448 research outputs found

    Four-level N-scheme crossover resonances in Rb saturation spectroscopy in magnetic fields

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    We perform saturated absorption spectroscopy on the D_2\_2 line for room temperature rubidium atoms immersed in magnetic fields within the 0.05-0.13 T range. At those medium-high field values the hyperfine structure in the excited state is broken by the Zeeman effect, while in the ground state hyperfine structure and Zeeman shifts are comparable. The observed spectra are composed by a large number of absorption lines. We identify them as saturated absorptions on two-level systems, on three-level systems in a V configuration and on four-level systems in a N or double-N configuration where two optical transitions not sharing a common level are coupled by spontaneous emission decays. We analyze the intensity of all those transitions within a unified simple theoretical model. We concentrate our attention on the double-N crossovers signals whose intensity is very large because of the symmetry in the branching ratios of the four levels. We point out that these structures, present in all alkali atoms at medium-high magnetic fields, have interesting properties for electromagnetically induced transparency and slow light applications.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review

    Figurative language in science popularisation:similes as an explanatory strategy in TED talks

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    This paper investigates the use of figurative language as one of the main features of TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) Talks,a new science popularising genre. Drawing upon Wikberg’s (2008) similes classification,which analyses the patternsas ADJ/ADV as, is like N, is like V-ing N, and V like N,the paper examines the use of similes as an explanatory strategy for knowledge dissemination. Focussing on a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the TED talks held between 2006 and 2012,the study shows how TEDsters use similes to compare complex scientific concepts to everyday life experiences;to breach the expert/non expert barrier so that non-experts can participate in the scientific findings;and to look at science as ideas to be discussed rather than information to be passively received. The study also reveals that rather than focussing on culture-bound similes, these audience-oriented talks tend to avoid local cultural references that would not be understood abroad

    Lexical differences between American and British English : a survey study

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    This work aims at analysing reciprocal comprehension between American and British English native speakers. After a brief historical description on the main issues that have led to a differentiation of the two languages, the paper focuses on a description of lexical differences of everyday language that could lead to a complete failure of communication. In particular, the paper reports the results of a survey led among speakers of the two varieties to verify how well American and British speakers understand each other and whether they are aware of the lexical differences. The sample was asked to complete a questionnaire by writing the American equivalent of 45 British items proposed and vice versa for the British speaking sample

    Vagueness as a political strategy: weasel words in security council resolutions relating to the second gulf war

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    Over the last few years the diplomatic language of UN resolutions has repeatedly been questioned for the excessive presence of vagueness. In an era of expanding international contacts between different legal systems, international institutions such as the UN are constantly faced with the need to overcome cultural divergences of their recipient countries. In order to meet these requirements, UN diplomatic texts may use vague words quite extensively. Such terms, whose meaning is very flexible, variable and strictly dependent on context and interpretation, have been defined by Mellinkoff (1963: 21) as “weasel words”. The use of vague terms could be connected to the genre of diplomatic texts, as resolutions should be applicable to every international contingency. However, excessive vagueness could also lead to biased or even strategically-motivated interpretations of resolutions, undermining their legal impact and triggering conflicts instead of diplomatic solutions. This doctoral thesis is based on two main research aims: A first section aims at investigating on whether the use of strategic vagueness in Security Council resolutions relating to Iraq has contributed to the breakout of the second Gulf war instead of a diplomatic solution of the controversy. Using the qualitative Discourse-Historical approach (Wodak 2000) and quantitative analysis tools (Antconc and Sketch Engine), special attention is given to the historical/political consequences of vagueness used in that framework, and to the study of vague ‘weasel words’ (Mellinkoff 1963), modals, and adjectives contained in the corpus. The hypothesis of intentional vagueness is further reinforced through an analysis of the American legislation related to the outbreak of the war, to reveal how the U.S. has interpreted UN legislation and to understand the purposes and consequences of vague language contained in it. A second section of the study was originated by the desire to understand whether the same patterns would be used in resolutions relating to the Iranian 2010 nuclear crises revealing a relationship between the choice of vague linguistic features and intent to use intentional vagueness as a political strategy. The findings indicate that: - Vagueness in resolutions has triggered the Iraqi conflict instead of diplomatic solutions. - Similar patterns can also be found in resolutions relating to the Iranian 2010 nuclear crises: although being less vague than the resolutions relating to Iraq in order to avoid the same historical consequences, the legislation related to the Iranian nuclear controversy still suggests the UN intentional use of some vague linguistic patterns as a political strategy

