3,385 research outputs found

    El herbario ELVE de la Estaçao Nacional de Melhoramento de Plantas (Elvas, Portugal)

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    Herbario da Estação Nacional de Plantas: origen y configuracion, la colleción, organización y conservación, personal

    Inclusão e acessibilidade em ação : diferentes percursos, um rumo

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    “Inclusão e Acessibilidade em Ação: Diferentes percursos, um rumo” é a primeira publicação do Centro de Investigação Inclusão e Acessibilidade em Ação (iACT) e tem como principal objetivo contribuir para a divulgação científica de práticas e estudos realizados nas áreas da inclusão e acessibilidade. Pretendese, desta forma, partilhar conhecimento com todos os interessados nestas temáticas, assumindo os artigos, aqui incluídos, como uma fonte de reflexão para ações futuras (...

    Percepción de competencias adquiridas y aprendizaje: el trabajo grupal en el curso de adaptación (GADE)

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    El presente estudio analiza la implementación del trabajo grupal como método de evaluación en la asignatura de investigación de mercados (curso adaptación al grado en ADE, UMH). Se recogió información de 38 alumnos mediante una encuesta auto-administrada online, midiendo la actitud hacia el trabajo en grupo (ACT), la percepción de seis competencias adquiridas (PCA), el aprendizaje auto-percibido (AP), la opinión respecto al trabajo grupal (cualitativa) y variables sociodemográficas. Los alumnos perciben que el trabajo les ha permitido adquirir, principalmente, las competencias de toma de decisiones (TM) y de habilidades interpersonales. Respecto a PCA, la situación laboral se asocia con la adquisición de TM, mientras que la edad y el sexo no son relevantes. Asimismo, la ACT está asociada positivamente con las competencias de TM, adaptabilidad y comunicación. También se observa relación positiva entre PCA y AP. De la información cualitativa destaca el predominio de comentarios negativos, principalmente en relación a la interacción entre compañeros. Otro factor negativo se debe a aspectos propios del diseño de la tarea por parte del docente (complejidad o falta de claridad en las instrucciones facilitadas). Las opiniones positivas se basan en la contribución del trabajo en grupo a la experiencia de aprendizaje del alumno

    Los programas deportivos de la radio española en las redes sociales: estudio comparado del periodo 2010-2015

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    Social networks have increasingly become a showcase where the media can be promoted. Like many other media, radio stations have made use of social networks to promote themselves in a better way and, sometimes, to keep more feedback with their listeners. But not all programs make the same use and not all of them have managed to reach in the same way his followers. This article discusses the consolidation in the social networks of the major radio sports programs in Spain. Through a comparative analysis between 2010 and 2015, throughout the text, the authors have tried to observe the evolution of the programs and, at the same time, to establish comparisons between the followers that these programs have on social networks and the number of listeners as EGM.Las redes sociales se han ido convirtiendo en un escaparate a través del que los medios de comunicación pueden promocionarse. Al igual que otros muchos medios, las emisoras radiofónicas han hecho un uso de las redes sociales para autopromocionarse mejor y, en ocasiones, mantener una mayor retroalimentación con sus radioyentes. Pero no todos los programas hacen el mismo uso y no . En este artículo, se analiza la consolidación en las redes sociales de los principales programas deportivos radiofónicos en España. Mediante un análisis comparado entre los años 2010 y 2015, a lo largo del texto se trata de observar la evolución de los mencionados programas, a la par que establecer comparativas entre los seguidores que dichos programas tienen en las redes sociales y su número de oyentes según el Estudio General de Medios

    What COP and Kinematic Parameters Better Characterize Postural Control in Standing Balance Tasks?

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    The authors’ aim was to determine which variables allow for the characterization of motor balance behavior. Traditional measures and nonlinear measures of center of pressure (COP; n D 30) and kinematics (n D 10) were tested in their absolute and relative consistency in a 30-s standing balance task protocol under stable and unstable conditions. Regarding COP variables, mean velocity (mVel), permutation entropy (PE) and detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) exhibited high consistency between trials and ranked individuals more accurately compare with other metrics. In the kinematic signal mVel, PE and DFA had good intrasession reliability values in unstable conditions. Overall, the intrasession reliability values were better in the unstable condition than in the stable condition and the measures calculated using derived data had better intrasession reliability values. In conclusion, mVel, PE, and DFA allow for the good characterization of motor balance behavior in a simplified protocol where velocity time series are analyzed

