627 research outputs found

    Universal Window for Two Dimensional Critical Exponents

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    Two dimensional condensed matter is realised in increasingly diverse forms that are accessible to experiment and of potential technological value. The properties of these systems are influenced by many length scales and reflect both generic physics and chemical detail. To unify their physical description is therefore a complex and important challenge. Here we investigate the distribution of experimentally estimated critical exponents, β\beta, that characterize the evolution of the order parameter through the ordering transition. The distribution is found to be bimodal and bounded within a window 0.1β0.25\sim 0.1 \le \beta \le 0.25, facts that are only in partial agreement with the established theory of critical phenomena. In particular, the bounded nature of the distribution is impossible to reconcile with existing theory for one of the major universality classes of two dimensional behaviour - the XY model with four fold crystal field - which predicts a spectrum of non-universal exponents bounded only from below. Through a combination of numerical and renormalization group arguments we resolve the contradiction between theory and experiment and demonstrate how the "universal window" for critical exponents observed in experiment arises from a competition between marginal operators.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures and 6 tables. Uses longtable packag

    Monitoring of post-match fatigue in professional soccer: Welcome to the real world

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    Participation in soccer match-play leads to acute and transient subjective, biochemical, metabolic and physical disturbances in players over subsequent hours and days. Inadequate time for rest and regeneration between matches can expose players to the risk of training and competing whilst not entirely recovered. In professional soccer, contemporary competitive schedules can require teams to compete in-excess of 60 matches over the course of the season while periods of fixture congestion occur prompting much attention from researchers and practitioners to the monitoring of fatigue and readiness to play. A comprehensive body of research has investigated post-match acute and residual fatigue responses. Yet the relevance of the research for professional soccer contexts is debatable notably in relation to the study populations and designs employed. Monitoring can indeed be invasive, expensive, time-inefficient and difficult to perform routinely and simultaneously in a large squad of regularly competing players. Uncertainty also exists regarding the meaningfulness and interpretation of changes in fatigue response values and their functional relevance, and practical applicability in the field. The real-world need and cost-benefit of monitoring must be carefully weighed up. In relation to professional soccer contexts, this opinion paper intends to: 1) debate the need for PMF monitoring, 2) critique the real-world relevance of the current research literature, 3) discuss the practical burden relating to measurement tools and protocols and the collection, interpretation and application of data in the field, and, 4) propose future research perspectives

    Trapped in the prison of the mind: notions of climate-induced (im)mobility decision-making and wellbeing from an urban informal settlement in Bangladesh

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    The concept of Trapped Populations has until date mainly referred to people ‘trapped’ in environmentally high-risk rural areas due to economic constraints. This article attempts to widen our understanding of the concept by investigating climate-induced socio-psychological immobility and its link to Internally Displaced People’s (IDPs) wellbeing in a slum of Dhaka. People migrated here due to environmental changes back on Bhola Island and named the settlement Bhola Slum after their home. In this way, many found themselves ‘immobile’ after having been mobile—unable to move back home, and unable to move to other parts of Dhaka, Bangladesh, or beyond. The analysis incorporates the emotional and psychosocial aspects of the diverse immobility states. Mind and emotion are vital to better understand people’s (im)mobility decision-making and wellbeing status. The study applies an innovative and interdisciplinary methodological approach combining Q-methodology and discourse analysis (DA). This mixed-method illustrates a replicable approach to capture the complex state of climate-induced (im)mobility and its interlinkages to people’s wellbeing. People reported facing non-economic losses due to the move, such as identity, honour, sense of belonging and mental health. These psychosocial processes helped explain why some people ended up ‘trapped’ or immobile. The psychosocial constraints paralysed them mentally, as well as geographically. More empirical evidence on how climate change influences people’s wellbeing and mental health will be important to provide us with insights in how to best support vulnerable people having faced climatic impacts, and build more sustainable climate policy frameworks

    AMPK is essential for energy homeostasis regulation and glucose sensing by POMC and AgRP neurons

