32 research outputs found

    Effects of Standard and/or Glutamine Dipeptide and/or Omega-3 Fatty Ascid-Supplemented Parenteral Nutrition on Neutrophil Functions, Interleukin-8 Level and Length of Stay-A Double Blind,Controlled, Randomised Study

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    Background and Aims: Protein calorie malnutrition for cancer patients is  related with altered cellular and humoral immunity. Standard TPN and glutamine and lipid emulsion with omega 3 fatty acids were given to  colorectal cancer patients and the effects of these to neutrophil functions and IL-8 levels are compared.Methods: Consecutive 36 patients with colorectal cancer diagnosed with endoscopic biopsy and with malnutrition determined by subjective global assessment were enrolled to study. The patients are randomly divided into four groups. Standard TPN to control group, TPN with glutamine solution to S-D group, TPN with omega 3 fatty acid solution to S-O group and TPN with omega 3 fatty acids solution and glutamine to S-D-O group were given for seven days after the operation. At the preoperative, postoperative first day and 7th day, neutrophil phagocytosis index, neutrophil adhesivity index and IL-8 levels were determined.Results: In all groups compared to control group neutrophil phagocytosis index were increased significantly (p<0.05). The most increasing was in group 3. There wasn’t significant difference between groups about  postoperative first day neutrophil adhesiveness index (p>0.05). At the 7th day the neutrophil adhesivity index for study groups were increased  compared with control group, but there was no significant differences  between groups. There was no significant difference between groups forIL-8 levels.Conclusions: As a result of the study, altered cellular immunity in colorectal cancer patients with malnutrition can be corrected with omega 3 fatty acid emulsions and glutamine added to TPN so the ratio of morbidity and  mortality can be decrease

    Both Positive and Negative Selection Pressures Contribute to the Polymorphism Pattern of the Duplicated Human CYP21A2 Gene.

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    The human steroid 21-hydroxylase gene (CYP21A2) participates in cortisol and aldosterone biosynthesis, and resides together with its paralogous (duplicated) pseudogene in a multiallelic copy number variation (CNV), called RCCX CNV. Concerted evolution caused by non-allelic gene conversion has been described in great ape CYP21 genes, and the same conversion activity is responsible for a serious genetic disorder of CYP21A2, congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). In the current study, 33 CYP21A2 haplotype variants encoding 6 protein variants were determined from a European population. CYP21A2 was shown to be one of the most diverse human genes (HHe=0.949), but the diversity of intron 2 was greater still. Contrary to previous findings, the evolution of intron 2 did not follow concerted evolution, although the remaining part of the gene did. Fixed sites (different fixed alleles of sites in human CYP21 paralogues) significantly accumulated in intron 2, indicating that the excess of fixed sites was connected to the lack of effective non-allelic conversion and concerted evolution. Furthermore, positive selection was presumably focused on intron 2, and possibly associated with the previous genetic features. However, the positive selection detected by several neutrality tests was discerned along the whole gene. In addition, the clear signature of negative selection was observed in the coding sequence. The maintenance of the CYP21 enzyme function is critical, and could lead to negative selection, whereas the presumed gene regulation altering steroid hormone levels via intron 2 might help fast adaptation, which broadly characterizes the genes of human CNVs responding to the environment

    Combination of 5-fluorouracil and cryotherapy in the treatment of multiple superficial basal cell carcinomas located on the trunk [Gövdede multipl yüzeyel bazal hücreli karsinoma tedavisinde topikal 5-fluorourasil ve kriyoterapi kombinasyonu]

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    Basal cell carcinoma is the most common skin cancer of the white population. Basal cell nevus syndrome is characterized by the development of multiple basal cell carcinomas and various developmental anomalies. Topical 5-fluorouracil and cryotherapy are the methods that can be used in the treatment of basal cell carcinomas. Herein we report a patient with multiple basal cell carcinomas who have been successfully treated with the combination of 5-fluorouracil and cryotherapy

    Slow ad hoc percutaneous coronary intervention strategy and coronary diameters

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    WOS: 000317946500052Introduction: In the era of coronary stenting, ad hoc percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) can be performed in most of the patients with stable or unstable coronary artery disease as safely and successfully. In elective PCI patients, ad hoc PCI raises some concerns regarding ethical issues, informed decision making, thrombocyte inhibition, reduced/increased cost, patient anxiety and safety issues. PCIs performed on the same day as diagnostic angiography were considered “ad hoc”; all others were designated “staged”. Ad hoc PCI is therefore reasonable for many patients, but not desirable for all, and should not automatically be applied as a default approac

