53 research outputs found

    Worldwide Distribution of Major Clones of Listeria monocytogenes

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    Listeria monocytogenes is worldwide a pathogen, but the geographic distribution of clones remains largely unknown. Genotyping of 300 isolates from the 5 continents and diverse sources showed the existence of few prevalent and globally distributed clones, some of which include previously described epidemic clones. Cosmopolitan distribution indicates the need for genotyping standardization

    The onco-psychiatry in breast cancer: considerations about the female matter

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    Os autores revisaram amplamente a literatura em relação aos fatores psiquiátricos envolvendo o câncer de mama. Dentro da linha de raciocínio mestra dos tratamentos cirúrgico e oncológico dessas pacientes, ressalta-se seu impacto sobre a saúde mental. Aspectos como possibilidades cirúrgicas, imagem corporal e impacto sobre auto-estima e sexualidade, tratamentos sistêmicos e conseqüências físicas, tais como fadiga, náuseas e vômitos, foram discutidos. As diferenças entre os grupos etários submetidos ao tratamento também foram relevadas, separando-se suas questões. Tópicos sobre a qualidade de vida sempre foram ressaltados. Questões sobre intervenções farmacológicas e psicoterapêuticas foram igualmente levantadas, incluindo medicina alternativa.The authors performed a broad literature review about psychiatric factors in breast cancer. Inside the master reasoning of the surgical and oncological treatments, an emphasis was made on heir impact over the mental health. Aspects like surgical possibilities and body image and its impact over the self-estime and sexuality and systemic treatments and their physical consequences, like fatigue, nausea and vomiting were discussed. The differences between the aged groups treated also were considered, separating their issues. Topics about Quality of Life was always considered. Questions about pharmacological and psychotherapeutical approach were considered too, including alternative medicine

    Transtornos psiquiátricos na gestação e no puerpério: classificação, diagnóstico e tratamento

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    Several questions regarding mental health during the period of pregnancy and puerperium are still open. Even this seems contradictory, many patient present sadness or anxiety instead of joy in these phases of life. The limits between physiological and the pathological one can be narrow, what it may generate doubts in obstetricians, physicians or psychiatrists. Many patients also feel guilty, harming the treatment and the acceptance of her pathology in a phase that theoretically would have to be of joy. Few decades ago till today, there are studies that investigate deeper on this topic, but some questions still are in discussion: the puerperal diseases could be a manifestation of a previous disease not adequately treated? Would be the pregnancy or the puerperium protective factors or risk factors for the psychiatric diseases development? Could be involved in the etiology the hormonal alterations that occur in this period? Which would be the main factors of risk? In which situations it would be adjusted to use medications as treatment? This article has the proposal to discuss some of these questions that are immersed on a topic that is still opening to investigation to let us with more accuracy conclusions.Diversas questões ainda estão em aberto no que se refere a um tema tão amplo quanto a saúde mental das mulheres em período de gestação e puerpério. Por mais contraditório que possa parecer, muitas pacientes apresentam tristeza ou ansiedade em vez de alegria nessas fases de suas vidas. Os limites entre o fisiológico e o patológico podem ser estreitos, o que pode gerar dúvidas em obstetras, clínicos ou psiquiatras. Muitas pacientes também sentem-se culpadas, prejudicando a aderência ao tratamento e a aceitação de uma patologia em uma fase que, em tese, deveria ser de alegria. Nas últimas décadas, estudos têm investigado um pouco mais sobre o tema, mas algumas questões ainda estão em debate: os transtornos puerperais poderiam ser uma manifestação de um transtorno prévio não adequadamente tratado? Seriam a gestação ou o puerpério fatores protetores ou de risco para o desencadeamento de transtornos psiquiátricos? As alterações hormonais que ocorrem nesse período poderiam estar envolvidas na sua etiologia? Quais seriam os principais fatores de risco? Em quais situações seria adequado usar psicofármacos como medida de tratamento? Neste artigo, serão abordadas algumas dessas questões, sobre um tema que ainda precisa ser muito investigado para que tenhamos conclusões mais precisas

    Biomarker tools to Design Clinical Vaccines Determined from a study of annual Listeriosis Incidence in Northern spain

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    Two regions of northern Spain, Gipuzkoa, and Cantabria present high annual incidence of listeriosis (1.86 and 1.71 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, respectively). We report that the high annual incidences are a consequence of infection with highly virulent Listeria monocytogenes isolates linked to fatal outcomes in elderly patients with cancer. In addition, listeriosis patients with cancer present low IL-17A/IL-6 ratios and significantly reduced levels of anti-GAPDH1?22 antibodies, identified as two novel biomarkers of poor prognosis. Analysis of these biomarkers may aid in reducing the incidence of listeriosis. Moreover, GAPDH1?22-activated monocyte-derived dendritic cells of listeriosis patients with cancer seem useful tools to prepare clinical vaccines as they produce mainly Th1 cytokines

