10 research outputs found

    Nursing students bringing first aid to the community

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    AimThis study aimed to evaluate the theoretical and practical skills acquired by nursing students and school students after the service-learning project.MethodsThis study promotes nursing students and school students working together to gain awareness and basic theoretical knowledge of first aid. The learning project was conducted with nursing students (n = 67) and school students (n = 131) from April to June 2022. The nursing students gave scores higher than 8 on the aspects linked to expectations, self-perception, overall assessment, and attainment of the goals, and these results are in line with the qualitative analysis.ResultsMoreover, 100% of the school students reported a satisfactory outcome about the service.ConclusionService-learning is a challenging and motivating methodology for nursing students, which results in greater engagement with theory and practice and the development of essential skills for future professionals

    Implementation of a multidisciplinary psychoeducational intervention for Parkinson's disease patients and carers in the community: study protocol

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    Background: Parkinson’s disease progressively limits patients at different levels and as a result family members play a key role in their care. However, studies show lack of an integrative approach in Primary Care to respond to the difficulties and psychosocial changes experienced by them. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of a multidisciplinary psychoeducational intervention focusing on improving coping skills, the psychosocial adjustment to Parkinson’s disease and the quality of life in patients and family carers in a Primary Care setting. Methods: This quasi-experimental study with control group and mixed methods was designed to evaluate a multidisciplinary psychoeducational intervention. Based on the study power calculations, 100 people with Parkinson’s disease and 100 family carers will be recruited and assigned to two groups. The intervention group will receive the ReNACE psychoeducational intervention. The control group will be given a general educational programme. The study will be carried out in six community-based health centres. The results obtained from the two groups will be collected for evaluation at three time points: at baseline, immediately after the intervention and at 6 months post-intervention. The results will be measured with these instruments: the Quality of Life Scale PDQ39 for patients and the Scale of Quality of Life of Care-givers SQLC for family carers, and for all participants the Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness scale and the Brief COPE Inventory. Focus groups will be organised with some patients and family carers who will have received the ReNACE psychoeducational intervention and also with the healthcare professionals involved in its development. Discussion: An important gap exists in the knowledge and application of interventions with a psychosocial approach for people with PD and family carers as a whole. This study will promote this comprehensive approach in Primary Care, which will clearly contribute in the existing knowledge and could reduce the burden of PD for patients and family carers, and also in other long-term conditions

    Menores de edad expuestos a situaciones de violencia de género en su unidad familiar. Intervención desde el Trabajo Social. El caso de la comunidad autónoma de La Rioja.

