334 research outputs found

    Extranjeros en los centros penitenciarios catalanes y sus trayectorias de vida

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    This article presents the results of two researches on foreign inmates in Catalan prisons between 2007 and 2010. Their personal, socio-family, criminal and prison profiles are described, and some aspects about their migratory project, their status and their stay in prison are summarized. Some semi-structured interviews have been made to find out their social capital in the countries of origin and destination, criminologicalaspects and future prospects after conviction. The authors have succeeded in explaining the complexity of foreign inmates creating 4 major groups with different needs and realities, and making 29 recommendations to improve all areas of correctional intervention on them.Este artículo recoge los resultados de dos investigaciones realizadas con internos extranjeros en los centros penitenciarios catalanes entre 2007 y 2010. Se describe su perfil personal, socio-familiar, penal y penitenciario, y se resumen algunos aspectos de su proyecto migratorio, su situación administrativa y su paso por prisión. Para conocer en profundidad su realidad se han realizado entrevistas semi-estructuradas sobre su capital social en los países de origen y de acogida, aspectos de su perfil criminológico y perspectivas de futuro una vez finalizada la condena. Los autores han logrado explicar la complejidad de este colectivo creando 4 grandes grupos con realidades y necesidades distintas y específicas, y han elaborado 29 recomendaciones para la mejora de todos los ámbitos de la intervención penitenciaria en este ámbito

    Sustainability and business models in the fashion industry

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    Treball Final de Grau en Administració d'Empreses. Codi: AE1049. Curs 2013-2014The importance of the sustainability is very important in the current world (Bauman, 2006). Nowadays, the business model that triumphs in the world of fashion is the movement of the fast fashion with regarding companies as Zara, Handle or H&M (Proglio, 2010). From a managerial point of view, there is no doubt of its viability and of its big benefits, but from a sustainable point of view, all the characteristics that the model as one that offers a big variety in its articles, it’s low prices, its big expenses of logistics, all in all create a model that does not contribute to the sustainability of the planet (Cachon, 2011). As an alternative of this model, t the slow fashion was born and a change of thought, where the consumers possess more quality in the articles and a higher perceived value highlighting the extract and the proper identity of the pledge. This model is more sustainable for the planet, although the regarding companies of the slow are very little well-known small enterprises and that take a faithful and respectful consumer as a client with the environment (Fletcher, 2007). The main target is to analyze the sustainability of two business models in the industry of the fashion, like Fast Fashion and Slow Fashion, by means of a methodology of review of the literature where a labor camp is delimited and were the factors that intervene in the same one and a few conclusions logical and well-taken are extracted. That is to say, they concentrate on an aspect and it is developed exhaustively. It concerns the structure of this work, first of all, a review of the literature will be exhibited, where the concept of sustainability will be explained, giving importance to the terms of strong and weak sustainability, and also the relevancy of the sustainability in the world of the fashion. Later the fast fashion and the slow fashion will be analyzed like business models, and its characteristics to go so far as to obtain these models. Next, by means of a case of study, the previous business models will be verified with the comparison between a regarding company of the fast fashion, in this case Zara and a company with much potentially inside the managerial model of the Slow, Wendy's Small house. Once having analyzed the diverse companies, one will examine the implications that the sustainability has on having belonged to the fast or to the slow fashion. To conclude, the conclusions of the project that will include the review of the literature and the case of study. The whole used bibliography will be quoted ad the end

    Política en l'era digital: l'impacte de les noves pautes comunicatives en la política catalana durant la crisi institucional de 2017