    Proving that a Tree Language is not First-Order Definable

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    We explore from an algebraic viewpoint the properties of the tree languages definable with a first-order formula involving the ancestor predicate, using the description of these languages as those recognized by iterated block products of forest algebras defined from finite counter monoids. Proofs of nondefinability are infinite sequences of sets of forests, one for each level of the hierarchy of quantification levels that defines the corresponding variety of languages. The forests at a given level are built recursively by inserting forests from previous level at the ports of a suitable set of multicontexts. We show that a recursive proof exists for the syntactic algebra of every non-definable language. We also investigate certain types of uniform recursive proofs. For this purpose, we define from a forest algebra an algebra of mappings and an extended algebra, which we also use to redefine the notion of aperiodicity in a way that generalizes the existing ones

    Coverage control

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    The focus of this project is on optimal coverage of a given geographical area by means of sen- sors. To this aim, we reproduce a dynamic method to locate the sensors. The implementation is made by gradient descent-based control algorithms relying upon computational geometry of spatial structures, in particular, Voronoi diagrams2020/202

    Children and youths at risk/danger: contributions to the characterization of a CPCJ from north of Portugal

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    A promoção e proteção das crianças em risco funda-se na dignidade da pessoa humana que, no nosso ordenamento jurídico, tem consagração constitucional (art.º 1.º CRP) e na lei ordinária, em especial, na Lei 147/99, de 1/9. Na comunidade internacional esta problemática está vazada na Convenção sobre os Direitos da Criança. É objetivo deste trabalho descrever/compreender as situações de perigo da criança/jovem, sinalizadas numa Comissão de Proteção de Crianças e Jovens (CPCJ) da região Norte do país (2011-2013). A amostra foi constituída por 62 processos, já arquivados, de crianças/jovens em risco, de ambos os géneros, com idades entre os 0-17 anos e aos quais foi aplicada, pelo menos, uma medida de promoção e proteção pela CPCJ. As situações de risco/perigo ocorreram, predominantemente, em famílias nucleares com filhos (56,6%) e monoparentais femininas (26,4%), com crianças entre 0-2 anos (14,5%,), 2-7 anos (17,7%), 7-11 anos (20,9%), 11-15 anos (37,2%) e 16-17 anos (9,7%). Das 62 crianças, 35,4% apresentavam problemas de cognição/saúde. As sinalizações foram realizadas, sobretudo, pela escola (19,4%), anónimos (17,7%) e autoridades policiais (11,3%) e fundaram-se, essencialmente, em motivos como a negligência da saúde da criança (22,6%) e o absentismo escolar (19,4%). As medidas aplicadas foram, na sua maioria, em meio natural de vida, designadamente apoio junto dos pais (87,1%) e junto de familiar (9,7%). A duração dos processos situou-se entre 3 e 40 meses, com a moda nos 12 e 34 meses. Importa realizar mais estudos que nos permitam conhecer sincrónica e diacronicamente a realidade portuguesa das CPCJ.The promotion and protection of children at risk is based on the dignity of the human person that in our legal system has constitutional defense (Article 1 CRP) and ordinary law (Law 147/99, 1/9). In the international community this issue is assured in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The aim of this study is to describe/understand the risk/danger situations of the children/youths signalized on a Child and Youth Protection Commission (CPJC) from the North region of the country (2011-2013). The sample consisted of 62 cases, already filed, of children/youths at risk, of both genders, 0-17 years and to which was applied by the CPCJ at least one promotion and protection measure. Situations of risk/danger occurred predominantly in nuclear families with children (56.6%) and female single-parent families (26.4%), with children aged 0-2 years (14.5%), 2-7 years (17,7%), 7-11 years (20.9%), 11-15 years (37.2%), and 16-17 years old (9.7%). Of the 62 children, 35.4% had cognitive/health problems. Referrals were made mainly by the school (19.4%), anonymous (17.7%) and the police (11.3%) and there were founded essentially situations such as health neglect (22.6%) and school absence (19.4%). The measures were applied, mostly in natural living environment, including support to parents (87.1%) and other family member (9.7%). The duration of processes ranged between 3 and 40 months, with mode in 12 and 34 months. Further studies that allow us to know synchronic and diachronic Portuguese reality of CPCJ are essential.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio