43 research outputs found

    Current Induced Resistive State in Fe(Se,Te) Superconducting Nanostrips

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    We study the current-voltage characteristics of Fe(Se,Te) thin films deposited on CaF2 substrates in form of nanostrips (width w ~ λ, λ the London penetration length). In view of a possible application of these materials to superconductive electronics and micro-electronics we focus on transport properties in small magnetic field, the one generated by the bias current. From the characteristics taken at different temperatures we derive estimates for the pinning potential U and the pinning potential range δ for the magnetic flux lines (vortices). Since the sample lines are very narrow, the classical creep flow model provides a sufficiently accurate interpretation of the data only when the attractive interaction between magnetic flux lines of opposite sign is taken into account. The observed voltages and the induced depression of the critical current of the nanostrips are compatible with the presence of a low number ([Formula: see text]) magnetic field lines at the equilibrium, a strongly inhomogeneous current density distribution at the two ends of the strips and a reduced Bean Livingston barrier. In particular, we argue that the sharp corners defining the bridge geometry represent points of easy magnetic flux lines injection. The results are relevant for creep flow analysis in superconducting Fe(Se,Te) nanostrips

    Detection of X-ray photons by niobium Josephson tunnel junctions with trapped Abrikosov vortices

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    The high atomic number of niobium (Z=41) can be exploited to develop a high efficiency superconducting gamma-ray detector based on a novel detection principle, namely, the interaction of a single gamma-ray photon with Abrikosov vortices trapped inside a niobium bulk absorber. To study the feasibility of this principle, niobium type Josephson tunnel junctions with the aluminium oxide as a tunnel barrier and with a thick (0.3 mm) niobium base electrode have been fabricated. The devices have been tested at T = 4.2 K in terms of the current-voltage characteristic and of the magnetic field dependence of the Josephson critical current. The feasibility of the detection principle has been tested under X-ray irradiation from the 55Fe source. The time dependence of the Josephson critical current of the junction with trapped Abrikosov vortices has been recorded without and with X-ray irradiation. The data analysis of obtained experimental curves has confirmed the effect of the X-ray photon absorption on the Josephson critical current caused by jumping of Abrikosov vortices

    Micro Sensing of pH Levels in Biological Samples by Graphene-Based Raman Spectroscopy

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    Graphene provides a unique way for sensing local pH level of substances on micrometric scale, with important implications for the monitoring of cellular metabolic activities where protonic excretion could occur. Doping modifications of graphene, induced by the contact of the graphene with different pH solutions were investigated by micro-Raman spectroscopy in order to develop a pH biosensor. To test the developed biosensor with real biological systems, the pH values of cell culture media in different conditions were evaluated


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    Recent considerations on the physics of YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7-δ films made possible explaining their transport properties as flow of supercurrents through links between the granular structure of the film. The present work deals with the analysis of the Josephson junction network as a discrete set of parallel junctions (1D array) in quasi-static conditions and is aimed to compare the results of the simulations with the experimental findings, in particular with the plateau-like features in the critical current dependence on the magnetic field. Different regimes and vortex phases have been individuated and discussed

    Micro-Raman Spectroscopy and Univariate Analysis for Monitoring Disease Follow-Up

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    Micro-Raman spectroscopy is a very promising tool for medical applications, thanks to its sensitivity to subtle changes in the chemical and structural characteristics of biological specimens. To fully exploit these promises, building a method of data analysis properly suited for the case under study is crucial. Here, a linear or univariate approach using a R2 determination coefficient is proposed for discriminating Raman spectra even with small differences. The validity of the proposed approach has been tested using Raman spectra of high purity glucose solutions collected in the 600 to 1,600 cm−1 region and also from solutions with two known solutes at different concentrations. After this validation step, the proposed analysis has been applied to Raman spectra from oral human tissues affected by Pemphigus Vulgaris (PV), a rare life-threatening autoimmune disease, for monitoring disease follow-up. Raman spectra have been obtained in the wavenumber regions from 1,050 to 1,700 cm−1 and 2,700 to 3,200 cm−1 from tissues of patients at different stages of pathology (active PV, under therapy and PV in remission stage) as confirmed by histopathological and immunofluorescence analysis. Differences in the spectra depending on tissue illness stage have been detected at 1,150–1,250 cm−1 (amide III) and 1,420–1,450 cm−1 (CH3 deformation) regions and around 1,650 cm−1 (amide I) and 2,930 cm−1 (CH3 symmetric stretch). The analysis of tissue Raman spectra by the proposed univariate method has allowed us to effectively differentiate tissues at different stages of pathology

    Down-regulation of the Lamin A/C in neuroblastoma triggers the expansion of tumor initiating cells

