524 research outputs found

    Satisfação conjugal, auto-estima e imagem corporal em indivíduos ostomizados

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    Tese de mestrado em Ciências da Educação (Psicologia da Educação), apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa através da Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, 2008A problemática das ostomias e a sua influência na conjugalidade é o ponto de partida deste trabalho. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório correlacional que pretende analisar a satisfação conjugal, a auto-estima e a imagem corporal em indivíduos ostomizados em situação de conjugalidade e contribuir para aumentar os conhecimentos sobre estes indivíduos, podendo ser uma mais valia para a promoção do seu bem-estar. Foi realizado um estudo empírico, com uma metodologia quantitativa de recolha e análise dos dados, com uma amostra de 142 participantes com ostomia, tendo sido utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: Questionário de Auto-Estima Global (Rosenberg, 1989; Adaptação: Faria, L., 2000); Questionário de atitude corporal Medida Global da Insatisfação Corporal MGSC (Pascoal,P., Narciso, I., 2006) e cuja versão original se denomina Global Measure of Body Satisfaction (Probst, Vandereycken, Van Coppenolle & Vanderlinden, 1995); Escala de avaliação da satisfação em áreas da vida conjugal - ESAVIC (Narciso, I., Costa, M., 1996) e Questionário para avaliação de alterações na satisfação conjugal. Os principais resultados revelam que a população estudada está satisfeita com a sua relação conjugal, tem uma auto-estima elevada e uma baixa insatisfação corporal, sendo que as principais diferenças nas médias destes conceitos encontram-se a nível do sexo, idade, estado profissional e permanência da ostomia. Verificámos também que a baixa auto-estima está associada a maiores níveis de insatisfação corporal e a menores níveis de satisfação conjugal. Por outro lado, a insatisfação corporal está significativamente associada a menores níveis satisfação conjugal.Ostomies and its influence on marital relationships are the starting point of this work. It's a correlational exploratory study which aims to analyze marital satisfaction, selfesteem and self image on ostomy patients in a marital relationship and contribute to enlarge knowledge about these individuals, which may be a contribute to promote their well-being. An empirical work was made, with a quantitative process of recollect and data analyses, with a sample of 142 participants with an ostomy, and the following instruments were used: Global Self-Esteem Questionnaire (Rosenberg, 1989; Adapted by: Faria, L., 2000); Body Attitude Questionnaire Body Dissatisfaction Global Measure - MGSC (Pascoal,P., Narciso, I., 2006) and adapted from Global Measure of Body Satisfaction (Probst, Vandereycken, Van Coppenolle & Vanderlinden, 1995); Evaluation Scale of Marital Areas Satisfaction - ESAVIC (Narciso, I., Costa, M., 1996) and Questionnaire to evaluate changes in marital satisfaction. The main results reveal that our population is satisfied with its marital relationship, has high self-esteem and low body dissatisfaction. The major mean differences of the concepts rely on the following socio demographic characteristics: sex, age, professional state and ostomy's permanence. We also stated that low self esteem is associated to higher body dissatisfaction values and to lower marital satisfaction levels. On the other hand, body dissatisfaction is associated to lower levels of marital satisfaction

    Effect of root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth, productivity and blast resistance in rice

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    Altres ajuts: CERCA Programme/Generalitat de CatalunyaBackground: Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi form symbiotic associations with roots in most land plants. AM symbiosis provides benefits to host plants by improving nutrition and fitness. AM symbiosis has also beenassociated with increased resistance to pathogen infection in several plant species. In rice, the effects of AM symbiosis is less studied, probably because rice is mostly cultivated in wetland areas, and plants in such ecosystems have traditionally been considered as non-mycorrhizal. In this study, we investigated the effect of AM inoculation on performance of elite rice cultivars (Oryza sativa, japonica subspecies) under greenhouse and field conditions, focusing on growth, resistance to the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae and productivity. Results: The response to inoculation with either Funneliformis mosseae or Rhizophagus irregularis was evaluated in a panel of 12 rice cultivars. Root colonization was confirmed in all rice varieties. Under controlled greenhouse conditions, R. irregularis showed higher levels of root colonization than F. mosseae. Compared to non-inoculated plants, the AM-inoculated plants had higher Pi content in leaves. Varietal differences were observed in the growth response of rice cultivars to inoculation with an AM fungus, which were also dependent on the identity of the fungus. Thus, positive, negligible, and negative responses to AM inoculation were observed among rice varieties. Inoculation with F. mosseae or R. irregularis also conferred protection to the rice blast fungus, but the level of mycorrhiza-induced blast resistance varied among host genotypes. Rice seedlings (Loto and Gines varieties) were pre-inoculated with R. irregularis, transplanted into flooded fields, and grown until maturity. A significant increase in grain yield was observed in mycorrhizal plants compared with non-mycorrhizal plants, which was related to an increase in the number of panicles. Conclusion: Results here presented support that rice plants benefit from the AM symbiosis while illustrating the potential of using AM fungi to improve productivity and blast resistance in cultivated rice. Differences observed in the mycorrhizal responsiveness among the different rice cultivars in terms of growth promotion and blast resistance indicate that evaluation of benefits received by the AM symbiosis needs to be carefully evaluated on a case-by-case basis for efficient exploitation of AM fungi in rice cultivation

    Informe de observadores ATSW 2001

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    En este informe se presentan los resultados preliminares obtenidos en el año 2001 por el Programa de Observadores Científicos a bordo de buques comerciales, que el Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO) viene desarrollando en aguas del Atlántico Suroccidental (ATSW) desde 1988. Además se contó con la información recogida por observadores contratados por la Asociación Nacional de Armadores de Buques Congeladores de Pesca de Merluza (ANAMER), dentro de un Proyecto Estudio cofinanciado por la DG PESCA de la Comisión Europea, titulado “Data collection for assessment of two hakes (Merluccius hubbsi and Merluccius australis) in International and Falkland waters of the SW Atlantic”. En total seis observadores fueron desplazados al área de estudio, realizando su labor de observación a bordo, entre el 4 de febrero y el 30 de noviembre de 2001IE

    Piezoelectric coefficients d(14), d(16), d(34) and d(36) of an L-arginine hydrochloride monohydrate crystal by X-ray three-beam diffraction

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    Previous work employed X-ray three-beam diffraction techniques to obtain part of the L-arginine hydrochloride monohydrate (L-AHCL. H2O) piezoelectric coefficients, namely d(21), d(22), d(23) and d(25). Those coefficients were obtained by measuring the shift in the angular position of a number of secondary reflections as a function of the electric field applied in the [ 010] piezoelectric direction. In this paper a similar procedure has been used to measure the remaining four piezoelectric coefficients in L-AHCL. H2O: with the electric field applied in the [100] direction, d(14) and d(16) were measured; with the electric field applied in the [001] direction, d(34) and d(36) were obtained. Therefore the entire piezoelectric matrix of the L-AHCL. H2O crystal has been successfully measured.13643543

    Analysis of the spatio-temporal pattern of Southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis australis) abundance in the bottom-trawl fisheries in the southwest Atlantic using GIS techniques

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    Southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis australis ) inhabits the waters of the Southern Hemisphere, and in the south-west Atlantic Ocean. It is distributed over an area next to the Falkland/Malvinas Islands, where it is commonly the most abundant commercial finfish species. This fish migrates to the outer Falkland shelf and aggregates in dense schools to spawn in August-September in the south-western part of the islands. Feeding concentrations of Southern blue whiting are targeted by specialized surimi vessels until the following March. Southern blue whiting is also taken as an occasional bycatch by finfish trawlers. Fishery and biological information collected by scientific observers aboard commercial Spanish trawlers between 1988 and 2003 were analysed in relation to physical and environmental factors to establish the spatio-temporal pattern of the species. The data included 26 168 commercial hauls of which 4 797 positive (including effort, catches and discards, as well as biological and environmental information). CPUE (Catch Per Unit Effort, kg⋅hr-1) was used as abundance index. The analysis of the general spatio-temporal pattern of fish abundance, and the influence of environmental factors, such as SST, SBT and depth on fish abundance and distribution, was based on correlation, variograms, and time-series maps created using GIS. Mature individuals and more specifically spawning females were recorded mainly in the waters south and south-west of the Islands, between 100 and 200 m isobaths

    Remotely sensed local oceanic thermal features and their influence on the distribution of hake (Merluccius hubbsi) at the Patagonian shelf edge in the SW Atlantic

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    We propose a new index based on sea surface temperature that can be used to locate local oceanic thermal features. The concept of relative spatial variability of local SST (SST RV), and the algorithm used to derive it, are introduced. The utility of this index is compared with that of SST gradient in an analysis of environmental correlates of the distribution and abundance of the hake Merluccius hubbsi (Marini, 1933) on the Patagonian shelf edge between 44.5◦S and 47.0◦S and around the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas). The SST RV and SST gradient were calculated from AVHRR SST data. SST RV is suggested to be a more sensitive index than SST gradient for detecting local oceanic thermal features such as fronts. Local hake abundance varied between years and showed strong (albeit complex) relationships with depth and SST, as well as with parameters (SST RV and SST gradient) that indicate the presence of ocean surface thermal features. Although local hake abundance was positively correlated with both SST RV and SST gradient, the former correlation was stronger and in two out of three studied months SST RV was the better predictor of CPUE. Although CPUE tended to increase with SST RV, this relationship breaks down at the highest SST RV values, possibly because hake avoid the most turbulent waters

    The spatio-temporal pattern of Argentine shortfin squid (Illex argentinus) abundance in the Spanish bottom-trawl fishery in the southwest Atlantic.

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    The Argentine shortfin squid (Illex argentinus) is a common neritic species occurring in waters off Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, and the Falkland/Malvinas Islands in the southwest Atlantic. Illex is the most important cephalopod species in the area and plays a significant role in the ecosystem. It is object of major fisheries using both trawlers (mostly from European countries) and jigging vessels (mainly from Asian countries) and the actual total annual catch could reach up to 700 thousand tons. Fishery and biological information collected by scientific observers aboard commercial trawlers between 1988 and 2003 was analysed in relation to physical and environmental factors to establish the spatio-temporal pattern of the species distribution. The data included 26 168 fishing haul records, of which 11103 were positive. CPUE (Catch Per Unit Effort, kg⋅hr-1) was used as abundance index. The analyses of the general spatio-temporal pattern of fish abundance, and the influence of environmental factors, such as SST, SBT and depth on squid abundance and distribution, was based on correlation, variograms, and time-series maps created using GIS. The areas of the highest densities were found in deep waters of the High Seas between 44.5º S – 47.0º S outside the Argentinean EEZ and to the north-west of the Islands in February–May. The correlations between squid abundance and cloud index at different moon phases were also analyzed

    The spatio-temporal pattern of Argentine shortfin squid Illex argentinus abundance in the southwest Atlantic

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    The Argentine shortfin squid (Illex argentinus) is a common neritic species occurring in waters off Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, and the Falkland/Malvinas Islands in the southwest Atlantic. Illex argentinus is the most important fished cephalopod species in the area and plays a significant role in the ecosystem. It is object of major fisheries using both trawlers (mostly from European countries) and jigging vessels (mainly from Asian countries) and estimated total annual average catch for the last 15 years (1988-2003) is about 700 000 tons. The present paper aims to develop predictive models of squid abundance in relation to physical and environmental conditions, models that could ultimately be applied to fishery forecasting. Fishery and biological data collected by scientific observers aboard commercial trawlers between 1988 and 2003 were analysed in relation to physical and environmental factors to establish the spatio-temporal pattern of the species’ distribution and quantify the influence of environmental variables (e.g. SST, depth) on local abundance. The data included 26 168 fishing haul records, of which 11 103 were positive for Illex. CPUE (Catch Per Unit Effort, kg h−1) was used as abundance index. The analyses were based on time-series maps created using Geographical Information Systems (GIS). GIS maps showed that highest CPUE values were recorded during the first four months of the year (the Austral summer-autumn), with peak values higher than 5000 kg h−1 mainly located within 42◦ S, 46◦ S and MN (North part of Malvinas/Falkland) areas. Generalised additive models (GAMs) were used to describe variation in Illex argentinus abundance in relation to geographical and environmental variables. The presence/absence (PA) of Illex and its abundance (CPUE) in areas of presence were modelled separately. Predictors retained in the optimal models included SST, latitude, longitude, month, average fishing depth and year. Both models suggest a clear seasonal effect: maximum catchability was found during March (PA model) and the maximum abundances were found during the first quarter of the year (CPUE model). GAM models also demonstrated that higher catches and maturity of squid were related, in general terms, to warmer and deeper water.Abondance spatio-temporelle du calmar Illex argentinus dans l’Atlantique Sud. L’encornet rouge argentin (Illex argentinus) est une espèce néritique commune de l’Atlantique Sud-Ouest présente dans les eaux du Brésil, de l’Uruguay de l’Argentine et des îles Malouines (Falklands). Illex argentinus est la principale espèce de céphalopode exploitée dans cette région où elle joue un rôle majeur dans l’écosystème. L’espèce est pêchée par d’importantes flottilles de chalutiers (principalement de pays européens) et aux turluttes industrielles (de pays asiatiques) pour une production annuelle de 700 000 t en moyenne sur les 15 dernières années (1988-2003). Cet article présente des modèles prédictifs de l’abondance en fonction des facteurs physiques et environnementaux ; modèles qui pourraient à terme être appliqués à la gestion des pêches. Les données de capture et les paramètres biologiques récoltés, grâce à des observateurs embarqués, de 1988 à 2003, ont été analysées en relation avec les facteurs physiques pour préciser les variations spatio-temporelles de répartition et quantifier l’effet de la température et de la profondeur sur l’abondance. Le jeu de données porte sur 26 168 traits de pêche dont 11 103 comportant des captures d’Illex. Les captures par unité d’effort (CPUE en kg h−1) sont utilisées comme indice d’abondance et les analyses utilisent des séries de cartes, créées avec un système d’information géographique (SIG). Les valeurs les plus élevées de CPUE sont enregistrées durant les quatre premiers mois de l’année (l’été et l’automne austral) avec un pic dépassant 5000 kg h−1 localisé entre 42◦ S et 46◦ S dans la partie Nord desMalouines. Les modèles additifs généralisés (GAM) ont servi à décrire les variations d’abondance en fonction des variables géographiques et environnementales. La présence ou l’absence de la ressource est modélisée séparément de l’abondance. Les modèles optimaux retiennent comme variables explicatives la température, la latitude, la longitude, le mois, la profondeur et l’année. Les deux modèles indiquent un effet saisonnier net: la capturabilité est maximale en mars (présence/absence) et l’abondance (CPUE) est la plus élevée durant le premier trimestre. Les modèles additifs généralisés montrent également que les captures les plus élevées d’animaux à maturité sont associées à des eaux plus tièdes et des secteurs plus profonds

    Preliminary study of the variations on the spatio-temporal distribution of a potentially exploitable species (Patagonotothen spp.) in the southwest Atlantic, using GIS techniques

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    The genus Patagonotothen is the most common Nototheniid on the Patagonian Shelf and slope and is part of the by-catch species in the bottom trawl fisheries. This paper presents preliminary results from the EC CRAFT project “Promoting higher added value to a finfish species rejected to sea”, aiming to develop the research and the technology necessary to promote higher added value to fishing activity by taking profit from a finfish species (Rockcod, Patagonotothen spp.) not known to consumers and currently discarded by the EU fishing fleet operating in the South West Atlantic in order to supply the EU seafood industry with a good quality raw material for human food manufacturing. Historical fishery data series (26 168 commercial hauls of which 12 745 were positive), including effort, catches and discards, as well as biological and environmental information, from 1988 onwards was used to describe and quantify patterns and spatio-temporal changes in the rockcod fishery. These data was collected by scientific observers on board commercial vessels.GIS analysis was carried out in order to study the seasonal geographical changes in the distribution of abundance, SST and densities calculated from CPUE. Fishery and environmental data as well as SST data derived from the NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), were analysed in order to find monthly variations in spatial and depth distribution of Patagonotothen spp. Preliminary results demonstrated that, within areas of occurrence, there are significant correlations between fish abundance (CPUE), the oceanographic conditions of the area (SST gradients) and depth in certain months