altitudes and post-harvest processes (dry, honey, and wet) to the improvement of the organoleptic quality of the C. canephora congolensis and conilon drink. For dry processing, congolensis and conilon showed the lowest scores in terms of fragrance/aroma, flavour, aftertaste, salt–acid, bitter–sweet, and body. Above 625 m, coffees from dry, honey, and wet processes increased scores in their sensory attributes, but there was no difference at such high altitudes when comparing post-harvest samples. Dry-processed coffee samples had total scores over 80 points at high altitudes. Conilon was perceived to have the best sensory attributes at high altitudes using honey processing. In general, the wet-processed congolensis and conilon samples had a tastier profile than dry-processed ones