2,283 research outputs found

    Les célébrations de la victoire de Lépante

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    Dans un État fortement structuré sur le plan politique, les commémorations collectives participent au renforcement de la cohésion étatique et au soutien de l'unité nationale, c'est pourquoi la vie est scandée par des cérémonies lors desquelles l'appareil de l'État s'expose aux yeux de tous, à l'intérieur comme à l'extérieur des frontières. En outre, l'organisation de fêtes populaires répond à la vieille tactique depuis longtemps démontrée selon laquelle panem et circenses sont les meilleurs moyens pour tenir la plèbe. Ainsi donc la République vénitienne est-elle très attachée à ces fêtes qui organisent (dans le sens fort de constituer en organe) sa vie, suivant assez fidèlement le calendrier catholique romain

    Development of a multifunctional panel for aerospace use through SLM additive manufacturing

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    Lattice materials can overcome the need of light and stiff structures in the aerospace industry. The wing leading edge is one of the most critical parts for both on-board subsystem and structure features: it must withstand to the aerodynamic loads and bird-strike, integrating also the anti-ice system functions. Nowadays, this part is made by different components bonded together such as external skin, internal passageways, and feeding tubes. In the present work, a single-piece multifunctional panel made by additive manufacturing will be developed. Optimal design and manufacturing are discussed according to technological constraints, aeronautical performances and sustainability

    Basal cell carcinoma: 10-year experience with electrochemotherapy

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    BACKGROUND: Electrochemotherapy (ECT), by combining manageable cytotoxic agents with short electric pulses, represents an effective palliative skin-directed therapy. The accumulated evidence indicates that ECT stands out as a safe and well-tolerated alternative treatment for patients with multiple or large basal cell carcinoma (BCC), who are not suitable for conventional treatments. However, long-term data and shared indications are lacking. METHODS: In this observational study, we retrospectively analyzed 84 prospectively collected patients with multiple, recurrent or locally advanced BCC who were not candidate for standard therapies and received bleomycin-based ECT according to the European Standard Operative Procedures of ECT, from 2006 to 2016. RESULTS: Disease extent was local, locally advanced and metastatic in 40 (48%), 41 (49%) and 3 (3%), respectively. Forty-four (52%) individuals had multiple BCCs. Grade 3 skin toxicity after ECT was observed in 6% of cases. Clearance rate was 50% (95% CI 39-61%). Primary presentation (p = 0.004), tumor size <3 cm (p < 0.001), well-defined borders (p = 0.021), absence of tumor ulceration (p = 0.001), non-aggressive BCC histology (p = 0.046) and age 6469 years were associated with higher complete response rate. In patients with local BCC, the clearance rate was 72.5 and 85% after one or two ECT cycles, respectively. In the laBCC group, 32 patients (78%) achieved an objective response. Five-year recurrence rate for local and laBCC was 20 and 38%, respectively (p 64 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: One or two ECT cycles with bleomycin may be a valuable palliative treatment in well-selected patients with multiple BCCs and favorable tumor features. Validation of predictive factors will be imperative to match patients with optimal ECT treatment modalities. Management of laBCC with ECT warrants further investigation. Trial registration ISRCTN14633165 Registered 24 March 2017 (retrospectively registered)

    Juego limpio: Implementación de una estrategia de compliance para evitar los riesgos legales en la comisión de conductas anticompetitivas en la celebración del contrato de category management (CATMAN) para las empresas de consumo masivo

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    El derecho en la actualidad es objeto de una transformación lenta, pero sostenida: los abogados son valorados cada vez más en el ámbito preventivo tanto en el sector privado como el público. De esta forma, el presente trabajo de investigación plantea una solución a los diversos riesgos legales vinculados a la competencia en la celebración y ejecución del contrato de category management (CATMAN) desde un enfoque legal preventivo, toda vez que esta estrategia de trademarketing es un mecanismo exitoso para el mejoramiento de las ventas para los supermercados como para las empresas de consumo masivo; sin embargo, en su aplicación pueden darse situaciones vinculadas a riesgos legales entre competidores, riesgos legales entre distribuidores y supermercados, riesgos en el seno del área de ventas de la empresa que ejecuta el servicio de CATMAN, riesgos de incumplimiento normativo vinculado a faltas administrativas reguladas por el INDECOPI y riesgos reputacionales para la empresa. De esta forma,se plantea que la implementación de una estrategia de compliance en materia de libre competencia es un mecanismo eficiente para regular los diversos riesgos legales antes mencionados en la celebración y ejecución del contrato de CATMAN, para tal fin los objetivos de la investigación son determinar la naturaleza contractual del CATMAN, identificar y describir los diversos riesgos legales derivados del contrato y finalmente el desarrollo de la estrategia de compliance para la empresa que brinda del servicio de la administración de la categoría. La investigación se apoya en los enfoques metodológicos del análisis de riesgos para identificar una solución a la problemática del CATMAN y en el enfoque del derecho comparado para entender la naturaleza de esta figura contractual importada del extranjero. Finalmente, la conclusión de este trabajo ha demostrado que la aplicación de una estrategia de compliance es efectiva para administrar los riesgos de la libre competencia al momento de celebrar y ejecutar el contrato de CATMAN, pues permite al área legal o al oficial de cumplimiento ejecutar medidas que puedan hacer que el contrato se desarrolle con un control adecuado de las áreas trademarketing, marketing y ventas al ejecutar la estrategia comercial

