81 research outputs found

    Effects of a Motivational Climate on Psychological Needs Satisfaction, Motivation and Commitment in Teen Handball Players

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    The aim of this study was to examine the effects of the motivational climate created by the coach and perceived by a group of young high-performance handball players on their sport motivation, self-determination, sport psychological needs and sport commitment. The study participants were 479 young handball players. The age range was 16–17 years old. Players were administered a battery composed of a Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire, Sport Motivation Scale, the Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale and Sport Commitment Questionnaire to measure the above-mentioned theoretical constructs. Results showed that the handball players showed high levels of a task-involving climate, of basic psychological needs satisfaction and of self-determined motivation and commitment. Higher levels of basic psychological needs such as autonomy and competence were associated with a higher task-involving climate, self-determined index and sport commitment (task-involving climate–basic psychological needs (β = 0.55; 95% IC 0.387/0.682; p = 0.001); Ego-involving climate–basic psychological needs (β = 0.06; 95% IC −0.069/0.181; p = 0.387); Basic psychological needs–self-determined index (β = 0.48; 95% IC 0.376/0.571; p = 0.001); Self-determined index–commitment (β = 0.58; 95% IC 0.488/0.663; p = 0.001). The obtained model showed that basic psychological needs mediated the association between a task-involving climate and self-determination, and self-determination mediated the association between basic psychological needs satisfaction and commitment

    Programa de Intervención psicológica para la optimización del concepto de equipo (team building) en jóvenes futbolistas

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    This study aims to develop a team-building program, a multidimensional psychological intervention based on the principles of team building (TB) (Spink and Carron, 1993, Vicente, 1999), and assess whether it can foster the development of team satisfaction and cohesion. The participants were 20 young footballers from one team. The Cohesion and Satisfaction perception variables were accessed with the Portuguese version of the ASQp and GEQp. The results showed that after the TB intervention, social cohesion increased, task cohesion held steady and satisfaction associated with aspects that converged towards the goals decreased. In the follow-up phase, task cohesion was steady and social cohesion declined. In conclusion, a psychological intervention programme may be a catalyst of cohesion, team satisfaction and performance within the context of this group

    Motivational determinants of physical education grades and the intention to practice sport in the future

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    Self-Determination Theory (SDT) is amongst motivational frameworks the most popular and contemporary approach to human motivation, being applied in the last decades in several domains, including sport, exercise and physical education (PE). Additionally, Achievement Goal Theory (AGT) has presented evidence of how contextual factors may influence student's behavior in this particular context. The main purpose of this study was to analyze the motivational climate created by the teacher in the classroom, students' satisfaction of Basic Psychological Needs (BPN), and how their behavioral regulation could explain PE grades and intention to practice sports in the future.Funding: This project was supported by the National Funds through FCT – Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (UID/ DTP/04045/2013) – and the European Fund for Regional Development (FEDER) allocated by European Union through the COMPETE 2020 Programme (POCI-01-0145FEDER-006969) – Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Motivational Climate Sport Youth Scale: Measurement Invariance Across Gender and Five Different Sports

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Motivational Climate Sport Youth Scale (MCSYSp) and invariance across gender and different sports (swimming, soccer, handball, basketball, futsal). A total of 4,569 athletes (3,053 males, 1,516 females) from soccer (1,098), swimming (1,049), basketball (1,754), futsal (340), and handball (328) participated in this study, with ages between 10 and 20 years (M = 15.13; SD = 1.95). The results show that the original model (two factors/12 items) did not adjust to the data in a satisfactory way; therefore, it was necessary to change the model by removing four items (two from each factor). Subsequently, the model adjusted to the data in a satisfactory way (χ2 = 499.84; df = 19; χ2/df = 26.30; p < .001; SRMR = .037; TLI = .923; CFI = .948; RMSEA = .074; IC90% .069-.080) and was invariant by gender and team sports (soccer, handball, basketball, futsal) (ΔCFK≤.01); however, it was not invariant between swimming and team sports (soccer, handball, basketball, futsal) (ΔCFI ≥ .01). In conclusion, the MCSYSp (two factors/eight items) is a valid and reliable choice that is transversal not only to gender, but also to the different studied team sports to measure the perception of the motivational climate in athletes. Future studies can research more deeply the invariance analysis between individual sports to better understand the invariance of the model between individual and team sports.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Intervención directa mediante biofeedback, para cambiar las conductas de desanimo de un portero de fútbol

