305 research outputs found
A tradução como atividade contrastiva e de conscientização na aprendizagem de lÃnguas próxima
Este artigo analisa a adequação da tradução como atividade de conscientização contrastiva para minorar as interferências e sua fossilização na aprendizagem de lÃnguas
próximas. Após anos de exclusão das aulas de lÃnguas em muitos ambientes, a tradução
volta a figurar entre as propostas de pesquisadores como atividade comunicativa com
foco no sentido que, dada a alta carga cognitiva, permite trabalhar de forma consciente o contraste entre as lÃnguas. Visto que na aprendizagem de lÃnguas próximas o apagamento das diferenças parece ser a origem de interlÃnguas com elevado grau de
interferências e forte tendência à fossilização, a tradução se apresenta como possÃvel solução. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis paper examines the use of translation as an activity for raising contrastive grammatical awareness so as to reduce interferences and fossilization in the learning of closely-related foreign languages. After years of exclusion from many foreign language classrooms, translation is making a come-back among researchers’ proposals as a communicative activity focusing on meaning which, due to the high cognitive demand it entails, facilitates conscious contrasting of languages in contact. Given that failure to perceive differences seems to be the origin of interlanguage with a high degree of
interference and a strong tendency to fossilization in the learning of closely-related languages, translation emerges as a prospective solution
Compesatory pension jurisprudencial. Analysis of it´s current situation in Spain
En el presente trabajo estudiaremos la pensión
compensatoria, su naturaleza, los presupuestos
para su establecimiento, la forma de determinar su importe, la duración de la pensión y su temporalidad o no, los supuestos de modificación
y las causas de extinción y renuncia; asà como su
relación con otras medidas como la atribución del
uso de la vivienda, la pensión de alimentos, la
compensación económica por el trabajo en casa
y la pensión de viudedad plantean una serie de
cuestiones controvertidas que, han suscitado una
abundante jurisprudencia.Máster Universitario en Acceso a la Profesión de Abogado (M155
The ‘Narcissus Effect’: Top-down alpha-beta band modulation of face-related brain areas during self-face processing
Self-related information, such as one's own face, is prioritized by our cognitive system. Whilst recent theoretical developments suggest that this is achieved by an interplay between bottom-up and top-down attentional mechanisms, their underlying neural dynamics are still poorly understood. Furthermore, it is still matter of discussion as to whether these attentional mechanisms are truly self-specific or instead driven by face familiarity. To address these questions, we used EEG to record the brain activity of twenty-five healthy participants whilst identifying their own face, a friend's face and a stranger's face. Time-frequency analysis revealed a greater sustained power decrease in the alpha and beta frequency bands for the self-face, which emerged at late latencies and was maintained even when the face was no longer present. Critically, source analysis showed that this activity was generated in key brain regions for self-face recognition, such as the fusiform gyrus. As in the Myth of Narcissus, our results indicate that one's own face might have the potential to hijack attention. We suggest that this effect is specific to the self and driven by a top-down attentional control mechanism, which might facilitate further processing of personally relevant events.This work was supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
(MINECO) , Spain (ID: UAMA13-4E-2192) and the ,Ministry of
Science and Innovation, Spain (ID: PGC2018-100682-B-I00). O. Jensen
was further supported by the Wellcome Trust Investigator Award in
Science, UK (grant 207550), a James S. McDonnell Foundation US
(grants 220020328 and 220020448) and the Royal Society Wolfson
Research Merit Award, U
CMMSE algorithms for constructing doubly stochastic matrices with the relative gain array (combined matrix) A circle A(-T)
