48 research outputs found

    Source rock/dispersed organic matter characterization-TSOP research subcommitee results

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    Because sedimentary organic matter consists of a diverse mixture of organic components with different properties, a combination of chemical and petrographic results offers the most complete assessment of source rock properties. The primary purpose of this Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP) subcommittee is to contribute to the standardization of kerogen characterization methods. Specific objectives include: (1) evaluation of the applications of different organic matter (petrographic) classifications and terminology, and (2) integration of petrographic and geochemical results. These objectives were met by completing questionnaires, and petrographic, geochemical and photomicrograph round-robin exercises. Samples that were selected for this study represent different petrographic and geochemical properties, and geologic settings to help identify issues related to the utilization of different classifications and techniques. Petrographic analysis of the organic matter was completed using both a prescribed classification and the individual classification normally used by each participant. Total organic carbon (TOC), Rock-Eval pyrolysis and elemental analysis were also completed for each sample. Significant differences exist in the petrographic results from both the prescribed and individual classifications. Although there is general agreement about the oil- vs gas-prone nature of the samples, comparison of results from individual classifications is difficult due to the variety of nomenclature and methods used to describe an organic matter assemblage. Results from the photomicrograph exercise document that different terminology is being used to describe the same component. Although variation in TOC and Rock-Eval data exists, geochemical results define kerogen type and generative potential. Recommendations from this study include: (1) A uniform organic matter classification must be employed, which eliminates complex terminology and is capable of direct correlation with geochemical parameters. (2) A standardized definition and nomenclature must be used for the unstructured (amorphous) organic matter category. Subdivisions of this generalized amorphous category are needed to define its chemical and environmental properties. (3) Standardized techniques including multimode illumination, types of sample preparations and data reporting will help eliminate variability in the type and amount of organic components reported

    Source rock/dispersed organic matter characterization-TSOP research subcommitee results

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    Because sedimentary organic matter consists of a diverse mixture of organic components with different properties, a combination of chemical and petrographic results offers the most complete assessment of source rock properties. The primary purpose of this Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP) subcommittee is to contribute to the standardization of kerogen characterization methods. Specific objectives include: (1) evaluation of the applications of different organic matter (petrographic) classifications and terminology, and (2) integration of petrographic and geochemical results. These objectives were met by completing questionnaires, and petrographic, geochemical and photomicrograph round-robin exercises. Samples that were selected for this study represent different petrographic and geochemical properties, and geologic settings to help identify issues related to the utilization of different classifications and techniques. Petrographic analysis of the organic matter was completed using both a prescribed classification and the individual classification normally used by each participant. Total organic carbon (TOC), Rock-Eval pyrolysis and elemental analysis were also completed for each sample. Significant differences exist in the petrographic results from both the prescribed and individual classifications. Although there is general agreement about the oil- vs gas-prone nature of the samples, comparison of results from individual classifications is difficult due to the variety of nomenclature and methods used to describe an organic matter assemblage. Results from the photomicrograph exercise document that different terminology is being used to describe the same component. Although variation in TOC and Rock-Eval data exists, geochemical results define kerogen type and generative potential. Recommendations from this study include: (1) A uniform organic matter classification must be employed, which eliminates complex terminology and is capable of direct correlation with geochemical parameters. (2) A standardized definition and nomenclature must be used for the unstructured (amorphous) organic matter category. Subdivisions of this generalized amorphous category are needed to define its chemical and environmental properties. (3) Standardized techniques including multimode illumination, types of sample preparations and data reporting will help eliminate variability in the type and amount of organic components reported

    Economic impact analysis of natural gas development and the policy implications

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    In the US, the shale gas revolution ensured that the development costs of unconventional natural gas plummeted to the levels of 23/Mcf.Thissuccesshasmotivatedthedevelopmentofshalegasinotherregions,includingAustraliaandEurope.Thisstudy,focussingprimarilyonaspectsofeconomicimpactanalysis,estimatesthedevelopmentcostsofshalegasextractioninbothAustraliaandEurope,basedonbothdirectandfiscalcosts,andalsosuggestspolicyinitiatives.Theincreasingliquefiednaturalgas(LNG)developmentsinAustraliaarealreadystrainingdomesticgassupplies.Hence,thedevelopmentofmorenaturalgasresourceshasbeengivenahighpriority.However,amajorityoftheAustralianshaleresourcesisnonmarineinoriginandsignificantlydifferenttothemarinetypeshalesintheUS.Inaddition,thechallengesofhighdevelopmentcostsandthelackofinfrastructure,servicecapacityandeffectivegovernmentpolicyareinhibitingshalegasdevelopment.Increasingtheattractivenessoflowriskinvestmentbynew,local,developersiscriticalforAustralianshalegassuccess,whichwillsimultaneouslyincreasedomesticgassecurity.IntheEuropeancontext,unconventionalgasdevelopmentwillbechallengedbydirect,ratherthanfiscalcosts.Highdirectcostswilltranslateintoaverageoverallgasdevelopmentcostsover2–3/Mcf. This success has motivated the development of shale gas in other regions, including Australia and Europe. This study, focussing primarily on aspects of economic impact analysis, estimates the development costs of shale gas extraction in both Australia and Europe, based on both direct and fiscal costs, and also suggests policy initiatives. The increasing liquefied natural gas (LNG) developments in Australia are already straining domestic gas supplies. Hence, the development of more natural gas resources has been given a high priority. However, a majority of the Australian shale resources is non-marine in origin and significantly different to the marine-type shales in the US. In addition, the challenges of high development costs and the lack of infrastructure, service capacity and effective government policy are inhibiting shale gas development. Increasing the attractiveness of low risk investment by new, local, developers is critical for Australian shale gas success, which will simultaneously increase domestic gas security. In the European context, unconventional gas development will be challenged by direct, rather than fiscal costs. High direct costs will translate into average overall gas development costs over 13/Mcf, which is well over the existing market price

    Invisible Author/Visible Predator

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    (Statement of Responsibility) by Jessica Cardott(Thesis) Thesis (B.A.) -- New College of Florida, 2008(Electronic Access) RESTRICTED TO NCF STUDENTS, STAFF, FACULTY, AND ON-CAMPUS USE(Bibliography) Includes bibliographical references.(Source of Description) This bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. The New College of Florida, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.(Local) Faculty Sponsor: Reid, Am

    Classification of liptinite – ICCP System 1994

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    The liptinite maceral group has been revised by ICCP in accordance with the ICCP System 1994. After the revision of the classifications of vitrinite (ICCP, 1998), inertinite, (ICCP, 2001) and huminite (Sykorova et al., 2005) this liptinite classification completes the revised ICCP maceral group classifications. These classifications are collectively referred to as the “ICCP System 1994”. In contrast to the previous ICCP Stopes Heerlen (ICCP, 1963, 1971, 1975, 1993) this new classification system is applicable to coal of all ranks and dispersed organic matter. The classification as presented here was accepted in the ICCP Plenary Session on September 11, 2015 at the ICCP Meeting in Potsdam. The decision to publish this classification in the recent form was accepted at the ICCP Plenary Session on September 23, 2016 in Houston