384 research outputs found

    Validation study for the addition of Cicer arietinum (Desi type) as a species to which the conductivity test for seed vigour can be applied to support Rules proposal C.15.1

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    The conductivity test identified differences in field emergence of 11 seed lots of the Desi type of chickpea (Cicer arietinum). Six of these seed lots, all having a laboratory germination of more than 85%, were tested by four laboratories using the electrical conductivity test, as described in the ISTA Rules (ISTA 2015). All laboratories consistently identified the same significant differences in the seed lot conductivity and the results were repeatable within laboratories and reproducible between laboratories. This provides evidence in support of the addition of Cicer arietinum (Desi type), to the ISTA Rules as a species for which the conductivity test can be applied.EEA OliverosFil: Khajeh-Hosseini, Mohammad. University of Mashhad. Faculty of Agriculture. Department of Crop Science,Ferdowsi; IránFil: Gallo, Carina Del Valle. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Oliveros; ArgentinaFil: Wagner, Marie-Helene. Station Nationale d’Essais de Semences; FranciaFil: Ilbi, Hulya. Ege University. Faculty of Agriculture. Department of Horticulture; Turquí

    Morphoanatomic study of two species commercialized as “topasaire” or “tupisaire” in Jujuy province, Argentina

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    Argyrochosma nivea (Poir.) Windham (Pteridaceae) y Gaillardia megapotamica (Spreng.) Baker (Asteraceae) son especies empleadas en la medicina tradicional que se expenden en áreas urbanas como "topasaire" o "tupisaire". El objetivo del trabajo es aportar caracteres de valor diagnóstico para diferenciar ambas especies cuando son expendidas de forma trozada. Se empleó el método micrográfico para el análisis de muestras comerciales secas. A nivel morfoanatómico, A. nívea var. nivea presenta frondes con láminas 2-3 imparipinnadas; pínnulas orbiculares, ovadas o elípticas, cortamente pecioluladas; pelos glandulares productores de ceras blancas en cara abaxial; esporas triletes de color marrón claro a oscuro; células epidérmicas isodiamétricas a rectangulares lobuladas de paredes sinuosas; estomas de tipo actinocítico, anisocítico, polocítico y diacítico. G. megapotamica var. radiata presenta hojas alternas lanceoladas, pinatisectas; capítulos radiados con flores amarillas; células poliédricas y de paredes lisas; estomas tipo anomocítico y actinocítico, siendo los primeros más frecuentes; cristales de oxalato de calcio; granos de polen tricolporados, equinados; pelos eglandulares pluricelulares con célula apical de extremo aguzado; tricoma glandular sésil con cabeza bicelular y pelos glandulares capitados biseriados. Se concluye que las características morfoanatómicas descriptas aportan información de valor diagnóstico para el control de calidad farmacobotánico de estas muestras comerciales, especialmente cuando se encuentran trozadas.Argyrochosma nivea (Poir.) Windham (Pteridaceae) and Gaillardia megapotamica (Spreng.) Baker (Asteraceae), are species used in the folk medicine that are sold in urban areas as “topasaire” or “tupisaire”. The objective of this work it is to provide characters of diagnostic value to differentiate both species when they are expended in pieces form. The micrographic method was used for the analysis of dry commercial samples. At the morphoanatomic level, A. nivea var. nivea has fronds with 2-3 imparipinnate blades; orbicular pinnules, ovate or elliptical, short petioled; glandular hairs producing white waxes on abaxial face; trilete spores light to dark brown; isodiametric to rectangular lobed epidermal cells with sinuous walls; actinocytic, anisocytic, paracytic and diacytic stomata. G. megapotamica var. radiata has alternate pinnatisect lanceolate leavest; radiate capitulum, with yellow flowers; smooth-walled and polyhedral cells; anomocytic and actinocytic stomata, the former being the most frequent; calcium oxalate crystals; tricolporate echinate pollen grains; multicellular eglandular hairs with pointed end apical cell; sessile glandular trichome with bicellular head; glandular, capitate biseriate hairs. It is concluded that the described morphoanatomical characteristics provide information of diagnostic value for the pharmacobotanical quality control of the commercial samples, especially when they are chopped.Fil: Sandoval, Carina Yésica. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios de Diversidad Vegetal.; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Instituto de Ecorregiones Andinas. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Ecorregiones Andinas; ArgentinaFil: Wagner, Marcelo Luis. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Departamento de Farmacología; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Departamento de Farmacología. Cátedra de Farmacobótanica; ArgentinaFil: Romeo, Raquel Ángela. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios de Diversidad Vegetal.; Argentin

    Genetic characterization of Theileria equi infecting horses in North America: evidence for a limited source of U.S. introductions