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    El procés de digitalització constitueix un dels elements de disrupció més importants en la història de la humanitat. El canvi en les pautes comunicatives i l’emergència de nous instruments digitals que faciliten la nostra interacció social han suposat, en els darrers anys, una verdadera revolució en els paràmetres tradicionals de la política i dels lideratges polítics. Catalunya i el seu sistema polític no ha viscut de forma aliena a aquest procés global de transformació digital. Aquest estudi pretén analitzar, de forma detallada, l’impacte del procés de digitalització sobre la crisi institucional viscuda a Catalunya durant l’any 2017. Aquest treball d’investigador de naturalesa interdisciplinar combina una anàlisi comunicativa i política a través d’una successió històrica de fets que es prolonga des de la sentència del Tribunal Constitucional contra l’Estatut d’Autonomia de Catalunya (2010) fins a la sentència del Tribunal Suprem de 14 d’octubre de 2019 sobre el Procés. Concretament, s’estudia de forma exhaustiva la crisi institucional viscuda durant el 2017, específicament la remodelació del Govern de juliol de 2017, l’1-O de 2017 i el 27 d’octubre de 2017, i l’impacte que les noves pautes de comunicació van tenir sobre els lideratges polítics i la presa de decisions en aquests tres casos. La metodologia és qualitativa i es combinen les tècniques d’investigació de l’observació participant, l’estudi de cas, l’entrevista en profunditat i l’anàlisi de contingut. És d’especial interès d’aquest estudi conèixer la interacció entre quatre grans actors: les xarxes socials i els nous continguts digitals i mediàtics, els polítics, la societat civil organitzada i la ciutadania.El proceso de digitalización constituye uno de los elementos de disrupción más importantes en la historia de la humanidad. El cambio en las pautas comunicativas y la emergencia de nuevos instrumentos digitales que facilitan nuestra interacción social han supuesto, en los últimos años, una verdadera revolución en los parámetros tradicionales de la política y de los liderazgos políticos. Cataluña y su sistema político no han vivido de forma ajena a este proceso global de transformación digital. Este estudio pretende analizar, de forma detallada, el impacto del proceso de digitalización sobre la crisis institucional vivida en Cataluña durante el año 2017. Este trabajo de investigación de naturaleza interdisciplinar combina un análisis comunicativo y político a través de una sucesión histórica de hechos que se prolonga desde la sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional contra el Estatuto de Autonomía de Cataluña (2010) hasta la sentencia del Tribunal Supremo de 14 de octubre de 2019 sobre el Procés. Concretamente, se estudia de forma exhaustiva la crisis institucional vivida durante el 2017, específicamente la remodelación del Gobierno de julio de 2017, el 1-O de 2017 y el 27 de octubre de 2017, y el impacto que las nuevas pautas de comunicación tuvieron sobre los liderazgos políticos y la toma de decisiones en estos tres casos. La metodología es cualitativa y se combinan las técnicas de investigación de la observación participante, el estudio de caso, la entrevista en profundidad y el análisis de contenido. Es de especial interés de este estudio conocer la interacción entre cuatro grandes actores: las redes sociales y los nuevos contenidos digitales y mediáticos, los políticos, la sociedad civil organizada y la ciudadanía.The process of digitization is one of the most important elements of disruption in our history. The change in communication patterns and the emergence of new digital instruments that facilitate our social interaction have led, in recent years, to a real revolution in the traditional parameters of politics and political leadership. Catalonia and its political system have not lived alien to this global process of digital transformation. This study aims to analyse, in detail, the impact of the digitization process on the institutional crisis experienced in Catalonia during 2017. This work of an interdisciplinary researcher combines a communicative and political analysis through a historical succession of facts, extended from the ruling of the Constitutional Court against the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia (2010) to the ruling of the Supreme Court of October 14, 2019 on the “Procés”. In particular, the institutional crisis experienced during 2017 is studied in detail, and more specifically the cabinet reshuffle in July 2017, the 1-O of 2017 and October 27, 2017, and the impact that the new communication guidelines had on political leadership and decision-making in these three cases. The methodology is qualitative and combines the research techniques of participant observation, case study, in-depth interview and content analysis. One of the main challenges of this study is to analyse and understand the interaction between four major players, that is to say, social media and new digital and media content, politicians, organized civil society and the citizens

