203 research outputs found

    Los modelos de equilibrio general aplicado : una revisión de los principales campos de aplicación a nivel internacional

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    En los últimos años, la modelización de equilibrio general se ha convertido en un área muy fructífera de investigación económica. El objetivo este artículo es presentar las diferentes aplicaciones que los modelos de equilibrio general han tenido desde su aparición a nivel internacional. Incluimos, además, las últimas tendencias en modelización en equilibrio general aplicado, orientadas a la inclusión del medioambiente como uno de los campos de mayor desarrollo.____________________________In recent years, the general equilibrium modelling has become a very active research area in economics. The goal of this paper is to present the contributions of computable general equilibrium models which have been applied at international levels. We also include the last tendencies as environmental analysis in CGE, one of the research fields for this type of modelizations

    Analisis comparativo de sectores clave desde una perspectiva regional a traves de matrices de contabilidad social: enfoques alternativos

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    El objetivo que se plantea en este trabajo es el de identicar los sectores clave y estrategicos para el desarrollo de economas a nivel regional y su comparacion con el paradigma nacional. Para ello, se aplican diversas metodologias complementarias de analisis de sectores clave para las diferentes matrices de contabilidad social, en lugar de las tradicionales tablas input-output. Presentadas estas metodologias, se aplicaran a los casos de: Andalucia y Extremadura, regiones objetivo " en el presente Marco Comunitario de Apoyo; Madrid y Cataluña, regiones con los mayores PIB regionales y fuera de esta clasificacion; y, finalmente, España, de forma que sirva de paradigma o base de referencia para realizar dicho analisis comparativo. Palabras clave: matrices de contabilidad social; modelos de equilibrio general aplicado; tablas input-output; sectores clave. Clasificacion JEL: C67; D57; R15. MSC2010: 93D25.JRC.J.5-Agriculture and Life Sciences in the Econom

    Federalismo fiscal a partir de un modelo de equilibrio general aplicado: Andalucía VS. España

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar a través de un modelo de equilibrio general computable bi-regional que sigue la doctrina tradicional de equilibrio walrasiano, ampliado con la inclusión del sector público y del sector exterior, y basado en las matrices de contabilidad social de Andalucía y España, elaboradas para el año 1995, estudiar los efectos de cambios tanto en los impuestos -concretamente en el impuesto sobre la renta- , como en el gasto público - y su distribución sectorial-, realizados por Andalucía o por España, bajo la perspectiva del Federalismo Fiscal, sobre ambas economías a nivel de PIB, sectores productivos, precios, recaudaciones impositivas y bienestar social.Federalismo fiscal, modelos de equilibrio general aplicado, impuestos directos, gasto social

    Metodología de la Matriz Causal para el análisis del cambio estructural: una aplicación para la economía andaluza

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el cambio que se ha producido en la estructura económica de Andalucía entre los años 2000 y 2005, mediante el uso de las matrices de contabilidad social. De los diversos métodos existentes, el enfoque de la matriz causal ha sido el empleado para analizar dicho cambio. El estudio se ha realizado con una matriz con 26 sectores productivos en las que se ha endogeneizado las cuentas de trabajo, capital y consumo. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que los cambios varían de unos sectores a otros y, que la causa de los mismos puede ser debida a la influencia del propio sector, del resto de los sectores o de ambos. . Clasificación JEL: D57, D58, C67.JRC.J.4-Agriculture and Life Sciences in the Econom

    Sensitivity of Simulation Results to Competing SAM Updates

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    Recently there has been a renewed research interest in the properties of non survey updates of input-output tables and social accounting matrices (SAM). Along with the venerable and well known scaling RAS method, several alternative new procedures related to entropy minimization and other metrics have been suggested, tested and used in the literature. Whether these procedures will eventually substitute or merely complement the RAS approach is still an open question without a definite answer. The performance of many of the updating procedures has been tested using some kind of proximity or closeness measure to a reference input-output table or SAM. The first goal of this paper, in contrast, is the proposal of checking the operational performance of updating mechanisms by way of comparing the simulation results that ensue from adopting alternative databases for calibration of a reference applied general equilibrium model. The second goal is to introduce a new updating procedure based on information retrieval principles. This new procedure is then compared as far as performance is concerned to two well-known updating approaches: RAS and cross-entropy. The rationale for the suggested cross validation is that the driving force for having more up to date databases is to be able to conduct more current, and hopefully more credible, policy analyses

