189 research outputs found

    La construcción de una metodología feminista cualitativa de enfoque narrativo-crítico

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    Se presenta una metodología cualitativa narrativa crítica como un formato posible y coherente con las bases teóricas de los feminismos, para mostrar la importancia política y ética de los proyectos feministas, en especial, el compromiso con el cambio socia l de la metodología feminista, y con la investigación en general. Con base epistemológica en los principios y criterios del Constructivismo Social , el Feminismo Post -Estructuralista y la Teoría Queer, la metodología utilizada como ejemplo para esta discusi ón fue aplicada en un estudio doctoral que investigó el proceso de construcción -deconstrucción de las subjetividades masculinas con un enfoque terapéutico, en el marco de un programa público de atención a hombres que ejercieron violencia contra mujeres. A través de este ejemplo empírico, se observó que este formato analítico ofrece herramientas para una reflexión crítica sobre las metodologías feministas. Se estableció que el uso de esta metodología específica permite una mejor visualización del problema de la violencia. Se destaca la necesidad de nuevos paradigmas que promuevan el compromiso ético y político, que incluyan contribuciones y permitan el diálogo con avances históricos feministas y estudios de hombres y masculinidades.A critical narrative qualitative methodology is presented as a possible and coherent format with the theoretical bases of feminisms, to show the political and ethical importance of feminist projects, especially the commitment to the social change of feminist methodology, and to the Research in general. With an epistemological basis in the principles and criteria of social co nstructivism, Post -Structural Feminism and Queer Theory, the methodology used a s an example for this discussion was applied in a doctoral study that investigated the process of construction -deconstruction of masculine subjectivities with a Therapeutic approach, within the framework of a public program of care for men who exercised vi olence against women. Through this empirical example, it was observed that this analytical format offers tools for a critical reflection on feminist methodologies. It was established that the use of this specific methodology allows a better visualization o f the problem of violence. It highlights the need for new paradigms that promote ethical and political commitment, which include contributions and allow dialogue with feminist historical advances and studies of men and masculinitie

    Impacto ambiental de regeneración de playas: la playa de poniente (Gijón)

