3,015 research outputs found

    Orientation in the diagnosis of intraocular neoplasia, through intraocular fine needle aspiration (IFNA)

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    IFNA is a safe diagnostic technique that allows diagnostic of neoplastic and inflammatory processes of the eye1. In cats melanoma is common in the eye, skin and oral cavity2. In the eyep, local infiltration to systemic metastases may occur2. Being, the IFNA a method that assists in the diagnosis and therapeutics1,3,4,5. An european female cat, seven years old, was presented to consultation with brown patches of progressive growth in the right iris for four months. The pupillary light reflex, dazzle and menace response were present, and the ocular echography showed an area with iris thickening and with hyperechogenicity1. Due to clinical suspicion of iris melanoma, it was requested radiographic examination of the thorax, abdominal ultrasonography, hematological and biochemical blood analysis1,2, revealing no alterations. The IFNA was performed under general anesthesia introducing the a 26 gauge needle near the limbus and directed to the iris lesion with the bevel facing the surface of the mass3,4. The technique was performed without complications. The cytology using hematoxylin and eosin staining revealed moderate cellularity composed of rounded cells with moderate nuclear pleomorphism, bulky, pale cytoplasm1. The atypical round cells were suggestive of round cell amelanotic melanoma. Due to the cytological orientation, the enucleation of right eye was advised to the owner, which was declined.The diagnosis of ocular melanoma can be directed on clinical grounds and confirmed by anatomopathological exams2. IFNA is a practical, method in aiding the differentiation of neoplastic from non-neoplastic processes. It also helps guiding the surgical procedure and establishing prognosis1,3,4,5


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    Corneal transplantation is a procedure indicated for surgical treatment of several corneal diseases, requiring replacement of the affected tissues1,2,3,4. A dog of undefined breed, 5 years old, revealed on ocular examination, a deep corneal ulcer and a Descemet\'s membrane (DM) exposure. Aiming at corneal repair, the surgical technique of lamellar corneal transplantation was used. The perimeter of the transplant was defined with the help of a biopsy punch. With a 1 ml syringe and a 26 G” needle, air was injected into the deep corneal stroma in order to separate DM from stroma1,2. Subsequently paracentesis was performed to reduce ocular pressure and a small air bubble was added in order to help the corneal depthness perspective. With a crescent knife, excision of the compromised tissue was performed1,3. The DM was covered using cryopreserved canine cornea4 at -20°C in 3mg/ml tobramycin solution and thawed at room temperature it was also molded obtaining the appropriate sized tissue for the recoil1. The corneal suture was made using simple isolated points with 8-0 polyglactin and for corneal protection a third eyelid flap was performed1,3. Topical moxifloxacin, tropicamide, EDTA and autologous serum were used in post-surgical treatment3. The third eyelid flap was removed at 15 days post-surgery and a complete corneal repair was observed with total incorporation in the recipient cornea. Lamellar corneal transplantation employing cryopreserved cornea in tobramycin solution has been shown to be effective in the surgical treatment of descemetocele when related to other techniques1,3,4

    As fontes da nova lex mercatoria: O início de uma nova alquimia reflexiva - métodos e reflexos; fluxos e impulsos

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    We have witnessed, in recent years, the multiple manifestations of the New World Order, in the political, social, economic and financial plans. The new lex mercatoria represents the best expression these mutations in Transnational trade, by their transnational nature, dynamic, reveals itself intensely multifaceted, reason why constitutes a legal reality open-ended or in progress.In this study, we intend to develop, scientifically, what it designate be, in the plane of legal sources, the hard nucleus of new law merchant, their various embodiments and developments in the course of history. The fundamental aim of this research is through an systematization process allow jurists and interested in these subjects simplified access for a deep understanding of its nature and extent

    Regeneração óssea vertical na reabilitação com implantes: resultados a longo prazo

