104 research outputs found

    O profissional do serviço social

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    Jessica CantagalliMonografia (Bacharelado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curso de Graduação em Serviço Socia

    Molecular Marker to Identify Two Stingless Bee Species: Tetragonisca angustula and Tetragonisca fiebrigi (Hymenoptera, Meliponinae)

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    Tetragonisca angustula and T. fiebrigi esterases were biochemically characterized by their inhibition pattern and thermostability. Workers of both species were collected from nests at the State University of Maringa. In T. fiebrigi three esterases were observed: EST-1 (β-esterase, cholinesterase I), EST-2 (α-esterase, cholinesterase II) and EST-4 (αβ-esterase, carboxylesterase). In T. angustula two esterases were detected: EST-3 (β-esterase, acetylesterase) e EST-4 (αβ-esterase, carboxylesterase). T. angustula EST-3 showed the highest thermostability, and it was not observed above 54°C, while in T. fiebrigi EST- 1 and EST-2 were not detected above 52°C. Through this characterization, it was observed that EST-4 of T. angustula and T. fiebrigi showed identical biochemical characteristics, and probably those esterases are encoded by the same gene in the two species. Together, the biochemical characterization and molecular markers show that the two species are differentiated and secondary contact between the populations can still be occurring.

    Leaf-cutting ants acromyrmex niger smith, 1858 (hymenoptera; formicidae) used as bioindicators of agrotoxics residues

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    Despite the condition of leaf-cutting ant pests in agroecosystems, it is undeniable the benefits they can bring in certain situations or environments. The leaf-cutting ants of the genus Acromyrmex attack mainly leaves of vegetables and fruit trees exposing not only to the agrochemicals used for their control as well as to those used for the control of other pests. Due to the bioindicator potential of environmental quality of the ants and their frequent exposure to agrochemicals such as organophosphates, neonicotinoids and growth regulators insecticide used for pest control, it is necessary to study the sublethal effects that these pesticides may cause. The electrophoresis technique was used to study the activity of esterase isozymes involved in the metabolism of xenobiotics of A. niger, combined with changes in the expression of isozymes after contamination by pesticides. A. niger  showed eight regions of esterase activity, which were called EST-1, EST-2, EST-3, EST-4, EST-5, EST-6, EST-7 and EST-8 according to the electrophoretic mobility. As the specificity to α  and β -naphthyl acetate substrates, the Est-7 and Est-8 may be classified as α -esterase and the others as αβ  esterases. EST-5 is considered an enzyme of the type cholinesterase II and the others are of the type carboxilesterase. The electrophoretic analysis showed partial inhibition to all esterases subjected to the contact with Malathion organophosforate at the concentrations 1 x10-3  % and 5 x 10-3  %, which may be considered as a biomarker for the presence of residues of this insecticide in the environment. The regression analysis for sublethal effects of the tested pesticides demonstrated correlation between dose and mortality only for Thiametoxam neonicotinoid pesticide. Utilización de hormigas cortadoras Acromyrmex niger Smith,1858 (Hymenoptera; Formicidae) como bioindicadoresde residuos de agrotóxicos A pesar de la condición de plaga de las hormigas cortadoras en agroecosistemas, no se pueden negar los beneficios que ellas pueden traer en determinadas situaciones o en determinados ambientes. Las hormigas cortadoras del género Acromyrmex atacan principalmente las hojas de hortalizas y hojas de plantas fructíferas, exponiéndose no solo a los agroquímicos utilizados para su control sino también a aquellos utilizados en el control de otras plagas. Debido al potencial bioindicador de la calidad ambiental de las hormigas y su frecuente exposición a los agrotóxicos como organofosforados, neonicotinoides y reguladores de crecimiento, utilizados en el control de plagas, es necesario el estudio de los efectos subletales que estos agrotóxicos pueden causar. La técnica de electroforesis fue utilizada para evaluar la actividad de las isoenzimas esterasas involucradas en el metabolismo de xenobióticos de  A. niger, asociada a las alteraciones en la expresión de las isoenzimas después de la contaminación con pesticidas.  Acromyrmex niger demostró ocho regiones de actividad esterasa, las cuales fueron denominadas EST-1, EST-2, EST-3, EST-4, EST-5, EST-6, EST-7 e EST-8 de acuerdo con la movilidad electroforética. En cuanto a la especificación de los substratos α y β-nafitl acetato, las EST-7 e EST-8 son clasificadas como α- esterasa y las demás αβ esterasas. EST-5 es considerada una enzima del tipo colinesterasa II y las demás son carboxilesterasas. El análisis electroforético presentó inhibición parcial para todas las esterasas sometidas al contacto con malathion en las concentraciones 1x10-3 % e 5x10-3 %, que puede ser considerado un biomarcador para la presencia de residuos de este insecticida en el ambiente. El análisis de regresión para el efecto subletal de los pesticidas evaluados demostró correlación entre la dosis y la causa de muerte solo para el pesticida neonicotinoide thiametoxam