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    [ES] El litoral es un ecosistema frágil, con equilibrios dinámicos fáciles de vulnerar. Por otra parte, es un espacio multiuso muy demandado por el hombre. En consecuencia, es un recurso escaso que exige una gestión ambiental. La mejor defensa de una costa es una playa, por ello la conservación, creación y regeneración de playas se pueden considerar, con carácter general, como actuaciones encaminadas hacia el uso sostenible del recurso litoral. No obstante, la complejidad de relaciones que se dan en este espacio aconseja que estos proyectos prevean los posibles efectos adversos que puedan ocasionar, para tomar las adecuadas medidas correctoras. Se sintetiza en este artículo el Estudio de Impacto Ambiental del Proyecto de regeneración de la playa de poniente en Gijón. El Proyecto, promovido por la Autoridad Portuaria de Gijón y por el propio Ayuntamiento de esta ciudad, contempla la construcción de un paseo marítimo, además de la regeneración de parte de la antigua playa de Natahoyo y se ubica en la concha Oeste de Gijón, a poniente del Puerto Deportivo, constituyendo con éste la nueva fachada marítima de este sector de la ciudad. El Estudio realizado lleva a cabo la identificación, la caracterización y la valoración de los impactos (según la normativa vigente). Esta identificación preventiva de los impactos permite sugerir medidas correctoras y proponer ideas para la redacción de un plan de vigilancia ambiental. Se ha realizado un análisis del Proyecto y del medio y se han elaborado estudios específicos para la identificación y alcance de los impactos. Se ha contemplado también la participación ciudadana mediante una encuesta dirigida a diferentes grupos sociales: asociaciones de vecinos, grupos ecologistas y conservacionistas, centros universitarios, administraciones locales, autonómicas y estatales, etc. De forma muy sucinta, el Estudio permite decir que el Proyecto, de forma global, aumentará la calidad de vida del sector Oeste de la ciudad, que contará con una nueva fachada marítima más acorde con sus actuales características socioeconómicas. No obstante, provocará algunos impactos negativos e inevitables como el incremento de la vulnerabilidad de la avifauna limícola de la Bahía.Canteras, JC.; Pérez, L.; Cantera, E.; Soler, M.; Carralimos, CI. (1995). Impacto ambiental de regeneración de playas: la playa de poniente (Gijón). Ingeniería del Agua. 2(1 Extraordinario):223-243. https://doi.org/10.4995/ia.1995.267322324321 ExtraordinarioAlberto, L.J. y Purroy, F.C. (1981). Censo de limícolas invernantes en España (1978, 79 y 80) realizados por la Sociedad Española de Ornitología. Ardeola28, 3-33.Alberto, L.J. y Purroy, F.C. (1984). Datos del censo invernal de limícolas de 1981 y 1982 en España. Ardeola 30, 93-100.Amat, J.A.; Díaz, C.; Herrera, C.M.; Jordano, P; Obeso, J.R. y Soringuer, R.C. (1985). Criterios de valoración de zonas húmedas de importancia nacional y regional en función de las aves acuáticas.ICÓNA, Monografía n° 35, Madrid, 79 pp.ANA (1988). Diez años de censos de aves acuáticas invernantes en Asturias (1978-87). Asturnatura 7, 1-18.Autoridad Portuaria de Gijón (1993). Memoria anual. 1992. Ed. Autoridad Portuaria de Gijón, Gijón, 105 pp.Barragán, J.M. (1994). Ordenación. Planificación y Gestión del Espacio Litoral. Oikos-Tau, Barcelona, 298 pp.Canteras, J.C. (1992). Introducción al Paisaje: Metodologías de Valoración. Universidade do Paraná, Curitiba, Brasil, 110 pp.Centro de Investigaciones Submarinas (CIS) (1993). Estudio de la Biosfera Marina de la costa entre Cabo Peñas y Lastre (Asturias). Informe técnico realizado para la Autoridad Portuaria de Gijón.Clayton, K.M. (1993). Coastal processes and coastal management. Countryside Commission, elementos visuales. I Jornadas Internacionales Northampton, 52 pp.Español, Y. (1991). Análisis estético del paisaje por elementos visuales. I Jornadas Internacionales sobre paisajismo. Santiago de Compostela, 43-55 pp.Fundación Torres Quevedo (1993). Prediseño del Sistema General de Saneamiento del Área de Gijón y Avilés. Informe Técnico para la Confederación Hidrográfica del NorteGonzález, J.V.; Fuentes, A.; Rufino, J. y Muñoz, B. (1993). Informe sobre la Avifauna de la Bahía de Gijón. Inédito.Hoozemans, F.M.J. (1992). Introduction to the coastal system. II Course on Coastal zone management Institute for Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, Delft (Netherland).ICONA (1986)-Lista Roja de los Vertebrados de España. ICONA, Madrid, 400 pp.Medio Ambiente (1994). Publicación de la Dirección General de Política Ambiental, n° 33, Madrid.MOPU (1985). Política de costas: plan de actuaciones 1983-1990. Documentos del Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Urbanismo. Servicio de Publicaciones, Secretaría General Técnica, Madrid, 209 pp.MOPU (1991). Actuaciones en la costa. Dirección General de Puertos y Costas. Servicio de Publicaciones, Secretaría General Técnica, Madrid, 307 pp.Ortega, F. (1992). El litoral. Aproximación geográfica. Temas de administración local. Centro de Estudios Municipales y de Cooperación Internacional (CEMCI), Madrid, 9-29 pp.Sánchez-Arcilla, A. y Jiménez, J.A. (1994). Ingeniería de playas (I): Conceptos de Morfología Costera. Ingeniería del Agua. 1,2, 97-114.Toba, E. (1991). Restauración del paisaje litoral. I Jornadas Internacionales sobre paisajismo. Santiago de Compostela, 91-98 pp

    Short-term effectiveness of a mobile phone app for increasing physical activity and adherence to the mediterranean diet in primary care: A randomized controlled trial (EVIDENT II study)

