170 research outputs found

    Lo que es y no es Tanacetum funkii Willk.

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    Se discute la entidad taxonómica de Tanacetum funkii Willk., especie que actualmente se considera extinta, y se incluye en el géreo Anthemis como Anthemis funkii (willk.) Benedí

    A proposito de la dispersion de Verbascum boerhavii L. var. bicolor (Bad.) Arcang. en Catalunya

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    A propósito de la dispersión de Verbascum boerhavii var. bicolor (Bad.) Arcang. en Catalunya. Verbascum boerhavii L. var. bicolor (Bad.) Arcang., Comp. Fl. Ital. 505 (1882). = V. bicolor Bad., Osserv., 3 (1824) = V. boerhavii L. fma. bicolor (Bad.) Murb., Lunds. Univ. Arssk, 29 (2): 159 (1933). = V. maiale DC. var. bicolor (Bad.) Rouy, Fl. Fr. 9:9 (1909)

    Conspectus of Helichrysum Mill. sect. Stoechadina (DC.) Gren. & Godr.(Asteraceae, Gnaphalieae)

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    A conspectus of Helichrysum sect. Stoechadina (DC.) Gren. & Godr. is provided. Eight species and five subspecies are recognized. For each accepted taxa all synonyms found in the literature are listed, based on the study of the protologues, the type material, and numerous herbarium specimens comprising the whole distribution area and the variability of each species. Notes on the distribution area are provided. Four names are lectotypified, and references to previous lecotypifications are also presented.Es presenta un conspectus de Helichrysum sect. Stoechadina (DC.) Gren. & Godr. Es reconeixen vuit espècies i cinc subespècies. Per cada taxó acceptat es relacionen tots el sinònims trobats a la bibliografia, a partir de l'estudi dels protòlegs, el material tipus i els nombrosos exemplars d'herbari que comprenen tota l'àrea de distribució i la variabilitat de cada espècie. S'aporten notes sobre l'àrea de distribució. Quatre noms han estat lectotipificats y es presenten també referencies sobre lectotipificacions prèvies

    Notes taxonòmiques, nomenclaturals i corològiques de les espècies de Verbascum L. (Scrophulaeiaceae) a Mallorca

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    Hom ha reunit en el present treball un seguit de comentaris taxonòmics, nomenclaturals i corològics de les espècies de Verbascum L. (includ. Celsia L.) presents a l'illa de Mallorca. Per a l'elaboració d'aquest estudi hom ha consultat els següents herbaris: BC, BCC, BCF, COI, MA, MAF, MPU, així com els del Col•legi d'Apotecaris de Palma (Herb. Apot.), Coilegi de la Salle de Pont d'Inca (Herb. Bianor) i de Palma (Herb. Bianor- P), i els herbaris particulars de J. Orell (Herb. Orell) i de F. Bonafe (Herb. Bonafe).This work presents taxonomical, nomenclatural, and chorological studies on the taxon Verbascum L. (includ. Celsia L.) of Majorca island. The species V. nigrum Vill. and V. Virgatum Stockes must be eliminated from the Balearic Flora. V. boerhavii L. var. bicolor (Bad.) Arcang. and V. blattaria L. are recorded for the first time in the Balearic Islands; likewise, V. boerhavii var. knochei is described. V. portae Willk. is regarded as coespecific with V. boerhavii L. var. boerhavii

    Conspectus of Helichrysum Mill. sect. Stoechadina (DC.) Gren. and Godr.(Asteraceae, Gnaphalieae)

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    Es presenta un conspectus de Helichrysum sect. Stoechadina (DC.) Gren. and Godr. Es reconeixen vuit espècies i cinc subespècies. Per cada taxó acceptat es relacionen tots el sinònims trobats a la bibliografia, a partir de l’estudi dels protòlegs, el material tipus i els nombrosos exemplars d’herbari que comprenen tota l’àrea de distribució i la variabilitat de cada espècie. S’aporten notes sobre l’àrea de distribució. Quatre noms han estat lectotipificats y es presenten també referencies sobre lectotipificacions prèvies.A conspectus of Helichrysum sect. Stoechadina (DC.) Gren. and Godr. is provided. Eight species and five subspecies are recognized. For each accepted taxa all synonyms found in the literature are listed, based on the study of the protologues, the type material, and numerous herbarium specimens comprising the whole distribution area and the variability of each species. Notes on the distribution area are provided. Four names are lectotypified, and references to previous lecotypifications are also presented

    Carpologia del genero Anthemis L. en la Peninsula Iberica e Islas Baleares

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    Se presenta el estudio carpológico de las especies Ibéricas y Baleáricas del género Anthémis L. A partir de la valoración crítica de los caracteres empleados y de la descripción morfológica, al microscopio óptico y electrónico de barrido, de las cipselas de los táxones que integran el grupo, se ha confeccionado una clave que permite la identificación de las especies

    Phylogenetic studies in Gnaphalieae (Compositae): The genera Phagnalon Cass. and Aliella Qaiser & Lack

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    130 p., tablas, mapas, fot. -- Se corresponde con el capítulo 7 del libro Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences IIIThe precise generic delimitation of Aliella and Phagnalon, and their closest relatives within the Gnaphalieae are discussed in this review. Among the main results obtained, we have found that the genera Aliella and Phagnalon are nested within the “Relhania clade” and Anisothrix, Athrixia and Pentatrichia are their closest relatives. Macowania is also part of the “Relhania clade”, whereas the subtribal affinities of Philyrophyllum lie within the “crown radiation clade”. The monophyly of Aliella and Phagnalon is not supported statistically. In addition, Aliella appears to be paraphylethic in most of the analyses performed. The resulting phylogeny suggests an African origin for the ancestor of Aliella and Phagnalon and identifies three main clades within Phagnalon that constitute the following natural groups on a geographic basis: (1) the Irano-Turanian clade; (2) the Mediterranean-Macaronesian clade; and (3) the Yemen-Ethiopian clade. Some endemics to Yemen and Ethiopia appeared merged in the Mediterranean-Macaronesian clade, providing new evidence of the phytogeographical links between Macaronesia, Eastern Africa and Southern Arabia. Incongruities between the chloroplast and nuclear molecular data and the lack of resolution in some clades may indicate that hybridization could have played an important role in the evolution and diversification of both Phagnalon and Aliella.This work has been partly financed by the Spanish government (REN2002-04634-C05-01, CGL2004-04563-C02-01/BOS) and the Catalan government (“Ajuts a grups de recerca consolidats” 2009/SGR/00439).Peer reviewe

    Imprinting skyrmions in thin films by ferromagnetic and superconducting templates

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    Magnetic skyrmions are promising candidates as information carriers in a new generation of memories. Here, we study the physical conditions for nucleating and stabilizing skyrmions by using local magnetic fields. We theoretically demonstrate how skyrmions can be imprinted in ultrathin ferromagnetic films, either individually and also in large numbers by bringing a magnetic nanostructured template close to the film. In this latter case, two kinds of templates, allowed by present-day nanotechnologies, are proposed: arrays of ferromagnetic nanorods or superconducting vortices