    Ghost Writing and Writing Ghosts : mémoire(s), identité(s) et langage(s) dans <i>Beloved</i> de Toni Morrison

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    The objective of this research is to highlight the different ways in which two fundamental reflections at the core of Toni Morrison's writings, the relation to memory and the relation to language, revolve around the notion of identity. Compelling evidences of this structuring can be found in Morrison's novel Beloved, the main object of study of this research analysing several works of Afro-American literature. In a first part will be studied the role of memory in the construction of identity and in the way of dealing with life itself, for instance through the experience of a specific temporality, the borders of which are questioned by a pathological relationship with memory. The possibility of reconciliation between identity and memory are also analyzed. Then, the reflection focuses on the essential stakes at the core of the experience of memory, through its double nature, both individual and collective. This research will finally lead to an analysis of the relation to language in Toni Morrison's critical and literary writings, as well as of the limitations of language in expressing, or rather in trying to express, memory. This will be done through, for instance, an exploration of the concept of postmemory.L'objectif de ces travaux est de mettre en lumière les différentes manières dont deux réflexions fondamentales présentes au coeur des écrits de Toni Morrison, le rapport à la mémoire et le rapport au langage, s'articulent autour de la notion d'identité. Cette articulation se cristallise de façon particulièrement convaincante dans le roman Beloved, qui est le principal objet d'étude de ce mémoire analysant plusieurs œuvres de littérature afro-américaine. Dans un premier temps sont étudiées la place de la mémoire dans la construction identitaire et dans le rapport à la vie elle-même, à travers notamment l'expérience d'une temporalité particulière, aux frontières remises en question par un rapport pathologique à la mémoire. Il est aussi question de la possibilité de réconciliation entre identité et mémoire. Ensuite, la réflexion se centre sur les enjeux fondamentaux existant au coeur de l'expérience de la mémoire, au travers notamment de sa double nature, propriété de l'individu mais aussi de la communauté. Ces travaux aboutissent sur une analyse du rapport au langage dans l'oeuvre littéraire et critique de Morrison ainsi que des limites du langage dans l'expression, ou plutôt les tentatives d'expression de la mémoire, par exemple à travers une exploration du concept de narration post-mémorielle

    Pro dia nascer feliz? Utopia, dystopia and youth in Brazilian rock n roll of the 1980s

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    Através da utilização de letras de músicas produzidas entre os anos de 1981 e 1989, busquei analisar o papel que o rock brasileiro teve como elemento de manifestação da juventude que havia crescido sob a ditadura de 1964. Utilizei os conceitos de utopia e distopia para compreender de que maneira essas letras, ao mesmo tempo, serviram como representação da compreensão desses jovens de seu momento histórico e como instrumento de crítica da realidade econômica e social ao seu redor. Mais do que reflexo cultural de seu período, tais letras manifestavam a contradição ideológica da época, na qual a utopia em torno de uma sociedade melhor era negada pela própria distopia presente nas relações econômicas e sociais cotidianas. Esta mesma contradição foi observada na relação entre arte e mercado, criticada por muitas bandas, mas necessária para que suas músicas alcançassem seus ouvintes. É importante ressaltar que o movimento punk brasileiro teve papel fundamental para as bandas do rock brasileiro da década de 1980, pois ele mostrou que era possível produzir músicas para e pela juventude que vivia a transição da ditadura para a democracia.Using lyrics of songs produced from 1981 to 1989, I tried to analyze the role Brazilian rock n roll had as an element of manifestation of youngsters who had grown up during the 1964 dictatorship. I used the concepts of utopia and dystopia to understand in which way these lyrics, at the same time, served as a representation of the understanding of these youngsters of their historical moment and as an instrument of criticism of the economic and social reality that surrounded them. More than just a cultural reflex of their period, these lyrics demonstrated the ideological contradiction of their time, in which utopia regarding a better society was denied by dystopia that could be found on daily economic and social relations. That same contradiction was observed on the relation between art and market, criticized by many bands, but necessary for the dissemination of their songs among their listeners. It is important to say that the Brazilian punk movement had a fundamental role for the Brazilian rock bands of the 1980s, since it showed it was possible to make songs for and by the youngsters that were living the transition from dictatorship to democracy