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es describir una intervención, que buscaba modificar el comportamiento de un portero en relación con los errores que cometía, pues tras recibir un gol, se desanimaba y no dejaba de centrarse en el error cometido. Esta atención en el error cometido le hacía tardar de volver a tener un comportamiento adecuado para cumplir su función en el juego. Esta intervención se realizó mediante biofeedback, técnicas de control emocional y técnicas para el manejo de la atención y la concentración. Dado que es una intervención sobre un portero de 18 años de fútbol once, solicitada por el entrenador, se utilizó un estudio de caso único. De acuerdo con los resultados descriptivos se encontró una mejoría en la atención y concentración ya que hubo una cercanía a los 5 μv en ondas beta y hubo un incremento en la puntuación directa de concentración en los datos de la prueba Toulouse-Piéron. También se encontró una mejora del control emocional, mediante biofeedback, ya que hubo un incremento en la respuesta galvánica de la piel. Por último, también se registró un cambio en las conductas del portero tras los errores, ya que hubo una disminución de las conductas de desánimo y un aumento de las conductas adecuadas.The aim of this work is to describe an intervention which sought to modify the behavior of a goalkeeper in relation to the errors he committed, after receiving a goal, he became disheartened, and could not stop concentrating on the error committed. This attention paid to the error committed delayed a return to having adequate behavior in order to fulfil his function in the game. This intervention was carried out through biofeedback, techniques of emotional control and techniques to manage attention and concentration. Given that the intervention was carried out on an eighteen year old goalkeeper, at the request of the trainer, a study of a unique case was used. In accordance with the descriptive results, an improvement in attention and concentration was found as there was a proximity to 5 μv on beta waves and there was an increase in direct punctuation of concentration in the data of the Toulouse-Piéron test. An improvement in emotional control was also found through biofeedback, as there was an increase in the stimulating response to skin. Finally, a change in the goalkeeper's conduct after the errors was registered, as there was a decrease in the discouraging conducts and an increase in the adequate conducts.O objetivo do estudo foi realizar uma intervenção de modificação de comportamentos de um atleta (guarda redes) após este cometer erros ou sofrer golos. Depois de sofrer um golo, o atleta desmotivava e continuava focado no eventual erro. Esta manutenção do foco atencional no erro fazia com que este tardasse em ter um comportamento adequado à sua função no jogo. Esta intervenção foi realizada utilizando técnicas de biofeedback, técnicas de gestão emocional e técnicas de controlo da atenção e concentração. Dado que se tratou de uma intervenção solicitada pelo treinador, sobre um único atleta de 18 anos, praticante de futebol onze, foi utilizada uma metodologia de caso único. De acordo com os resultados descritos, foi encontrada uma melhoria na atenção e na concentração, verificada através da melhoria de 5 µv nas ondas beta e no aumento da pontuação direta da prova Toulose-Pieron. Também foi registada uma melhoria no controlo emocional através de biofeedback com um aumento dos valores da resposta galvânica da pele. Por fim também foram registadas alterações no comportamento após erro, uma vez que diminuíram os comportamentos de desmotivação e aumentaram os comportamentos adequados

    Effects of Motivational Climate on Fear of Failure and Anxiety in Teen Handball Players

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    The aim of this study was to examine the e ects of the motivational climate created by the coach and perceived by a group of young, high-performance handball players on their fear of failure and precompetitive anxiety. The study participants were 479 young handball players. The age range was 16–17 years old. Players were administered a battery composed of a Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire, a Performance Failure Appraisal Inventory, and Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2R, to measure the aforementioned theoretical constructs. Using structural equation modelling (SEM), the results showed that the handball players experienced high levels task-involving climate and moderate values of self-confidence. In contrast, players experienced lower levels of ego-involving climate, fear of failure, and cognitive and somatic anxiety. The obtained model shows that fear of failure positively mediates the association between an ego-involving climate with both cognitive and somatic anxiety, and negatively in terms of self-confidence. In contrast, fear of failure does not mediate the associations between a task-involving climate and both somatic and cognitive anxiety and self-confidence

    Relação entre o clima motivacional, coesão, eficácia coletiva e otimismo no futsal

