585 research outputs found

    Fiabilidad y validez del instrumento RSTPQ y su relación con las ideas de referencia en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios

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    Este estudio analiza las propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario RSTPQ, el cual proporciona una serie de factores relacionados con los sistemas de aproximación conductual, inhibición conductual y lucha-huida-inmovilidad propuestos por la Teoría revisada de la Sensibilidad al Refuerzo (Gray, 1987), y las relaciones existentes entre sus factores con las ideas de referencia en una muestra de 465 estudiantes universitarios. Los resultados mostraron un alfa de Cronbach para la escala global de .88 y una fiabilidad test-retest de .86. La validez de constructo, mediante un análisis factorial exploratorio, evidenció siete factores similares a los propuestos por Corr (2008). En cuanto a la validez concurrente se hallaron correlaciones estadísticamente significativas entre los distintos factores con la sensibilidad al castigo y sensibilidad a la recompensa (SPSRQ). Se obtuvieron correlaciones positivas y estadísticamente significativas entre los factores del RSTPQ y las ideas de referencia del GTPS, lo que muestra la presencia de actividad predelirante en la población general relacionada con estructuras de organización de la personalidad. Se concluye que la escala posee adecuadas propiedades de fiabilidad y validez, lo que sugiere que es apta en su estructura global.This study analyzes the psychometric properties of the RSTPQ, which provides a lot of factors related to the behavior approach system, behavior inhibition system and fight-flight-freezing system posited by Revised Reinforcement Sensitivity (Gray, 1987), and the relations among its factors with ideas of reference in a sample of 465 college students. The results showed a Cronbach's alpha for the overall scale of .88 and test-retest reliability of .86. Construct validity by exploratory factor analysis showed seven similar factors to those proposed by Corr (2008). Regarding concurrent validity statistically significant correlations among the various factors of RSTPQ with sensitivity to punishment and reward sensitivity (SPSRQ) were reached. Correlations among factors of RSTPQ and ideas of reference of GTPS were positive and statistically significant, which shows the presence of pre delirious activity in the general population related to structures of organization of the personality. It was concluded that the RSTPQ has adequate reliability and validity properties, suggesting that is suitable in its overall structureUniversidad de Sevilla. Grado en Psicologí

    Cell derived-extracellular matrix scaffolds with polylactic acid microcarriers for tissue engineering and cell therapy

