96 research outputs found

    Compliance with follow up cytology after discharge from the colposcopy clinic.

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    Cervical cancer represents the second common cancer in women and is a major public health issue in Ireland and worldwide. Despite appropriate treatment of precancerous lesions, women with dysplasia are at relatively increased risk, and require follow up. We aimed to evaluate the compliance rate with follow up cytology advice given to patients discharged from the colposcopy clinic and to identify predictive factors for poor compliance. This is a retrospective cohort study of patients initially managed in our institution in 2001. Patients were evaluated for adherence with the recommendations received at the time of discharge from the clinic. Of the 116 women that were initially contacted, 100 agreed to participate in the study (86% response rate). Sixty women (60%) were entirely compliant. While older patients (\u3e 40 years) were significantly less likely to show complete compliance (OR: 0.12; 950/ Cl: 0.02-0.58; p = 0.009)

    Potential impact of a nonavalent HPV vaccine on the occurrence of HPV-related diseases in France

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    International audienceBackground : Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection is known to be associated with a number of conditions including cervical, vaginal, vulvar, penile, anal neoplasias and cancers, oropharynx cancers and genitals warts (GW). Two prophylactic vaccines are currently available: a bivalent vaccine designed to prevent HPV type 16 and 18 infection and a quadrivalent vaccine targeting HPV 6, 11, 16, and 18. In France, HPV vaccination is recommended in 11-14 year-old girls with a catch-up for girls aged 15-19. The objective of this study was to assess the potential impact of an HPV 6/11/16/18/31/33/45/52/58 nonavalent vaccine on anogenital and oropharyngeal HPV-related diseases in France.Methods : HPV genotype distributions from 6 multicentric retrospective studies (EDiTH I to VI) were analyzed including 516 cases of invasive cervical cancers (ICC), 493 high-grade cervical neoplasias (CIN2/3), 397 low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL), 423 GW, 366 anal cancer and 314 oropharyngeal carcinomas. Low and high estimates of HPV vaccine impact were calculated as follows: low estimate: prevalence of HPV 6/11/16/18/31/33/45/52/58 genotypes alone or in association but excluding presence of another HPV type; high estimate: prevalence of HPV 6/11/16/18/31/33/45/52/58 genotypes alone or in association, possibly in presence of another HPV type.Results : Estimates of potential impact varied from 85% (low estimate) to 92% (high estimate) for ICC, 77% to 90% for CIN2/3, 26% to 56% for LSIL, 69% to 90% for GW, 81% to 93% for anal cancer, and 41% to 44% for oropharyngeal carcinomas. Compared to the quadrivalent vaccine, the proportion of additional cases potentially prevented by the nonavalent vaccine was 9.9%-15.3% for ICC, 24.7%-33.3% for CIN2/3, 12.3%-22.7% for LSIL, 2.1%-5.4% for GW, 8.5%-10.4% for anal cancer, and 0.0%-1.6% for oropharyngeal carcinoma.Conclusions : The nonavalent HPV vaccine showed significant increased potential impact compared to the HPV 6/11/16/18 quadrivalent vaccine for ICC, CIN2/3 and LSIL. Considering a 100% vaccine efficacy and high vaccine coverage, about 90% of ICC, CIN2/3, GW or anal cancer cases could be prevented by a nonavalent HPV vaccine in France

    Metilación de sitios CpG del virus del papiloma humano tipo 16 en el sitio de unión 1 de E2 (E2BS1), E2BS2 y el sitio de unión de Sp1 en muestras de cáncer de cuello uterino, según lo determinado por análisis de fusión de alta resolución-PCR

