168 research outputs found

    The interrelationship between the demands of Corporate Social Responsibility and co-operative principles and values

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    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and its integrated management in companies is leading to a new company model that willingly expands its concerns by giving equal consideration to economic, social and environmental aspects. Cooperative societies, in paying attention to the principles and values that define them, as shown in this work, are demonstrating that there is a close interrelationship with the basic demands of CSR, which can be a competitive advantage as long as it is driven by a strategy that leads to its integrated management. The singular structure and democratic composition of a cooperative’s management structure can guarantee the total integration of stakeholders in the decision-making process, as they are often not only owners, but also clients, suppliers and employees.Corporate Social Responsibility, management, interest groups, cooperatives, stakeholders.

    Groundwater characterization of a heterogeneous granitic rock massif for shallow tunneling

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    Shallow tunneling may encounter a number of problems, the most important of which is high water inflows in transmissive areas that are often associated with fractures or discontinuities. Moreover, research into shallow tunneling may be limited by the duration and cost of the civil engineering works. Two important aspects that are often overlooked are: variable groundwater behavior of faults (conduit, barrier, conduit-barrier), and role of groundwater connectivity between fractures that cross the tunnel and the rest of the rock massif. These two aspects should be taken into account in the geological and groundwater characterization to correct the tunnel design and minimize hazards. A geological study and a preliminary hydrogeological characterization (including a prior steady state investigation and cross bore-hole tests) were carried out in a granitic sector during the construction of Line 9 of the Barcelona subway (B-20 area). The hydrogeological conceptual model was constructed using a quasi-3D numerical model, and different scenarios were calibrated. Faults and dikes show a conduit-barrier behavior, which partially compartmentalized the groundwater flow. The barrier behavior, which is the most marked effect, is more prominent in faults, whereas conduit behavior is more notable in dikes. The characterization of groundwater media entailed a dewatering plan and changes in the tunnel course. This enabled us to construct the tunnel without any problems

    Effect of Background, Attitudinal and Social Network Variables on PhD Students’ Academic Performance. A Multimethod Approach

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    The aim of this paper is to predict the academic performance of PhD students understood as publications and presentations at conferences. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We use a multimethod approach, a quantitative web survey of PhD students and their supervisors and in-depth interviews. We surveyed all PhD students at the University of Girona (Spain) in their 4th and 5th year, who held either a PhD grant or a teaching position at the university. RESULTS: The explanatory variables of PhD performance are of three types: characteristics of the PhD students’ research groups understood as social networks, background variables and attitudinal characteristics. The quantitative analyses show the importance of some background and attitudinal variables like supervisor performance, having a grant, or motivation. The qualitative results show networking to be also important. Policy implications are drawn at country and university level. DISCUSSION: Policy implications are drawn at country and university level

    Historic exposure to herbivores, not constitutive traits, explains plant tolerance to herbivory in the case of two Medicago species (Fabaceae)

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    Altres ajuts: Direcció General de Política Universitària i Recerca (Govern de les Illes Balears) FPI/1925/2016Mechanisms that allow plants to survive and reproduce after herbivory are considered to play a key role in plant evolution. In this study, we evaluated how tolerance varies in species with different historic exposure to herbivores considering ontogeny. We exposed the range-restricted species Medicago citrina and its closely related and widespread species M. arborea to one and two herbivory simulations (80 % aerial biomass loss). Physiological and growth parameters related to tolerance capacity were assessed to evaluate constitutive values (without herbivory) and induced tolerance after damage. Constitutive traits were not always related to greater tolerance, and each species compensated for herbivory through different traits. Herbivory damage only led to mortality in M. citrina; adults exhibited root biomass loss and increased oxidative stress after damage, but also compensated aerial biomass. Despite seedlings showed a lower death percentage than adults after herbivory in M. citrina, they showed less capacity to recover control values than adults. Moderate tolerance to M. arborea herbivory and low tolerance to M. citrina is found. Thus, although the constitutive characteristics are maintained in the lineage, the tolerance of plants decreases in M. citrina. That represents how plants respond to the lack of pressure from herbivores in their habitat

    Pneumocystis jirovecii and microsporidia: An unusual coinfection in HIV patients?

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    Pneumocystis jirovecii and microsporidia species are recognized as opportunistic infectious pathogens in AIDS patients. Coinfection of both in one patient has been rarely reported. The aim of the present study was to investigate the coinfection of P. jirovecii and microsporidia in different tissues from AIDS deceased patients. Post mortem histological finding of P. jirovecii and microsporidia was demonstrated by means of the Grocott’smethenamine silver and Brown Brenn staining, respectively. Molecular technique was used for identification and characterization of both fungi. Out of the 514 autopsied cases P. jirovecii andmicrosporidia species were identified in 53 (10.3%) and 62 (12.1%) cases respectively. A total of five cases (0.97%) coinfected with Pneumocystis and microsporidia were recovered from all analyzed autopsies. Coinfection of Pneumocystis and microsporidia is very challenging and raises interesting issues about host-parasite relationship. The early diagnosis of both pathogens must be crucial to establish correct and early treatments, improve the patient’s evolution, reducing the risk of death

    Nanotoxicología ambiental

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    Las nanopartículas son partículas cuyas dimensiones están entre 1 y 100 nanometros, que se producen de forma natural en caso de incendios forestales, erupciones volcánicas, etc., y se pueden fabricar e incorporar en diferentes procesos industriales, lo que ha dado lugar a una gran exposición de estos nanomateriales a nivel medioambiental. Las nanoparticulas presentan propiedades físicas y químicas únicas, las cuales difieren significativamente de las correspondientes al mismo material de mayor escala, por lo que no es posible predecir su perfil de toxicidad por extrapolación a partir de datos de sus equivalentes de mayor tamaño. El principal objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una valoración exhaustiva de los usos y de los posibles mecanismos de toxicidad de estas sustancias en el medio ambiente y en el hombre ya que actualmente no existe una legislación específica sobre nanomateriales. La investigación de este tema tiene gran actualidad ya que es necesario determinar la relación beneficio/riesgo de estos materiales para una correcta evaluación del riesgo siendo la investigación en esta área, una de las líneas prioritarias dentro del 7º Programa Marco de la Unión Europea en materia de salud.Nanoparticles are particles which dimensions are between 1 and 100 nanometers. This kind of particles can be produced under natural circumstances such as forest fires, volcanic eruptions, etc., or can be manufactured and included in different industrial processes, something which has caused an increase in the presence of these particles in the environment. Nanoparticles have unique physico-chemical properties which are significantly different from the same material at a bigger scale. This is the reason why it is not possible to predict its toxicity profile by extrapolation from their equivalents of bigger size. The main aim of this research is to conduct an exhaustive study of the uses and possible toxicity mechanism of these substances in the environment and in humans, due to the absence, nowadays, of specific legislation regarding nanomaterials. This item reseach is a current issue because it is necessary to determine the benefit/ risk balance for these materials, so we can develop a correct evaluation of the potential danger. This investigation area is one of the priorities in the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community regarding to health matters

    Vicia Faba L.: Capacidad bioindicadora de contaminación de agua por metilmercurio

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    Mercury is the most dangerous of the heavy metals, easily absorbed by the plants in his organic form. Methil-mercury changes the ability of germination of the Vicia faba L., which is used as human food and as forage for the cattle. In this work the utility of Vicia faba as bioindicator of the presence of methil-mercury in irrigation water is studied, the changes in the ability of germination allows an early detection of the presence of mercury in the environment.El mercurio es el más peligroso de los metales pesados, fácilmente absorbido por las plantas en su forma orgánica. El metilmercurio altera la capacidad de germinación del haba (Vicia faba L.), que se emplea como alimento humano y como forraje para el ganado. En este trabajo se estudia la utilidad de Vicia faba como bioindicador de la presencia de metilmercurio en el agua de riego, la alteración de la capacidad de germinación permite una detección temprana de la presencia de mercurio en el ambiente