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    Organ shortage for transplantation and the need for new therapies for the treatment of tissular damages have driven the development of an exciting field in research, called tissue engineering (TE). Its potential entails future strategies that will allow the development of functional substitutes for damaged tissues, obtained in vitro under riskfree environments, using autologous cells that will integrate within the host aiding in the regeneration and restore of the lost function. However, still current efforts have to deal with several restraints in order to achieve that paradigm. The aim of this thesis focuses in the development of in vitro tissue analogues with millimetric size (microtissues), using the inherent ability of cells to secrete their own extracellular matrix (ECM) when they are seeded on a biocompatible scaffold. In this case, we have used polylactic acid (PLA) microcarriers (MCs) (80 -120 μm in diameter) as scaffold. PLA has been an extensively used as a biomaterial applied in medicine, as it is a biodegradable and biocompatible synthetic polymer. Moreover, we have used a green, non-toxic method for the preparation of PLA MCs that allows a high control over size and distribution. The use of these MCs provides cells with an ideal three-dimensional environment for proliferation and secretion of ECM components, which are different than when exposed to conventional tissue culture plates. Likewise, the use of MCs in the formation of microtissues allows their aggregation (as building blocks) into bigger constructs or macrotissues, with high interconnectivity and porosity, as well as the feasibility to adapt to different shapes. Firstly, in this thesis we have studied different methodologies for the seeding of cells on MCs, and the latter formation of microtissues to define the best parameters for a homogeneous seeding and extensive ECM deposition. For that purpose, we have used a spinner flask bioreactor promoting a more uniform cell-MC colonization, and ECM deposition. After optimization, we have evaluated the obtained ECM microtissues, assessing their components and possible applications. In that case, we introduced the use of commercially available-gelatine microcarriers for a comparative with PLA MCs. We assessed whether the secreted ECM differed when using each MCs type. And we could confirm that the scaffold choice influences cellular behaviour and secreted matrix, favouring osteogenic with gelatine MCs or potentiating angiogenic capacity with a mixture of gelatine and PLA MCs. One of the biggest hurdles that halt the introduction of TE constructs into clinical applications is the vascularization process for the survival of cells once implanted. The arrival of nutrients and oxygen must be favoured by a rapid in vivo vascularization. To aid in this process, we have studied the formation of co-cultured microtissues with mesenchymal stem and endothelial cells, together with PLA MCs. We were able to confirm the presence of both cell types in the microtissues, but there were no clear evidences that the presence of endothelial cells enhanced microtissue vascularization in mice models. Finally, we used cell-derived ECM microtissues as a platform for the introduction and survival of therapeutic cells in an anti-tumoral model. Microtissues acted like a reservoir for these cells, allowing migration towards the tumour providing their bystander therapeutic effect. The results of this study demonstrated the efficiency of PLA microtissues obtained from therapeutic cells in stopping tumour progression. Moreover, a rapid microtissue vascularization was observed, which favoured cell survival. To summarise, this thesis describes the fabrication of cell-derived microtissues, created from seeding cells on PLA microcarriers as a favourable strategy in tissue engineering, as well as a tool for the delivery and survival of therapeutic cells for anti-tumoral applications.La escasez de órganos disponibles para trasplantes y la falta de terapias para el tratamiento de algunas lesiones tisulares han llevado al desarrollo de un campo de investigación muy potente, la ingeniería de tejidos (TE). Futuras estrategias permitirán desarrollar y disponer de nuevos sustitutos para tejidos dañados, construidos de forma segura, a partir de nuestras propias células y totalmente funcionales que se integrarán en nuestro cuerpo ayudando a regenerar y restaurar la función perdida. No obstante, para que este futuro se materialice aún son necesarios muchos esfuerzos que lidien con las limitaciones que de momento nos encontramos. El objetivo de esta tesis es el desarrollo in vitro de análogos de tejidos (microtejidos), utilizando la capacidad de las células de secretar su propia matriz extracelular (ECM) cuando son sembradas sobre un andamio biocompatible. En este caso, hemos utilizado micropartículas de ácido poliláctico (PLA) como andamio. Se trata de un material extensamente aplicado para uso médico, por su biodegradabilidad y biocompatibilidad. Además, para su producción utilizamos reactivos ecológicos y no tóxicos. El uso de estas partículas proporciona a las células un entorno tridimensional ideal para proliferar y secretar proteínas y otros componentes de la ECM, diferentes a cuando se las expone a entornos en dos dimensiones. Asimismo, su uso en TE permite la agregación de diferentes microtejidos para la creación de constructos más grandes, presentando una alta interconectividad y porosidad, así como una elevada facilidad para adaptarse a diferentes regiones. Inicialmente, en esta tesis estudiamos diversos métodos de sembrado y de formación de microtejidos para configurar los parámetros para la obtención de un sembrado extenso y homogéneo. Esto nos llevó a determinar que el uso de un biorreactor de agitación promueve un mejor sembrado cosa que luego conlleva a una secreción más homogénea de ECM por el microtejido. Una vez optimizado, caracterizamos las matrices obtenidas, evaluando sus componentes y sus posibles aplicaciones. En este caso, utilizamos otras micropartículas comerciales para su comparativa con nuestras partículas de PLA. Evaluamos si las matrices obtenidas sembrando las mismas células eran diferentes y pudimos observar, cómo la elección del andamio influye en el comportamiento celular y en la matriz secretada favoreciendo en unos casos la diferenciación osteogénica o en otros su potencial angiogénico. Una de las mayores limitaciones en la aplicación clínica de los constructos de TE, es su vascularización. La llegada de nutrientes y oxígeno debe ser favorecida mediante una rápida vascularización in vivo para la supervivencia de las células del constructo. Para favorecer este proceso, estudiamos la creación de microtejidos cocultivados con células mesenquimales y endoteliales, juntamente con las micropartículas de PLA. Pudimos demostrar la presencia de ambas células en el constructo, aunque no observamos una clara diferencia en cuanto a vascularización una vez implantados en ratones, con la presencia de las células endoteliales y sin ellas. Por último, estudiamos el uso los microtejidos como plataforma para la introducción y supervivencia de células terapéuticas en un modelo subcutáneo tumoral. Los microtejidos actúan como reservorio de estas células, permitiendo la migración hacia el tumor, y así en proximidad provocar su efecto terapéutico. Los resultados de este estudio demostraron la efectividad de los microtejidos de PLA creados por las células terapéuticas, a través de la disminución del volumen de los tumores. Además, pudimos observar una rápida vascularización favoreciendo la supervivencia celular. En conclusión, esta tesis describe la fabricación de microtejidos derivados de células, sembradas sobre partículas de PLA como estrategia favorable para ingeniería de tejidos, así como herramienta para la supervivencia y liberación de células terapéuticas en un modelo anti-tumoral in vivoPostprint (published version

