729 research outputs found

    Spin-polarized half-metallic state of a ferromagnetic δ layer in a semiconductor host

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    We discuss a model which is apt to describe the appearance of a spin-polarized half-metallic state around a single δ layer of a magnetic transition metal embedded into a nonmagnetic semiconductor host. We show that ferromagnetism in this system can be attributed to the intrinsic physical properties of the δ layer. The relevant physical effects described by our model are the hybridization of the electron states of the metal and semiconductor atoms, the charge redistribution around the δ layer, and the electron-electron correlation on a metal atom, which is the driving force of ferromagnetism. We obtain the mean-field phase diagram of the model at zero and finite temperature, both in the case when the chemical potential is fixed, and when the density of particles on the δ layer is fixed. The relevance of our results in connection with numerical and experimental results on the so-called digital magnetic heterostructures, in the absence and in the presence of a quantum-well carrier channel, is eventually discussed. © 2011 American Physical Society.Peer Reviewe

    Optical conductivity near finite-wavelength quantum criticality

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    We study the optical conductivity sigma(Omega) of an electron system near a quantum-critical point with finite-wavelength ordering. sigma(Omega) vanishes in clean Galilean-invariant systems, unless electrons are coupled to dynamical collective modes, which dissipate the current. This coupling introduces a nonuniversal energy scale. Depending on the parameters of each specific system, a variety of responses arise near criticality: scaling peaks at a temperature- and doping-dependent frequency, peaks at a fixed frequency, or no peaks to be associated with criticality. Therefore the lack of scaling in the far-infrared conductivity in cuprates does not necessarily call for new concepts of quantum criticality.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; version as publishe

    Tumor cellular and microenvironmental cues controlling invadopodia formation

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    During the metastatic progression, invading cells might achieve degradation and subsequent invasion into the extracellular matrix (ECM) and the underlying vasculature using invadopodia, F-actin-based and force-supporting protrusive membrane structures, operating focalized proteolysis. Their formation is a dynamic process requiring the combined and synergistic activity of ECM-modifying proteins with cellular receptors, and the interplay with factors from the tumor microenvironment (TME). Significant advances have been made in understanding how invadopodia are assembled and how they progress in degradative protrusions, as well as their disassembly, and the cooperation between cellular signals and ECM conditions governing invadopodia formation and activity, holding promise to translation into the identification of molecular targets for therapeutic interventions. These findings have revealed the existence of biochemical and mechanical interactions not only between the actin cores of invadopodia and specific intracellular structures, including the cell nucleus, the microtubular network, and vesicular trafficking players, but also with elements of the TME, such as stromal cells, ECM components, mechanical forces, and metabolic conditions. These interactions reflect the complexity and intricate regulation of invadopodia and suggest that many aspects of their formation and function remain to be determined. In this review, we will provide a brief description of invadopodia and tackle the most recent findings on their regulation by cellular signaling as well as by inputs from the TME. The identification and interplay between these inputs will offer a deeper mechanistic understanding of cell invasion during the metastatic process and will help the development of more effective therapeutic strategies

    Estabilidad y predicción de la agresión física desde la infancia hasta la adolescencia: un estudio con múltiples informantes

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    El objetivo del estudio es examinar la estabilidad y el valor predictivo de la agresión física y verbal evaluada por múltiples informantes (los propios niños, sus profesores y compañeros) desde la última etapa de la niñez a la adolescencia media, la convergencia entre informantes y el valor predictivo a largo plazo de la agresión física y verbal con respecto a diferentes indicadores de ajuste (rendimiento escolar, aceptación social, comportamiento prosocial) y desequilibrio (depresión, delincuencia). Como parte de un proyecto longitudinal italiano se examinaron a 372 niños (204 varones y 168 mujeres) que fueron evaluados anualmente desde el momento 1 (edad 9.5) hasta el momento 5 (edad 13.5). Los resultados evidenciaron diferencias de género en la frecuencia y estabilidad de la agresión física y verbal en las evaluaciones de los diferentes informantes. Además ponen de relieve la estabilidad de las diferencias individuales en agresión fisica y verbal y un descenso generalizado en los valores medios. Los resultados confirman aquellas hipótesis que señalan la agresión infantil referida por diferentes informantes a la edad de 9.5 años como un factor de riesgo que anticipa diferentes manifestaciones desadaptativas futuras