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    Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina DentáriaOs procedimentos de Regeneração Óssea Guiada (ROG) visam fornecer ao paciente melhoras, a nível estético e funcional, aumentando o volume e disponibilidade óssea. Actualmente realizam-se procedimentos para aumento do rebordo ósseo com o intuito de possibilitar a colocação de implantes dentários e melhorar a sua estética. Será descrita nesta revisão bibliográfica a Regeneração Óssea Guiada (ROG) para aumento vertical do rebordo alveolar e posterior colocação de implantes, bem como a previsibilidade da técnica e as suas taxas de sucesso. Existem vários materiais disponíveis para a técnica de ROG vertical, porém as membranas de politetrafluoroetileno expandido não-reabsorvível (PTFE-e) com reforço de titânio em associação com enxerto (1:1) autógeno e mineral de osso bovino desproteinizado (DBBM) constituem, actualmente, a primeira escolha quando se pretende o aumento ósseo vertical. A ROG para aumento vertical, apresenta boas taxas de sucesso e previsibilidade, contudo necessita de um operador com experiencia pois é uma técnica de muita exigência. Esta técnica pode ser realizada prévia ou em simultâneo com a colocação dos implantes.Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) procedures aim to provide the patient with aesthetical and functional improvements, increasing the bone volume and availability. Currently, procedures to increase the bone ridge are undertaken with the objective of allowing the placement of dental implants and improve their aesthetical appeal. Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) for the vertical augmentation of the alveolar ridge and consequent implant placement will be described in this bibliographical review, as well as the predictability of the technique and its success rates. There are several materials available for the vertical GBR technique, however the membranes of expanded non-resorbable polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE-e) with titanium reinforcement in association with autogenous graft (1:1) and deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) currently represent the first choice when a vertical bone augmentation is intended. The GBR for vertical augmentation features good success rates and predictability, however it requires an experienced operator, as it is a demanding technique. This can be performed previously or simultaneously with the placement of implants

    Demand for higher education programs: the impact of the Bologna process

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    The Bologna process aims at creating a European Higher Education Area where intercountry mobility of students and sta?, as well as workers holding a degree, is facilitated. While several aspects of the process deserve wide public support, the reduction of the length of the first cycle of studies to three years, in several continental European countries where it used to last for four or five years, is less consensual. The paper checks the extent of public confidence in the restructuring of higher education currently underway, by looking at its implications on the demand for academic programs. It exploits the fact that some programs have restructured under the Bologna process and others have not, in Portugal. Precise quantification of the demand for each academic program is facilitated by the rules of access to higher education, in a nation-wide competition, where candidates must list up to six preferences of institution and program. We use regression analysis applied to count data, estimating negative binomial models. Results indicate that the programs that restructured to follow the Bologna principles were subject to higher demand than comparable programs that did not restructure, as if Bologna were understood as a quality stamp. This positive impact was reinforced if the institution was a leader, i.e. the single one in the country that restructured the program. Still an additional increase in demand was experienced by large programs that restructured to offer an integrated master degree, thus conforming to Bologna principles while not reducing the program duration.education policy; European Higher Education Area; economic, social and cultural integration; count data.

    Desenvolvimento de sistema para recuperação de energia das ondas

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    Currently we face an ever enlarging threat by the environment. Years of pollution have culminated in this situation. One of the biggest sectors contributing for this reality is the energy sector, this when paired up with the ever rising need for electricity can further damage our planet. Fortunately, most countries and other big organizations are aware of this situation, and thus, are providing solutions to transform the energy sector. This can be seen in the rising percentage of electricity produced by renewable sources. However, due to the uncontrollable nature of most Renewable Energy Sources (RES) this percentage may never reach 100%. For this reason it is necessary to diversify our sources. One possible expansion of our current sources might be the wave energy. This source as a very high potential, not just for the large amount of ocean in our planet, but also, due to its relative predictability when compared with most other RES. As it currently stands, this source as only been theorised and as not yet reached any marketable device, only prototypes. For this reason it is important to contribute to this field in order to make this technology more reliable and to diversify our energy sources. This dissertation shows the development of a mechanical Power Take-Off (PTO), based on a rack and pinion gear train, for Wave Energy Converters (WEC), from an initial review of current technology to a ready to produce prototype, detailing every engineering decision.Atualmente enfrentamos uma cada vez maior pressão sobre o meio ambiente. Anos continuados de poluição trouxeram-nos a este ponto. Um dos setores mais responsáveis por esta realidade é o setor da energia, que quando conjugado com a cada vez maior procura pode conduzir ao agravamento da situação atual. Felizmente, a maioria dos países e das grandes organizações são conhecedoras desta realidade e procuram solucionar o setor da energia transformando-o através do aumento das energias renováveis. No entanto, a maioria destas energias renováveis não são consistentes e por isso dificilmente vão conseguir substituir as alternativas não renováveis por completo. Dada esta limitação é necessário expandir as nossas fontes de energia. A energia das ondas mostra-se como uma potencial alternativa. Esta fonte de energia parece ter um maior potencial, não só pela larga extensão de oceanos no planeta, mas também por ser mais previsível quando comparada com as outras fontes de energia renováveis. De momento, este tipo de energia tem sido alvo de estudos, chegando até a protótipos, no entanto, nenhum dos equipamentos testados chegou ao mercado com sucesso. Por este motivo é importante contribuir para o desenvolvimento desta tecnologia a fim de diversificar as nossas fontes de energia. Nesta dissertação apresenta-se o processo de desenvolvimento de um conversor de energia mecânico, baseado num sistema de pinhão e cremalheira, desde um estudo dos métodos usados em protótipos anteriores até um protótipo pronto a produzir.Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânic

    Demand for Higher Education Programs: The Impact of the Bologna Process

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    The Bologna process aims at creating a European Higher Education Area where inter-country mobility of students and staff, as well as workers holding a degree, is facilitated. While several aspects of the process deserve wide public support, the reduction of the length of the first cycle of studies to three years, in several continental European countries where it used to last for four or five years, is less consensual. The paper checks the extent of public confidence in the restructuring of higher education currently underway, by looking at its implications on the demand for academic programs in Portugal. Precise quantification of the demand for each academic program is facilitated by the rules of access to higher education, in a nation-wide competition, where candidates must list up to six preferences of institution and program. We use regression analysis applied to count data, estimating negative binomial models. Results indicate that the programs that restructured to follow the Bologna principles were subject to higher demand than comparable programs that did not restructure, as if Bologna were understood as a quality stamp. This positive impact was reinforced if the institution was a leader, i.e. the single one in the country that restructured that program. Still an additional increase in demand was experienced by large programs that restructured to offer an integrated master degree, thus conforming to Bologna principles while not reducing the program duration.education policy, European Higher Education Area, economic, social and cultural integration, count data

    X-ray fluorescence spectroscopic technique for quality control in pharmaceutical, agronomy and automobile industry from a biomedical perspective

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    In this work, we investigate the versatility of X-ray fluorescence spectroscopic technique specifically in biomedical applications. To prove the robustness of the method we devel- oped three case studies from three very distinct industries with different backgrounds. In the first example, we study the application to the pharmaceutical industry by analyz- ing a group of samples of commercially available iron supplement pills. This analysis shows that even though iron concentrations are measured to meet the advertised values, there are important elemental contaminants, specifically, manganese and nickel. In the second example, we have analyzed food samples, more specifically, biofortified wheat grains. This analysis focus on assessing the ability of different genotypes for retaining the biofortified element - zinc. Even though most sample show enhanced zinc content, zinc distribution inside the grain is not homogeneous and this element tends to be found in higher concentrations in the embryo and vascular bundle. In the third example, we have developed a study in collaboration with the biggest automotive plant in Portugal – Volkswagen Autoeuropa. The main goal is to install, at least, one low-cost air quality control device in one of the workstations of the factory. For this purpose, we designed two prototypes that used the wind tunnel principle to deposit suspended particles in these workstations onto quartz fiber filters. These filters were then analyzed not only by XRF but also via microscopic camera analysis, SEM with EDX. Results for both size and com- position concentrations show a linear behavior with deposition time, for a range of four identified trace elements: Iron, Zinc, Manganese and Copper. From these samples we conclude that the number of suspended metallic particles is not negligible and a repeated and accumulated long time exposure might have health consequences.Neste trabalho foi estudada a versatilidade da técnica de espectroscopia de fluorescência de Raios-X especificamente em aplicações biomédicas. Para demonstrar a robustez do método foram investigados três cenários provenientes de industrias de origens e nature- zas muito distintas. No primeiro exemplo discutido, estudou-se a aplicação à industria farmacêutica, aplicando a técnica a um conjunto de amostras de suplementos de ferro comercialmente disponíveis. Esta análise demonstrou que apesar das concentrações de ferro estarem de acordo com as tabeladas no rótulo, existem contaminantes importantes, nomeadamente níquel e manganês. No segundo exemplo, foram analisadas amostras de comida, especificamente, trigo biofortificado. Esta análise focou-se num conjunto grande de amostras onde se averiguou a habilidade de reter o elemento biofortificado - zinco - em cada um dos genótipos de trigo analisados. Apesar dos grãos biofortificados mostrarem um claro aumento de zinco, a distribuição de zinco no grão não é no entanto uniforme, sendo que, na grande maioria dos casos, este elemento está concentrado no embrião e sistema vascular. O terceiro exemplo, foi desenvolvido em ambiente industrial na maior fábrica automóvel de Portugal - Volkswagen Autoeuropa. O foco principal deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento e instalação de uma solução low-cost de controlo de qualidade do ar num dos postos de trabalho na linha de montagem da fábrica. Para tal, desenvolvemos dois protótipos baseados num conceito clássico de túnel de vento para possibilitar a depo- sição das partículas suspensas no ar num filtro de fibra de quartzo. Para além da análise por XRF estes filtros foram também sujeitos a inspecção óptica por micro-camera binocu- lar e análise SEM com EDX. Os resultados mostram que existe um relação linear entre o tempo de deposição e a concentração de partículas nos filtros e revelam que os elementos de traço desta análise são o ferro, o zinco, o manganês e o cobre. Esta análise revela que temos quantidades de todos estes elementos acima dos nossos limites de detecção e como tal o impacto na saúde dos funcionários devido a uma exposição de longa duração deve ser apurado

