720 research outputs found

    The Lyman Alpha Reference Sample: V. The impact of neutral ISM kinematics and geometry on Lyman Alpha escape

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    We present high-resolution far-UV spectroscopy of the 14 galaxies of the Lyman Alpha Reference Sample; a sample of strongly star-forming galaxies at low redshifts (0.028<z<0.180.028 < z < 0.18). We compare the derived properties to global properties derived from multi band imaging and 21 cm HI interferometry and single dish observations, as well as archival optical SDSS spectra. Besides the Lyman α\alpha line, the spectra contain a number of metal absorption features allowing us to probe the kinematics of the neutral ISM and evaluate the optical depth and and covering fraction of the neutral medium as a function of line-of-sight velocity. Furthermore, we show how this, in combination with precise determination of systemic velocity and good Lyα\alpha spectra, can be used to distinguish a model in which separate clumps together fully cover the background source, from the "picket fence" model named by Heckman et al. (2011). We find that no one single effect dominates in governing Lyα\alpha radiative transfer and escape. Lyα\alpha escape in our sample coincides with a maximum velocity-binned covering fraction of 0.9\lesssim 0.9 and bulk outflow velocities of 50\gtrsim 50 km s1^{-1}, although a number of galaxies show these characteristics and yet little or no Lyα\alpha escape. We find that Lyα\alpha peak velocities, where available, are not consistent with a strong backscattered component, but rather with a simpler model of an intrinsic emission line overlaid by a blueshifted absorption profile from the outflowing wind. Finally, we find a strong anticorrelation between Hα\alpha equivalent width and maximum velocity-binned covering factor, and propose a heuristic explanatory model.Comment: 28 pages, 19 figures, 5 table

    The M81 Group Dwarf Irregular Galaxy DDO 165. I. High Velocity Neutral Gas in a Post-Starburst System

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    We present new multi-configuration VLA HI spectral line observations of the M81 group dIrr post-starburst galaxy DDO 165. The HI morphology is complex, with multiple column density peaks surrounding a large region of very low HI surface density that is offset from the center of the stellar distribution. The bulk of the neutral gas is associated with the southern section of the galaxy; a secondary peak in the north contains ~15% of the total HI mass. These components appear to be kinematically distinct, suggesting that either tidal processes or large-scale blowout have recently shaped the ISM of DDO 165. Using spatially-resolved position-velocity maps, we find multiple localized high-velocity gas features. Cross-correlating with radius-velocity analyses, we identify eight shell/hole structures in the ISM with a range of sizes (~400-900 pc) and expansion velocities (~7-11 km/s). These structures are compared with narrow- and broad-band imaging from KPNO and HST. Using the latter data, recent works have shown that DDO 165's previous "burst" phase was extended temporally (>1 Gyr). We thus interpret the high-velocity gas features, HI holes, and kinematically distinct components of the galaxy in the context of the immediate effects of "feedback" from recent star formation. In addition to creating HI holes and shells, extended star formation events are capable of creating localized high velocity motion of the surrounding interstellar material. A companion paper connects the energetics from the HI and HST data.Comment: The Astrophysical Journal, in press. Full-resolution version available on request from the first autho

    The Lyman alpha Reference Sample: Extended Lyman alpha Halos Produced at Low Dust Content

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    We report on new imaging observations of the Lyman alpha emission line (Lya), performed with the Hubble Space Telescope, that comprise the backbone of the Lyman alpha Reference Sample (LARS). We present images of 14 starburst galaxies at redshifts 0.028 < z < 0.18 in continuum-subtracted Lya, Halpha, and the far ultraviolet continuum. We show that Lya is emitted on scales that systematically exceed those of the massive stellar population and recombination nebulae: as measured by the Petrosian 20 percent radius, RP20, Lya radii are larger than those of Halpha by factors ranging from 1 to 3.6, with an average of 2.4. The average ratio of Lya-to-FUV radii is 2.9. This suggests that much of the Lya light is pushed to large radii by resonance scattering. Defining the "Relative Petrosian Extension" of Lya compared to Halpha, \xi_ext = RP20_Lya / RP20_Ha, we find \xi_ext to be uncorrelated with total Lya luminosity. However \xi_ext is strongly correlated with quantities that scale with dust content, in the sense that a low dust abundance is a necessary requirement (although not the only one) in order to spread Lya photons throughout the interstellar medium and drive a large extended Lya halo.Comment: Published in ApJ Letters ~~ 6 pages using emulateapj, 4 figures ~~ Higher-resolution, larger, nicer jpeg versions of Figures 1 and 2 can be found here: http://xayes.org/pub/press_lars.htm

