8,769 research outputs found

    Social influence analysis in microblogging platforms - a topic-sensitive based approach

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    The use of Social Media, particularly microblogging platforms such as Twitter, has proven to be an effective channel for promoting ideas to online audiences. In a world where information can bias public opinion it is essential to analyse the propagation and influence of information in large-scale networks. Recent research studying social media data to rank users by topical relevance have largely focused on the “retweet", “following" and “mention" relations. In this paper we propose the use of semantic profiles for deriving influential users based on the retweet subgraph of the Twitter graph. We introduce a variation of the PageRank algorithm for analysing users’ topical and entity influence based on the topical/entity relevance of a retweet relation. Experimental results show that our approach outperforms related algorithms including HITS, InDegree and Topic-Sensitive PageRank. We also introduce VisInfluence, a visualisation platform for presenting top influential users based on a topical query need

    Una nueva asociación de matorral gipsófilo para el Sur de España (Provincia Bética)

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    El estudio de los matorrales gípsicos en el sur de España, revela la presencia de una comunidad diferente del resto de asociaciones descritas hasta el momento dentro de la alianza Lepidion subulati, al existir diferencias florísticas, ecológicas y biogeográficas. Por ello se propone la asociación Ononido angustifolii-Anthyllidetum cytisoidi nova, con un área subbética e hispalense, que se presenta en ambientes, secos y subhúmedos, sobre substratos gípsicos, los cuales dependiendo del ombrotipo se encuentran más o menos lavados, por lo que el matorral puede presentar más o menos gipsófitos estrictos. Asociación que se desarrolla sobre sustratos gípsicos, los cuales experimentan una pérdida de sales en ambientes seco-subhúmedos, por lo que esta nueva comunidad presenta un bajo porcentaje de gipsófilos estrictos frente a una mayor frecuencia de especies menos estrictas. Por lo que se propone la nueva alianza Resedo constrictae-Helianthemion syriacae nova de distribución ibérico-magrebíA study of the thickets growing on gypsum soils in the south of Spain reveals the presence of a community different from the other associations already described within the suballiance Lepidienion subulati as a result of the floristic, ecological and biogeographical differences. Therefore, we propose the association Ononido angustifolii-Anthyllidetum cytisoidi nova with a Subbetic and Hispalensean distribution. The association occurs in semiarid, dry and subhumid environments, on gypsum soils which, depending on the ombrotype, are more or less washed-out and, consequently, the thicket may comprise more o less strict gypsophytes. The association grows on gypsum soils which undergo salt deprivation in dry-subhumid environments. Thus, in this new community the percentage of strict gypsophilous taxa is low as compared to the number of less strict gypsophytes. To propose the new alliance Resedo constrictae-Helianthemion syriacae iberico-magrebi distribution

    Bioclimatology, structure, and conservation perspectives of Quercus pyrenaica, Acer opalus subsp. Granatensis, and Corylus avellana deciduous forests on Mediterranean bioclimate in the South-Central part of the Iberian Peninsula

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    The plant variability in the southern Iberian Peninsula consists of around 3500 different taxa due to its high bioclimatic, geographic, and geological diversity. The deciduous forests in the southern Iberian Peninsula are located in regions with topographies and specific bioclimatic conditions that allow for the survival of taxa that are typical of cooler and wetter bioclimatic regions and therefore represent the relict evidence of colder and more humid paleoclimatic conditions. The floristic composition of 421 samples of deciduous forests in the south-central part of the Iberian Peninsula were analyzed. The ecological importance index (IVI) was calculated, where the most important tree species were Quercuspyrenaica, Aceropalus subsp. Granatensis, and Corylusavellana. These species are uncommon in the south-central part of the Iberian Peninsula, forming forests of little extension. An analysis of the vertical distribution of the species (stratum) shows that the majority of the species of stratum 3 (hemicriptophics, camephytes, geophites, and nanophanerophytes) are characteristic of deciduous forests, and their presence is positively correlated with high values of bioclimatic variables related to humidity and presence of water in the soil (nemoral environments), while they are negatively correlated with high values of bioclimatic variables related to high temperatures, evapotranspiration, and aridity. This work demonstrates that several characteristic deciduous forest taxa are more vulnerable to disappearance due to the loss of their nemoral conditions caused by gaps in the tree or shrub canopy. These gaps lead to an increase in evapotranspiration, excess insolation, and a consequent loss of water and humidity in the microclimatic conditions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Meta-learning for dynamic tuning of active learning on stream classification

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    Supervised data stream learning depends on the incoming sample's true label to update a classifier's model. In real life, obtaining the ground truth for each instance is a challenging process; it is highly costly and time consuming. Active Learning has already bridged this gap by finding a reduced set of instances to support the creation of a reliable stream classifier. However, identifying a reduced number of informative instances to support a suitable classifier update and drift adaptation is very tricky. To better adapt to concept drifts using a reduced number of samples, we propose an online tuning of the Uncertainty Sampling threshold using a meta-learning approach. Our approach exploits statistical meta-features from adaptive windows to meta-recommend a suitable threshold to address the trade-off between the number of labelling queries and high accuracy. Experiments exposed that the proposed approach provides the best trade-off between accuracy and query reduction by dynamic tuning the uncertainty threshold using lightweight meta-features

    Entanglement of two qubits mediated by one-dimensional plasmonic waveguides

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    We investigate qubit-qubit entanglement mediated by plasmons supported by one-dimensional waveguides. We explore both the situation of spontaneous formation of entanglement from an unentangled state and the emergence of driven steady-state entanglement under continuous pumping. In both cases, we show that large values for the concurrence are attainable for qubit-qubit distances larger than the operating wavelength by using plasmonic waveguides that are currently available.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Minor Changes. Journal Reference added. Highlighted in Physic

    The distribution of stars around the Milky Way's central black hole II: Diffuse light from sub-giants and dwarfs

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    This is the second of three papers that search for the predicted stellar cusp around the Milky Way's central black hole, Sagittarius A*, with new data and methods. We aim to infer the distribution of the faintest stellar population currently accessible through observations around Sagittarius A*. We use adaptive optics assisted high angular resolution images obtained with the NACO instrument at the ESO VLT. Through optimised PSF fitting we remove the light from all detected stars above a given magnitude limit. Subsequently we analyse the remaining, diffuse light density. The analysed diffuse light arises from sub-giant and main-sequence stars with KS ~ 19 - 20 with masses of 1 - 2 Msol . These stars can be old enough to be dynamically relaxed. The observed power-law profile and its slope are consistent with the existence of a relaxed stellar cusp around the Milky Way's central black hole. We find that a Nuker law provides an adequate description of the nuclear cluster's intrinsic shape (assuming spherical symmetry). The 3D power-law slope near Sgr A* is \gamma = 1.23 +- 0.05. At a distance of 0.01 pc from the black hole, we estimate a stellar mass density of 2.3 +- 0.3 x 10^7 Msol pc^-3 and a total enclosed stellar mass of 180 +- 20 Msol. These estimates assume a constant mass-to-light ratio and do not take stellar remnants into account. The fact that no cusp is observed for bright (Ks 16) giant stars at projected distances of roughly 0.1-0.3 pc implies that some mechanism has altered their appearance or distribution.Comment: Accepted for publication A&
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