    The translator´s (in)visibility in late 19th-Century United States: the intriguing case of Edgar Saltus

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    Despite its importance, up to this day there are not many books or articles fully dedicated to the evolution of translation in the United States or the work of American translators: A gap remains to be filled in regard to what we know about these agents and the context in which they worked. In this way, the goal of this thesis is twofold: On the one hand and more broadly, it attempts to contribute to the study of the history of translation in the United States by looking at the late 19th century; on the other hand, and this being the main focus of the thesis, it provides an illustrative example through the analysis of the works of Edgar Saltus. When combining the two perspectives, a common trait arises: the study of the (in)visibility of the translator. As will be analysed, throughout the 19th century a domesticating approach to translation was exercised in the United States, which would lead translators to follow ongoing norms, either consciously or as a result of certain rules set by another agent: publishers. As a consequence, this culminated in the former’s invisibility, much like what happened to Edgar Saltus, whose translations on the whole follow the zeitgeist of the times when it comes, for instance, to the American admiration for everything French, the desire to keep a certain distance from England, and the application of the plain style and exact term. This thesis therefore poses the following question: To what extent is Edgar Saltus invisible in his translations and how does the analysis of his work help contribute to the study of the (in)visibility of the translator in late 19th-century United States? The attempt to answer this question will hopefully provide new information on a subject that has not received the attention it deserves.Apesar da sua importância, até aos dias de hoje não existem muitos livros ou artigos científicos que se dediquem completamente à evolução da tradução nos Estados Unidos ou ao trabalho dos tradutores norte-americanos: Há, portanto, lacunas a preencher no que diz respeito ao que sabemos sobre estes agentes e o contexto no qual trabalhavam. Neste sentido, a presente dissertação tem dois objetivos: Por um lado e de forma mais ampla, pretende contribuir para o estudo da história da tradução nos Estados Unidos ao observar o final do século XIX; por outro, e sendo este o enfoque da dissertação, é providenciado um exemplo ilustrativo através da análise dos trabalhos de Edgar Saltus. Ao combinar as duas vertentes, um aspeto em comum surge: o estudo da (in)visibilidade do tradutor. Como irá ser analisado, ao longo do século XIX uma abordagem domesticadora na prática da tradução era exercida nos Estados Unidos, o que levava os tradutores a seguir normas em vigor, quer de forma consciente ou como resultado de certas regras impostas por outro agente: as editoras. Consequentemente, tal levava à invisibilidade do tradutor, o que foi o que aconteceu com Edgar Saltus, cujas traduções de modo geral seguiam o zeitgeist dos tempos no que toca, por exemplo, à admiração norte-americana por tudo o que era Francês, ao desejo de manter uma certa distância de Inglaterra, e à aplicação do plain style e termo exato. Esta dissertação coloca então a seguinte questão: Até que ponto é Edgar Saltus invisível nas suas traduções e como é que a análise do seu trabalho ajuda a contribuir para o estudo da (in)visibilidade do tradutor no final do século XIX nos Estados Unidos? A tentativa de dar resposta a esta questão irá, espero, dar a conhecer nova informação sobre uma temática que não tem recebido a merecida atenção