[EN] The Combined matrix of a nonsingular matrix A is defined by phi(A)=A T where degrees means the Hadamard (entrywise) product. If the matrix A describes the relation between inputs and outputs in a multivariable process control, phi(A) describes the relative gain array (RGA) of the process and it defines the Bristol method (IEEE Trans Autom Control 1:133-134, 1966) often used for Chemical processes (McAvoy in Interaction analysis: principles and applications. Instrument Society of America, Pittsburgh, 1983; Papadourakis et al. in Ind Eng Chem Res 26(6):1259-1262, 1987; Wang et al. in Chem Eng Technol, 10.1002/ceat.201500202, 2016; Kariwala et al. in Ind Eng Chem Res 45(5):1751-1757, 10.1021/ie050790r, 2006; Golender et al. in J Chem Inf Comput Sci 21(4):196-204, 10.1021/ci00032a004, 1981). The combined matrix has been studied in several works such as Bru et al. (J Appl Math, 10.1155/2014/182354, 2014), Fiedler and Markham (Linear Algebra Appl 435:1945-1955, 2011) and Johnson and Shapiro (SIAM J Algebraic Discrete Methods 7:627-644, 1986). Since phi(A)=(cij) has the property of Sigma kcik=Sigma kckj=1,i,j, when phi(A)>= 0, phi(A) is a doubly stochastic matrix. In certain chemical engineering applications a diagonal of the RGA in wchich the entries are near 1 is used to determine the pairing of inputs and outputs for further design analysis. Applications of these matrices can be found in Communication Theory, related with the satellite-switched time division multiple-access systems, and about a doubly stochastic automorphism of a graph. In this paper we present new algorithms to generate doubly stochastic matrices with the Combined matrix using Hessenberg matrices in Sect.3 and orthogonal/unitary matrices in Sect.4. In addition, we discuss what kind of doubly stochastic matrices are obtained with our algorithms and the possibility of generating a particular doubly stochastic matrix by the map phi.This work has been supported by Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad Grants MTM2014-58159-P, MTM2017-85669-P and MTM2017-90682-REDT.Fuster Capilla, RR.; Gasso Matoses, MT.; Gimenez Manglano, MI. (2019). CMMSE algorithms for constructing doubly stochastic matrices with the relative gain array (combined matrix) A circle A(-T). Journal of Mathematical Chemistry. 57(7):1700-1709. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10910-019-01032-1S17001709577E. Bristol, On a new measure of interaction for multivariable process control. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control 1, 133–134 (1966)R.A. Brualdi, Some applications of doubly stochastic matrices. Linear Algebra Appl. 107, 77–100 (1988)R. Bru, M.T. Gassó, I. Giménez, M. Santana, Nonnegative combined matrices. J. Appl. Math. (2014). https://doi.org/10.1155/2014/182354J. Cremona, Letter to the Editor. Am. Math. Monthly 4, 757 (2014)M. Fiedler, Relations between the diagonal entries of two mutually inverse positive definite matrices. Czechosl. Math. J. 14, 39–51 (1964)M. Fiedler, T.L. Markham, Combined matrices in special classes of matrices. Linear Algebra Appl. 435, 1945–1955 (2011)F.R. Gantmacher, The theory of matrices (American Mathematical Society, Chelsea, 1960)V.E. Golender, V.V. Drboglav, A.B. Rosenblit, Graph potentials method and its application for chemical information processing. J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 21(4), 196–204 (1981). https://doi.org/10.1021/ci00032a004R.A. Horn, C.R. Johnson, Topics in matrix analysis (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991)C. Johnson, H. Shapiro, Mathematical aspects of the relarive gain array. SIAM J. Algebraic Discrete Methods 7, 627–644 (1986)V. Kariwala, S. Skogestad, J.F. Forbes, Relative gain array for norm-bounded uncertain systems. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 45(5), 1751–1757 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1021/ie050790rH. Liebeck, A. Osborne, The generation of all rational orthogonal matrices. Am. Math. Monthly 98(2), 131–133 (1991)T.J. McAvoy, Interaction Analysis: Principles and Applications (Instrument Society of America, Pittsburgh, 1983)B. Mourad, Generalization of some results concerning eigenvalues of a certain class of matrices and some applications. Linear Multilinear Algebra 61, 1234–1243 (2013)A. Papadourakis et al., Relative gain array for units in plants with recycle. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 26(6), 1259–1262 (1987)H. Wang et al., Design and control of extractive distillation based on an effective relative gain array. Chem. Eng. Technol. (2016). https://doi.org/10.1002/ceat.201500202M. Hovd, S. Skogestad, Pairing criteria for decentralized control of unstable plants. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 33(9), 2134–2139 (1994). https://doi.org/10.1021/ie00033a016H. Wang, Y. Li, S. Weiyi, Y. Zhang, J. Guo, C. Li, Design and control of extractive distillation based on effective relative gain array. Chem. Eng. Technol. 39, 1–9 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1002/ceat.20150020
Is your own face more than a highly familiar face?