    The Price Effects of Indirect Taxation in the Regional Economy of Andalusia

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    The goal of this paper is to use a regional social accounting matrix (SAM) to empirically study the price burden of indirect taxes in the regional economy of Andalusia, Spain, a developing region located in the south of the Iberian peninsula. The methodology we use is that of the well-known input-output subset of a SAM model. Adopting this approach we are able to capture the existent structural interdependence among productive sectors and we are able to evaluate the implicit weights and price elasticities of the different indirect taxes, as well as indicators of consumer’s welfare variations. The database used in the analysis is the SAMAND95 (Social Accounting Matrix of Andalusia, Spain, for 1995) developed by the authors. The main result of the paper is that taxes on labour use by firms carry the largest price burden of all indirect taxes, hence exerting a constraining role on the regions’ competitiveness

    Causal matrix approach to structural change analysis: an application to Andalusian economy

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el cambio que se ha producido en la estructura económica de Andalucía entre los años 2000 y 2005, mediante el uso de las matrices de contabilidad social. De los diversos métodos existentes, el enfoque de la matriz causal ha sido el empleado para analizar dicho cambio. El estudio se ha realizado con una matriz con 26 sectores productivos en las que se ha endogenizado las cuentas de trabajo, capital y consumo. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que los cambios varían de unos sectores a otros y que la causa de los mismos puede ser debida a la influencia del propio sector, del resto de los sectores o de ambos.The goal of this paper is to study the structural change in the Andalusian economy during the period 2000-2005 using social accounting matrices. Although there are several methods, the causative matrix approach has been used to analyze the above mentioned change. The study has been done using a matrix with 26 productive sectors and three endogenous accounts, labor income, capital income and private consumption. The results show that changes vary from one to another sector and cause of these may be due to influence of own sector, of rest of the sectors or of both

    The Role of Supply Constraints in Multiplier Analysis

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    Multiplier analysis based upon the information contained in Leontief's inverse is undoubtedly part of the core of the input-output methodology and numerous applications an extensions have been developed that exploit its informational content. Nonetheless there are some implicit theoretical assumptions whose implications have perhaps not been fully assessed. This is the case of the 'excess capacity' assumption. Because of this assumption resources are available as needed to adjust production to new equilibrium states. In real world applications, however, new resources are scarce and costly. Supply constraints kick in and hence resource allocation needs to take them into account to really assess the effect of government policies. Using a closed general equilibrium model that incorporates supply constraints, we perform some simple numerical exercises and proceed to derive a 'constrained' multiplier matrix that can be compared with the standard 'unrestricted' multiplier matrix. Results show that the effectiveness of expenditure policies hinges critically on whether or not supply constraints are considered

    Reverse Impact Assessment Using a Regional SAM

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    Unlike traditional impact analysis, that measures the influence of a sector, or a set of like sectors, on the overall economy, we present in this note a simple reverse procedure that attempts to quantify the impact of activity changes in the overall regional economy over a specific subset of firms. We apply the procedure to a specific enclave of the chemical and basic industry sectors, which has been and still is of special significance for the development of the region. Because we feel that interdependency effects should be adequately captured, we rely on a 1995 regional social accounting matrix (SAM) of Andalusia, Spain, to establish the empirical structural support for the analysis. We proceed by setting up a linear SAM model to obtain extended multipliers, then we decompose them in three categories of effects (direct, indirect, and induced) under different hypotheses about the classification of endogenous and exogenous sectors. The decomposed multipliers are then apportioned to measure and distinguish the effects on the economic enclave. The results are seen to be quite robust to the exogeneity assumptions

    Elucidating General Equilibrium Multiplier Effects: A Differential Perspective

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    Expenditure multipliers are routinely used to evaluate the effectiveness of government spending. When interested in disaggregated effects, interindustry models provide the necessary tools to be able to look at very detailed sectorial results. These models are theoretically simple and empirically operational, which makes them easily implementable and therefore popular with policy makers. They miss, however, quite a bit of the interaction that takes place at the micro level. On the one hand, they ignore the role exerted by supply constraints in primary factors; on the other hand, they look at the world as though it is fully linear. We overcome these limitations by using an opposite Walrasian general equilibrium model to compute marginal multipliers. By using differential calculus, we also offer some insights regarding the “under-the-hood” circuits of influence