995 research outputs found


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    Praktik hand hygiene sangat penting dalam pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi. Praktik hand hygiene terhadap penunggu pasien sangat perlu diterapkan untuk menghindari infeksi silang di rumah sakit. Keberadaan media informasi hand hygiene sangat diperlukan untuk meningkatkan praktik hand hygiene bagi penunggu pasien. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis hubungan antara paparan media informasi terhadap praktik hand hygiene pada penunggu pasien di Instalasi Rawat Inap RSUD Dr. Adhyatma Tugurejo Kota Semarang. Jenis penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan desain cross sectional study. Sampel penelitian ini penunggu pasien di Instalasi Rawat Inap kelas III RSUD Dr.Adhyatma Tugurejo, menggunakan cluster random sampling sebanyak 63 orang. Pengujian menggunakan uji Chi-Square dengan alpha 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variabel yang berhubungan dengan praktik hand hygiene penunggu pasien rawat inap yaitu usia (p=0,034), pengetahuan (p=0,000), dan paparan media cetak (p=0,004). Variabel yang tidak berhubungan dengan praktik hand hygiene penunggu pasien rawat inap yaitu jenis kelamin (p=0,837), jenis pekerjaan (p=0,300), tingkat pendidikan (p=0,140), sikap (p=0,102), paparan media informasi (p=0,218), paparan media interpersonal (p=1,000), paparan media elektronik (p=0,779), ketersediaan fasilitas (p=1,000), dukungan petugas rumah sakit (p=0,241), dan dukungan keluarga/rekan (p=0,427). RSUD Dr. Adhyatma Tugurejo perlu melakukan monitoring berkala terhadap media – media informasi hand hygiene. Media – media informasi hand hygiene yang mudah dilihat, memiliki desain yang menarik, isi/konten yang jelas dengan bahasa yang mudah dipahami akan meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap, dan praktik hand hygiene penunggu pasien di rumah sakit. Kata Kunci: Hand Hygiene, Media Informasi, Penunggu Pasie

    A Bayesian approach to robust identification: application to fault detection

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    In the Control Engineering field, the so-called Robust Identification techniques deal with the problem of obtaining not only a nominal model of the plant, but also an estimate of the uncertainty associated to the nominal model. Such model of uncertainty is typically characterized as a region in the parameter space or as an uncertainty band around the frequency response of the nominal model. Uncertainty models have been widely used in the design of robust controllers and, recently, their use in model-based fault detection procedures is increasing. In this later case, consistency between new measurements and the uncertainty region is checked. When an inconsistency is found, the existence of a fault is decided. There exist two main approaches to the modeling of model uncertainty: the deterministic/worst case methods and the stochastic/probabilistic methods. At present, there are a number of different methods, e.g., model error modeling, set-membership identification and non-stationary stochastic embedding. In this dissertation we summarize the main procedures and illustrate their results by means of several examples of the literature. As contribution we propose a Bayesian methodology to solve the robust identification problem. The approach is highly unifying since many robust identification techniques can be interpreted as particular cases of the Bayesian framework. Also, the methodology can deal with non-linear structures such as the ones derived from the use of observers. The obtained Bayesian uncertainty models are used to detect faults in a quadruple-tank process and in a three-bladed wind turbine

    Evolución histórica del mercado de trabajo:

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    Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Finanzas y Contabilida

    Layanan Bimbingan Belajar Bagi Siswa Slow Learner (Studi Kasus Siswa Kelas IV MI Ma'rifatul Ulum)

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    Reading is an activity related to the cognitive system, in this case trying to find various information contained in a sentence. Reading activities are important in the learning process, but in practice it is sometimes found that there are students who experience slowness in learning such as low reading skills, this situation is often known as slow learners, namely children with special needs or children with special needs who cannot be recognized from their physical appearance but the child still require special learning services. Normally for high grade students, the level of reading and writing is already fluent. However, the fact is that students are still found to be slow learners. For this reason, researchers examine the subject of tutoring services for slow learner students during reading and writing activities. The researcher uses a research method in the form of a case study which is a research method that collects and analyzes data related to a case. After the researcher studied it, in the slow learner class students experienced emotional ups and downs so the students were not interested in absorbing the material presented by the teacher. This situation was overcome by the class teacher by asking each student to face the teacher one by one to carry out reading activities. The learning media used are also distinguished between normal students and slow learners. There are learning delays in reading and writing experienced by fourth grade students at MI Ma'rifatul Ulum including; (1) insufficient memory in distinguishing the letters of the alphabet; (2) the ability to read in the form of sentences and even words is still low; (3) the ability to write in the form of sentences is still low; and (4) the more readings and sentences that must be read and written, the more difficult it will be for him

    Karakteristik Mi Kering Substitusi Tepung Terigu dengan Tepung Labu Kuning dan Tepung Ikan Tuna

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    AbstrakMi kering merupakan produk yang digemari oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Hal ini menyebabkan penggunaan tepung terigu dan impor gandum meningkat. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya bahan untuk substitusi tepung terigu, yaitu dengan labu kuning dan ikan tuna.Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mensubstitusi sebagian tepung terigu dengan tepung labu kuning dan tepung ikan tuna terhadap sifat sensoris, fisik, dan kimia mi kering yang dihasilkan. Formulasi mi kering dibuat dengan rasio tepung terigu:tepung labu kuning: 100:0; 90:10; 80:20; 70:30; 60:40 dan tepung ikan tuna sebanyak 0–25%, serta analisis mi kering meliputi sensori, fisik, kimia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mi kering yang masih dapat diterima panelis, yaitu mi kering dengan rasio 80:20(tepung terigu:tepung labu kuning) dan penambahan tepung ikan tuna sampai dengan 20%. Penambahan tepung ikan tuna sebesar 10-25% pada mi kering dapat meningkatkan daya serap air, tingkat pengembangan, cooking loss, dan menurunkan nilai kekerasan sertatensile strength. Mi kering dengan penambahan tepung ikan tuna hingga 20% mampu meningkatkan kandungan protein hingga 2,53 kali dibandingkan mi kering kontrol (tanpa penambahan tepung ikan tuna) dengan kadar protein sebesar 23,74% db. Kesimpulannya, penggunaan tepung ikan tuna sebagai sumber protein pada mi kering dapat dilakukan sampai dengan 20%.Dry Noodles Characteristics of Substitution Wheat Flour with Pumpkin and Tuna FlourAbstractDry noodles are a product that is favored by the most people in Indonesia. That causes the use of wheat flour and wheat imports to increase. Therefore it is necessary to have materials to substitute wheat flour, namely with pumpkin and tuna.The purpose of this study was to determine the partial substitution of wheat flour with pumpkin and tuna flour on the sensory, physical, and chemical properties of the dried noodles produced. The stages of the research included the making of pumpkin and tuna flour, dry noodles formulation with the ratio of wheat flour: pumpkin flour of 100:0, 90:10, 80:20, 70:30, 60:40, and tuna flour at the concentration of 0–25%. The analysis of dried noodles was sensory, physical, chemical. The results showed that dry noodles were still acceptable to panelists, namely dry noodles with a ratio of 80:20 (wheat flour: pumpkin flour) and the addition of tuna flour up to 20%. The addition of tuna flour by 10-25% to dry noodles couldincrease water absorption, expansion ratio, cooking loss, and reduce the value of hardness and tensile strength. Dry noodles with the addition of tuna flour up to 20% could increase protein content up to 2.53 times compared to dry noodles control (without tuna fish flour) with 23.74% db. As conclusion, the use of tuna flour as a protein source in dried noodles could be done up to 20%.