This study aimed to elucidate whether distinct early processes underlie the perception of our own face. Alternatively, self-face perception might rely on the same processes that realize the perception of highly familiar faces. To this end, we recorded EEG activity while participants performed a facial recognition task in which they had to discriminate between their own face, a friend’s face, and an unknown face. We analyzed the event-related potentials (ERPs) to characterize the time course of neural processes involved in different stages of self-face recognition. Our results show that the N170 component was not sensitive to self-face. In contrast, the subsequent P200 component distinguished between self-face and the other faces. Finally, N250 amplitude increased as a function of face familiarity. Overall, our data suggest that self-face recognition neither emerges at the first stage of the encoding of facial information nor at a later stage when familiarity is processed. Rather, the distinctive processing of self-face arises at an intermediate stage (~200 ms), as indicated by a lower P200 amplitude. This could be taken as an indicator that self-face recognition is facilitated by a reduced need for attentional resources. In sum, our results suggest that self-face is more than a highly familiar faceThis work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and
Competitiveness (MINECO) (UAMA13-4E-2192). C.P. was supported by
the MINECO (FJCI-2015-24782
Interacción de bacterias promotoras de crecimiento vegetal (PGPR) con lechuga (Lactuca sativa L.)
"El crecimiento poblacional se ha vinculado con la demanda alimenticia, para solventar
esta problemática se han aplicado sustancias quÃmicas (fertilizantes y agroquÃmicos)
sobre el suelo de una forma indiscriminada y como consecuencia se ha deteriorado
su funcionamiento biológico de este. Una alternativa para reducir el elevado empleo
de agroquÃmicos se ha centrado en la búsqueda de métodos biotecnológicos
alternativos, como la inoculación de rizobacterias promotoras de crecimiento vegetal
(PGPR) a cultivos de importancia agronómica. Esta opción es una candidata excepcional para reducir el impacto negativo de agroquÃmicos sobre el ambiente y
obtener rendimientos similares al tradicional en los cultivos inoculados con PGPR.
La atrición en las lenguas de contacto: el caso de los inmigrantes españoles en Brasil
Esta investigación se centra en la atrición lingüÃstica contemplada como parte integrante de los cambios normales que se producen en la competencia a lo largo del tiempo (de Bot, Lowie y Verspoor, 2007; Herdina y Jessner, 2002; Köpke y Schmid, 2013). El objetivo principal es analizar los efectos experimentados por la L1 de inmigrantes españoles adultos residentes en Brasilia (Brasil) y expuestos a un contacto prolongado con la L2/portugués. Estos inmigrantes no forman una verdadera comunidad y, por tanto, no están expuestos a variedades de contacto (Köpke y Schmid, 2013). Se trata de cambio intrageneracional, que se presenta como una reducción progresiva del dominio de una L1 previamente adquirida de forma completa por individuos que emigraron pasada la pubertad y comenzaron a usar la L2 de forma intensiva, con la consecuente reducción del uso de la L1 (Gürel y Yilmaz, 2013). En general, no supone una pérdida total del conocimiento de la L1, sino convergencia con la L2. Se manifiesta en forma de interferencias interlingüÃsticas a todos los niveles, dificultades de acceso léxico, disfluencias y acento extranjero, entre otros fenómenos (Schmid y Jarvis, 2014). La investigación tiene como directrices las tres siguientes preguntas: I. ¿Cómo se manifiesta la atrición lingüÃstica en los niveles léxico y morfosintáctico de la L1/español de emigrantes españoles con conocimiento del portugués/L2? II. ¿Hasta qué punto es importante en la atrición de la L1 de esos emigrantes la influencia interlingüÃstica? Es decir, ¿son los desvÃos inducidos externamente (las interferencias), más frecuentes que los desvÃos promovidos internamente (formas o estructuras agramaticales no aceptadas en la lengua estándar, no atribuibles al contacto y que se pueden encontrar también en variedades monolingües) en el habla de esos emigrantes españoles en Brasil? III. Entre los factores extralingüÃsticos analizados (edad, duración de la emigración, educación, uso de la L1 y actitudes), ¿cuáles tienen más impacto en el proceso de atrición?..