    Chromatin packaging and morphology in ejaculated human spermatozoa: evidence of hidden anomalies in normal spermatozoa

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    This study aimed to investigate the association between anomalies in sperm chromatin packaging, morphology and fertilization in patients undergoing routine in-vitro fertilization (IVF) or subzonal insemination (SUZI). Sperm chromatin packaging was assessed using chromomycin A3 (CMA3), a fluorochrome specific for guanine-cytosine rich sequences of DNA. One hundred to 150 sperm cells were assessed in 55 patients to compare sperm chromatin packaging and morphology to fertilization after IVF or SUZI. When the morphology and CMA3 fluorescence of individual spermatozoa was assessed, >75% of the macrocephalic sperm fluoresced in all patients. In contrast a mean of 37% of the spermatozoa with normal morphology fluoresced in IVF patients compared with 58% of the normal spermatozoa in male factor patients treated by SUZI. SUZI patients displaying a high fluorescence (>70%) in their spermatozoa also had a significantly lower fertilization rate. Lower packaging quality in morphologically normal spermatozoa may represent a major limiting factor in the fertilizing ability of male factor patients. This study confirms that a high percentage of CMA3 positivity is present in certain forms of male factor infertility and that such a test may be used to distinguish separate populations in morphologically normal spermatozo

    Dynorphin gene expression and release in the myocardial cell.

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    The expression of the prodynorphin gene was investigated in adult cultured rat ventricular cardiac myocytes by using a sensitive solution hybridization RNase protection assay for the quantitative analysis of prodynorphin mRNA. Myocyte culture in high KCl resulted, after 4 h, in a marked increase in cellular prodynorphin mRNA, while a KCl treatment for 6, 12, or 24 h progressively down-regulated the levels of prodynorphin mRNA below the control value. Immunoreactive dynorphin B, a biologically active end product of the precursor, was found to be present in the culture medium in significantly higher amounts than in the cardiac myocytes. The levels of this biologically active K opioid receptor agonist significantly increased after 4 h of KCl treatment and were markedly reduced following a 24-h exposure of the cardiac myocytes to KCl. These KCl-induced effects were all abolished by cell incubation in the presence of the calcium channel blocker verapamil. In single cardiac myocytes, acute stimulation of K opioid receptors with dynorphin B or with the selective agonist U-50,488H increased the level of cytosolic calcium. This effect was abolished by the specific K opioid receptor antagonist (Mr-1452) and was not affected by the removal of calcium from the bathing medium. These results suggest that an opioid gene may influence the myocardial function in an autocrine or paracrine fashion

    Local treatment with electrochemotherapy of superficial angiosarcomas: Efficacy and safety results from a multi-institutional retrospective study

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    Background: Angiosarcoma is an aggressive vascular neoplasm with a high propensity for local recurrence. Electrochemotherapy is an emerging skin-directed therapy, exerting prominent cytotoxic activity, and antivascular effects. Its efficacy in angiosarcoma has not been investigated. Methods: This multicenter retrospective analysis reviewed patients who underwent electrochemotherapy from 2007 to 2014 for superficial advanced angiosarcomas. Bleomycin was administered intravenously and delivered within tumors by means of percutaneously applied electric pulses, according to the European Standard Operating Procedures for Electrochemotherapy. Tumor assessment was performed using RECIST (version 1.1). Toxicity (CTCAE, v4.0) and local progression-free survival (LPFS) were also evaluated. Results: Nineteen patients (13 with locally advanced and 6 with metastatic angiosarcomas) were treated. Tumor sites were: scalp (n¼5), breast(n¼8), other skin sites (n¼3), and soft tissue (n¼3). Target lesions (n¼54) ranged in size from 1.5 to 2.5 cm (median, 2 cm). Treatment was well tolerated. After 2 months, an objective response was observed in 12/19 (63%) patients, complete in 8 (42%). One-year LPFS within treatment field was 68%. Local symptom improvement included palliation of bleeding (5/19 patients) and pain relief (6/19 patients). Conclusions: Electrochemotherapy may represent a new locoregional treatment for selected patients with superficial angiosarcomas

    A Random Shuffle Method to Expand a Narrow Dataset and Overcome the Associated Challenges in a Clinical Study: A Heart Failure Cohort Example

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    Heart failure (HF) affects at least 26 million people worldwide, so predicting adverse events in HF patients represents a major target of clinical data science. However, achieving large sample sizes sometimes represents a challenge due to difficulties in patient recruiting and long follow-up times, increasing the problem of missing data. To overcome the issue of a narrow dataset cardinality (in a clinical dataset, the cardinality is the number of patients in that dataset), population-enhancing algorithms are therefore crucial. The aim of this study was to design a random shuffle method to enhance the cardinality of an HF dataset while it is statistically legitimate, without the need of specific hypotheses and regression models. The cardinality enhancement was validated against an established random repeated-measures method with regard to the correctness in predicting clinical conditions and endpoints. In particular, machine learning and regression models were employed to highlight the benefits of the enhanced datasets. The proposed random shuffle method was able to enhance the HF dataset cardinality (711 patients before dataset preprocessing) circa 10 times and circa 21 times when followed by a random repeated-measures approach. We believe that the random shuffle method could be used in the cardiovascular field and in other data science problems when missing data and the narrow dataset cardinality represent an issue
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