6,929 research outputs found

    Multiferroic Quantum Criticality

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    The zero-temperature limit of a continuous phase transition is marked by a quantum critical point, which can generate exotic physics that extends to elevated temperatures. Magnetic quantum criticality is now well known, and has been explored in systems ranging from heavy fermion metals to quantum Ising materials. Ferroelectric quantum critical behaviour has also been recently established, motivating a flurry of research investigating its consequences. Here, we introduce the concept of multiferroic quantum criticality, in which both magnetic and ferroelectric quantum criticality occur in the same system. We develop the phenomenology of multiferroic quantum critical behaviour, describe the associated experimental signatures, and propose material systems and schemes to realize it.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Symbolic construction of the processes of identity and memory through public space: Ciudad Juárez, México

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    This work is part of a doctoral thesis, whose methodological axis focuses on the reading of narrative and urban practices. We got a perspective of the symbolic construction of urban space from the constant contact with urban actors, observing them in their own experience of living the city. It transcends not only with an informative goal, but for understanding how identity and memory are built from power relations in the social structure at a stage complex and particular as it is with a border town. The fieldwork was carried out in a space of Ciudad Juarez: the historic centre. For nearly three years, the research was undertaken at a time of an economic situation in the city derived from a period of extreme violence. It had implications in social interactions, since people travelling around the city, using it, inhabiting, generate different readings of the spaces in their everyday life.Este trabajo forma parte de una tesis doctoral cuyo eje metodológico se centra en la lectura de narrativas y prácticas urbanas. A partir del contacto constante con actores urbanos, al observarlos en su propia experiencia de vivir la ciudad, se obtuvo una perspectiva de la construcción simbólica del espacio urbano. Lo anterior trasciende no solo con un fin informativo, sino para comprender cómo la identidad y la memoria se construyen a partir de relaciones de poder en la estructura social en un escenario complejo y particular como es la ciudad fronteriza. El trabajo de campo se realizó en un espacio representativo de Ciudad Juárez: el centro histórico. Por casi tres años, la investigación se emprendió en un momento de coyuntura en la ciudad derivado de un periodo de violencia extrema. Esto ha tenido implicaciones en las interacciones sociales, puesto que las personas, al recorrer la ciudad, usarla, habitarla, generan distintas lecturas de los espacios de su cotidianeidad

    Aspectos de la tradición en el "De Locis" de Melchor Cano

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    La obra de Melchor Cano tiene, indudablemente, una gran importancia en la historia de la teología. En primer lugar, porque ha desarrollado un método, ya clásico, para el estudio de la ciencia teológica. Y, además, por el contenido de gran riqueza y profundidad que tienen todos sus escritos. El tratado De locis theologicis— comenta uno de sus mejores conocedores— «sigue siendo útil y decisivo también para la teología actual. La dogmática de nuestros días, debe aprovechar los resultados de los estudios exegéticos e históricos; pero la valoración dogmática ha de hacerse todavía según las reglas clásicas que estableció Cano con sus loci theologici(...). Era necesario que Cano, frente a la especulación exagerada de la escolástica tardía, insistiese en la argumentación positiva en teología (...). La cuidadosa argumentación positiva de un Melchor Cano y la genialidad especulativa de un Santo Tomás deben complementarse: ambas juntas, representan el ideal de la teología católica

    Generalized Parton Distributions of ^3He

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    A realistic microscopic calculation of the unpolarized quark Generalized Parton Distribution (GPD) Hq3H_q^3 of the 3He^3He nucleus is presented. In Impulse Approximation, Hq3H_q^3 is obtained as a convolution between the GPD of the internal nucleon and the non-diagonal spectral function, describing properly Fermi motion and binding effects. The proposed scheme is valid at low values of Δ2\Delta^2, the momentum transfer to the target, the most relevant kinematical region for the coherent channel of hard exclusive processes. The obtained formula has the correct forward limit, corresponding to the standard deep inelastic nuclear parton distributions, and first moment, giving the charge form factor of 3He^3He. Nuclear effects, evaluated by a modern realistic potential, are found to be larger than in the forward case. In particular, they increase with increasing the momentum transfer when the asymmetry of the process is kept fixed, and they increase with the asymmetry at fixed momentum transfer. Another relevant feature of the obtained results is that the nuclear GPD cannot be factorized into a Δ2\Delta^2-dependent and a Δ2\Delta^2-independent term, as suggested in prescriptions proposed for finite nuclei. The size of nuclear effects reaches 8 % even in the most important part of the kinematical range under scrutiny. The relevance of the obtained results to study the feasibility of experiments is addressed.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures; Discussion in section II enlarged; discussion in section IV shortened. Final version accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Socioeconomic Factors and the Consumption of Wine in Tenerife

