46 research outputs found

    Una aproximación al estudio de los parques urbanos de Zaragoza: el parque Pignatelli, historia y trazado

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    La conformación de los parques urbanos estuvo intrínsecamente relacionada con las secuelas generadas de la Revolución Industrial en la ciudad decimonónica. En este sentido, nuestro trabajo se centra en la ciudad de Zaragoza, en la que a fines del siglo XIX comienzan a diseñarse zonas verdes para el desahogo y esparcimiento de la población. En este contexto y siguiendo los pasos de otras ciudades, se comenzó la búsqueda de un espacio donde crear un parque urbano para la ciudad y se situó en la llamada Subida de Cuellar, una zona de expansión urbana al Sur de Zaragoza. El resultado de esta iniciativa fue la construcción del parque Pignatelli, del cual analizamos su historia y trazado, punto de partida para un estudio de mayor profundidad de los espacios verdes zaragozanos

    Direct and indirect effects of environmental factors on dietary niches in size-structured populations of a wild salmonid

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    Dietary plasticity of populations can be associated to ontogenetic diet preferences and depends on the size-structure of populations. Dietary niche characterizes the functional role of organisms in a food web, as it reflects both resources' diversity used by a consumer and trophic interactions in the system. Dietary niches are controlled both by biotic and abiotic factors, but their interactions in natural systems remain poorly studied. Here, we investigated the variability of dietary niche in salmonid wild populations focusing both on inter-population and intra-population (through time) trophic changes, using marble trout (Salmo marmoratus) living in Slovenian headwater streams as a model system. Stable isotope analysis showed high variability of dietary niche and trophic diversity among six of the seven remnant marble trout populations. We observed substantial differences in dietary niche width among populations and within populations through time. Results of partial least square path modelling highlighted opposite effects of immature and mature trout on trophic niche structure. Direct effects of temperature and slope (stream and watershed) were opposite; temperature narrowed dietary niches while slope increased them. Environmental factors (e.g., temperature, stream and watershed slope) had indirect effects on trophic niches after accounting for fish density. Our results showed that size-distribution and sexual maturity are key determinants of the dietary niche width in a population. Increasing density of immature trout tended to widen the dietary niche while increasing density of mature trout tended to narrow it. Environmental factors had direct effects both on resources and consumers densities and indirect effects. Direct and indirect effects were often antagonistic

    Granulosain I, a cysteine protease isolated from ripe fruits of Solanum granuloso-leprosum (Solanaceae)

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    A new cysteine peptidase (Granulosain I) was isolated from ripe fruits of Solanum granuloso-leprosum Dunal (Solanaceae) by means of precipitation with organic solvent and cation exchange chromatography. The enzyme showed a single band by SDS-PAGE, its molecular mass was 24,746 Da (MALDI-TOF/MS) and its isoelectric point was higher than 9.3. It showed maximum activity (more than 90%) in the pH range 7-8.6. Granulosain I was completely inhibited by E-64 and activated by the addition of cysteine or 2-mercaptoethanol, confirming its cysteinic nature. The kinetic studies carried out with PFLNA as substrate, showed an affinity (Km 0.6 mM) slightly lower than those of other known plant cysteine proteases (papain and bromelain). The N-terminal sequence of granulosain I (DRLPASVDWRGKGVLVLVKNQGQC) exhibited a close homology with other cysteine proteases belonging to the C1A family.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasCentro de Investigación de Proteínas Vegetale

    Granulosain I, a cysteine protease isolated from ripe fruits of Solanum granuloso-leprosum (Solanaceae)

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    A new cysteine peptidase (Granulosain I) was isolated from ripe fruits of Solanum granuloso-leprosum Dunal (Solanaceae) by means of precipitation with organic solvent and cation exchange chromatography. The enzyme showed a single band by SDS-PAGE, its molecular mass was 24,746 Da (MALDI-TOF/MS) and its isoelectric point was higher than 9.3. It showed maximum activity (more than 90%) in the pH range 7-8.6. Granulosain I was completely inhibited by E-64 and activated by the addition of cysteine or 2-mercaptoethanol, confirming its cysteinic nature. The kinetic studies carried out with PFLNA as substrate, showed an affinity (Km 0.6 mM) slightly lower than those of other known plant cysteine proteases (papain and bromelain). The N-terminal sequence of granulosain I (DRLPASVDWRGKGVLVLVKNQGQC) exhibited a close homology with other cysteine proteases belonging to the C1A family.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasCentro de Investigación de Proteínas Vegetale