    Properties of Turkish Osteoporotic Women According to Risk Factor Assesment: A Multicenter Study

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    Osteoporosis is a metabolic bone disease characterized by a decreased bone mass and a deterioration in bone microarchitecture which causes an enhanced fragility of the skeleton and creates a greater susceptibility to fractures. With increases in life expectancy and in the number of elderly people bone loss and fractures are becoming more common in the all over the world. The purpose of this study is to determine chracteristics and risk factors of Turkish osteoporotic women and to assess the effect of different geographic areas on risk factors. Nine hundred and five osteoporotic women who have lived 6 different geographic areas were included in this study. The study was completed in 26 different centers and its duration was 6 months. The mean age of patients were 62±9 years. Although sixty percent of those patients belived that they knew consequences of osteoporosis 35% did not know. The most known symptoms of osteoporosis were fractures (33%), kyphosis and low back pain (23%). Most of the physicians who diagnosed opteoporosis for the first time were physiatrists (86%). Being a physiatrist, we have a great deal of responsibilities in osteoporosis. Finally, we suggest that to determine the characteristics of Turkish osteoporotic women which depend on many factors such as differences of geographic factors, only will be possible by evaluation of great number of osteoporotic women

    Open, prospective, multi-center, two-part study of patient preference with monthly ibandronate therapy in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis switched from daily or weekly alendronate or risendronate-BONCURE: Results of Turkish sub-study

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    Aim: BONCURE (Bonviva for Current Bisphosphonate Users Regional European Trial), aimed to evaluate patient preference with monthly ibandronate in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis who previously received daily or weekly alendronate or risendronate. Materials and Methods: This prospective, open-label study consisted of two sequential stages, Part A (screening) and Part B (treatment). Patients enrolled into Part A completed the Candidate Identification Questionnaire (CIQ). In Part B, after completing the Osteoporosis Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire (OPSAT-Q), patients received monthly oral ibandronate 150 mg for 6 months. Following treatment, patients completed the OPSAT-Q and Preference Questionnaire. Results: A total of 223 patients (mean age, 63.7±9.51 years) were enrolled in Part A from Turkey. Among them, 103 (46.2%) answered "YES" to at leastone CIQ question. The mean composite OPSAT-Q domain scores increased for convenience (mean change, 15.3±17.7 points), quality of life (10.4±20.4points), overall satisfaction (11.9±22.7 points), and side effects (3.3±18.8 points). At month 6, 177 subjects (92.7%) preferred once-monthly dosing scheduleand 99.0% were compliant (≥80%) with study treatment. Thirty (15.6%) subjects experienced mild to moderate adverse events, mostly gastrointestinal. Conclusion: Postmenopausal women with osteoporosis prefer and are more satisfied and compliant with monthly dosing of ibandronate than daily or weekly bisphosphonate treatment

    Open, prospective, multi-center, two-part study of patient preference with monthly ibandronate therapy in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis switched from daily or weekly alendronate or risendronate-BONCURE: Results of Turkish sub-study

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    Aim: BONCURE (Bonviva for Current Bisphosphonate Users Regional European Trial), aimed to evaluate patient preference with monthly ibandronate in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis who previously received daily or weekly alendronate or risendronate. Materials and Methods: This prospective, open-label study consisted of two sequential stages, Part A (screening) and Part B (treatment). Patients enrolled into Part A completed the Candidate Identification Questionnaire (CIQ). In Part B, after completing the Osteoporosis Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire (OPSAT-Q), patients received monthly oral ibandronate 150 mg for 6 months. Following treatment, patients completed the OPSAT-Q and Preference Questionnaire. Results: A total of 223 patients (mean age, 63.7±9.51 years) were enrolled in Part A from Turkey. Among them, 103 (46.2%) answered "YES" to at leastone CIQ question. The mean composite OPSAT-Q domain scores increased for convenience (mean change, 15.3±17.7 points), quality of life (10.4±20.4points), overall satisfaction (11.9±22.7 points), and side effects (3.3±18.8 points). At month 6, 177 subjects (92.7%) preferred once-monthly dosing scheduleand 99.0% were compliant (?80%) with study treatment. Thirty (15.6%) subjects experienced mild to moderate adverse events, mostly gastrointestinal. Conclusion: Postmenopausal women with osteoporosis prefer and are more satisfied and compliant with monthly dosing of ibandronate than daily or weekly bisphosphonate treatment