    Ejercicio físico y calidad de vida en adolescentes supervivientes a un cáncer

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    Purpose and methods: The regular practice of physical exercise (PE) is one of the main behaviours related with a healthy lifestyle that has demonstrated to yield benefits both on physical and psychological health-related quality of life’ domains (HRQoL). However, in Spain, studies exploring such association in pediatric survivors of childhood cancer are scarce. For that reason, this descriptive study examines the relationship between the pattern of PE performance and self-rated HRQoL in a sample of adolescent survivors of childhood cancer (ASCC), compared to a normative group from the general population (NG). All participants filled in the SF-12v2 questionnaire and the AECEF. Results: In both groups, a significantly higher percentage of male active survivors was found and they also showed significantly higher mean scores in MCS. However, HRQoL between groups was equivalent and even higher in the case of MCS for the GS. Only 12% of explained variance for MCS was accounted in the NG, considering PE, gender and age at the assessment. Conclusions: Considering these results, we believe it’s needed to explore other factors not addressed in the present work, such as PE intensity or type of physical activity performed that might be mediating the association between PE and HRQoL in adolescent cancer survivors. It is also discussed the suitability of using specific tools to assess HRQoL in adolescent survivors of childhood cancer populations.Objetivo y métodos: La práctica regular de ejercicio físico (EF), es una de las principales conductas relacionadas con un estilo de vida saludable que ha demostrado reportar beneficios tanto físicos como psicológicos sobre la calidad de vida en relación a la salud (CVRS) de las personas. Sin embargo, en España son escasos los trabajos que exploren dicha asociación en población infanto-juvenil superviviente a un cáncer. Por ello, el presente estudio descriptivo mediante encuesta analiza la relación entre el patrón de realización de EF y la CVRS en una muestra de adolescentes oncológicos en remisión (GS), en comparación con un grupo normativo de referencia (GN). Todos los participantes cumplimentaron el cuestionario de salud SF-12v2 y el Autoinforme del Estadio de Cambio para el Ejercicio Físico (AECEF).Resultados: En ambos grupos había un porcentaje significativamente mayor de varones activos para EF que, además, presentaban puntuaciones significativamente superiores en MCS. No obstante, la CVRS entre ambos grupos era similar e incluso significativamente superior para el GS en MCS. El EF sólo explicó un 12% de la varianza de MCS en el GN, en conjunción con el género y la edad del superviviente. Conclusiones: A partir de los resultados, creemos necesario seguir explorando otros factores no contemplados en el presente trabajo, tales como la intensidad o el tipo de actividad física llevada a cabo, que puedan mediar la asociación entre EF y CVRS en supervivientes. También se discute la necesidad de utilizar instrumentos específicos de CVRS para población adolescente superviviente a un cáncer

    Open-Access Publishing in Tourism and Hospitality Research

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    This paper examines various models of academic publishing and considers their relative advantages for authors, readers, academic institutions and society. Relevant factors driving authors\u27 choice of the journal include the journal\u27s scope, reputation and publishing model used. Authors\u27 choices are shaped by the expectations of academic institutions and strongly determine both access to readers and the benefits to society. From an analysis of 174 journals in the tourism and hospitality field, four publication models are identified and compared: \u27subscription-only\u27 and the \u27Green\u27, \u27Gold\u27 and \u27Platinum\u27 open-access models. The findings of a survey of 42 editors of journals in the field are then presented. These suggest that subscription-based journals (subscription-only or hybrid) tend to be owned by commercial publishing companies and have the highest reputation, as measured by their position in one or more indexing systems. They also tend to have significantly larger paper submissions than open-access journals, especially those that use the Platinum open-access model. While some commentators have suggested that editors of open-access journals with article-processing charges may be tempted to lower their scientific standards to maximize revenues, no evidence was found that such journals have higher acceptance rates than their subscription-based equivalents

    Situación de las personas reclusas latinoamericanas en Cataluña (2011)

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    Catalonia shares its penal code with Spain. However, Catalonia has exclusive competencies in terms of prison policies, and one of the concerns has always been to have in-depth knowledge on the situation and specific needs of the population that is served, in order to adjust the interventions to the greatest extent possible so as to favor social reintegration and reducing incidence. One of the phenomena that have been observed is the rise in the number of foreigners in the prison population. This is the result of the high migratory influx recorded in the first decade of the millennium. The General Directorship of Penitentiary Services of the Department of Justice of Catalonia requested the Center for Judicial Studies and Specialized Training – an autonomous agency dedicated to research and training professionals at the Department of Justice – to carry out this research in order to provide ample and global knowledge on the situation of foreigners in the Catalonian penitentiaries and their outlook, seeking recommendations to help intervene in a more effectual manner. The methodology was rendered complex by the great volume of the data and the different manners and sources information that served in data gathering during 3 years of work (2008 to 2011). A noteworthy theme from the onset was the difficulties observed in social re-integration once the sentence had been served, due to the complexity of the legal framework regulating their stay in Catalonia, and by extension in the Kingdom of Spain.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5377/rpsp.v3i1.1331Cataluña comparte con España el mismo Código penal. Sin embargo, Cataluña tiene competencias exclusivas en materia de políticas penitenciarias y una de sus preocupaciones ha sido siempre conocer en profundidad las realidades y las necesidades específicas de la población que ha de atender, con la finalidad de ajustar al máximo las intervenciones que favorezcan la reinserción social y la disminución de la reincidencia. Uno de los fenómenos observados ha sido el aumento de población penitenciaria extranjera, fruto de un elevado flujo migratorio registrado en la primera década del nuevo milenio. La Dirección General de Servicios Penitenciarios del Departamento de Justicia de la Generalitat de Cataluña planteó al Centro de Estudios Jurídicos y Formación Especializada, -organismo autónomo dedicado a la investigación y a la formación de los profesionales que dependen del Departamento de Justicia- la demanda de esta investigación con la finalidad de proporcionar conocimiento amplio y global de la realidad de los extranjeros en los centros penitenciarios catalanes y de sus posibilidades de futuro, apuntando recomendaciones que puedan ayudar a intervenir con más eficacia. La metodología fue muy compleja por la gran cantidad de datos y las diversas formas y fuentes de recogida de información a lo largo de más de 3 años de trabajo (de 2008 a 2011). Un tema destacado desde el principio fue la constatación de las dificultades de integración social una vez cumplida la pena, debido a la complejidad del marco legal que regula su estancia en Cataluña y por extensión al Reino de España.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5377/rpsp.v3i1.133

