512 research outputs found

    General duality for abelian-group-valued statistical-mechanics models

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    We introduce a general class of statistical-mechanics models, taking values in an abelian group, which includes examples of both spin and gauge models, both ordered and disordered. The model is described by a set of ``variables'' and a set of ``interactions''. A Gibbs factor is associated to each variable and to each interaction. We introduce a duality transformation for systems in this class. The duality exchanges the abelian group with its dual, the Gibbs factors with their Fourier transforms, and the interactions with the variables. High (low) couplings in the interaction terms are mapped into low (high) couplings in the one-body terms. The idea is that our class of systems extends the one for which the classical procedure 'a la Kramers and Wannier holds, up to include randomness into the pattern of interaction. We introduce and study some physical examples: a random Gaussian Model, a random Potts-like model, and a random variant of discrete scalar QED. We shortly describe the consequence of duality for each example.Comment: 26 pages, 2 Postscript figure

    Numerical Evidence for Spontaneously Broken Replica Symmetry in 3D Spin Glasses

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    By numerical simulations of the 3d3d Ising spin glass we find evidence that spontaneous replica symmetry breaking theory and not the droplet model describes with good accuracy the equilibrium behavior of the system.Comment: PHYSREV format, 2 .ps figures added with figure command in uufiles forma

    A General Limitation on Monte Carlo Algorithms of Metropolis Type

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    We prove that for any Monte Carlo algorithm of Metropolis type, the autocorrelation time of a suitable ``energy''-like observable is bounded below by a multiple of the corresponding ``specific heat''. This bound does not depend on whether the proposed moves are local or non-local; it depends only on the distance between the desired probability distribution π\pi and the probability distribution π(0)\pi^{(0)} for which the proposal matrix satisfies detailed balance. We show, with several examples, that this result is particularly powerful when applied to non-local algorithms.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX plus subeqnarray.sty (included at end), NYU-TH-93/07/01, IFUP-TH33/9

    The Critical Hopping Parameter in O(a) improved Lattice QCD

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    We calculate the critical value of the hopping parameter, κc\kappa_c, in O(a) improved Lattice QCD, to two loops in perturbation theory. We employ the Sheikholeslami-Wohlert (clover) improved action for Wilson fermions. The quantity which we study is a typical case of a vacuum expectation value resulting in an additive renormalization; as such, it is characterized by a power (linear) divergence in the lattice spacing, and its calculation lies at the limits of applicability of perturbation theory. The dependence of our results on the number of colors NN, the number of fermionic flavors NfN_f, and the clover parameter cSWc_{SW}, is shown explicitly. We compare our results to non perturbative evaluations of κc\kappa_c coming from Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 11 pages, 2 EPS figures. The only change with respect to the original version is inclusion of the standard formulae for the gauge fixing and ghost parts of the action. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    O(N) and RP^{N-1} Models in Two Dimensions

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    I provide evidence that the 2D RPN1RP^{N-1} model for N3N \ge 3 is equivalent to the O(N)O(N)-invariant non-linear σ\sigma-model in the continuum limit. To this end, I mainly study particular versions of the models, to be called constraint models. I prove that the constraint RPN1RP^{N-1} and O(N)O(N) models are equivalent for sufficiently weak coupling. Numerical results for their step-scaling function of the running coupling gˉ2=m(L)L\bar{g}^2= m(L) L are presented. The data confirm that the constraint O(N)O(N) model is in the samei universality class as the O(N)O(N) model with standard action. I show that the differences in the finite size scaling curves of RPN1RP^{N-1}i and O(N)O(N) models observed by Caracciolo et al. can be explained as a boundary effect. It is concluded, in contrast to Caracciolo et al., that RPN1RP^{N-1} and O(N)O(N) models share a unique universality class.Comment: 14 pages (latex) + 1 figure (Postscript) ,uuencode

    il terremoto del 30 Ottobre 1901 e la sismicità del versante occidentale del Garda