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    Background: The use of mobile phone apps for improving lifestyles has become generalized in the population, although little is still known about their effectiveness in improving health. Objective: We evaluate the effect of adding an app to standard counseling on increased physical activity (PA) and adherence to the Mediterranean diet, 3 months after implementation. Methods: A randomized, multicenter clinical trial was carried out. A total of 833 participants were recruited in six primary care centers in Spain through random sampling: 415 in the app+counseling group and 418 in the counseling only group. Counseling on PA and the Mediterranean diet was given to both groups. The app+counseling participants additionally received training in the use of an app designed to promote PA and the Mediterranean diet over a 3-month period. PA was measured with the 7-day Physical Activity Recall (PAR) questionnaire and an accelerometer; adherence to the Mediterranean diet was assessed using the Mediterranean Diet Adherence Screener questionnaire. Results: Participants were predominantly female in both the app+counseling (249/415, 60.0%) and counseling only (268/418, 64.1%) groups, with a mean age of 51.4 (SD 12.1) and 52.3 (SD 12.0) years, respectively. Leisure-time moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) by 7-day PAR increased in the app+counseling (mean 29, 95% CI 5-53 min/week; P=.02) but not in the counseling only group (mean 17.4, 95% CI ''18 to 53 min/week; P=.38). No differences in increase of activity were found between the two groups. The accelerometer recorded a decrease in PA after 3 months in both groups: MVPA mean ''55.3 (95% CI ''75.8 to ''34.9) min/week in app+counseling group and mean ''30.1 (95% CI ''51.8 to ''8.4) min/week in counseling only group. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet increased in both groups (8.4% in app+counseling and 10.4% in counseling only group), with an increase in score of 0.42 and 0.53 points, respectively (P<.001), but no difference between groups (P=.86). Conclusions: Leisure-time MVPA increased more in the app+counseling than counseling only group, although no difference was found when comparing the increase between the two groups. Counseling accompanied by printed materials appears to be effective in improving adherence to the Mediterranean diet, although the app does not increase adherence

    The Glial Regenerative Response to Central Nervous System Injury Is Enabled by Pros-Notch and Pros-NFκB Feedback

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    Organisms are structurally robust, as cells accommodate changes preserving structural integrity and function. The molecular mechanisms underlying structural robustness and plasticity are poorly understood, but can be investigated by probing how cells respond to injury. Injury to the CNS induces proliferation of enwrapping glia, leading to axonal re-enwrapment and partial functional recovery. This glial regenerative response is found across species, and may reflect a common underlying genetic mechanism. Here, we show that injury to the Drosophila larval CNS induces glial proliferation, and we uncover a gene network controlling this response. It consists of the mutual maintenance between the cell cycle inhibitor Prospero (Pros) and the cell cycle activators Notch and NFκB. Together they maintain glia in the brink of dividing, they enable glial proliferation following injury, and subsequently they exert negative feedback on cell division restoring cell cycle arrest. Pros also promotes glial differentiation, resolving vacuolization, enabling debris clearance and axonal enwrapment. Disruption of this gene network prevents repair and induces tumourigenesis. Using wound area measurements across genotypes and time-lapse recordings we show that when glial proliferation and glial differentiation are abolished, both the size of the glial wound and neuropile vacuolization increase. When glial proliferation and differentiation are enabled, glial wound size decreases and injury-induced apoptosis and vacuolization are prevented. The uncovered gene network promotes regeneration of the glial lesion and neuropile repair. In the unharmed animal, it is most likely a homeostatic mechanism for structural robustness. This gene network may be of relevance to mammalian glia to promote repair upon CNS injury or disease

    <i>orsai</i>, the Drosophila homolog of human ETFRF1, links lipid catabolism to growth control

