571 research outputs found
Ekphrasis and Modernism: A Study of Two Poems by Wallace Stevens and William Carlos Williams.
Ekphrasis is commonly known as the literary description or commentary of a real or imaginary work of art. In this article, ekphrasis and its relation with Peirce’s theory of signs will be considered for the analysis of two poems written by two American Modernist poets, Wallace Stevens and William Carlos Williams. The aim of this study is to analyze the role of ekphrasis in a period of acute consciousness of the visual-verbal interrelationship, as well as to extract some conclusions concerning the particular way in which both poems explore such a relation
The ESP teacher as a materials designer: a practical example
In this paper, a number of materials from different pedagogical sources will be analysed from the point of view of their suitability for the ESP class. Teaching English for Specific Courses has, in the last few decades, become an optimal way of adapting linguistic needs to increasingly diversified professional and social demands. Consequently, ESP teachers have to become materials designers, selectors and researchers of a multiple, complex reality to be brought to equally changing teaching settings. On the other hand, these materials must observe certain rules (above all, they will comply with the requirement of relevance), and be considered within the linguistic paradigms more favourable to this type of teaching. An example of material implementation through a concrete unit is provided, together with the sequencing, activities and skills involved. Special emphasis is placed on authentic texts and sources provided by the students themselves, who turn out to be, in many cases, the best orientation for the teacher
Control del proceso de destilación de miera de pino en el producto final
El Trabajo Fin de Máster que se va a redactar a continuación responde a un trabajo sobre la calidad de los productos y de los procesos.
Toda empresa necesita conocer si sus controles de calidad están bajo control o si por el contrario se está cometiendo algún fallo y como se podría subsanar.
La empresa Sociedad de Resinas Naturales lleva un proceso natural de destilación de resina, cuyo control de calidad se realiza en la misma planta de tratamiento de la resina mediante dos técnicas de control de calidad; el presente proyecto va a tratar de responder a la pregunta de si dichos procesos están siendo realizados de forma correcta o por el contrario si se necesita alguna pequeña variación.Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Tecnología del Medio AmbienteMáster en Gestión de la Prevención de Riesgos Laborales, Calidad y Medio Ambient
Pierre Lemaitre et l’évolution du genre policier en France
No hay resumenDepartamento de Filología Francesa y AlemanaGrado en Lenguas Modernas y sus Literatura
Andújar’s ordinance in the Historical Archive of the Nobility: The copy of Osuna’s house. Document and legal-political background
En el Archivo Histórico de la Nobleza, entre los papeles de la Casa de Osuna,
se encuentra una copia manuscrita del Decreto de Andújar de 8 de agosto de 1823. El análisis
histórico-jurídico de esta norma permite esbozar las tensiones políticas, sociales y
diplomáticas de tan complicado contexto.In the Historical Archive of the Nobility, among the papers of the House of
Osuna, is a handwritten copy of the Andújar’s Decree of August 8, 1823. The historicallegal analysis of this rule allows to sketch the political, social and diplomatic tensions of such
a complicated context
Formación CLIL del profesorado en la UPCT: presente y futuro dentro del EEES
[EN] Throughout the last decades of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first, the teaching of English for specific and/or professional and academic purposes has probably constituted one of the most innovative areas in the Spanish University. With the advent of the Bologna reform, the theory and praxis of this dynamic field of knowledge has enhanced its range of activity, so as to include not only students, but also lecturers, whithin its concerns. The result can be measured by the innumerable variety of CLIL (Content Language Integrated Learning) teacher training experiences carried out along the Spanish Tertiary Education geography.This paper has two main purposes: on one hand, to give the account of the CLIL teacher training at the UPCT (included in the larger frame of teaching innovation programs), under its corresponding theoretical approach and bearing in mind the particular circumstances of the institution. On the other hand, to pose questions about the future persp[ES] Throughout the last decades of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first, the teaching of English for specific and/or professional and academic purposes has probably constituted one of the most innovative areas in the Spanish University. With the advent of the Bologna reform, the theory and praxis of this dynamic field of knowledge has enhanced its range of activity, so as to include not only students, but also lecturers, whithin its concerns. The result can be measured by the innumerable variety of CLIL (Content Language Integrated Learning) teacher training experiences carried out along the Spanish Tertiary Education geography.This paper has two main purposes: on one hand, to give the account of the CLIL teacher training at the UPCT (included in the larger frame of teaching innovation programs), under its corresponding theoretical approach and bearing in mind the particular circumstances of the institution. On the other hand, to pose questions about the future perspRea Rizzo, C.; Carbajosa Palmero, N. (2014). CLIL Teacher training at the UPCT: present and future within the EHEA. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 12(4):377-393. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2014.5628OJS377393124Aguado, G. & Durán, P. (2001). La Investigación en Lenguas Aplicadas: Enfoque Multidisciplinar. Madrid: Fundación Gómez-Pardo: UPM.Aguilar, M. & Rodríguez, R. (2012). Lecturer and student perceptions on CLIL at a Spanish university. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 15 (2), 183-197.Alcaraz, E. (2000). El inglés profesional y académico. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.Anderson. L.W. & Krathwohl, D. R. (Eds.) (2001). A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. New York: Longman.Carbajosa, N. (2012). El ingles académico en el marco del EEES: un ejemplo de los equipos docentes en la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT). Aula: Revista de Pedagogía de la Universidad de Salamanca, 18, 43-56.Carbajosa, N. & Rea, C. (2010). Technical English for Telecommunications. UPCT.Campus Mare Nostrum. (2011). Plan director. Recuperado de http://www.campusmarenostrum.es [15/09/2013]Carrió Pastor, M.L., & Perry, D. (2010). The Collaborative Approach in Content and Language Integrated Learning. Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses, 23, 69-81.Coxhead, A. (2000). A New Academic Word List. TESOL Quarterly, 34 (2), 213-238.Coyle, D., Hood, P. & Marsh, M. (2010). Content and Language Integrated Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Curado Fuentes, A. (2001). Lexical behavious in academic and technical corpora: Implications for ESP development. Language and Learning Technology, 5(3), 106- 129.Dafouz, E. & Núñez, B. (2009). CLIL in higher education: Devising a new learning landscape. In Dafouz, E. & Guerrini, M. C. (Eds): CLIL across educational levels. Madrid: Richmond Publishing.Escuin, I. (2011). Propuesta de impartición de la asignatura derecho mercantil en inglés. Actas del I Congreso Internacional de Innovación Docente. Campus Mare Nostrum. Cartagena.Eurydice (2006). Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) at School in Europe. Brussels: Eurydice European Unit.Ferguson, G. (2007). The global spread of English, scientific communication and ESP: questions of equity, access and domain loss. Ibérica, 13, 7-38.Fortanet, I., & Räisänen, C. A. (2008). ESP in European Higher Education. Integrating language and content. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.Frazier, L., Leeming, S., Sarosy, P., & Sherak, K. (2007). Lecture ready: strategies for academic listening, note-taking, and discussion. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Herrero, R. & Pérez, J. (2011). Introducción. Equipos docentes: Una nueva apuesta en el EEES. En Vicerrectorado de Ordenación Académica (Ed.). Equipos docentes: Una nueva apuesta en el EEES (pp. 9-31). Cartagena: UPCT.Kruse, O. (2013). Perspectives on Academic Writing in European Higher Education: Genres, Practices, and Competences. REDU, Revista de docencia Universitaria, 11(1), 37-58.Lagasabaster, D. (2011). English Achievement and student motivation in CLIL and EFL setting. Innovation in language learning and teaching, 5, 3-18.Langé, G. & Bertaux, P. (2002). TIE-CLIL Professional Development Course. Milán: TIECLIL.López, J. (2011). Experiencia en el desarrollo de asignaturas de ingeniería en inglés enmarcadas en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES). Actas del I Congreso Internacional de Innovación Docente. Campus Mare Nostrum. Cartagena.Manning, A. & C. Nukui (2011). Transferable Academic Skills Kit (TASK). English for Academic Purposes Series. University of Reading: Garnet Education.Pena, C., Fernández, R., García, A. & Halbach, A. (2005). La implantación de proyectos educativos bilingües en la Comunidad de Madrid. Las expectativas del profesorado antes de iniciar el proyecto. Porta Linguarum: revista internacional de didáctica de las lenguas extranjeras, 3, 161-173.Pérez-Vidal, C. (2007). The need for focus on form (FoF) in content and language integrated approaches: An exploratory study. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada (RESLA), Volumen monográfico, 39-54.Rea, C. & Carbajosa, N. (2011). Towards a new concept of lecturers' and students' language training: English as a transversal competence at the UPCT degrees. In M. L. Carrió, J. Contreras, F. Olmo, H. Skorczynska, I. Tamarit, & D. Westall (Eds.), La investigación y la enseñanza aplicadas a las lenguas de especialidad y a la tecnología (pp. 393-400). Valencia: Universitat Politècnica de València.Rea, C. & Orts, M. A. (Eds.) 2011. New and Further Approaches to ESP Discourse: Genre Study in Focus. International Journal of English Studies. Vol 11, No 1.Rubio, F. & Hermosín, M. (2010). Implantación de un programa de plurilingüismo en el espacio europeo de educación superior: Análisis de contexto y detección de necesidades. XXI, Revista de Educación, 12, 107-128.Rubio Cuenca, F. (2012). Communication as a Teaching/Learning Strategy in Bilingual Education. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences, 12(5), 1781-1789.Swales, J. (1990). Genre Analysis: English in Academic and Research Settings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
DNA-free RNA isolation protocols for Arabidopsis thaliana, including seeds and siliques
Background High throughput applications of the reverse transcriptase quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) for quantification of gene expression demand straightforward procedures to isolate and analyze a considerable number of DNA-free RNA samples. Published protocols are labour intensive, use toxic organic chemicals and need a DNase digestion once pure RNAs have been isolated. In addition, for some tissues, the amount of starting material may be limiting. The convenience of commercial kits is often prohibitive when handling large number of samples.
Findings We have established protocols to isolate DNA-free RNA from Arabidopsis thaliana tissues ready for RT-qPCR applications. Simple non-toxic buffers were used for RNA isolation from Arabidopsis tissues with the exception of seeds and siliques, which required the use of organic extractions. The protocols were designed to minimize the number of steps, labour time and the amount of starting tissue to as little as 10–20 mg without affecting RNA quality. In both protocols genomic DNA (gDNA) can be efficiently removed from RNA samples before the final alcohol precipitation step, saving extra purification steps before cDNA synthesis. The expression kinetics of previously characterized genes confirmed the robustness of the procedures.
Conclusion Here, we present two protocols to isolate DNA-free RNA from Arabidopsis tissues ready for RT-qPCR applications that significantly improve existing ones by reducing labour time and the use of organic extractions. Accessibility to these protocols is ensured by its simplicity and the low cost of the materials used
Working with the Intercultural Competence in Higher Education as a Path Towards Inclusion: a Practical Example from EUT+
The UNESCO defines the concept of interculturality as “the existence and equitable interaction of diverse cultures and the possibility of generating shared cultural expressions through dialogue and mutual respect,” according to the article 4.8 of the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions.3 A derivative of this concept would be ntercultural awareness,” which can be defined as the conscious understanding, free of clash, of he fact that people from different cultures have different values. In contrast to interculturality, which accepts and assimilates ways of living and thinking from different cultures, multiculturality simply refers to juxtaposed cultures that coexist in a single environment, though not exposed to partial assimilations among them.
This paper focuses on a recent experience carried out within the EUT+ frame, a pilot project based on interculturality and German as a foreign language that could be transferred to the rest of partners on a larger scale in the future. Entitled “DACADU: Interkulturelles Projekt,” the project has included students of German of three different universities (Darmstad, Dublin and Cartagena) with language levels ranging from A1 to C1. The initiative is inspired in a “logbook” recently published by the Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, an official organism that works for the effective integration of migrants in Germany. The logbook teaches young migrants not only through language, but also by means of allowing the two cultures of the participants (the one left behind, and the new one) blend and interact with the help of a variety of activities that encourage self-reflection, discussion, and language awareness itself.
Developed during the second term of the 2021-2022 academic year, this paper discusses the different phases of the project, with special attention to: a) the nature of the tasks/topics assigned and the materials produced; b) the sequencing of the project; c) the evaluation tools designed, aimed both at measuring the degree of satisfaction among students and related issues (motivation, learning enhancement, raise of awareness), and the improvement in the acquisition of language and intercultural content. All in all, the experience provides a practical example of how to deal with inclusive practices in Higher Education through language learning and interculturality
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