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    In this paper we measure the impact of an individual's socioeconomic conditions on the decision to consume wine in a traditionally wine-producing area. Based on the data obtained in an exhaustive survey on wine consumption and through discrete choice models, we assess the changes which come about in the decisions to consume the different types of wine under consideration, and we obtain the most relevant distinctive and differentiated characteristics for each one of them.wine consumption, socioeconomic characteristics, discrete choice models, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    High Pressure optical nanothermometer based on Er3+ photoluminescence

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    The optical properties of a sparsely investigated material, LaGdO3 doped with Er3+, are explored regarding its suitability as nanothermometer. Besides its excellent capabilities for dielectric applications, when doping with Er3+, this material provides a highly efficient upconversion photoluminescence (PL) for high temperature thermometry at high pressure due to its structural stability. LaGdO3 belongs to the perovskite-type ABO3 compounds with a B-type monoclinic C2/m space group (a = 14.43 Å; b = 3.69 Å; c = 9.00 Å; and ? = 100.70º) at ambient conditions. It undergoes a structural phase transition to a hexagonal ?3#?1 phase at 3GPa yielding a notable PL enhancement, thus enabling it as a potential high-pressure hightemperature nanothermometer.We acknowledge financial support from MAT2015-69508-P (MINECO/FEDER), MAT2015-71070-REDC; PGC2018-101464-B-I00 (MICIN/FEDER), IDIVAL 18/28, the European Research Council FET-OPEN NCLas H2020 Project (EU829161), and BSH Electrodomésticos España, S.A

    Aligned Drawings of Planar Graphs

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    Let GG be a graph that is topologically embedded in the plane and let A\mathcal{A} be an arrangement of pseudolines intersecting the drawing of GG. An aligned drawing of GG and A\mathcal{A} is a planar polyline drawing Γ\Gamma of GG with an arrangement AA of lines so that Γ\Gamma and AA are homeomorphic to GG and A\mathcal{A}. We show that if A\mathcal{A} is stretchable and every edge ee either entirely lies on a pseudoline or it has at most one intersection with A\mathcal{A}, then GG and A\mathcal{A} have a straight-line aligned drawing. In order to prove this result, we strengthen a result of Da Lozzo et al., and prove that a planar graph GG and a single pseudoline L\mathcal{L} have an aligned drawing with a prescribed convex drawing of the outer face. We also study the less restrictive version of the alignment problem with respect to one line, where only a set of vertices is given and we need to determine whether they can be collinear. We show that the problem is NP-complete but fixed-parameter tractable.Comment: Preliminary work appeared in the Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2017

    Effect of mammalian sex hormones

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    Effect of mammalian sex hormone

    Osteomielitis vertebral cervical como complicación de cirugía faríngea: a propósito de un caso

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    Se presenta un caso de un a enferma de 59 años, diabética, afecta de un a osteomielitis vertebral cervical por Candida Albicans. La vía de infección fué la persistencia durante varios meses de unos tutores, colocados tras la resección de un a estenosis nasofaríngea , que impactaban sobre la cara anterior de la vértebra C3. El desarrollo insidioso y la ausencia de un cuadro clínico específico fué la causa del retraso diagnóstico.A 5 9 yea r ol d woma n wit h diabete s mellitu s presente d a cervica l vertebra l osteomyelitis du e t o Candid a Albicans. Th e chroni c implantatio n o f dilatio n tube s followin g th e resectio n o f a nasopharyngea l stenosis wa s th e mod e o f infection . Th e insidiou s an d prolonge d onse t an d n o specifica l clinica l pictur e wer e t h e caus e o f dela y i n th e diagnosi