    Estimulação diafragmática elétrica transcutânea na ventilação mecânica invasiva

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of EDET on the ventilatory weaning process and on the reduction of the time of the use of the invasive ventilatory support. This is a randomized clinical trial conducted in a private hospital in the municipality of Sarandi / PR. Sample composed of 20 patients, nine belonging to the intervention group and 11 to the control group. The application of EDET began on the first day after the evaluation of the patients, the sessions were performed until extubation, once a day and with a duration of fifteen minutes. There was a significant decrease (p = 0.0434) in the length of stay of the intervention group (mean of 8.4 days) when compared to the control group (mean of 14 days). It is concluded that EDET can reduce the patient’s time spent in mechanical ventilation.O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito da EDET no processo de desmame ventilatório e na redução do tempo da utilização do suporte ventilatório invasivo. Trata-se de um ensaio clínico randomizado, realizado em hospital privado no município de Sarandi/PR. Amostra composta por 20 pacientes, sendo nove pertencentes ao grupo intervenção e 11 ao grupo controle. A aplicação da EDET teve início no primeiro dia após a avaliação dos pacientes, as sessões foram realizadas até a extubação, uma vez ao dia e com um período de duração de quinze minutos. Verificou-se diminuição significativa (p=0,0434) do tempo de permanência do grupo intervenção (média de 8,4 dias) quando comparado com o grupo controle (média de 14 dias). Conclui-se que a EDET pode diminuir o tempo de permanência do paciente na ventilação mecânica

    Population structure and genetic diversity of Brazilian popcorn germplasm inferred by microsatellite markers

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    Background: The genetic diversity and structure of 31 popcorn accessions of the germplasm bank of the State University of Maring\ue1 were assessed using 30 microsatellite primers. Results: 127 alleles were identified from 30 evaluated loci. The number of alleles per locus ranged from two to eight. The overall mean of the polymorphic loci averaged 79.89%. The primers UMC1549 and UMC1072 detected polymorphism in all accessions analyzed. The mean observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.07 to 0.30 and the highest proportion of heterozygous plants was observed in accession BOZM 260 (Ho = 0.30). The analysis of molecular variance revealed that 60% of the total genetic variation was found within accessions and 40% was found between accessions. The Bayesian clustering approach grouped the 31 accessions into two genetically differentiated clusters. The dendrogram revealed that accessions TATU 2 and ARZM 05 083 are genetically less similar than the others. Conclusions: The analysis allowed to identify microsatellite lociwith high levels of heterozygosity (UMC1549 and UMC1072). These loci can be indicated as promising for detecting polymorphisms in popcorn accessions and in the monitoring of genetic improvement programs. Moreover, allowed to identify heterozygous accessions (BOZM 260), this accession showed allelic variation at all analyzed microsatellite loci and can be recommended for crosses with plants that have desirable agronomic characteristics, with a view to the broadening of the genetic base of popcorn accessions and developing new cultivars

    Cimicifuga racemosa: terapia alternativa para o climatério / Cimicifuga racemosa: alternative therapy for climacteric