    Cell derived-extracellular matrix scaffolds with polylactic acid microcarriers for tissue engineering and cell therapy

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    Organ shortage for transplantation and the need for new therapies for the treatment of tissular damages have driven the development of an exciting field in research, called tissue engineering (TE). Its potential entails future strategies that will allow the development of functional substitutes for damaged tissues, obtained in vitro under riskfree environments, using autologous cells that will integrate within the host aiding in the regeneration and restore of the lost function. However, still current efforts have to deal with several restraints in order to achieve that paradigm. The aim of this thesis focuses in the development of in vitro tissue analogues with millimetric size (microtissues), using the inherent ability of cells to secrete their own extracellular matrix (ECM) when they are seeded on a biocompatible scaffold. In this case, we have used polylactic acid (PLA) microcarriers (MCs) (80 -120 μm in diameter) as scaffold. PLA has been an extensively used as a biomaterial applied in medicine, as it is a biodegradable and biocompatible synthetic polymer. Moreover, we have used a green, non-toxic method for the preparation of PLA MCs that allows a high control over size and distribution. The use of these MCs provides cells with an ideal three-dimensional environment for proliferation and secretion of ECM components, which are different than when exposed to conventional tissue culture plates. Likewise, the use of MCs in the formation of microtissues allows their aggregation (as building blocks) into bigger constructs or macrotissues, with high interconnectivity and porosity, as well as the feasibility to adapt to different shapes. Firstly, in this thesis we have studied different methodologies for the seeding of cells on MCs, and the latter formation of microtissues to define the best parameters for a homogeneous seeding and extensive ECM deposition. For that purpose, we have used a spinner flask bioreactor promoting a more uniform cell-MC colonization, and ECM deposition. After optimization, we have evaluated the obtained ECM microtissues, assessing their components and possible applications. In that case, we introduced the use of commercially available-gelatine microcarriers for a comparative with PLA MCs. We assessed whether the secreted ECM differed when using each MCs type. And we could confirm that the scaffold choice influences cellular behaviour and secreted matrix, favouring osteogenic with gelatine MCs or potentiating angiogenic capacity with a mixture of gelatine and PLA MCs. One of the biggest hurdles that halt the introduction of TE constructs into clinical applications is the vascularization process for the survival of cells once implanted. The arrival of nutrients and oxygen must be favoured by a rapid in vivo vascularization. To aid in this process, we have studied the formation of co-cultured microtissues with mesenchymal stem and endothelial cells, together with PLA MCs. We were able to confirm the presence of both cell types in the microtissues, but there were no clear evidences that the presence of endothelial cells enhanced microtissue vascularization in mice models. Finally, we used cell-derived ECM microtissues as a platform for the introduction and survival of therapeutic cells in an anti-tumoral model. Microtissues acted like a reservoir for these cells, allowing migration towards the tumour providing their bystander therapeutic effect. The results of this study demonstrated the efficiency of PLA microtissues obtained from therapeutic cells in stopping tumour progression. Moreover, a rapid microtissue vascularization was observed, which favoured cell survival. To summarise, this thesis describes the fabrication of cell-derived microtissues, created from seeding cells on PLA microcarriers as a favourable strategy in tissue engineering, as well as a tool for the delivery and survival of therapeutic cells for anti-tumoral applications.La escasez de órganos disponibles para trasplantes y la falta de terapias para el tratamiento de algunas lesiones tisulares han llevado al desarrollo de un campo de investigación muy potente, la ingeniería de tejidos (TE). Futuras estrategias permitirán desarrollar y disponer de nuevos sustitutos para tejidos dañados, construidos de forma segura, a partir de nuestras propias células y totalmente funcionales que se integrarán en nuestro cuerpo ayudando a regenerar y restaurar la función perdida. No obstante, para que este futuro se materialice aún son necesarios muchos