    The synergistic effect between positivity, socio-demographic factors and smoking cessation: results of a cohort study

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine the extent to which a effect does exist between Positivity (POS), smoking and socio-demographic factors in determining quitting smoking in subjects participating in a Group Counselling Program (GCP) for smoking cessation.METHODS: 481 subjects were contacted through a telephone call. A logistic regression analysis was carried out. Possible interaction between sociodemographic variables and POS level was tested using the Synergism Index (SI).RESULTS: For individuals with a POS level over or equal to 3.4 the odds of being smoker was significantly higher among females (OR = 1.55), who smoked at home (OR = 2.16) and lower if there had children at home (OR = 0.53). For individuals with a POS level under 3.4, the only significant variable associated with smoking was beinga female (OR = 2.58). As far concerns the synergistic effect between the variables considered does exist between POS levels and having children at home (SI=1.13) and female gender (SI = 2.8).CONCLUSIONS: The synergistic effect between POS and sociodemographic factors adds evidence on the use of POS as possible determinants of individual happiness

    Weak-coupling phase diagrams of bond-aligned and diagonal doped Hubbard ladders

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    We study, using a perturbative renormalization group technique, the phase diagrams of bond-aligned and diagonal Hubbard ladders defined as sections of a square lattice with nearest-neighbor and next-nearest-neighbor hopping. We find that for not too large hole doping and small next-nearest-neighbor hopping the bond-aligned systems exhibit a fully spin-gapped phase while the diagonal systems remain gapless. Increasing the next-nearest-neighbor hopping typically leads to a decrease of the gap in the bond-aligned ladders, and to a transition into a gapped phase in the diagonal ladders. Embedding the ladders in an antiferromagnetic environment can lead to a reduction in the extent of the gapped phases. These findings suggest a relation between the orientation of hole-rich stripes and superconductivity as observed in LSCO.Comment: Published version. The set of RG equations in the presence of magnetization was corrected and two figures were replace

    Pecularities of Hall effect in GaAs/{\delta}<Mn>/GaAs/In\timesGa1-\timesAs/GaAs (\times {\approx} 0.2) heterostructures with high Mn content

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    Transport properties of GaAs/{\delta}/GaAs/In\timesGa1-\timesAs/GaAs structures containing InxGa1-xAs (\times {\approx} 0.2) quantum well (QW) and Mn delta layer (DL) with relatively high, about one Mn monolayer (ML) content, are studied. In these structures DL is separated from QW by GaAs spacer with the thickness ds = 2-5 nm. All structures possess a dielectric character of conductivity and demonstrate a maximum in the resistance temperature dependence Rxx(T) at the temperature {\approx} 46K which is usually associated with the Curie temperature Tc of ferromagnetic (FM) transition in DL. However, it is found that the Hall effect concentration of holes pH in QW does not decrease below TC as one ordinary expects in similar systems. On the contrary, the dependence pH(T) experiences a minimum at T = 80-100 K depending on the spacer thickness, then increases at low temperatures more strongly than ds is smaller and reaches a giant value pH = (1-2)\cdot10^13 cm^(-2). Obtained results are interpreted in the terms of magnetic proximity effect of DL on QW, leading to induce spin polarization of the holes in QW. Strong structural and magnetic disorder in DL and QW, leading to the phase segregation in them is taken into consideration. The high pH value is explained as a result of compensation of the positive sign normal Hall effect component by the negative sign anomalous Hall effect component.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    Comparing different approaches for generating random numbers device-independently using a photon pair source