    For a New Edition of Miguel de Unamuno’s Poesías: La torre de Monterrey a la luz de la luna

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    Este artículo se propone presentar la edición filológica de una de las composiciones de Poesías –la primera colección de poemas publicada por Miguel de Unamuno en 1907–; en concreto la que lleva por título La torre de Monterrey a la luz de la luna. La elección de esta obra fue dictada por varios factores, el principal la variedad de materiales disponibles, hecho que la dota de interés para la construcción del aparato. En la última parte del artículo se ofrece un breve comentario al texto y algunas consideraciones sobre el uso del aparatoThis article aims to present the philological edition of one of the poems of Poesías, the first collection of poems published in 1907 by Miguel de Unamuno, named La torre de Monterrey a la luz de la luna. Choosing this poem is due to several reasons, above all the variety of available materials which makes it interesting for the construction of the apparatus. The last part of this article provides a brief commentary to the text and some consideration about the apparatu

    the automatic processing of ionospheric data new possibilities even with old data

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    The automatic interpretation of ionograms provides an opportunity to establish a large quantity of data at reduced costs and also makes it possible to recover measurements that could otherwise be lost to posterity. The quality of the automatically obtained data is still not completely defined, which induces comparison with the traditional method conducted by experienced operators

    Pedro Salinas: la guerra, la bomba, le lettere, l’amore

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    Negli anni dell’esilio americano Pedro Salinas continua a seguire con preoccupazione e interesse i drammatici eventi che coinvolgevano il continente europeo e il mondo intero. Il suo ricco epistolario, infatti, offre importanti riflessioni sul triste destino della Spagna franchista, sulla Seconda Guerra Mondiale e sui rapporti tra le forze in campo, sulla Guerra Fredda e, soprattutto, sulla bomba atomica. In un mondo sempre più nettamente diviso in due blocchi contrapposti, l’esistenza di un ordigno capace di uccidere, in un attimo, centinaia di persone segna, per il poeta, l’inizio di una nuova epoca di terrore La seconda parte del contributo è dedicata all’analisi dell’opera intitolata La bomba increíble che permette al poeta in sublimare l’ansia atomica e di rappresentare l’angoscia legata a un presente in cui la pace si fonda su uno stato permanente di guerra. Nel dare forma a questo mondo distopico, inoltre, Salinas attinge a temi e immagini provenienti dalle più diverse tradizioni letterarie (da Rabelais a Federico García Lorca)

    Pulsed high magnetic field measurement via a Rubidium vapor sensor

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    We present a new technique to measure pulsed magnetic fields based on the use of Rubidium in gas phase as a metrological standard. We have therefore developed an instrument based on laser inducing transitions at about 780~nm (D2 line) in a Rubidium gas contained in a mini-cell of 3~mm~x~3~mm cross section. To be able to insert such a cell in a standard high field pulsed magnet we have realized a fibred probe kept at a fixed temperature. Transition frequencies for both the π\pi (light polarization parallel to the magnetic field) and σ\sigma (light polarization perpendicular to the magnetic field) configurations are measured by a commercial wavemeter. One innovation of our sensor is that in addition of monitoring the light transmitted by the Rb cell, which is usual, we also monitor the fluorescence emission of the gas sample from a very small volume with the advantage of reducing the impact of the field inhomogeneity on the field measurement. Our sensor has been tested up to about 58~T.Comment: Submitted to Review Scientific Instrument

    A Case of Neurotrophic Keratopathy Concomitant to Brain Metastasis

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    We report a case of a 63-year-old Caucasian female referred to the cornea service of Clinica Oculistica with a neurotrophic corneal ulcer, decreased corneal sensitivity, absent corneal reflex, and decreased lacrimation. The medical record review was relevant for mastectomy and adjuvant therapy for breast cancer complicated by pontocerebellar angle metastasis. Eye patching and application of antibiotic and vitamin ointments were prescribed at first, without a significant improvement. Thus, treatment with autologous serum was started. In about two weeks, the cornea recovered and visual acuity improved with a residual corneal scarring. Finally, we should mention that, in our case, the main cause of the neurotrophic corneal ulcer could be identified in the previous trigeminal damage at the pontocerebellar angle and trigeminal ganglion. Sensory nerves play an important regulatory role via neuro-mediators on corneal wound healing, as denervation may interfere with cellular metabolism and inhibit mitosis, leading to an epithelial defect even with no direct damage