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    O artigo correlaciona a fitoterapia com a saúde da mulher, objetivando esclarecer os benefícios e a importância dessa terapia alternativa, especialmente durante o climatério. Nesse caso, o enfoque foi o uso da Cimicifuga racemosa para alívio dessas manifestações, como os fogachos, previamente submetidas à análise médica. Para isso, a metodologia contemplou a busca nas bases de dados Scientific Eletronic Library Online (Scielo), Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), National Center for Biotechnology Information (PubMed), sendo excluídos os artigos que não contemplavam a metodologia de busca. Os resultados apontaram para a eficácia do uso, especialmente, considerando as amplas possibilidades de sintomas, bem como os riscos da terapia de reposição hormonal tradicional. Portanto, conclui-se a importância das práticas alternativas e complementares na manutenção da saúde da mulher

    Le Accademie di ragioneria

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    Il saggio ricostruisce la storia delle Accademie di ragioneria fondate in Italia dal primo Ottocento evidenziandone il triplice carattere di luogo di studio e di elaborazione scientifica; di espressione di una societ\ue0 civile coinvolta nelle problematiche economiche locali e talvolta nazionali; di deciso impegno professional

    Professionisti e corporate governance: profilo di una \ue9lite di potere

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    Attraverso l'analisi della composizione degli organi di gestione e di controllo (consiglio di amministrazione, consiglio di sorveglianza, consiglio di gestione, collegio sindacale) delle prime venti societ\ue0 italiane per capitalizzazione di mercato al 2010, il saggio ricostruisce il profilo dell'intera \ue9lite professionale che oggi partecipa alle strutture di comando dei vertici del capitalismo italiano. Degli amministratori e controllori (in totale 333 soggetti) sono state individuate e comparate diverse variabili (carica ricoperta, et\ue0, istruzione e formazione, luogo del conseguimento del titolo di studio, attivit\ue0 svolta, iscrizione all'albo professionale) solitamente usate nella prosopografia dei gruppi. Tali variabili sono state poi riassunte in grafici e tabelle. L'intento del saggio \ue8 di comprendere in primo luogo quanto l'expertise dei professionisti possa influenzare la formazione delle strategie e incidere sugli assetti di controllo e di gestione delle imprese; in secondo luogo, il grado di centralit\ue0 dei professionisti nel network informale di attori che collega le maggiori societ\ue0 del capitalismo italian

    Tra le carte di un avvocato-banchiere: Camillo Giussani e la Banca commerciale italiana

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    Il 6 dicembre 1945 il consiglio di amministrazione della Comit nomin\uf2 Camillo Giussani, da oltre trent\u2019anni suo consulente legale di fiducia, presidente della banca. La presidenza Giussani, dunque, prese avvio in una situazione economica e finanziaria pesante, e coincise con gli anni della ricostruzione e del \u201cmiracolo economico\u201d (Giussani mor\uec nel febbraio 1960). Di Camillo Giussani, l\u2019Archivio storico Intesa Sanpaolo conserva le carte, un patrimonio documentario da poco interamente accessibile agli studiosi. Se infatti la ricerca sul Giussani avvocato d\u2019impresa ha gi\ue0 dato risultati concreti, del tutto inesplorata \ue8 la documentazione relativa agli anni della presidenza. Questo articolo intende cos\uec gettare una prima luce sul Giussani banchiere. Ne emerge, il ruolo di rappresentanza esterna, il patrimonio di reputazione individuale e di stima sociale, l\u2019estesa area di rapporti fiduciari che l\u2019avvocato-banchiere riusc\uec nel tempo a creare.On December 6, 1945 the board of directors of Comit (Banca Commerciale Italiana) nominated as chairman of the bank Camillo Giussani, who was for over thirty years its legal consultant. The Giussani chairmanship thus started in a difficult economic and financial situation and overlapped with the years of reconstruction and then with the \u201ceconomic miracle\u201d (Giussani died in February 1960). The Historical Archives of Intesa Sanpaolo preserves Camillo Giussani's papers, a documentary heritage that only recently has been made accessible to scholars. While the research on Giussani as business lawyer has already produced significant results, the documentation regarding the years of chairmanship has been thus far completely unexplored. This article aims to shed light on Giussani as a banker. From this analysis it emerge his role as agent for the bank, his individual reputation and social esteem, the extensive network of relations that the lawyer \u2013 banker managed to set up over time