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    La violència de gènere ha passat de ser una realitat oculta a un problema de caràcter social i públic. No obstant això, continua sent una realitat poc visible i documentada aquella en la qual es troben els nens i nenes que, sense ser aparentment objecte de violència, estan igualment exposats a les conductes agressives que s’exerceixen en el seu sistema familiar. Es fa necessari, per tant, posar de manifest les situacions d’aquests/es menors d’edat que han crescut en un ambient negligent que ha obstaculitzat el seu desenvolupament normalitzat, amb greus repercussions en les seves diferents àrees vitals. A fi de contribuir a aquest objectiu, s’ha dut a terme un estudi exploratori a partir de la realització i l’anàlisi d’entrevistes semiestructurades a treballadores socials que intervenen amb famílies afectades per la violència de gènere, tenint com a finalitats indagar les situacions i conseqüències de l’exposició dels menors a la violència de gènere, així com també exposar el paper de la professió del Treball Social en aquesta problemàtica social. Els resultats revelen l’existència a Espanya de serveis bàsics i especialitzats que aborden els diferents conflictes que sorgeixen en el si d’una família, també que el patró de resposta d’aquests nens/es exposats a violència de gènere no és homogeni, podent adoptar múltiples rols o conseqüències, que hauran de tenir en compte els/les professionals del Treball Social en dissenyar la intervenció. Aquest article planteja la necessitat imperiosa de millorar els canals de comunicació/coordinació entre els diferents agents socials que treballen amb infància maltractada.Gender violence has gone from being a hidden reality to a social and public problem. However, the reality of children who, without apparently being the object of violence, are equally exposed to the aggressive behaviors exercised in their family system, continues to be a reality that has not been made visible or documented. It is therefore necessary to highlight the situations of these minors who have grown up in a negligent environment that has hindered their normalized development, with serious repercussions in their different vital areas. In order to contribute to this objective, an exploratory study has been carried out by conducting and analyzing semi-structured interviews with social workers who intervene with families affected by gender violence, with the following aims: to investigate the situations and consequences of the exposure of minors to gender violence, as well as to expose the role of the Social Work profession in this social problem. The results reveal that: there are basic and specialized services in Spain that address the different conflicts that arise within a family, and that the response pattern of these children exposed to gender violence is not homogeneous, and they may adopt multiple roles or consequences, which should be taken into account by Social Work professionals when designing the intervention. This article raises the urgent need to improve communication/coordination channels between the different social agents working with abused children.La violencia de género ha pasado de ser una realidad oculta a un problema de carácter social y público. Sin embargo, sigue siendo una realidad poco visibilizada y documentada aquella en la que se encuentran los niños y niñas que, sin ser aparentemente objeto de violencia, están igualmente expuestos a las conductas agresivas que se ejercen en su sistema familiar. Se hace necesario, por tanto, poner de manifiesto las situaciones de estos/as menores de edad que han crecido en un ambiente negligente que ha obstaculizado su desarrollo normalizado, con graves repercusiones en sus diferentes áreas vitales. En aras de contribuir a este objetivo, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio exploratorio a partir de la realización y el análisis de entrevistas semiestructuradas a trabajadoras sociales que intervienen con familias afectadas por la violencia de género, teniendo como finalidades indagar las situaciones y consecuencias de la exposición de los menores a la violencia de género, así como exponer el papel de la profesión del Trabajo Social en esta problemática social. Los resultados revelan que existen en España servicios básicos y especializados que abordan los diferentes conflictos que surgen en el seno de una familia, y que el patrón de respuesta de estos niños/as expuestos a violencia de género no es homogéneo, pudiendo adoptar múltiples roles o consecuencias, que deberán tener en cuenta los/las profesionales del Trabajo Social al diseñar la intervención. Este artículo plantea la necesidad imperiosa de mejorar los canales de comunicación/coordinación entre los diferentes agentes sociales que trabajan con infancia maltratada

    La diversidad cultural del derecho universal a contraer matrimonio y formar una familia. Elementos a tener en cuenta desde el Trabajo Social

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    Our plural society faces an intercultural challenge that demands an answer to the new social needs at the individual-family, group and community levels from Social Work. Confronted by these realities, social workers should know not only the different ways of forming a family, but also the right to choose or not a partner or the impact of these practices on peoples lives, thus including a permanent defence of human rights within their interventions. Social Work and Human Rights are present both in their own definition as well as throughout the intervention process: information, advice, support, supervision, monitoring and evaluation. The following text offers an analysis of the different forms of marriage, particularly in those aspects related to the choice of couple and the reasons leading to give free consent to a matrimonial union. They are: arranged marriage, forced, supported by love or the marriage of convenience, specially present in our country since it has become a recipient country of immigrants. The reality of these different types of marriage is exposed, together with the legal framework and the context in which they arise and develop. A bibliographic review has been done, so as to reflect on these forms of marriage and the consequences that may have for the parties involved as well as for the professional practice of social workers.Nuestra sociedad plural se enfrenta al reto intercultural que exige del Trabajo Social una respuesta ante las nuevas necesidades sociales a nivel individual-familiar, grupal y comunitario. Ante estas realidades, el trabajador social deberá ser conocedor de las diversas maneras de constituir una familia, del derecho a elegir o no pareja, y de la significación de estas prácticas en la vida de las personas y los grupos, porque todo ello deberá ser incorporado en su intervención con la constante defensa de los Derechos Humanos. Ya que el Trabajo Social y los Derechos Humanos están presentes tanto en su propia definición como a lo largo del proceso de intervención: información, asesoramiento, orientación, apoyo, supervisión, seguimiento y evaluación. El texto que sigue hace un recorrido sobre las diferentes formas de matrimonio, concretamente en los aspectos que se refieren al sistema de elección de cónyuge y los motivos que llevan a prestar el libre consentimiento a la unión matrimonial: matrimonio concertado, forzoso, sustentado en el amor y por conveniencia, presentes en nuestro país desde que ha pasado a ser receptor de personas inmigrantes. Para ello se expone la realidad de cada uno de ellos, el marco jurídico que los refrenda y ampara, así como el contexto en el que surgen y se desarrollan. Se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica en un intento de reflexionar sobre estos sistemas matrimoniales y las consecuencias sociales y jurídicas que pueden tener para los contrayentes y para la práctica profesional del trabajador social.

    La competencia social y cívica

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    Implementation of a multidisciplinary psychoeducational intervention for Parkinson's disease patients and carers in the community: study protocol

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    Background: Parkinson’s disease progressively limits patients at different levels and as a result family members play a key role in their care. However, studies show lack of an integrative approach in Primary Care to respond to the difficulties and psychosocial changes experienced by them. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of a multidisciplinary psychoeducational intervention focusing on improving coping skills, the psychosocial adjustment to Parkinson’s disease and the quality of life in patients and family carers in a Primary Care setting. Methods: This quasi-experimental study with control group and mixed methods was designed to evaluate a multidisciplinary psychoeducational intervention. Based on the study power calculations, 100 people with Parkinson’s disease and 100 family carers will be recruited and assigned to two groups. The intervention group will receive the ReNACE psychoeducational intervention. The control group will be given a general educational programme. The study will be carried out in six community-based health centres. The results obtained from the two groups will be collected for evaluation at three time points: at baseline, immediately after the intervention and at 6 months post-intervention. The results will be measured with these instruments: the Quality of Life Scale PDQ39 for patients and the Scale of Quality of Life of Care-givers SQLC for family carers, and for all participants the Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness scale and the Brief COPE Inventory. Focus groups will be organised with some patients and family carers who will have received the ReNACE psychoeducational intervention and also with the healthcare professionals involved in its development. Discussion: An important gap exists in the knowledge and application of interventions with a psychosocial approach for people with PD and family carers as a whole. This study will promote this comprehensive approach in Primary Care, which will clearly contribute in the existing knowledge and could reduce the burden of PD for patients and family carers, and also in other long-term conditions

    Factors influencing psychosocial adjustment and quality of life in Parkinson patients and informal caregivers

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    Objective: The influence that social conditions and personal attitudes may have on the quality of life (QoL) of Parkinsons disease (PD) patients and informal caregivers does not receive enough attention in health care, as a result of it not being clearly identified, especially in informal caregivers. The aim of this study was to provide a comprehensive analysis of psychosocial adjustment and QoL determinants in PD patients and informal caregivers. Methods: Ninety-one PD patients and 83 caregivers participated in the study. Multiple regression analyses were performed including benefit finding, coping, disease severity and socio-demographic factors, in order to determine how these aspects influence the psychosocial adjustment and QoL in PD patients and caregivers. Results: Regression models showed that severity of PD was the main predictor of psychosocial adjustment and QoL in patients. Nevertheless, multiple regression analyses also revealed that coping was a significant predictor of psychosocial adjustment in patients and caregivers. Furthermore, psychosocial adjustment was significantly related to QoL in patients and caregivers. Also, coping and benefit finding were predictors of QoL in caregivers but not in patients. Conclusions: Multidisciplinary interventions aimed at improving PD patients QoL may have more effective outcomes if education about coping skills, and how these can help towards a positive psychosocial adjustment to illness, were included, and targeted not only at patients, but also at informal caregivers. © 2016, The Author(s)