esfuerzos que lidien con las limitaciones que de momento nos encontramos. El objetivo de esta tesis es el desarrollo in vitro de análogos de tejidos (microtejidos), utilizando la capacidad de las células de secretar su propia matriz extracelular (ECM) cuando son sembradas sobre un andamio biocompatible. En este caso, hemos utilizado micropartículas de ácido poliláctico (PLA) como andamio. Se trata de un material extensamente aplicado para uso médico, por su biodegradabilidad y biocompatibilidad. Además, para su producción utilizamos reactivos ecológicos y no tóxicos. El uso de estas partículas proporciona a las células un entorno tridimensional ideal para proliferar y secretar proteínas y otros componentes de la ECM, diferentes a cuando se las expone a entornos en dos dimensiones. Asimismo, su uso en TE permite la agregación de diferentes microtejidos para la creación de constructos más grandes, presentando una alta interconectividad y porosidad, así como una elevada facilidad para adaptarse a diferentes regiones. Inicialmente, en esta tesis estudiamos diversos métodos de sembrado y de formación de microtejidos para configurar los parámetros para la obtención de un sembrado extenso y homogéneo. Esto nos llevó a determinar que el uso de un biorreactor de agitación promueve un mejor sembrado cosa que luego conlleva a una secreción más homogénea de ECM por el microtejido. Una vez optimizado, caracterizamos las matrices obtenidas, evaluando sus componentes y sus posibles aplicaciones. En este caso, utilizamos otras micropartículas comerciales para su comparativa con nuestras partículas de PLA. Evaluamos si las matrices obtenidas sembrando las mismas células eran diferentes y pudimos observar, cómo la elección del andamio influye en el comportamiento celular y en la matriz secretada favoreciendo en unos casos la diferenciación osteogénica o en otros su potencial angiogénico. Una de las mayores limitaciones en la aplicación clínica de los constructos de TE, es su vascularización. La llegada de nutrientes y oxígeno debe ser favorecida mediante una rápida vascularización in vivo para la supervivencia de las células del constructo. Para favorecer este proceso, estudiamos la creación de microtejidos cocultivados con células mesenquimales y endoteliales, juntamente con las micropartículas de PLA. Pudimos demostrar la presencia de ambas células en el constructo, aunque no observamos una clara diferencia en cuanto a vascularización una vez implantados en ratones, con la presencia de las células endoteliales y sin ellas. Por último, estudiamos el uso los microtejidos como plataforma para la introducción y supervivencia de células terapéuticas en un modelo subcutáneo tumoral. Los microtejidos actúan como reservorio de estas células, permitiendo la migración hacia el tumor, y así en proximidad provocar su efecto terapéutico. Los resultados de este estudio demostraron la efectividad de los microtejidos de PLA creados por las células terapéuticas, a través de la disminución del volumen de los tumores. Además, pudimos observar una rápida vascularización favoreciendo la supervivencia celular. En conclusión, esta tesis describe la fabricación de microtejidos derivados de células, sembradas sobre partículas de PLA como estrategia favorable para ingeniería de tejidos, así como herramienta para la supervivencia y liberación de células terapéuticas en un modelo anti-tumoral in viv

    A note on the star order in Hilbert spaces

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    We study the star order on the algebra L(H) of bounded operators on a Hilbert space H. We present a new interpretation of this order which allows to generalize to this setting many known results for matrices: functional calculus, semi-lattice properties, shorted operators and orthogonal decompositions. We also show several properties for general Hilbert spaces regarding the star order and its relationship with the functional calculus and the polar decomposition, which were unknown even in the finitedimensional setting. We also study the existence of strong limits of starmonotone sequences and nets.Fil: Antezana, Jorge Abel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto Argentino de Matemática Alberto Calderón; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Departamento de Matemáticas; ArgentinaFil: Cano, Cristina. Universidad Nacional del Comahue; ArgentinaFil: Mosconi, Irene. Universidad Nacional del Comahue; ArgentinaFil: Stojanoff, Demetrio. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Departamento de Matemáticas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto Argentino de Matemática Alberto Calderón; Argentin