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    BACKGROUND: Lipid homeostasis is an evolutionarily conserved process that is crucial for energy production, storage and consumption. Drosophila larvae feed continuously to achieve the roughly 200-fold increase in size and accumulate sufficient reserves to provide all energy and nutrients necessary for the development of the adult fly. The mechanisms controlling this metabolic program are poorly understood. RESULTS: Herein we identified a highly conserved gene, orsai (osi), as a key player in lipid metabolism in Drosophila. Lack of osi function in the larval fat body, the regulatory hub of lipid homeostasis, reduces lipid reserves and energy output, evidenced by decreased ATP production and increased ROS levels. Metabolic defects due to reduced Orsai (Osi) in time trigger defective food-seeking behavior and lethality. Further, we demonstrate that downregulation of Lipase 3, a fat body-specific lipase involved in lipid catabolism in response to starvation, rescues the reduced lipid droplet size associated with defective orsai. Finally, we show that osi-related phenotypes are rescued through the expression of its human ortholog ETFRF1/LYRm5, known to modulate the entry of β-oxidation products into the electron transport chain; moreover, knocking down electron transport flavoproteins EtfQ0 and walrus/ETFA rescues osi-related phenotypes, further supporting this mode of action. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that Osi may act in concert with the ETF complex to coordinate lipid homeostasis in the fat body in response to stage-specific demands, supporting cellular functions that in turn result in an adaptive behavioral response. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12915-022-01417-w

    The relationship of the atlantic diet with cardiovascular risk factors and markers of arterial stiffness in adults without cardiovascular disease

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    Background: Studying the adherence of the population to the Atlantic Diet (AD) could be simplified by an easy and quickly applied dietary index. The aim of this study is to analyse the relationship of an index measuring compliance with recommendations regarding the Atlantic diet and physical activity with cardiovascular disease risk factors, cardiovascular risk factors, obesity indexes and arterial stiffness markers. Methods: We included 791 individuals from the EVIDENT study (lifestyles and arterial ageing), (52.3 ± 12 years, 61.7% women) without cardiovascular disease. Compliance with recommendations on AD was collected through the responses to a food frequency questionnaire, while physical activity was measured by accelerometer. The number of recommendations being met was estimated using a global scale between 0 and 14 points (a higher score representing greater adherence). Blood pressure, plasma lipid and glucose values and obesity rates were measured. Cardiovascular risk was estimated with the Framingham equation. Results: In the overall sample, 184 individuals (23.3%) scored between 0–3 on the 14-point index we created, 308 (38.9%) between 4 and 5 points, and 299 (37.8%) 6 or more points. The results of multivariate analysis yield a common tendency in which the group with an adherence score of at least 6 points shows lower figures for total cholesterol (p = 0.007) and triglycerides (p = 0.002). Similarly, overall cardiovascular risk in this group is the lowest (p < 0.001), as is pulse wave velocity (p = 0.050) and the mean values of the obesity indexes studied (p < 0.05 in all cases). Conclusion: The rate of compliance with the Atlantic diet and physical activity shows that greater adherence to these recommendations is linked to lower cardiovascular risk, lower total cholesterol and triglycerides, lower rates of obesity and lower pulse wave velocity values

    Analysis of gender equality competence present in cultural positions

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    Articulating the gender dimension in organizations is not easy because their members have to be trained to adopt positions that facilitate the implementation of solutions that help to combat inequalities. The aim of this article was to identify the gender equality competence present in the three types of cultural positions Castells proposed in members of a City Council in Sevilla-Spain, who wanted to implement gender mainstreaming. The participants were 27 people (16 women and 11 men). The method used was discourse analysis. The obtained results show that, while all competences were present in the project position, in the resistance position, there was none. In the legitimizers, we observed inconsistency in the discourse presented. This arouses considerations on the importance of knowing the gender equality competences in order to implement gender mainstreaming in organization