    The Lyman Alpha Reference Sample: III. Properties of the Neutral ISM from GBT and VLA Observations

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    We present new H I imaging and spectroscopy of the 14 UV-selected star-forming galaxies in the Lyman Alpha Reference Sample (LARS), aimed for a detailed study of the processes governing the production, propagation, and escape of Lyα\alpha photons. New H I spectroscopy, obtained with the 100m Green Bank Telescope (GBT), robustly detects the H I spectral line in 11 of the 14 observed LARS galaxies (although the profiles of two of the galaxies are likely confused by other sources within the GBT beam); the three highest redshift galaxies are not detected at our current sensitivity limits. The GBT profiles are used to derive fundamental H I line properties of the LARS galaxies. We also present new pilot H I spectral line imaging of 5 of the LARS galaxies obtained with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA). This imaging localizes the H I gas and provides a measurement of the total H I mass in each galaxy. In one system, LARS 03 (UGC 8335 or Arp 238), VLA observations reveal an enormous tidal structure that extends over 160 kpc from the main interacting systems and that contains >>109^9 M_{\odot} of H I. We compare various H I properties with global Lyα\alpha quantities derived from HST measurements. The measurements of the Lyα\alpha escape fraction are coupled with the new direct measurements of H I mass and significantly disturbed H I velocities. Our robustly detected sample reveals that both total H I mass and linewidth are tentatively correlated with key Lyα\alpha tracers. Further, on global scales, these data support a complex coupling between Lyα\alpha propagation and the H I properties of the surrounding medium.Comment: Preprint form, 16 figures, accepted in Ap

    Triggered star formation and the creation of the supergiant H 1 in shell in IC 2574

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    Based on deep imaging from the Advanced Camera for Surveys aboard the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), we present new evidence that stellar feedback created a ~1 kpc supergiant H I shell (SGS) and triggered star formation (SF) around its rim in the M81 Group dwarf irregular galaxy IC 2574. Using photometry of the resolved stars from the HST images, we measure the star formation history of a region including the SGS, focusing on the past 500 Myr, and employ the unique properties of blue helium-burning stars to create a movie of SF in the SGS. We find two significant episodes of SF inside the SGS from 200-300 Myr and ~25 Myr ago. Comparing the timing of the SF events to the dynamic age of the SGS and the energetics from the H I and SF, we find compelling evidence that stellar feedback is responsible for creating the SGS and triggering secondary SF around its rim

    The Formation of Kiloparsec-scale HI Holes in Dwarf Galaxies

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    The origin of kpc-scale holes in the atomic hydrogen (H i) distributions of some nearby dwarf irregular galaxies presents an intriguing problem. Star formation histories (SFHs) derived from resolved stars give us the unique opportunity to study past star-forming events that may have helped shape the currently visible Hi distribution. Our sample of five nearby dwarf irregular galaxies spans over an order of magnitude in both total Hi mass and absolute B-band magnitude and is at the low-mass end of previously studied systems. We use Very Large Array Hi line data to estimate the energy required to create the centrally dominant hole in each galaxy. We compare this energy estimate to the past energy released by the underlying stellar populations computed from SFHs derived from data taken with the Hubble Space Telescope. The inferred integrated stellar energy released within the characteristic ages exceeds our energy estimates for creating the holes in all cases, assuming expected efficiencies. Therefore, it appears that stellar feedback provides sufficient energy to produce the observed holes. However, we find no obvious signature of single star-forming events responsible for the observed structures when comparing the global SFHs of each galaxy in our sample to each other or to those of dwarf irregular galaxies reported in the literature. We also fail to find evidence of a central star cluster in FUV or Hα imaging. We conclude that large Hi holes are likely formed from multiple generations of star formation and only under suitable interstellar medium conditions