Aprenentatge coopertiu: metodologia participativa a les aules de Formació Professional
Treball Final de Mà ster Universitari en Professor/a d'Educació Secundà ria Obligatòria i Batxillerat, Formació Professional i Ensenyaments d'Idiomes. Codi SAP229. Curs: 2018/2019.Aquest treball fi de mà ster presenta per una banda, l’estudi i anà lisi de
l’Aprenentatge Cooperatiu a les aules a través de la literatura, seguint
documents bibliogrà fics que ens detallen els resultats d’aquest mètode en
l’alumnat. Per altra banda, es pretén mostrar la situació actual d’aquest
aprenentatge en la Formació Professional i l’aplicació d’aquesta metodologia
participativa en una aula de FP com a eina estratègica i proposta de millora
educativa per motivar a l’alumnat, fent-lo sentir el protagonista del seu
L’estudi de camp es dur a terme mitjançant qüestionaris a docents i alumnes de
diferents cursos de cicles formatius, en concret de la famÃlia de Comerç i
Mà rqueting i d’Electricitat i Electrònica, amb la finalitat de saber si apliquen
tècniques de treball cooperatiu i els resultats d’aquestes. Finalment, s’ha dut a
la prà ctica aquesta metodologia d’aprenentatge cooperatiu en una aula de
primer curs de grau mitjà d’Activitats Comercials, en el mòdul de Gestió de
Comerç i s’ha analitzat el seu resultat.
Un dels resultats d’aquest treball és que la majoria de professors que utilitzen
aquest metodologia participativa extreuen avantatges en l’aprenentatge de
l’alumne, en canvi hi ha certa discrepà ncia quant a la convivència a l’aula. Una
altra conclusió és que la participació activa de l’alumnat, es tradueix en
resultats positius en el seu procés d’aprenentatge. A mesura que augmenta la
seva implicació en aquest procés millora la motivació i l’interès per aprendre.This master’s degree project presents, on the one hand, the study and analysis
of Cooperative Learning in classrooms through literature, following
bibliographical documents that detail the results of this method in the students.
On the other hand, it is intended to show the current situation of this learning in
Vocational Training (VT) and the application of this participatory methodology in
a classroom of VT as a strategic tool and a proposal of education improvement
to motivate the student, making him feel the center of his learning.
The field study is carried out through surveys of teachers and students from
different training cycles; in particular from the Commerce and Marketing Family
and from the Electricity and Electronics one, with the purpose to know if they
apply Cooperative work techniques and their results. Finally, this methodology
has been put into practice with students of Commercial Activities, in the
Business Management module and their results have been analyzed.
One of the results of this work is that most of the teachers who use this
participatory methodology extract advantages in the student’s learning.
However, there is some discrepancy regarding the coexistence in the
classroom. Another conclusion is that the active participation of the students is
translated into positive results in their learning process. As it increases their
involvement in this process, it also improves motivation and interest in learning
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