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    On November 24, 2004 a strong earthquake (Ml 5.2), followed by a small seismic sequence, hit the western side of Lake Garda area, producing moderate but widespread damage in the main locality of the area (Salò) and more serious damage in some small villages of the Val Sabbia (Clibbio, Pompegnino). The macroseismic study of the 2004 earthquake has been the opportunity to reappraise the seismicity of the area. The most significant historical earthquake of the area is certainly that occurred on October 30, 1901, well known by the local historical memory. We carried out a revision of the 1901 earthquake, which has significantly improved the informative background; at the same time we reviewed and reassessed the available information on minor earthquakes affecting the area over the past two centuries. The deep review of the 1901 earthquake together with the new data-set allow a better definition of the characteristics of local seismicity and its seismic hazard

    Nonequilibrium Reweighting on the Driven Diffusive Lattice Gas

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    The nonequilibrium reweighting technique, which was recently developed by the present authors, is used for the study of the nonequilibrium steady states. The renewed formulation of the nonequlibrium reweighting enables us to use the very efficient multi-spin coding. We apply the nonequilibrium reweighting to the driven diffusive lattice gas model. Combining with the dynamical finite-size scaling theory, we estimate the critical temperature Tc and the dynamical exponent z. We also argue that this technique has an interesting feature that enables explicit calculation of derivatives of thermodynamic quantities without resorting to numerical differences.Comment: Accepted for publication in J. Phys. A (Lett.

    The nature of the continuum limit in the 2D RP2RP^2 gauge model

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    The RP(2) gauge model is studied in 2D. We use Monte-Carlo renormalization techniques for blocking the mean spin-spin interaction, , and the mean gauge field plaquette, . The presence of the O(3) renormalized trajectory is verified and is consistent with the known three-loop beta-function. The first-order `vorticity' transition observed by Solomon et al. is confirmed, and the location of the terminating critical point is established. New scaling flows in (,) are observed associated with a large exponent kappa in the range 4~5. The scaling flows give rise to a strong cross-over effect between regions of high and low vorticity and are likely to induce an apparent signal for scaling in the cross-over region which we propose explains the scaling observed for RP(2), RP(3) and SO(4)-matrix models. The signal for this `pseudo' scaling will occur for the RP(2) spin model in the cross-over region which is the region in which computer simulations are done. We find that the RP(2) spin model is in the same universality class as the O(3) spin model but that it is likely to require a very large correlation length before the true scaling of this class sets in. We conjecture that the scaling flows are due either to the influence of a nearby new renormalized trajectory or to the ghost of the Kosterlitz-Thouless trajectory in the associated XY model.Comment: 29 pages, LATEX2e, 10 figures, uses styles[epsfig,latexsym

    Structural stability and increase in size rationalize the efficiency of lipoplexes in serum.

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    We have investigated the effect of serum on nanometric structure, size, surface potential, DNA-hinding capacity, and transfection efficiency of DDAB-DOPE/DNA and DC-Chol-DOPE/DNA lipoplexes as a function of membrane charge density and cationic lipid/DNA charge ratio. In the absence of serum, the nanometric structure and DNA binding capacity of lipoplexes determined the transfection efficiency. When serum was added, the transfection efficiency of all lipoplex formulations was found to increase. We identified structural stability and an increase in size in serum as major parameters regulating the efficiency of lipofection. By extrapolation, we propose that serum, regulating the size of resistant lipid - DNA complexes, can control the mechanism of internalization of lipoplexes and, in turn, their efficiency

    Random Walks with Long-Range Self-Repulsion on Proper Time

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    We introduce a model of self-repelling random walks where the short-range interaction between two elements of the chain decreases as a power of the difference in proper time. Analytic results on the exponent ν\nu are obtained. They are in good agreement with Monte Carlo simulations in two dimensions. A numerical study of the scaling functions and of the efficiency of the algorithm is also presented.Comment: 25 pages latex, 4 postscript figures, uses epsf.sty (all included) IFUP-Th 13/92 and SNS 14/9