    Physician-perceived utility of the EORTC QLQ-GINET21 questionnaire in the treatment of patients with gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumours: a multicentre, cross-sectional survey (QUALINETS)

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    Qualitat de vida relacionada amb la salut; Tumors neuroendocrins; Qüestionari QLQ-GINET21Calidad de vida relacionada con la salud; Tumores neuroendocrinos; Cuestionario QLQ-GINET21Health-related quality of life; Neuroendocrine tumours; QLQ-GINET21 questionnaireBackground and objective Patient-reported outcome measures can provide clinicians with valuable information to improve doctor-patient communication and inform clinical decision-making. The aim of this study was to evaluate the physician-perceived utility of the QLQ-GINET21 in routine clinical practice in patients with gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumours (GI-NETs). Secondary aims were to explore the patient, clinician, and/or centre-related variables potentially associated with perceived clinical utility. Methods Non-interventional, cross-sectional, multicentre study conducted at 34 hospitals in Spain and Portugal (NCT02853422). Patients diagnosed with GI-NETs completed two health-related quality of life (HRQoL) questionnaires (QLQ-C30, QLQ-GINET21) during a single routine visit. Physicians completed a 14-item ad hoc survey to rate the clinical utility of QLQ-GINET21 on three dimensions: 1)therapeutic and clinical decision-making, 2)doctor-patient communication, 3)questionnaire characteristics. Results A total of 199 patients at 34 centres were enrolled by 36 participating clinicians. The highest rated dimension on the QLQ-GINET21 was questionnaire characteristics (86.9% of responses indicating “high utility”), followed by doctor-patient communication (74.4%), and therapeutic and clinical decision-making (65.8%). One physician-related variable (GI-NET patient volume > 30 patients/year) was associated with high clinical utility and two variables (older age/less experience treating GI-NETs) with low clinical utility. Conclusions Clinician-perceived clinical utility of QLQ-GINET21 is high. Clinicians valued the instruments’ capacity to provide a better understanding of patient perspectives and to identify the factors that had the largest influence on patient HRQoL.This study was sponsored by Ipsen

    Nuevas causales de extinción de la acción penal análisis de la reforma al art. 59 del código penal y su aplicación en los tribunales de Córdoba

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    : La reforma introducida al Código Penal por la ley 27.147 propugnó tres nuevas causales de extinción de la acción penal, que podría provocar un significativo impacto social. Ello, por cuanto resulta un verdadero cambio de paradigma, al reemplazar la concepción tradicional de solución de casos judiciales, disminuyéndose así la frontera entre el derecho civil y el derecho penal. A partir de esta pretensión del legislador, con la introducción de institutos propios del derecho civil en el derecho penal se abre el juego al conjunto de preguntas que estructuran el presente trabajo de investigación, entre las cuales destacamos: ¿Nos encontramos frente a un proceso de privatización del derecho penal? ¿Podría cuantificarse la reparación integral para toda clase de delito?Palabras claves: Principio de oportunidad - cambio de paradigma - nuevos motivos de extinción de la acción pena

    3D UWB magnitude-combined tomographic imaging for biomedical applications. Algorithm validation

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    Biomedical microwave imaging is a topic of continuous research for its potential in different areas especially in breast cancer detection. In this paper, 3D UWB Magnitude-Combined tomographic algorithm is assessed for this recurrent application, but also for a more challenging one such as brain stroke detection. With the UWB Magnitude-Combined concept, the algorithm can take advantage of both the efficiency of Fourier Diffraction Theorem-based tomographic formulation and the robustness and image quality improvement provided by a multi-frequency combination.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version