    Use of a new enrichment nanosorbent for speciation of mercury by FI-CV-ICP-MS

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    Mercury is one of the most toxic environmental pollutants and its effects on human and ecosystem health are well known. All mercury species are toxic, with organic mercury compounds generally being more toxic than inorganic species. Chromatography techniques (GC, HPLC) coupled to element specific detectors, are able to separate mercury species in order to elucidate mercury transformation and transport processes where the determination of all mercury species is desirable. However, in practice, especially in sampling campaigns for sea water analysis where a large number of samples are collected over a longer period of time, a combination of methods is usually applied to accurately determine the most toxic mercury species. These include non-chromatographic methods based on the different chemical and/or physical behavior of the mercury species. These non-chromatographic methods can be less time consuming, more cost effective and available, and present competitive limits of detection. Especially when mercury could vapor (CV) generation technique is employed, which reduces salt effect on the analytical signal and improve the sensibility. Among non-chromatographic methods, solid phase extraction and microextraction (SPE and SPME) which is becoming increasingly popular for sample preparation in organic analysis, found its way to speciation analysis of organometals. SPE/SPME is the most popular sample preconcentration method for its simplicity, high enrichment factor, low or no consumption of organic solvents and feasibly to be automated. On the other hand, the exploration of new materials, especially nanometer sized materials, as the support phase is another active research area in SPE/SPME for mercury determination. The use of nanoparticles leads to higher extraction capacity/efficiency and rapid dynamics of extraction originated from the higher surface area to volume ratio and short diffusion route. In this work, a new enrichment nanosorbent functionalized with 1,5 bis (2-pyridyl) methylene thiocarbohidrazide was synthesized and characterized. From the study of its adsorption capacity toward metal ions, Hg2+ was observed to be one of the most retained 173.1 µmol g-1 at pH 5. Thus, a flow injection solid phase extraction and cold vapor generation method for its determination and speciation based on the use of this new chelating nanosorbent was optimized. The method developed has showed to be useful for the automatic pre-concentration and sequential speciation of mercury and methylmercury in environmental and biological samples. The system was based on chelating retention of the analytes onto a mini-column filled with the new nanosorbent and their sequential elution by using two different eluents, 0.2 % HCl for CH3Hg+ and 0.1 % thiourea in 0.5 % HCl for Hg2+. The determination was performed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Under the optimum conditions and 120 s preconcentration time, the enrichment factors were 4.7 and 11.0; the detection limits (3σ) were 0.002 and 0.004 µg L-1; the determination limits (10σ) were 0.011 and 0.024 µg L-1; and the precisions (calculated for 10 replicate determinations at a 2 µg L-1 standard of both species) were 2.8 and 2.6 % (RSD); for CH3Hg+ and Hg2+, respectively. Linear calibration graphs were obtained for both species from the determination limits to at least 70 µg L-1. For the quality control of the analytical performance and the validation of the newly developed method, the analysis of two certified samples, LGC 6016 estuarine water and SRM 2976 mussel tissue were addressed. The results showed good agreement with the certified values. The method was successfully applied to the speciation of mercury in sea-water samples collected in the Málaga Bay.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    El cambio del pensum académico con relación a las experiencias estéticas de los estudiantes de la licenciatura en comunicación e informática educativa de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

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    En búsqueda de resolver unas características específicas de calidad y una nueva denominación de la ya antes modificada Licenciatura en Comunicación e Informática Educativa, adopta una nueva a: Licenciatura en Tecnología (Énfasis en Comunicación e Informática Educativa), esta con el mismo objetivo a resolver con la resolución anterior. La resolución 5543 del 30 de Junio del 2010 permitió la reestructuración del programa de español y comunicación audiovisual de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira a dos vertientes donde se separaron la licenciatura en español y literatura y la licenciatura en comunicación e informática educativa, después de seis años aparece la resolución 02041 que promueve la reestructuración de las licenciaturas cambiando su denominación y teniendo como consecuencia la reestructuración del pensum, dando como resultado la licenciatura en tecnología, con énfasis en comunicación e informática educativa, teniendo como consecuencia un impacto dentro del campus universitario. Pues es en este momento donde la comunidad universitaria correspondiente a esta licenciatura se manifiesta rechazando dicho cambio por parte del ministerio de educación nacional, teniendo como problemática la baja preocupación por parte de las entidades encargadas en el plantel educativo frente a dicha situación