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    Background: Theileria equi is a tick-borne apicomplexan hemoparasite that causes equine piroplasmosis. This parasite has a worldwide distribution but the United States was considered to be free of this disease until recently. Methods: We used samples from 37 horses to determine genetic relationships among North American T. equi using the 18S rRNA gene and microsatellites. We developed a DNA fingerprinting panel of 18 microsatellite markers using the first complete genome sequence of T. equi. Results: A maximum parsimony analysis of 18S rRNA sequences grouped the samples into two major clades. The first clade (n= 36) revealed a high degree of nucleotide similarity in U.S. T. equi, with just 0–2 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) among samples. The remaining sample fell into a second clade that was genetically divergent (48 SNPs) from the other U.S. samples. This sample was collected at the Texas border, but may have originated in Mexico. We genotyped T. equi from the U.S. using microsatellite markers and found a moderate amount of genetic diversity (2–8 alleles per locus). The field samples were mostly from a 2009 Texas outbreak (n= 22) although samples from five other states were also included in this study. Using Weir and Cockerham’s FST estimator (θ) we found strong population differentiation of the Texas and Georgia subpopulations (θ= 0.414), which was supported by a neighbor-joining tree created with predominant single haplotypes. Single-clone infections were found in 27 of the 37 samples (73%), allowing us to identify 15 unique genotypes. Conclusions: The placement of most T. equi into one monophyletic clade by 18S is suggestive of a limited source of introduction into the U.S. When applied to a broader cross section of worldwide samples, these molecular tools should improve source tracking of T. equi outbreaks and may help prevent the spread of this tick-borne parasite

    Cement matrix containing lightweight aggregate based on Non-Metallic Fraction Printed Circuit Boards (NMFPCB'S)

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    Materials such as river sand, used in construction, have a high demand, and thus generate great environmental impacts while being extracted, such as erosion of the rivers banks and your siltation. With the increasing restriction of river sand extraction which can generate a reduction in the product's offer in the civil construction sector, it is necessary to develop waste recycling technologies for the production of sands with less environmental impact. One of the alternatives for the production of mortar for construction is the replacement of sands extracted from rivers by waste from other industries, such as the electronics industry that presents large and growing production worldwide, due to technological advances. Thus, this work aims to evaluate the influence of partial replacement of quartz sand by lightweight aggregate based non-metallic fraction of printed circuit boards (NMFPCB's) on the properties of cementitious matrix in the fresh and hardened states. For this, the electronic components of the printed circuit boards (PCBs) were removed, they were grinded and then through magnetic and electrostatic separation processes to separate the most valuable and abundant part of metals. The water to cement ratio was 0.48 in all the experiments, the Portland cement to sand ratio was 1:3 (in mass) for the control, and the mortars with NMFPCB's replacement of sand by volume of 25% and 50% were also made. These were characterized mechanically by axial compressive strength test at different ages. The partial results showed that with the increase of sand substitution by NMFPCB's there was a reduction of the mortar consistency index in the fresh state. Results showed that matrix that suffered the substitution of sand by light aggregate, decreased the compressive strength in relation to the reference, but have potential to use in construction industry as blocks or non-structural elements

    Building a user-oriented notification system at CERN

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    CERN, as many large organizations, heavily relies on a variety of communication means for different use-cases and teams. The large amount of notifications received every day leads to adverse consequences. For the users receiving them, it is challenging to control and keep track of where, how and when some information was received. At the same time for those sending and maintaining the tools that deliver notifications, it is difficult to choose which targets to adopt (email, messaging system and platforms, electronic devices, etc.). The CERN Notifications system aims at consolidating communication by providing a central place where notifications are created, maintained and distributed. CERN Notifications allows not only optimising the flow for the multiple people and teams which are responsible for sending, but also empowers the target users by respecting their preferences: how, where and when they receive their notifications. This paper describes the design and architecture of the CERN Notifications system and its components, how it was designed with a flexible and highly modular architecture which allows adding further device targets with little effort. Furthermore, it presents implementation details and the decisions behind those. And last but not least it describes the features that empower users to choose how to consume information sent to them

    Large scale dynamic web deployment for CERN, experience and outlook

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    CERN hosts more than 1200 websites essential for the mission of the Organization, both for internal and external collaboration and communication, as well as public outreach. The complexity and scale of CERN’s online presence is very diverse with some websites, like home.cern, accommodating more than one million unique visitors in a day. However, regardless of their diversity, all websites are created using the Drupal content management system (CMS), and are self-hosted directly in the CERN Data Center on a dedicated infrastructure that runs on Kubernetes. Workflows like provisioning, deleting, cloning, upgrading, and similar are fully automated and managed by a customized Kubernetes controller. By leveraging the custom controller, the infrastructure has proven highly reliant with minimal, manual intervention necessary. In order to further automate deployments and improve governance, a customized version of Drupal called the CERN Drupal Distribution is implemented. Supported by end-to-end integration tests and automated browser simulation, this setup enables the propagation of security and feature updates seamlessly to all websites without any downtime. This paper outlines the architecture which allows building, testing, and distributing updates to a large number of websites without any downtime. Furthermore, it presents experiences and learnings from managing such a service at CERN with limited resources