    Autocuidado de los profesionales que trabajan en la erradicación de la violencia de pareja

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    La violencia en la pareja es un problema complejo que afecta no sólo a quienes la padecen; sino a quienes trabajan para erradicarla. El objetivo de esta investigación es conocer las formas de autocuidado empleadas por quienes trabajan para erradicarla y la función que cumplen. Se fundamenta en el concepto de autocuidado y en los riesgos psicosociales de estas profesiones. La metodología utilizada fue cualitativa, para ello se entrevistó a seis profesionales. Los resultados muestran que el autocuidado cumple funciones de desconexión, drenaje, aumento del bienestar e integración de las vivencias del ámbito laboral. Sin embargo, aunque existe un amplio abanico de acciones que contribuyen al autocuidado, éste resulta insuficiente, pues hay algunas barreras que lo impiden. Se propone un modelo descriptivo de estas barreras, donde se destaca la invisibilización de las repercusiones que se sufren. Se recomienda investigar con mayor profundidad los factores de autocuidado hallados, así como las barreras y sean tenidos en cuenta tanto en la realización de programas de intervención y prevención, como en la formación de los/as futuros/as profesionalesGender-based violence is a complex problem that also affects those who work to eradicate it. The aim of this research is to learn about the various forms of self-care being used by workers and their purpose. It is based on the concept of self-care and on the psychosocial risks of these professionals. The methodology used was qualitative, for which six professionals were interviewed. The results show that self-care works as a mechanism for disconnection, drainage, increase well-being, and integration of labor experiences. However, although there is a wide range of actions that contribute to self-care, it is insufficient, as there are some barriers that prevent it. We propose a descriptive model of these barriers, highlighting the invisibility of the repercussions suffered. We recommend to investigate more deeply the self-care factors found as well as the barriers, and to take them into account both in the implementation of intervention and prevention programs and in the training of future professionals

    Granulosain I, a cysteine protease isolated from ripe fruits of Solanum granuloso-leprosum (Solanaceae)

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    A new cysteine peptidase (Granulosain I) was isolated from ripe fruits of Solanum granuloso-leprosum Dunal (Solanaceae) by means of precipitation with organic solvent and cation exchange chromatography. The enzyme showed a single band by SDS-PAGE, its molecular mass was 24,746 Da (MALDI-TOF/MS) and its isoelectric point was higher than 9.3. It showed maximum activity (more than 90%) in the pH range 7-8.6. Granulosain I was completely inhibited by E-64 and activated by the addition of cysteine or 2-mercaptoethanol, confirming its cysteinic nature. The kinetic studies carried out with PFLNA as substrate, showed an affinity (Km 0.6 mM) slightly lower than those of other known plant cysteine proteases (papain and bromelain). The N-terminal sequence of granulosain I (DRLPASVDWRGKGVLVLVKNQGQC) exhibited a close homology with other cysteine proteases belonging to the C1A family.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasCentro de Investigación de Proteínas Vegetale

    Entre el altar y la corte. Intercambios sociales y culturales hispánicos (siglos XIII-XV)

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    Las sociedades hispánicas medievales compartieron un amplio y variado caudal de principios y valores comunes en el terreno político, social, cultural y espiritual. Aunque existían elementos propios y exclusivos de cada reino, hubo una sólida base común que permitía una rápida adaptación de los personajes que emigraban a otros territorios vecinos. Las respectivas sociedades cortesanas fueron capaces de entenderse a partir de los rasgos culturales, artísticos, literarios y espirituales que todas tenían en común, y aprovecharon los contactos políticos, familiares e institucionales para enriquecerlos. Un estudio comparado de algunos de estos intercambios permite entender la fisonomía de lo hispánico durante la Baja Edad Media, una época caracterizada por la definición progresiva de los poderes del Estado. Los ejemplos que ofrecen los especialistas que escriben en este volumen nos muestran un variado panorama cultural que combina la especialidad temática con el contexto general de la época.Peer reviewe

    Metabarcoding data reveal vertical multitaxa variation in topsoil communities during the colonization of deglaciated forelands

