68 research outputs found

    Mathematical modelling of shallow flows: closure models drawn from grain-scale mechanics of sediment transport and flow hydrodynamics

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    Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 36(10) 1605–16Mathematical modelling of river processes is, nowadays, a key element in river engineering and planning. River modelling tools should rest on conceptual models drawn from mechanics of sediment transport, river mechanics, and river hydrodynamics. The objectives of the present work are (i) to describe conceptual models of sediment transport, deduced from grain-scale mechanics of sediment transport and turbulent flow hydrodynamics, and (ii) to present solutions to specific river morphology problems. The conceptual models described are applicable to the morphologic evolution of rivers subjected to the transport of poorly sorted sediment mixtures at low shear stresses and to geomorphic flows featuring intense sediment transport at high shear stresses. In common, these applications share the fact that sediment transport and flow resistance depend, essentially, on grain-scale phenomena. The idealized flow structures are presented and discussed. Numerical solutions for equilibrium and nonequilibrium sediment transport are presented and compared with laboratory and field data

    Ultrasound velocity profile (UVP) measurements in shallow open-channel flows

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    1st European IAHR Congress, 6-4 May, Edinburgh, ScotlandThis paper is concerned with velocity measurements in shallow water flows by using Ultrasonic Velocity Profile (UVP)probes. The measurements were made in a 10 m long, 0.4 m wide flume whose slope is 0.00117. Diagonal and horizontal positioning of a single probe and the combination of two probes were tested as configurations of the UVP probes. Streamwise and transverse velocities were obtained. A sensitivity analysis was performed to UVP parameters, namely to the distance of the window for each measurement and to the distance between each measuring point. The influence of four different seeding materials was also assessed. Filters for eliminating noise and spikes were applied. For 1D measurements, UVP streamwise velocities were compared with Pitot tube measurements. For 2D measurements, streamwise velocities and turbulent intensities were compared with known laws. The results show the importance of i) setting optimal UVP parameters values, ii) of positioning adequately the UVP probes and iii) using appropriate seeding

    Maximum level and time to peak of dam-break waves on mobile horizontal bed

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    Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 135, No. 11, November 1, 2009This experimental study focuses the influence of bed material mobility and initial downstream water level on maximum water level and time to peak of dam-break waves. It covers horizontal bed conditions on fixed bed, sand bed, and pumice bed. Results include water surface level time evolution, maxima wave levels and time to peak. The influence of bed material mobility and downstream water level was identified and characterized, stressing the importance of using mathematical models with appropriate sediment transport formulations instead of purely hydrodynamic models to simulate dam-break waves on mobile bed channels

    Organised turbulence over mobile and immobile hydraulically rough boundaries

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    33rd IAHR Congress: Water Engineering for a Sustainable EnvironmentThe present work is aimed at the study of near-bed organised turbulence over mobile and immobile, porous, hydraulically rough boundaries. The bed was permeable and composed of non-cohesive sediments. Two data sets were analysed, characterised by the same u*. The mobile bed data featured generalised sediment transport for all size fractions smaller than the d90. The fixed bed was obtained as result of an armouring process. Comparison of these data sets reveals differences on such parameters of the bursting cycle as the maximum shear stress and the transported momentum. These results point to a reorganization of turbulence, in the near-bed region, when the bed is mobile. The impacts of these reorganization are discussed, namely in what concerns the third order moments of the distributions of the velocity fluctuations

    Clear-water scour at comparatively large cylindrical piers

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    New long-duration clear-water scour data were collected at single cylindrical piers with the objective of investigating the effect of sediment coarseness, Dp=D50 (Dp = pier diameter; D50 = median grain size) on the equilibrium scour depth and improving the scour depth time evolution modeling by making use of the exponential function suggested in the literature. Experiments were carried out for the flow intensity close to the threshold condition of initiation of sediment motion, imposing wide changes of sediment coarseness and flow shallowness, d=Dp (d = approach flow depth). The effect of sediment coarseness on the equilibrium scour depth was identified; existing predictors were modified to incorporate this effect for U=Uc ≈ 1.0; Dp=D50 > ≈60 and d=Dp ≥ 0.5; the complete characterization of a known scour depth time evolution model was achieved for U=Uc ≈ 1.0, 60 < Dp=D50 < 500 and 0.5 ≤ d=Dp ≤ 5.0

    Abstract computation in schizophrenia detection through artificial neural network based systems

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    Schizophrenia stands for a long-lasting state of mental uncertainty that may bring to an end the relation among behavior, thought, and emotion; that is, it may lead to unreliable perception, not suitable actions and feelings, and a sense of mental fragmentation. Indeed, its diagnosis is done over a large period of time; continuos signs of the disturbance persist for at least 6 (six) months. Once detected, the psychiatrist diagnosis is made through the clinical interview and a series of psychic tests, addressed mainly to avoid the diagnosis of other mental states or diseases. Undeniably, the main problem with identifying schizophrenia is the difficulty to distinguish its symptoms from those associated to different untidiness or roles. Therefore, this work will focus on the development of a diagnostic support system, in terms of its knowledge representation and reasoning procedures, based on a blended of Logic Programming and Artificial Neural Networks approaches to computing, taking advantage of a novel approach to knowledge representation and reasoning, which aims to solve the problems associated in the handling (i.e., to stand for and reason) of defective information.This work is funded by National Funds through the FCT, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within projects PEstOE/EEI/UI0752/2014 and PEst-OE/QUI/UI0619/2012

    Assessing the efficiency of protected areas to represent biodiversity : a small island case study

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    Protected areas (PAs) have been selected using either subjective or objective criteria applied to an extremely limited subset of biodiversity. Improved availability of species distribution data, better statistical tools to predict species distributions and algorithms to optimize spatial conservation planning allow many impediments to be overcome, particularly on small islands. This study analyses whether 219 species are adequately protected by PAs on Pico Island (theAzores, Portugal), and if they are as efficient as possible, maximizing species protection while minimizing costs. We performed distribution modelling of species’ potential distributions, proposed individual conservation targets (considering the context of each species in the archipelago and their current conservation status) to determine the efficiency of current PAs in meeting such targets and identify alternative or complementary areas relevant for conservation. Results showed that current PAs do not cover all taxa, leaving out important areas for conservation. We demonstrate that by using optimization algorithms it is possible to include most species groups in spatial conservation planning in the Azores with the current resources. With increasing availability of data and methods, this approach could be readily extended to other islands and regions with high endemism levels.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Avaliar a eficiência das áreas protegidas para representar a biodiversidade: o caso de estudo de uma pequena ilha

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    A secção Biologia é coordenada pelo Professor Universitário Armindo Rodrigues.[…]. Nos Açores podem ser encontradas inúmeras espécies endémicas que tornam este arquipélago importante, do ponto de vista da conservação dos valores naturais. A rede de APs nos Açores está organizada em Parques Naturais de Ilha, no Parque Marinho dos Açores e em APs de importância local. O Parque Natural de Ilha (PNI) engloba diferentes categorias de áreas terrestres e marinhas, que possuem diferentes objectivos de conservação. No sentido de avaliar a adequação dos actuais limites das APs do ponto de vista da conservação das espécies, tendo a Ilha do Pico como caso de estudo, foram analisadas 219 espécies nativas dos Açores (briófitos, plantas vasculares, moluscos, artrópodes e vertebrados), na sua maioria endémicas. […].info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Azorean Biodiversity Portal: an internet database for regional biodiversity outreach

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    Copyright © 2010 The Natural History Museum.There is a growing interest in academia to provide biodiversity data to both the scientific community and the public. We present an internet database of the terrestrial lichens, bryophytes, vascular plants, molluscs, arthropods, vertebrates and coastal invertebrates of the Azores archipelago (Portugal, North Atlantic): the Azorean Biodiversity Portal (ABP, http://www.azoresbioportal.angra.uac.pt/). This is a unique resource for fundamental research in systematics, biodiversity, education and conservation management. The ABP was based on a regional species database (ATLANTIS), comprised of grid-based spatial incidence information for c. 5000 species. Most of the data rely on a comprehensive literature survey (dating back to the 19th century) as well as unpublished records from recent field surveys in the Azores. The ABP disseminates the ATLANTIS database to the public, allowing universal, unrestricted access to much of its data. Complementarily, the ABP includes additional information of interest to the general public (e.g. literature on Macaronesian biodiversity) together with images from collections and/or live specimens for many species. In this contribution we explain the implementation of a regional biodiversity database, its architecture, achievements and outcomes, strengths and limitations; we further include a number of suggestions in order to implement similar initiatives

    A voz dos bandos: colectivos de justiça e ritos da palavra portuguesa em Timor Leste colonial

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    Este artigo examina as relações entre o discurso da justiça e a prática do ritual nos bandos do governo colonial português em Timor Leste, entre a segunda metade do século XIX e as primeiras décadas do século XX. Os bandos consistiam em ordens e instruções de comando emanadas pelo governador português em Díli, e comunicadas de forma cerimonial por oficiais às populações dos diversos reinos timorenses dispersos pelo país. Bandos eram um instrumento por excelência de governação colonial dos assuntos indígenas, servindo para arbitrar conflitos, punir transgressões e, em geral, instituir realidades no mundo timorense. Contudo, esta instituição assumiu igualmente uma singular expressão nos usos timorenses, servindo bandos para comunicar também as ordens de autoridades tradicionais, os liurais. O artigo acompanha as variações coloniais e indígenas que os bandos adquiriram em Timor Leste, conceptualizando-os enquanto colectivos de justiça. Ao considerar assim os bandos como colectivos – formações heterogéneas em que elementos linguísticos e não linguísticos se combinam na produção de efeitos de poder sobre as populações – o artigo propõe uma via conceptual alternativa às perspectivas linguísticas e literárias de análise do discurso colonial