    The never-ending myth: revision of the western frontier in U.S. contemporary dystopias

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    28 p. -- Bibliogr.: p. 26-28Even though dystopian literature transports the readers into futuristic fictional scenarios, its undertone mirrors the concerns and fears of the authors’ time of existence. Thus, the genre does not describe the incoming future but the broken path humanity could have taken as a consequence of a factual socio-historical episode. Often dystopian societies emerge as a respond to seeking for a utopian perfection, which as dystopias confirm, is an unreachable state. That is the case of the American West, which promised an empty land full of opportunities for the first European settlers. As a result, the present dissertation analyses contemporary U.S. dystopias to demonstrate the apocalyptic outcome of the utopianism of the myth of the West, by examining Octavia Butler’s Parable of the Sower and Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? from a utopian studies perspective. In both novels the once prosperous West has turned into a post-apocalyptic scenario that guides the protagonists through a narrative of desolation as an allegory of the social and ecological decay of the present nation. Contemporary U.S. dystopias describe the excessive modernization society has undergone for the commodity of the ruler class, resulting in the sterilization of the planet and the separation of human beings from their natural origins. Consequently, dystopias often acquire an ecocritical approach that denounces climate change and the scarcity of natural resources in readers’ reality. After the environmental degradation, the American West has lost its charm and has become uninhabitable, thus, dystopian literature attempts to translate the Western frontier into modern scenarios in order to seek for a fresh reconstruction of the frontier myth, also highlighting human imperialistic behavior. The dissertation concludes by arguing that U.S. dystopian novels uncover the reality of the present America, which keeps mimicking a myth that is bound to fail. However, the genre does not intend to be pessimistic but to warn readers that some measures should be applied not to convert their world into an actual dystopia


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    El dolor/grietas del pezón causan abandono del amamantamiento. Objetivo: demostrar que el AOVEe aporta beneficios en dolor/grietas del pezón y duración de la LM, frente a la leche materna. Ensayo clínico aleatorizado con 124 mujeres, parto a término, ≥18 años, excluyendo lesiones previas, usar productos, rechazar tratamiento. Asignación aleatoria estratificada por edad. Dolor medido con escala numérica, grietas mediante exploración y duración de LM con cuestionario. Análisis mediante tablas de contingencia, t de Student, correlaciones de Pearson/Spearman. Estimación del impacto clínico con estadístico d de Cohen y Wald. Significativo α=.05. AOVEe menos grietas pezón izquierdo en primíparas primera semana (p<.01). No diferencias en dolor ni en duración de LM entre grupos. Menos grietas en mujeres con inicio precoz de LM (p<.05). Mayor duración LM en educación sobre LM (p<.05). Aplicar AOVEe es igual o más eficaz que la leche materna para grietas/dolor en el pezón y duración de la LM.Cracking and sore nipple cause cessation of breastfeeding. Aim: to demonstrate that ecological EVOO provides benefits for nipple pain, nipple cracking and breastfeeding duration, compared to human milk. Randomized clinical trial with 124 women, term delivery, ≥18 years, excluding presence of injuries, use of products, refusal of treatment. Random assignment stratified by age. Nipple pain messaured by numerical scale, nipple cracks by exploration and breastfeeding duration by questionnarie. Analysis: using contingency tables, Student's t, Pearson / Spearman correlations. Clinical impact estimated with Cohen's d statistic and Wald. α = .05 significance. EVOOe produced less cracks in left nipple in primiparous during first week (p <.01). No differences in pain neither breastfeeding duration between groups. Fewer cracks in women with early onset breastfeeding (p <.05). Longer breastfeeding duration in breastfeeding education (p <.05). EVOOe is equal to or more effective than human milk for cracking and sore nipple and breastfeeding duration.Tesis Univ. Jaén. Departamento de Enfermerí