389 research outputs found

    Maximum values of angular distortion associated with plastic yielding and collapse of straight concrete sections

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    Congreso celebrado en la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Sevilla desde el 24 hasta el 26 de junio de 2015.The capacity of a reinforced concrete structure to assume an angular distortion depends among other factors on the stiffness and ductility of each section. Therefore, global values such as those established by the CTE‐DB‐C (2006) for the E.L.S. may be conservative or risky depending on the geometric characteristics of the section, their assembly, or material strength. The aim of this Communication is to establish a range of maximum values of angular distortion associated with the initial plastic yielding of the material and collapse or straight concrete section. To do this we use the modification of the classic diagram pivots and compatibility equations, as well as the method of nonlinear iterative calculation in order to obtain a balance between efforts and curvature of the section

    Análisis de la estabilidad de una estructura de hormigón sometida a asientos diferenciales

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    La presente ponencia tiene como objetivo ofrecer un método de cálculo que nos permitirá analizar el comportamiento de una sección de hormigón sometida a una distorsión angular a lo largo de toda la pieza, definiendo el límite a partir del cual tomará un comportamiento lineal, no lineal o plástico hasta alcanzar su rotura. Planteamos una modificación del diagrama de pivotes limitando el rango de deformación de los materiales para imponer que los planos de deformación describan el comportamiento deseado. Empleando las leyes de equilibrio y los valores de curvatura correspondientes a los tres regímenes de comportamiento por los que pasará la pieza, podemos determinar el máximo momento en flexión positiva y negativa correspondiente a cada una de estas fases, siendo y M el máximo flector para un comportamiento lineal, p M para un comportamiento no lineal y u M para la rotura

    Maximum values of deformation associated with the structural collaboration of the brick masonry

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    Congreso celebrado en la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Sevilla desde el 24 hasta el 26 de junio de 2015.El comportamiento de un edificio frente a un movimiento diferencial de la cimentación dependerá entre otros factores de la rigidez relativa cimentación‐estructura‐albañilería, de tal modo edificaciones con la rigidez suficiente tenderán a sufrir giros que evitarán deformaciones impuestas en la estructura, y por consiguiente la aparición de daños en la obra secundaria. Se plantea en la presente comunicación un método para determinar los valores de distorsión angular asociados a la fisuración de los paramentos de albañilería, momento a partir del cual los movimientos diferenciales habrán dado lugar a deformaciones impuestas en la estructura

    Pharmaceutical patents in the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The more things change the more they stay the same?

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    Life is most value heritage that human beings we have. Pharmaceutical patents play a fundamental roll in the development of people’s survival of different countries, which as it is known does not have the same advantage level, extending the lapse of time that the generic medicaments take to be into the market. The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement includes this subject in his acquis, therefore we will try to analyse if the global protection changes under the applicable juridical structure umbrella

    Resistance calculation of a masonry structure against a deformation due to an angular distortion

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    The present paper provides an analysis of the deformation capacity of a masonry structure caused by an angular distortion. We are going to examine the geometric characteristic of the deformation, stress increase associated with this movement, and the resistance front shear and deflection. We have used as a reference the studies from A. Tena y E. Miranda 2001 [1], and the technical norms CTE-DB-SE-F [2] and NBE-FL-90 [3]

    Analysis of constructive pathologies of a building constructed on expansive ground and repair proposal

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    The present paper provides firstly, an analysis of constructive pathologies of a building constructed on expansive ground; secondly, a study of the differential movements caused by the foundation, the angular distortions of the structure and masonry as a consequence of the stress increase, and thirdly, a general behaviour of the structures and foundation towards the deformation. We have used as a reference the studies from Sowers, G.B. and Sowers G.F. 1993, Skempton, A.W. and MacDonald, 1956 Burland, J. B., and C. P. Wroth 1974, and Building Code CTE-DB-SE-C. For this analysis, we provide as a case study the repair proposal project on the housing development located on block 4 PP G-4 UE-1, Guillena, Seville, by assignment of the owners association

    P2P Based Architecture for Global Home Agent Dynamic Discovery in IP Mobility

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    Mobility in packet networks has become a critical issue in the last years. Mobile IP and the Network Mobility Basic Support Protocol are the IETF proposals to provide mobility. However, both of them introduce performance limitations, due to the presence of an entity (Home Agent) in the communication path. Those problems have been tried to be solved in different ways. A family of solutions has been proposed in order to mitigate those problems by allowing mobile devices to use several geographically distributed Home Agents (thus making shorter the communication path). These techniques require a method to discover a close Home Agent, among those geographically distributed, to the mobile device. This paper proposes a peer-topeer based solution, called Peer-to-Peer Home Agent Network, in order to discover a close Home Agent. The proposed solution is simple, fully global, dynamic and it can be developed in IPv4 and IPv6.No publicad

    Memory-coherence between host and devices in a runtime

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    As the end of the Moore’s law approaches, more specific devices such as GPUs, FPGAs or AI accelerators tend to steal the workload that was traditionally run on the CPU, allowing with this offload more specific solutions that improve the execution time of specific applications. One of the main problems that arise with this approach, is that now, the data is not centralized in one main memory, but distributed among the different accelerators which need a correct and coherent data to perform its operations. This can potentially limit the performance an accelerator can achieve, as well as delegates the programmer the task of enforcing the coherence between memories. To relieve this model, in which the programmer has to take into account the memory of devices, models like NVIDIA Unified Memory[1] manage the hard work of maintaining the memory-coherence, potentially hurting performance but making the per-device memory management much easier. In this work, the main objective is to develop an extension for a task-based runtime, which maintains the coherence between SMP and multiple devices in the system, using the dependency information of a task, acting as a Translation- Allocation Layer between the multiple memory spaces defined by the accelerators. For our development, we use Nanos6 Runtime[2] as the target of our implementation. Nanos6 is a Runtime that implements the OmpSs-2 programming model, it is an SMP taskbased runtime, with cluster support and is able to run CUDA tasks using unified memory. With this implementation, our objective is to extend Nanos6 capabilities to allow running CUDA with distributed memory, as well as other kind of accelerators such as FPGAs

    Banditry : a social, political and economic problem in the peninsular territories of the Hispanic monarchy in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries

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    En este artículo se ha tratado realizar un recorrido por el bandolerismo en la España de los XVI y XVII haciendo hincapié en los territorios de Aragón, Murcia, Valencia, Andalucía y Extremadura, regiones en las cuales ha habido una gran actividad del bandolerismo en estos siglos. También se aborda en este artículo aspectos como las diferentes formas en las que se desarrolló el bandolerismo y quienes formaron parte de este y con qué objetivos, para luego explicar cuáles fueron las causas que propiciaron el auge de dicha actividad. Posteriormente se analiza las formas de represión que intentaron llevar a cabo las instituciones para frenar este tipo de delincuencia.In this article we have tried to make an overview of banditry in Spain in the 16th and 17th centuries, with emphasis on the territories of Aragon, Murcia, Valencia, Andalusia and Extremadura, regions in which there has been a great activity of banditry in these centuries. This article also deals with aspects such as the different ways in which banditry developed and who took part in it and with what objectives, in order to explain the causes that led to the rise of this activity. It then goes on to analyse the forms of repression that the institutions tried to carry out in order to curb this type of delinquency