    The Lyman alpha reference sample. VII. Spatially resolved Hα\alpha kinematics

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    We present integral field spectroscopic observations with the Potsdam Multi Aperture Spectrophotometer of all 14 galaxies in the z0.1z\sim 0.1 Lyman Alpha Reference Sample (LARS). We produce 2D line of sight velocity maps and velocity dispersion maps from the Balmer α\alpha (Hα\alpha) emission in our data cubes. These maps trace the spectral and spatial properties of the LARS galaxies' intrinsic Lyα\alpha radiation field. We show our kinematic maps spatially registered onto the Hubble Space Telescope Hα\alpha and Lyman α\alpha (Lyα\alpha) images. Only for individual galaxies a causal connection between spatially resolved Hα\alpha kinematics and Lyα\alpha photometry can be conjectured. However, no general trend can be established for the whole sample. Furthermore, we compute non-parametric global kinematical statistics -- intrinsic velocity dispersion σ0\sigma_0, shearing velocity vshearv_\mathrm{shear}, and the vshear/σ0v_\mathrm{shear}/\sigma_0 ratio -- from our kinematic maps. In general LARS galaxies are characterised by high intrinsic velocity dispersions (54\,km\,s1^{-1} median) and low shearing velocities (65\,km\,s1^{-1} median). vshear/σ0v_\mathrm{shear}/\sigma_0 values range from 0.5 to 3.2 with an average of 1.5. Noteworthy, five galaxies of the sample are dispersion dominated systems with vshear/σ0<1v_\mathrm{shear}/\sigma_0 <1 and are thus kinematically similar to turbulent star forming galaxies seen at high redshift. When linking our kinematical statistics to the global LARS Lyα\alpha properties, we find that dispersion dominated systems show higher Lyα\alpha equivalent widths and higher Lyα\alpha escape fractions than systems with vshear/σ0>1v_\mathrm{shear}/\sigma_0 > 1. Our result indicates that turbulence in actively star-forming systems is causally connected to interstellar medium conditions that favour an escape of Lyα\alpha radiation.Comment: 26 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Does Stellar Feedback Create HI Holes? An HST/VLA Study of Holmberg II

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    We use deep HST/ACS F555W and F814W photometry of resolved stars in the M81 Group dwarf irregular galaxy Ho II to study the hypothesis that the holes identified in the neutral ISM (HI) are created by stellar feedback. From the deep photometry, we construct color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) and measure the star formation histories (SFHs) for stars contained in HI holes from two independent holes catalogs, as well as select control fields, i.e., similar sized regions that span a range of HI column densities. Converting the recent SFHs into stellar feedback energies, we find that enough energy has been generated to have created all holes. However, the required energy is not always produced over a time scale that is less than the estimated kinematic age of the hole. The combination of the CMDs, recent SFHs, and locations of young stars shows that the stellar populations inside HI holes are not coherent, single-aged, stellar clusters, as previously suggested, but rather multi-age populations distributed across each hole. From a comparison of the modeled and observed integrated magnitudes, and the locations and energetics of stars inside of HI holes, we propose a potential new model: a viable mechanism for creating the observed HI holes in Ho II is stellar feedback from multiple generations of SF spread out over tens or hundreds of Myr, and thus, the concept of an age for an HI hole is intrinsically ambiguous. We further find that \halpha and 24 micron emission, tracers of the most recent star formation, do not correlate well with the positions of the HI holes. However, UV emission, which traces star formation over roughly the last 100 Myr, shows a much better correlation with the locations of the HI holes.Comment: Accepted for Publication in The Astrophysical Journal; 28 Pages, 31 Figures, a version of this paper with full resolution figures is available at http://homepages.spa.umn.edu/~dweisz/ho_ii_weisz.pd