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    En el área de la dinámica de grupos en el contexto de modalidades colectivas, se evidencia la importancia de las variables clima motivacional, eficacia colectiva, cohesión (e.g. Carron, Wheeler y Stevens, 2002). De esta forma, la cohesión y la eficacia colectiva son entendidas como cogniciones sociales resultantes del proceso de selección e integración personal de la información proveniente de con el grupo. Por otro lado, el clima motivacional proporcionado por el entrenador (ego versus tarea) desarrollará una atmósfera que se relaciona con las variables del grupo. Recientemente, Magyar, Feltz y Simpson (2004) concluyeron que la relación en entre el clima motivacional y la eficacia colectiva facilitaría la percepción de control en el ambiente y la eficacia, poniendo objetivos más desafiantes y contribuyendo a una disposición optimista para la construcción del bienestar en las dificultades. Objetivo: El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la relación entre el clima motivacional, la cohesión, la eficacia colectiva y el optimismo en los atletas de formación en la modalidad futbolística.In the area of group dynamics in the context of collective modalities, the importance of the following variables: motivational climate, collective efficacy, cohesion, is evident (e.g. Carron, Wheeler and Stevens, 2002). In this way, cohesion and collective efficacy are understood as social cognitions resulting from the process of selection and personal integration of the information coming from the group. On the other hand, the motivational climate provided by the coach (ego versus task) will develop an atmosphere that is related to the group variables. Recently, Magyar, Feltz and Simpson (2004) concluded that the relationship between motivational climate and collective efficacy would facilitate the perception of control in the environment and effectiveness, putting more challenging objectives and contributing to an optimistic disposition for the construction of well-being in the difficulties. Objective: The objective of the study was to analyze the relationship between the motivational climate, the cohesion, the collective efficacy and the optimism in the training athletes in the football modality.Na área da dinâmica de grupo no contexto de modalidades de coletivas, evidenciaram a importância das variáveis clima motivacional, eficácia coletiva, coesão (e.g. Carron, Wheeler e Stevens, 2002). Desta forma a coesão e a eficácia coletiva são entendidas como cognições sociais resultantes do processo de seleção e integração pessoal da informação proveniente do com o grupo. Por outro lado o clima motivacional proporcionado pelo treinador (ego versus tarefa) irá desenvolver uma atmosfera que se relaciona com as variáveis do grupo. Recentemente Magyar, Feltz e Simpson (2004) concluem que a relação entre o clima motivacional e a eficácia coletiva facilitaria a percepção de controlo no ambiente e na eficácia, colocando objetivos mais desafiadores e contribuindo para uma disposição otimista para a construção do bem-estar, nas dificuldades. Objetivo: O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a relação entre o clima motivacional, coesão, eficácia coletiva e otimismo em atletas de formação na modalidade de futsal.peerReviewe

    Comparison of methodologies for assessing desert dust contribution to regional PM10 and PM2.5 levels: a one-year study over Portugal

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    Desert dust outbreaks may affect air quality. This study estimates the importance of African dust contribution to the PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations observed in rural regional background sites in Portugal. Desert dust contribution is evaluated by two different approaches: A measurement-approach methodology based on the monthly moving 40th percentile, and a model-approach methodology based on WRF-CHIMERE simulations, whose performance is also assessed within this work. Several desert dust episodes affected atmospheric aerosols in the planetary boundary layer over Portugal during 2016. Their intensity was variable, with at least two events (21–22 February and 27–28 October) contributing to exceedances to the PM10 daily limit value defined in the European Air Quality Directive. African dust contributions obtained for the year 2016 with the measurement-approach methodology are higher than the ones simulated by WRF-CHIMERE. Contributions to PM10 and to PM2.5 concentrations range from 0 to 90 µg m-3 and from 0 to 30 µg m-3, respectively, in most of the regions and days. Caution must be employed when using measurement-approach methodologies to quantify dust contributions to PM levels when forest fires occur simultaneously with the long-range transport of desert dust, as happened in August 2016.This research was funded by FCT – Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and FEDER (within the PT2020 Partnership Agreement and Compete 2020), grant numbers UID/AMB/50017 - POCI- 01-0145-FEDER-007638 (CESAM associated laboratory), MIT-EXPL/IRA/0023/2017 (ISY-AIR research project) and POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029374 (ARTUR research project).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Desenvolvimento e validação de um questionário de avaliação da satisfação dos alunos com os docentes e a unidade curricular (SADUC)

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    O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi a validação de um questionário de avaliação da Satisfação dos Alunos com o Docente e a Unidade Curricular, desenvolvido como alternativa de medida de um dos parâmetros da avaliação de desempenho docente, determinando as suas qualidades psicométricas iniciais, com recurso a uma análise fatorial exploratória e confirmatória. Participaram neste estudo, de forma anónima, 216 alunos dos cursos da ESDRM-IPS e o instrumento utilizado, desenvolvido especificamente para o efeito, é constituído por 3 fatores e 15 itens, aos quais se responde numa escala de Likert de 7 níveis. Os resultados principais revelaram qualidades psicométricas iniciais bastante promissoras, quer de validade do construto, quer de fiabilidade, embora a análise dos parâmetros individuais nos indique alguma redundância subjacente a determinados itens, o que nos sugere a hipótese de aglomeração dos mesmos. No entanto, podemos concluir que este questionário poderá ser utilizado com um elevado grau de confiança, na avaliação da satisfação dos alunos com os docentes e as unidades curriculares.- The main purpose of this study was to validate a questionnaire that evaluates students´ satisfaction with their teacher and with the curricular unit. This questionnaire was developed as an alternative measurement method of the teacher´s performance, determining his initial psychometric qualities, and using an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. 216 students of the ESDRM-IPS participated in this study, anonymously. The questionnaire, developed specifically for this purpose, included three factors and 15 items, where answers were given in a seven level Likert scale. The main results showed a very promising initial psychometric qualities, whether considering the construct validity or reliability scores, however the analysis of the individual parameters indicated some redundancy underlying certain items, which suggests the possibility of clustering. Nevertheless, we conclude that this questionnaire can be used with a high degree of confidence to measure students´ satisfaction with teachers and with the curricular units
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