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    High-risk (HR) human papillomavirus (HPV)-associated carcinogenesis is driven mainly by the overexpression of E7 and E6 oncoproteins following viral DNA integration and the concomitant loss of the E2 open reading frame (ORF). However, the integration of HR-HPV DNA is not systematically observed in cervical cancers. The E2 protein acts as a transcription factor that governs viral oncogene expression. The methylation of CpGs in the E2-binding sites (E2BSs) in the viral long control region abrogates E2 binding, thus impairing the E2-mediated regulation of E7/E6 transcription. Here, high-resolution melting (HRM)–PCR was developed to quantitatively analyze the methylation statuses of E2BS1, E2BS2, and the specificity protein 1 (Sp1)-binding site in 119 HPV16-positive cervical smears. This is a rapid assay that is suitable for the analysis of cervical samples. The proportion of cancer samples with methylated E2BS1, E2BS2, and Sp1-binding site CpGs was 47%, whereas the vast majority of samples diagnosed as being within normal limits, low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL), or high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL) harbored unmethylated CpGs. Methylation levels varied widely, since some cancer samples harbored up to 60% of methylated HPV16 genomes. A pyrosequencing approach was used as a confirmation test and highlighted that quantitative measurement of methylation can be achieved by HRM-PCR. Its prognostic value deserves to be investigated alone or in association with other biomarkers. The reliability of this single-tube assay offers great opportunities for the investigation of HPV16 methylation in other HPV-related cancers, such as head and neck cancers, which are a major public health burden

    Risk Factors of Inadequate Colposcopy After Large Loop Excision of the Transformation Zone: A Prospective Cohort Study

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    International audienceObjective: The aim of the study was to identify the risk factors of post-large loop excision of the transformation zone (LLETZ) inadequate colposcopy. Materials and Methods: From December 2013 to July 2014, a total of 157 patients who had a LLETZ performed for the treatment of high-grade intraepithelial lesion with fully visible cervical squamocolumnar junction were included. All procedures were performed using semicircular loops. The use of colposcopy made during each procedure was systematically documented. Dimensions and volume of LLETZ specimens were measured at the time of procedure, before formaldehyde fixation. All participants were invited for a follow-up colposcopy 3 to 6 months after LLETZ. Primary end point was the diagnosis of post-LLETZ inadequate colposcopy, defined by a not fully visible cervical squamocolumnar junction and/or cervical stenosis. Results: Colposcopies were performed in a mean (SD) delay of 136 (88) days and were inadequate in 22 (14%) cases. Factors found to significantly increase the probability of post-LLETZ inadequate colposcopy were a history of previous excisional cervical therapy [adjusted odds ratio (aOR) = 4.29, 95% CI = 1.12-16.37, p = .033] and the thickness of the specimen (aOR = 3.12, 95% CI = 1.02-9.60, p = .047). The use of colpos-copy for the guidance of LLETZ was statistically associated with a decrease in the risk of post-LLETZ inadequate colposcopy (aOR = 0.19, 95% CI = 0.04-0.80, p = .024) as the achievement of negative endocervical margins (aOR = 0.26, 95% CI = 0.08-0.86, p = .027). Conclusions: Although the risk of post-LLETZ inadequate colpos-copy is increased in patients with history of excisional therapy and with the thickness of the excised specimen, it could be reduced with the use of colposcopic guidance and the achievement of negative endocervical margins. L arge loop excision of the transformation zone (LLETZ) is a routine procedure worldwide, because it is the first-line treatment of high-grade intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) of the cervix. Quality criteria for optimal LLETZ include the completeness of excision with the achievement of negative margins, while producing the minimal excised volume and depth of excision to minimize subsequent obstetrical and neonatal morbidity. 1,2 Obtaining negative margins is important, because incomplete excision exposes women to a significant risk of posttreatment residual and/or recurrent disease, particularly when the lesion involves the endo-cervical canal. 3,4 However, this risk remains higher to the general female population, even when negative margins are achieved. Women who had had a LLETZ remain therefore exposed to a 3-to 4-fold increased risk of developing subsequent cervical cancer at least for 20 years. 5-8 Thus, prolonged and careful post-LLETZ follow-up is mandatory, whatsoever the margins status. For the last decade, the value of human papillomavirus testing has been demonstrated in this indication. Although a negative human papillomavirus test has now been admitted as the best test of cure for patients, colposcopy remains needed when this test is found to be positive. 9-12 Although being the key examination in this indication, the accuracy of colposcopy performed after previous excisional therapy of HSIL is however questionable because the healing process might result in changes in the appearance of the transformation zone (TZ). However, the main limitation of post-LLETZ colposcopic examination is the possibility of inadequate colposcopy due to the inability to visualize the entire TZ. Known risk factors for inadequate colposcopy include age, severity of lesion, and estrogen status of the patient. 13 However, inadequate colposcopy is also one of the main adverse effects of excisional therapies of the cervix, including LLETZ. 13 However, data on the precise risk factors for inadequate colposcopy after LLETZ are limited because most studies have focused on the sole risk of cervical stenosis without considering the position and visibility of the squamocolumnar junction. 14-17 This point is however crucial because it is clinically essential to identify how post-LLETZ inadequate colposcopy could be avoided, thus preserving the possibility for the follow-up of these women