    Insulin regulates neurovascular coupling through astrocytes

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    Mice with insulin receptor (IR)-deficient astrocytes (GFAP-IR knockout [KO] mice) show blunted responses to insulin and reduced brain glucose uptake, whereas IRdeficient astrocytes show disturbed mitochondrial responses to glucose. While exploring the functional impact of disturbed mitochondrial function in astrocytes, we observed that GFAP-IR KO mice show uncoupling of brain blood flow with glucose uptake. Since IR-deficient astrocytes show higher levels of reactive oxidant species (ROS), this leads to stimulation of hypoxia-inducible factor-1¿ and, consequently, of the vascular endothelial growth factor angiogenic pathway. Indeed, GFAP-IR KO mice show disturbed brain vascularity and blood flow that is normalized by treatment with the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC). NAC ameliorated high ROS levels, normalized angiogenic signaling and mitochondrial function in IR-deficient astrocytes, and normalized neurovascular coupling in GFAP-IR KO mice. Our results indicate that by modulating glucose uptake and angiogenesis, insulin receptors in astrocytes participate in neurovascular coupling.We are thankful to M.Garcia and R. Cañadas for technical support. This work was funded by Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas (CIBERNED) (Instituto de Salud CarlosIII, Spain) to I.T.A., A.G., and T.I.; an Inter-CIBER project (PIE14/00061) to I.T.A.that forms part of the projects PID2019-104376RB-I00 (I.T.A.) and RTI2018-094887-B-I00 (M.N.) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; a grant from Junta de Andalucia Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento (P18-RT-2233 to A.G.) cofinanced by Programa Operativo FEDER 2014–2020; a grant from Instituto de Salud Carlos III Spain (cofinanced by FEDER funds from the European Union; PI21/00915 to A.G.); Grant PID2020-115218RB-I00 to T.I. funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación/Agencia Española de Investigación (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033); and a grant from Comunidad de Madrid through the European Social Fund (ESF)–financed programme Neurometabolismo-Comunidad de Madrid (NEUROMETAB-CM) (B2017/BMD-3700 to I.T.A.and T.I.). M.N. was also supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Ramón y Cajal RYC-2016-20414). J.P.-U. was contracted by CIBERNED

    First international external quality assessment scheme of nucleic acid amplification tests for the detection of Schistosoma and soil-transmitted helminths, including Strongyloides : a pilot study

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    Background Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) are increasingly being used as diagnostic tools for soil-transmitted helminths (STHs;Ascaris lumbricoides,Trichuris trichiura,Necator americanus,Ancylostoma duodenaleandA.ceylanicum),Strongyloides stercoralisandSchistosomain human stool. Currently, there is a large diversity of NAATs being applied, but an external quality assessment scheme (EQAS) for these diagnostics is lacking. An EQAS involves a blinded process where test results reported by a laboratory are compared to those reported by reference or expert laboratories, allowing for an objective assessment of the diagnostic performance of a laboratory. In the current study, we piloted an international EQAS for these helminths (i) to investigate the feasibility of designing and delivering an EQAS; (ii) to assess the diagnostic performance of laboratories; and (iii) to gain insights into the different NAAT protocols used. Methods and principal findings A panel of twelve stool samples and eight DNA samples was validated by six expert laboratories for the presence of six helminths (Ascaris,Trichuris,N.americanus,Ancylostoma,StrongyloidesandSchistosoma). Subsequently this panel was sent to 15 globally dispersed laboratories. We found a high degree of diversity among the different DNA extraction and NAAT protocols. Although most laboratories performed well, we could clearly identify the laboratories that were poorly performing. Conclusions/Significance We showed the technical feasibility of an international EQAS for the NAAT of STHs,StrongyloidesandSchistosoma. In addition, we documented that there are clear benefits for participating laboratories, as they can confirm and/or improve the diagnostic performance of their NAATs. Further research should aim to identify factors that explain poor performance of NAATs. Author summary Tests that detect parasite DNA in human stool are increasingly being used for the diagnosis of infections with intestinal worms, including schistosomiasis. To ensure the quality in diagnostic testing of these parasitic worms, it is important that laboratories evaluate the diagnostic performance of their DNA-based tests. This can best be achieved by participating in an external quality assessment scheme (EQAS). An EQAS involves a blinded process where test results reported by a laboratory are compared to those reported by reference or expert laboratories, allowing for an objective assessment of the diagnostic performance of a laboratory. Currently, such an EQAS for parasitic worms is lacking. We therefore piloted an international EQAS for the diagnosis of parasitic worms involving 15 laboratories in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America. Although most laboratories performed well, we could clearly identify those laboratories that may need to improve their test protocol. We found that laboratories were using many different test protocols, and further research should aim to verify whether this has an impact on the performance of the diagnostic outcomes