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    Tumor-initiating cells constitute a population within a tumor mass that shares properties with normal stem cells and is considered responsible for therapy failure in many cancers. We have previously demonstrated that knockdown of the nuclear envelope component Lamin A/C in human neuroblastoma cells inhibits retinoic acid-mediated differentiation and results in a more aggressive phenotype. In addition, Lamin A/C is often lost in advanced tumors and changes in the nuclear envelope composition occur during tumor progression. Based on our previous data and considering that Lamin A/C is expressed in differentiated tissues, we hypothesize that the lack of Lamin A/C could predispose cells toward a stem-like phenotype, thus influencing the development of tumor-initiating cells in neuroblastoma. This paper demonstrates that knockdown of Lamin A/C triggers the development of a tumor-initiating cell population with self-renewing features in human neuroblastoma cells. We also demonstrates that the development of TICs is due to an increased expression of MYCN gene and that in neuroblastoma exists an inverse relationship between LMNA and MYCN expression

    Application of Vibrational Spectroscopies in the Qualitative Analysis of Gingival Crevicular Fluid and Periodontal Ligament during Orthodontic Tooth Movement

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    Optical vibrational techniques show a high potentiality in many biomedical fields for their characteristics of high sensitivity in revealing detailed information on composition, structure, and molecular interaction with reduced analysis time. In the last years, we have used these techniques for investigating gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) and periodontal ligament (PDL) during orthodontic tooth treatment. The analysis with Raman and infrared signals of GCF and PDL samples highlighted that different days of orthodontic force application causes modifications in the molecular secondary structure at specific wavenumbers related to the Amide I, Amide III, CH deformation, and CH3/CH2. In the present review, we report the most relevant results and a brief description of the experimental techniques and data analysis procedure in order to evidence that the vibrational spectroscopies could be a potential useful tool for an immediate monitoring of the individual patient's response to the orthodontic tooth movement, aiming to more personalized treatment reducing any side effects

    HDAC class I inhibitor domatinostat sensitizes pancreatic cancer to chemotherapy by targeting cancer stem cell compartment via FOXM1 modulation

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) represents an unmet clinical need due to the very poor prognosis and the lack of effective therapy. Here we investigated the potential of domatinostat (4SC-202), a new class I histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor, currently in clinical development, to sensitize PDAC to first line standard gemcitabine (G)/taxol (T) doublet chemotherapy treatment. Methods: Synergistic anti-tumor effect of the combined treatment was assessed in PANC1, ASPC1 and PANC28 PDAC cell lines in vitro as well as on tumor spheroids and microtissues, by evaluating combination index (CI), apoptosis, clonogenic capability. The data were confirmed in vivo xenograft models of PANC28 and PANC1 cells in athymic mice. Cancer stem cells (CSC) targeting was studied by mRNA and protein expression of CSC markers, by limiting dilution assay, and by flow cytometric and immunofluorescent evaluation of CSC mitochondrial and cellular oxidative stress. Mechanistic role of forkhead box M1 (FOXM1) and downstream targets was evaluated in FOXM1-overexpressing PDAC cells. Results: We showed that domatinostat sensitized in vitro and in vivo models of PDAC to chemotherapeutics commonly used in PDAC patients management and particularly to GT doublet, by targeting CSC compartment through the induction of mitochondrial and cellular oxidative stress. Mechanistically, we showed that domatinostat hampers the expression and function of FOXM1, a transcription factor playing a crucial role in stemness, oxidative stress modulation and DNA repair. Domatinostat reduced FOXM1 protein levels by downregulating mRNA expression and inducing proteasome-mediated protein degradation thus preventing nuclear translocation correlated with a reduction of FOXM1 target genes. Furthermore, by overexpressing FOXM1 in PDAC cells we significantly reduced domatinostatinducing oxidative mitochondrial and cellular stress and abolished GT sensitization, both in adherent and spheroid cells, confirming FOXM1 crucial role in the mechanisms described. Finally, we found a correlation of FOXM1 expression with poor progression free survival in PDAC chemotherapy-treated patients

    Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Study of Commercial Fruit Juices

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    Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) is a vibrational spectroscopy holding potentials for a rapid evaluation of quality and composition of food industry products without any need of sample preparation. Among many nanomaterials, gold nanoparticles (GNPs) and their colloidal dispersions have attracted great interest for SERS applications due to their unique properties of small size, large surface area to volume ratio, high reactivity to the living cells, stability over high temperatures. In this frame, a low-cost substrate, based on home-made 30-nm sized GNPs, has been designed and used for the investigation of commercial fruit juices and pulp. Thanks to the use of a wavelet denoising procedure and background subtraction spectra with clear features have been obtained. Their analysis has enabled to evidence the presence of components of great importance for the quality evaluation of the products, such as fructose and pectin. The overall inspection of the results has confirmed the potentialities of SERS in food industry