    Use of probiotics in diets of animal or vegetable origin for broilers

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    Objetivo. Evaluar el uso de probióticos en dietas con ingredientes de origen animal o vegetal sobre las variables productivas de pollos de engorde de 1 a 42 días de edad. Materiales y métodos. Fueron utilizados 1056 pollitos de un día de edad, machos de linaje Ross 308, distribuidos en un diseño experimental completamente al azar en un arreglo factorial 2X4 (dieta de origen animal o vegetal) y cuatro promotores (antibiótico, dos probióticos y un control negativo) con 6 repeticiones y 22 aves por unidad. Resultados. A los 7 días de edad hubo diferencia (p<0.05) en el consumo diario de alimento, peso y ganancia de peso y a los 14 días para peso, ganancia de peso y mortalidad entre las dietas. La conversión alimenticia de 1 a 7 días tuvo interacción (p<0.05) entre los tipos de dieta y los promotores. Hubo diferencia (p<0.05) para el peso y la ganancia de peso a los 14 días de edad entre los promotores. A los 21 días de edad la mortalidad presentó diferencia (p<0.05) para el tipo de dietas; el peso, ganancia de peso, consuno diario de alimento y conversión alimenticia presentaron diferencia para los promotores. A los 28, 35 y 42 días de edad la mortalidad y el índice de eficiencia productiva presentaron diferencia (p<0.05) entre el tipo de dietas. Conclusiones. El tipo de dieta y de promotor de crecimiento no afectan las variables productivas; sin embargo, la viabilidad mejora con las dietas de origen animal. Objective. Evaluate the use of probiotics in diets whit ingredients of animal or vegetable origin in production variables of broilers from 1 to 42 days of age. Materials and Methods. Were used 1056 one-day-old chicks, male, of lineage Ross 308, divided in to an experimental randomized design in 2X4 factorial arrangement, two origin of diet (animal or vegetable) and four promoters (antibiotic, two probiotics and a negative control) whit 6 replicates and 22 birds per unit. Results. At 7 days old there was a difference (p<0.05) in daily food intake, weight and weight gain and 14 days for weight, weight gain and mortality among diets. The feed conversion of 1-7 days did interaction (p<0.05) between types of diet and promoters. There was a difference (p<0.05) for weight and weight gain at 14 days of age between promoters. At 21 days of age presented mortality difference (p<0.05) for the type of diets; weight, weight gain, daily feed together and feed conversion showed difference for 5337 developers. At 28, 35 and 42 days old mortality and productive efficiency index showed difference (p<0.05) between the types of diets. Conclusions. The type of diet and growth promoter did not affect production variables, however, the viability improvement animal diets

    Formas metodológicas de avaliação em idosos institucionalizados: uma revisão sistemática

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    O envelhecimento é um processo fisiológico, o qual pode deixar o indivíduo propenso a situações de dependência em atividades de vida diária. Objetivo: elaborar uma revisão sobre as diversas formas metodológicas de avaliação em idosos institucionalizados, para que esta possa ser um instrumento informativo complementar o qual favorecerá o conhecimento e poderá ser usado como suporte para os profissionais, tendo em vista a escassez de estudos realizados com tal intuito. Método: trata-se de uma revisão sistemática da literatura. Para sua realização foram utilizadas como ferramenta de busca as bases de dados LILACS, Scielo, Pubmed e Google Acadêmico. Foram selecionados artigos que utilizaram testes e questionário validados em sua metodologia. A busca foi realizada entre os idiomas Português e Inglês, utilizando os descritores “idoso”, “Instituição de longa permanência para idosos”, “fisioterapia”, “questionário”. Resultado: foram selecionados 11 artigos, entre os quais foram descritos um total de 23 formas de avaliação, sendo elas: Mini Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM), Índice de Barthel, Timed Up And Go, Escala Funcional de Berg, Fallrisk score, Teste de Fluência Verbal Semântica, Bateria de Avaliação Frontal, Teste do Desenho do relógio, Escala da Atividade de Vida diária de Katz, Índice de Pfeffer, APGAR da família, Escala de Depressão Geriátrica, Inventário de Ansiedade Traço-Estado (IDATE), Teste de Tempo de Reação (TTR), Escala de Eficácia de Quedas (EEQ), Questionário WhoqolBref, Teste Físico AAHBRD adaptado para idosos institucionalizados, Teste da Trilha A, Escala da Demência (CDR), Escala de Fragilidade de Edmonton, International Consulationon Incontinency Questionnaire-Short Form, Questionário de Baecke e Teste de Caminhada de 6 minutos. Considerações finais: conclui-se que as formas de avaliação aqui apresentadas são de suma importância para conhecimento das afecções que podem acometer idosos institucionalizados, bem como, para direcionamento de tratamento