162 research outputs found

    Diamonds in HD 97048

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    We present adaptive optics high angular resolution (\sim0\farcs1) spectroscopic observations in the 3 μ\mum region of the Herbig Ae/Be star HD 97048. For the first time, we spatially resolve the emission in the diamond features at 3.43 and 3.53 μ\mum and in the adjacent continuum. Using both the intensity profiles along the slit and reconstructed two-dimensional images of the object, we derive full-width at half-maximum sizes consistent with the predictions for a circumstellar disk seen pole-on. The diamond emission originates in the inner region (R15R \lesssim 15 AU) of the disk.Comment: ApJLetter, in pres

    Adaptive Optics Feedback Control

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    This book is a collection of 19 articles which reflect the courses given at the Collège de France/Summer school “Reconstruction d'images − Applications astrophysiques“ held in Nice and Fréjus, France, from June 18 to 22, 2012. The articles presented in this volume address emerging concepts and methods that are useful in the complex process of improving our knowledge of the celestial objects, including Earth

    Photometric characterization of exoplanets using angular and spectral differential imaging

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    The direct detection of exoplanets has been the subject of intensive research in the recent years. Data obtained with future high-contrast imaging instruments optimized for giant planets direct detection are strongly limited by the speckle noise. Specific observing strategies and data analysis methods, such as angular and spectral differential imaging, are required to attenuate the noise level and possibly detect the faint planet flux. Even though these methods are very efficient at suppressing the speckles, the photometry of the faint planets is dominated by the speckle residuals. The determination of the effective temperature and surface gravity of the detected planets from photometric measurements in different bands is then limited by the photometric error on the planet flux. In this work we investigate this photometric error and the consequences on the determination of the physical parameters of the detected planets. We perform detailed end-to-end simulation with the CAOS-based Software Package for SPHERE to obtain realistic data representing typical observing sequences in Y, J, H and Ks bands with a high contrast imager. The simulated data are used to measure the photometric accuracy as a function of contrast for planets detected with angular and spectral+angular differential methods. We apply this empirical accuracy to study the characterization capabilities of a high-contrast differential imager. We show that the expected photometric performances will allow the detection and characterization of exoplanets down to the Jupiter mass at angular separations of 1.0" and 0.2" respectively around high mass and low mass stars with 2 observations in different filter pairs. We also show that the determination of the planets physical parameters from photometric measurements in different filter pairs is essentialy limited by the error on the determination of the surface gravity.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Spectroscopic evidence for strong correlations between local superconducting gap and local Altshuler-Aronov density-of-states suppression in ultrathin NbN films

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    Disorder has different profound effects on superconducting thin films. For a large variety of materials, increasing disorder reduces electronic screening which enhances electron-electron repulsion. These fermionic effects lead to a mechanism described by Finkelstein: when disorder combined to electron-electron interactions increases, there is a global decrease of the superconducting energy gap Δ\Delta and of the critical temperature TcT_c, the ratio Δ\Delta/kBTck_BT_c remaining roughly constant. In addition, in most films an emergent granularity develops with increasing disorder and results in the formation of inhomogeneous superconducting puddles. These gap inhomogeneities are usually accompanied by the development of bosonic features: a pseudogap develops above the critical temperature TcT_c and the energy gap Δ\Delta starts decoupling from TcT_c. Thus the mechanism(s) driving the appearance of these gap inhomogeneities could result from a complicated interplay between fermionic and bosonic effects. By studying the local electronic properties of a NbN film with scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) we show that the inhomogeneous spatial distribution of Δ\Delta is locally strongly correlated to a large depletion in the local density of states (LDOS) around the Fermi level, associated to the Altshuler-Aronov effect induced by strong electronic interactions. By modelling quantitatively the measured LDOS suppression, we show that the latter can be interpreted as local variations of the film resistivity. This local change in resistivity leads to a local variation of Δ\Delta through a local Finkelstein mechanism. Our analysis furnishes a purely fermionic scenario explaining quantitatively the emergent superconducting inhomogeneities, while the precise origin of the latter remained unclear up to now.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Shadows cast on the transition disk of HD 135344B. Multiwavelength VLT/SPHERE polarimetric differential imaging

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    The protoplanetary disk around the F-type star HD 135344B (SAO 206462) is in a transition stage and shows many intriguing structures both in scattered light and thermal (sub-)millimeter emission which are possibly related to planet formation processes. We study the morphology and surface brightness of the disk in scattered light to gain insight into the innermost disk regions, the formation of protoplanets, planet-disk interactions traced in the surface and midplane layers, and the dust grain properties of the disk surface. We have carried out high-contrast polarimetric differential imaging (PDI) observations with VLT/SPHERE and obtained polarized scattered light images with ZIMPOL in R- and I-band and with IRDIS in Y- and J-band. The scattered light images reveal with unprecedented angular resolution and sensitivity the spiral arms as well as the 25 au cavity of the disk. Multiple shadow features are discovered on the outer disk with one shadow only being present during the second observation epoch. A positive surface brightness gradient is observed in the stellar irradiation corrected images in southwest direction possibly due to an azimuthally asymmetric perturbation of the temperature and/or surface density by the passing spiral arms. The disk integrated polarized flux, normalized to the stellar flux, shows a positive trend towards longer wavelengths which we attribute to large aggregate dust grains in the disk surface. Part of the the non-azimuthal polarization signal in the Uphi image of the J-band observation could be the result of multiple scattering in the disk. The detected shadow features and their possible variability have the potential to provide insight into the structure of and processes occurring in the innermost disk regions.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 20 pages, 15 figure

    Exoplanet characterization with long slit spectroscopy

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    Extrasolar planets observation and characterization by high contrast imaging instruments is set to be a very important subject in observational astronomy. Dedicated instruments are being developed to achieve this goal with very high efficiency. In particular, full spectroscopic characterization of low temperature planetary companions is an extremely important milestone. We present a new data analysis method for long slit spectroscopy (LSS) with coronagraphy, which allows characterization of planetary companions of low effective temperature. In a speckle-limited regime, this method allows an accurate estimation and subtraction of the scattered starlight, to extract a clean spectrum of the planetary companion. We performed intensive LSS simulations with IDL/CAOS to obtain realistic spectra of low (R=35) and medium (R=400) resolution in the J, H, and K bands. The simulated spectra were used to test our method and estimate its performance in terms of contrast reduction and extracted spectra quality. Our simulations are based on a software package dedicated to the development of SPHERE, a second generation instrument for the ESO-VLT. Our method allows a contrast reduction of 0.5 to 2.0 magnitudes compared to the coronagraphic observations. For M0 and G0 stars located at 10 pc, we show that it would lead to the characterization of companions with Teff of 600 K and 900 K respectively, at angular separations of 1.0 as. We also show that errors in the wavelength calibration can produce significant errors in the characterization, and must therefore be minimized as much as possible.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in A&