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    What is the most efficient way to generate random numbers device-independently using a photon pair source based on spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC)? We consider this question by comparing two implementations of a detection-loophole-free Bell test. In particular, we study in detail a scenario where a heralded single photon source (HSPS) is used to herald path-entangled states, i.e. entanglement between two spatial modes sharing a single photon and where non-locality is revealed using photon counting preceded by small displacement operations. We start by giving a theoretical description of such a measurement. We then show how to optimize the Bell-CHSH violation through a non-perturbative calculation, taking the main experimental imperfections into account. We finally bound the amount of randomness that can be extracted and compare it to the one obtained with the conventional scenario using photon pairs entangled e.g. in polarization and analyzed through photon counting. While the former requires higher overall detection efficiencies, it is far more efficient in terms of both the entropy per experimental run and the rate of random bit generation.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    The positivity scale: Concurrent and factorial validity across late childhood and early adolescence

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    Despite the well-established protective functions of positivity (i.e., a dispositional selfevaluative tendency to view oneself, life, and future under a positive outlook) from middle adolescence to old age, its reliable assessment and contribution to a proper psychological functioning have received little attention during previous developmental phases. In this article, we aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties and construct validity of the eight-item Positivity Scale (P Scale; Caprara et al., 2012) during late childhood and early adolescence in a sample of British students (N = 742; 48% boys) from both primary (M age = 10.75, SD = 0.52) and secondary schools (M age = 13.38 years, SD = 0.94). First, results from confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) attested to the plausibility of the hypothesized 1-factor structure of the P Scale in a revised CFA model including the correlation between the residuals of two items similar in their wording. Next, we found evidence for strong (scalar) measurement invariance of the P Scale across late childhood and early adolescence as well as for its concurrent validity as indicated by expected relations of positivity to indicators of adjustment (i.e., prosocial behavior) and maladjustment (i.e., externalizing and internalizing problems). Overall, these findings support the concurrent and factorial validity of the P Scale as a short self-report instrument to measure children's tendency to view their experience from a positive stance. We discuss the implications of our results for improving the wording of the items composing P Scale as well as for understanding the dispositional mechanisms conducive to psychological health and wellbeing across late childhood and early adolescence

    Salivary cortisol and α-amylase production at awakening is associated with positivity (POS) levels in healthy young subjects

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    A large variety of positive outcomes including social adjustment, psychological well-being and health, have been recently closely associated with positivity (POS). On the assumption that differences in the POS degree might be associated with different individual neuroendocrine assets that enables people to cope effectively with stress, the present study examined the association between POS, salivary cortisol and α-Amylase (α-Amy) production in a group of healthy male volunteers university students, respectively scoring high (POS-H, N = 10) and low (POS-L, N = 10) in POS. Participants were selected from a larger sample of 300 students of the Medical School at Sapienza University of Rome on the basis of their positivity level: POS was analysed and the upper and lower 25% were invited to participate in this new study. The findings report a distinct salivary cortisol and α-Amy production in the study population: in comparison to the POS-H group, the POS-L subjects presented a lower salivary cortisol awake response (CAR) and a flattened α-Amy production at 30 and 60&nbsp;min after awakening. In addition, salivary cortisol and α-Amy areas under the curve (AUCs), which were calculated as indicators of the two subclinical biomarkers production during the first hour after awakening, resulted significantly lower in the POS-L group in comparison to the POS-H group. Further studies on larger and different populations are needed to definitively confirm that the different cortisol and α-Amy secretion patterns between POS-H and POS-L individuals is associated with a potentially better capacity to preserving an adequate quality of life in individuals being equipped with a system apparently able to better respond to external and/or internal stimuli. Lastly, a better understanding of the biological correlates of POS is crucial to design psychological interventions able to take advantage of individuals’ assets and thus to integrate and strengthen the efficacy of traditional medications