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    Ice-free areas are expanding worldwide due to dramatic glacier shrinkage and are undergoing rapid colonization by multiple lifeforms, thus representing key environments to study ecosystem development. It has been proposed that the colonization dynamics of deglaciated terrains is different between surface and deep soils but that the heterogeneity between communities inhabiting surface and deep soils decreases through time. Nevertheless, tests of this hypothesis remain scarce, and it is unclear whether patterns are consistent among different taxonomic groups. Here, we used environmental DNA metabarcoding to test whether community diversity and composition of six groups (Eukaryota, Bacteria, Mycota, Collembola, Insecta, and Oligochaeta) differ between the surface (0–5 cm) and deeper (7.5–20 cm) soil at different stages of development and across five Alpine glaciers. Taxonomic diversity increased with time since glacier retreat and with soil evolution. The pattern was consistent across groups and soil depths. For Eukaryota and Mycota, alpha-diversity was highest at the surface. Time since glacier retreat explained more variation of community composition than depth. Beta-diversity between surface and deep layers decreased with time since glacier retreat, supporting the hypothesis that the first 20 cm of soil tends to homogenize through time. Several molecular operational taxonomic units of bacteria and fungi were significant indicators of specific depths and/or soil development stages, confirming the strong functional variation of microbial communities through time and depth. The complexity of community patterns highlights the importance of integrating information from multiple taxonomic groups to unravel community variation in response to ongoing global changes

    Castilla y Portugal en la Edad Media. Relaciones, contactos, influencias (siglos XII-XV)

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    César Olivera Serrano (Coord.), Instituto de Historia (CSIC).[ES] Los autores de este libro analizan diferentes aspectos de las relaciones luso-castellanas durante la Edad Media: textos, imágenes, procesos históricos, relaciones sociales y culturales. De este modo se ofrece un conjunto de investigaciones que permite comprender mejor la importancia de las relaciones que mantuvieron durante los siglos medievales dos monarquías ibéricas. Junto a los conflictos ocasionales, se desarrollaron numerosos intercambios entre dos sociedades muy semejantes en su fisonomía política, cultural y social.[EN] The authors of this book analyze different aspects of Portuguese-Castilian relations during the Middle Ages: texts, images, historical processes, social and cultural relations. In this way, a set of investigations is offered that allows a better understanding of the importance of the relations that two Iberian monarchies maintained during the medieval centuries. Along with occasional conflicts, numerous exchanges took place between two societies that were very similar in their political, cultural, and social features.Este libro colectivo es parte del proyecto I+D+I PID2020- 114722GB-I00, financiado por MCIN/ AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033.Presentación / César Olivera Serrano (pp. 9-12). -- Textos, crónicas, obras literarias (pp. 13-190). -- Dependencia y emancipación de los diplomas regios portugueses respecto de la tradición leonesa durante el “largo siglo XII”: los preámbulos como ejemplo/ Pablo Martín Prieto (pp. 13-58). -- Imagens cronísticas de Urraca, princesa de Castela e rainha de Portugal / Isabel Barros Dias (pp. 59-84). -- Entre propaganda, memória e história: a problemática da refundição do Livro de Linhagens do conde D. Pedro e os conflitos Luso-Castelhanos de finais do século XIV / João Paulo Martins Ferreira (pp. 85-148). -- Los vínculos de la cultura castellana con las reinas de Portugal (1481-1521) / Isabel Beceiro Pita (pp. 149-168). -- Lidiando con la transgresión: mecanismos de adaptación de la belicosidad episcopal al discurso historiográfico eclesiástico galaicoportugués de los siglos XI-XIV / Iván Curto Adrados (pp. 169-190). -- Reyes y cortesanos (pp. 191-466). -- Una mujer entre reyes: la percepción de María de Portugal fuera de la corte castellana / Ana Arranz Guzmán (191-252). -- Sobre documentos perdidos y amistades peligrosas: Leonor López de Córdoba y Fadrique Enríquez de Castilla y Castro, duque de Arjona / Óscar Perea Rodríguez (pp. 253-284). -- Aproximación a la Casa de un rey “intruso”: el Condestable don Pedro de Portugal en Cataluña, (1464-1466) / Santiago González Sánchez (pp. 285-412). -- Juan de Merlo: un modelo caballeresco portugués en la corte de Juan II de Castilla / César Olivera Serrano (413-466). -- En tierras de frontera (pp. 467-524). -- Los obispos extremeños entre el siglo XIII y XIV: confluencias de intereses y conflictos en un espacio fronterizo / Enrique Asenjo Travesí (pp.467-496). -- Los testamentos del monasterio de Santa María de Oya y su proyección en Portugal / Margarita Cantera Montenegro (pp. 497-524). -- La estética cortesana (pp. 525-572). -- ¿Una reina en la sombra? Arte, política y persuasión al servicio de Juana de Avís (†1475) / María Teresa Chicote Pompanin y Ángel Fuentes Ortiz (pp. 525-572).Peer reviewe