    Added value of electrical impedance spectroscopy in adjunction of colposcopy : a prospective cohort study

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess whether electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) as an adjunctive technology enhances the performance of colposcopy. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. SETTING: University Hospital colposcopy clinic. PARTICIPANTS: Colposcopy with EIS for 647 women and conventional colposcopy for 962 women. INTERVENTIONS: Comparison of the performance of colposcopy by referral cervical cytology in two cohorts, with and without EIS as an adjunctive technology. OUTCOME MEASURES: Prevalence of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or worse (CIN2+), diagnostic testing accuracy to detect CIN2+ with and without EIS and their relative differences between cohorts. RESULTS: The prevalence of CIN2+ varied between the cohorts according to referral cytology: 17.0% after abnormal squamous cells of unknown significance referral cytology in EIS cohort and 9.1% in the reference cohort, 16.5% and 18.9% after low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL), 44.3% and 58.2% after atypical squamous cells, cannot exclude high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) (atypical squamous cells that cannot exclude HSIL), and 81.9% and 77.0% after HSIL cytology, respectively. Sensitivity to detect CIN2+ was higher in the EIS cohort, varying from 1.79 (95% CI 1.30 to 2.45) after LSIL referral cytology to 1.16 (95% CI 1.09 to 1.23) after HSIL referral cytology, with correspondingly lower specificity after any referral cytology. CONCLUSIONS: Colposcopy with EIS had overall higher sensitivity but lower specificity to detect CIN2+ than conventional colposcopy. CIN2+ prevalence rates were, however, not consistently higher in the EIS cohort, suggesting innate differences between the cohorts or truly lower detection rates of CIN2+ for EIS, highlighting the need for randomised controlled trials on the effectiveness of EIS.Peer reviewe

    Signification de la charge virale des papillomavirus humains oncogènes de type 16 et 18

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    En utilisant une technique originale de détection et de quantification des HPV16 et 18 par PCR duplex, ce travail de thèse illustre la signification, l’intérêt et les limites de l’utilisation clinique de la mesure de la charge virale pour ces deux types d’hrHPV. Si nous n’avons pas démontré de réelle signification de la charge virale en HPV18, il n’en est pas de même pour l’HPV16 dont la charge virale augmente avec la sévérité des lésions constatées. Néanmoins, l’extrême variabilité des charges virales mesurées limite son utilisation en pratique clinique. Après un frottis cervico-utérin (FCU) anormal, une charge virale seuil en HPV16 à 3,0x106 copies par millions de cellules permet la prédiction optimale de la présence d’une CIN2+ (spécificité : 91 % et sensibilité : 58,2 %). Cette valeur seuil est particulièrement performante pour les patientes ayant un FCU de bas grade (spécificité : 96,4 % et sensibilité : 88 %). Si la charge virale en HPV16 et 18 ne semble pas être prédictive de la clairance virale chez les jeunes femmes de moins de 30 ans ayant un FCU normal, elle l’est chez les patientes HPV16 positives ayant une colposcopie normale malgré un FCU équivoque ou de bas grade (spécificité : 86,7 % et sensibilité : 85,7 %).Using duplex PCR technique for the detection and quantification of HPV16 and 18, this work investigates the significance, value and limitations of the use of HPV16 and 18 viral load quantitation in routine clinical practice. Although HPV18 viral load was not found to be of any clinical relevance, HPV16 viral load was found to significantly increase with the severity of cervical lesions. However, the wide range of viral load observed strongly limitates its use in routine clinical practice. After an abnormal cervical cytology, a HPV16 viral load cut-off of 3.0x106 copies per million cells allows for the best prediction of CIN2+ (91% specificity and 58.2% sensitivity). Such cut-off is particularly efficient in case of low grade abnormal cytology (96.4% specificity and 88% sensitivity). Although HPV16 viral load does not appear to predict for HPV16 clearance in women under 30 with normal cytology, such prediction was observed among women with normal colposcopy following equivocal or low grade cytology (86.7% specificity and 85.7% sensitivity)