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    Hypothalamic AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) has been suggested to act as a key sensing mechanism, responding to hormones and nutrients in the regulation of energy homeostasis. However, the precise neuronal populations and cellular mechanisms involved are unclear. The effects of long-term manipulation of hypothalamic AMPK on energy balance are also unknown. To directly address such issues, we generated POMC alpha 2KO and AgRP alpha 2KO mice lacking AMPK alpha 2 in proopiomelanocortin- (POMC-) and agouti-related protein-expressing (AgRP-expressing) neurons, key regulators of energy homeostasis. POMC alpha 2KO mice developed obesity due to reduced energy expenditure and dysregulated food intake but remained sensitive to leptin. in contrast, AgRPa2KO mice developed an age-dependent lean phenotype with increased sensitivity to a melanocortin agonist. Electrophysiological studies in AMPK alpha 2-deficient POMC or AgRP neurons revealed normal leptin or insulin action but absent responses to alterations in extracellular glucose levels, showing that glucose-sensing signaling mechanisms in these neurons are distinct from those pathways utilized by leptin or insulin. Taken together with the divergent phenotypes of POMC alpha 2KO and AgRP alpha 2KO mice, our findings suggest that while AMPK plays a key role in hypothalamic function, it does not act as a general sensor and integrator of energy homeostasis in the mediobasal hypothalamus

    Performance of laboratory tests used to measure blood phenylalanine for the monitoring of patients with phenylketonuria

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    Analysis of blood phenylalanine is central to the monitoring of patients with phenylketonuria (PKU) and age‐related phenylalanine target treatment‐ranges (0‐12 years; 120‐360 μmol/L, and >12 years; 120‐600 μmol/L) are recommended in order to prevent adverse neurological outcomes. These target treatment‐ranges are based upon plasma phenylalanine concentrations. However, patients are routinely monitored using dried bloodspot (DBS) specimens due to the convenience of collection. Significant differences exist between phenylalanine concentrations in plasma and DBS, with phenylalanine concentrations in DBS specimens analyzed by flow‐injection analysis tandem mass spectrometry reported to be 18% to 28% lower than paired plasma concentrations analyzed using ion‐exchange chromatography. DBS specimens with phenylalanine concentrations of 360 and 600 μmol/L, at the critical upper‐target treatment‐range thresholds would be plasma equivalents of 461 and 768 μmol/L, respectively, when a reported difference of 28% is taken into account. Furthermore, analytical test imprecision and bias in conjunction with pre‐analytical factors such as volume and quality of blood applied to filter paper collection devices to produce DBS specimens affect the final test results. Reporting of inaccurate patient results when comparing DBS results to target treatment‐ranges based on plasma concentrations, together with inter‐laboratory imprecision could have a significant impact on patient management resulting in inappropriate dietary change and potentially adverse patient outcomes. This review is intended to provide perspective on the issues related to the measurement of phenylalanine in blood specimens and to provide direction for the future needs of PKU patients to ensure reliable monitoring of metabolic control using the target treatment‐ranges

    Employer wage subsidies and wages in Germany: empirical evidence from individual data

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    In Germany, targeted wage subsidies to employers are an important instrument of active labor market policy. This paper compares the wages of individuals taking up a subsidized job with those of otherwise similar individuals who found an unsubsidized job, combining propensity score matching with a differences-in-differences strategy. The results indicate for the short-run that subsidized jobs are not associated with gains or losses regarding daily wages. Nonetheless, because subsequent employment rates of subsidized persons are higher on average, we find a positive relationship between cumulated wages and subsidization

    Effects of Two Species of VA Mycorrhizal Fungi on Drought Tolerance of Winter Wheat

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    Roots and soils from western Nebraska fields of native and planted grasslands, and winter wheat of varied fallow-wheat cultivation duration, were evaluated for vesicular-arbuscular (VA) mycorrhizal root infection and spore numbers and types. Increased cultivation decreased percentage mycorrhizal infection in wheat and reduced spore numbers of Glomus fasciculatus, the dominant VA mycorrhizal fungus in these soils. Spore numbers of other VA mycorrhizal fungi did not change significantly with cultivation although mean numbers of G. mosseae increased with continued wheat production. Water relations and growth were determined for greenhouse-grown non-mycorrhizal, G. fasciculatus-infected, and G. mosseae-infected wheat in wet and dry soils. Stomatal conductances were higher in mycorrhizal than in non-mycorrhizal plants in both wet and dry treatments. Stomatal closure in mycorrhizal plants occurred at lower leaf water potentials (ψ1) and after greater desiccation than in non-mycorrhizal plants, but some leaves of G. masseae-infected plants showed no stomatal response to drought and continued to transpire at ψ1 as low as -4◦1 MPa. Leaf osmotic adjustment was greater for G. fasciculatus-infected plants. Non-mycorrhizal and G. fasciculatus-infected plants had equal dry wts in both wet and dry conditions. Infection by G. fasciculatus appeared to increase wheat drought tolerance while infection by G. mosseae did not