118 research outputs found

    Certificazione e tutela della qualità dei prodotti agroalimentari

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    Certification of agricultural food products is a dynamically developing economic phenomenon which constitutes a response to the demands articulated by consumers seeking information about products and their production process. The authoress claims, however, that instead of ensuring an efficient control of food producers, the goal of Regulation 882/2008 seems to rather guarantee a ‘certified service market’ enabling development and creation of a large number of certifying agencies, which subsequently abound in the market and compete with one another. This phenomenon has also been mentioned in the new petition regarding the Regulation of ecological production, in which this greatly simplified relation today between certifying entities and those controlled, to the advantage of the former, has been noted.La certificazione dei prodotti agroalimentari di qualità rappresenta un fenomeno economico in forte espansione, che risponde all’esigenza dei consumatori di poter fare affidamento sulle caratteristiche dei prodotti legate al processo di produzione. L’autrice afferma tra l’altro che – a quanto pare – l’obiettivo del regolamento 882/2008 è piuttosto quello di garantire il mantenimento di un “mercato di servizi di certificazione” che di assicurare l’effettività dei controlli sugli operatori. La concorrenza tra organismi di certificazione e la proliferazione dei soggetti privati di controllo, e quindi la creazione di un “mercato di servizi”, è un modello distante da un sistema che si basa sulla certificazione e che affida, in prima istanza, alle autorità degli Stati membri il controllo sull’attività delle aziende. Una tendenza alla semplificazione nei rapporti tra imprese di certificazione e imprese controllate, a vantaggio dei soggetti che effettuano la certificazione, si rinviene anche nel nuovo progetto di regolamento sulla produzione biologica.15222323212Przegląd Prawa Rolneg

    Rapporti tra imprese e ripartizione del valore nella filiera agroalimentare

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    Il saggio analizza gli strumenti giuridici diretti a migliorare il potere contrattuale delle imprese agricole e a riequilibrare la distribuzione del valore lungo la filiera agroalimentare. Questi sono inquadrati in due categorie: strumenti ordinari per la gestione delle relazioni contrattuali e correttivi delle distorsioni di mercato. In entrambi i casi, l’A. focalizza l’attenzione sui meccanismi di formazione di prezzi equi per gli agricoltori, in particolare in riferimento alla copertura dei costi di produzione, per garantire un equo tenore di vita alla popolazione agricola nella prospettiva di una filiera agroalimentare sostenibile, evidenziando la rilevanza degli interventi normativi a livello nazionale.The essay analyses legal tools aimed to increase the bargaining power of farmers and balance the value among the agri-food chain, framed in two categories: ordinary tools for manage the contractual relationships and special tools aimed at correct market distortions. In both cases, the A. focuses the attention on fair price formation, with specific regard to the coverage of production costs, by ensuring a fair livelihood in the rural fabric, in view of a sustainable agri-food chain, pointing out the relevance of the consideration of national level of regulation

    Alimenti, nuovi alimenti e alimenti tradizionali nel mercato dell'Unione Europea dopo il regolamento 2015/2283

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    Il regolamento 2015/2238 aggiorna la disciplina per l’immissione sul mercato dei “nuovi alimenti” sostituendo, a partire dal 2018, il regolamento 258/97. Nell’articolo si discute di come la definizione di novel food permette di individuare una gradazione nelle regole applicabili alle diverse tipologie di alimenti: accanto ad una puntuale elencazione dei prodotti che richiedono l’autorizzazione ai fini dell’immissione in commercio come novel food, il regolamento introduce una disciplina semplificata per i prodotti tradizionali provenienti da Stati extra UE, riconducibili alla produzione primaria. Inoltre, si individua come tipologia a sé stante quella degli alimenti derivanti da animali clonati, anche in considerazione della concreta possibilità di una autorizzazione come nuovi alimenti, alla luce dell’attuale evoluzione della legislazione europea. Partendo dalla definizione di nuovi alimenti, l’articolo analizza quindi la relazione tra alimenti e produzione agricola. Infine si evidenziano gli effetti del regolamento sulla regolamentazione dei mercati agroalimentari, con riguardo alla posizione delle imprese interessate a presentare domanda per l’immissione sul mercato di nuovi alimenti

    Gruppi di produttori ed enti di certificazione: competenze e legittimazione in una regolazione mobile

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    The role of groups of producers, acting as private bodies in the regulation of agricultural and food markets, in EU legislation is becoming more impor- tant than in the past, mainly as a consequence of the reduction of public intervention in market regu- lation. In the framework of the quality scheme regu- lation 1151/12, the European Union acknowledges the importance of groups representing businesses operators, involved in the governance of member activities. Their role in promoting and preserving the quality of products balance the lack of compulsory public intervention in the protection of designation of origin toward implementing the extra UE market of quality products. However, European Union does not withdrawal her control on private subjects with public functions. The magnitude of controls increases with private rules conflicting with free competition. Therefore, entrusting private bodies in the definition of binding rules extended to the quality producers within the geographical area, art. 150 and 172 of Reg. 1308/13 provide a set of limits and a double check, by Member State and the Commission, to evaluate the effects of these rules on the market. Conversely, referring to private inspection bodies, acting instead of public bodies, legislative rules should prevent the risk that they operate as “busi- ness operators on the markets” rather than public bodies with public functions

    Remuneración justa de los agricultores y equilibrio del valor en la cadena agroalimentaria

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    The essay analyses the Common Agricultural Policy legal framework, by outlining the legal tools to increase the bargaining power of farmers. A special attention is paid to the rules aimed at balancing the value among the agrifood chain. In this perspective, it is analysed the role of collective bargaining of producers organizations, in particular the content of contractual schemes and the criteria to establish the delivery price. Furthermore, as a crucial tool for ensuring a balance of contractual and economic power within the agrifood chain, it is pointed out the role of Member States in implementing, at national level, the directive on unfair trading practices in agricultural and food supply chain.El ensayo analiza el marco legal de la política agrícola común, destacando las herramientas jurídicas para aumentar el poder de negociación de los agricultores. Se presta especial atención a las normas destinadas a equilibrar el valor en la cadena agroalimentaria. En esta perspectiva se analiza el papel de las organizaciones de productores, y se señala el papel de los Países miembros en la aplicación de la directiva sobre las prácticas desleales en la cadena agroalimentaria

    La condizionalità sociale nella nuova PAC (nel quadro dello sviluppo sostenibile dell’agricoltura)

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    Il saggio analizza la condizionalità sociale nella nuova PAC inquadrando tale istituto nell'ambito degli strumenti per attuare la sostenibilità sociale nella riforma della politica agricola comune 2023-2

    Bridging therapeutic opportunities: a survey by the Italian molecular tumor board workgroup of Alliance Against Cancer

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    Background: Molecular tumor boards (MTBs) match molecular alterations with targeted anticancer drugs upon failure of the available therapeutic options. Special and local needs are most likely to emerge through the comparative analysis of MTB networks, but these are rarely reported. This manuscript summarizes the state-of-art of 16 active Italian MTBs, as it emerges from an online survey curated by Alliance Against Cancer (ACC).Main text: Most MTBs (13/16) are exclusively supported through local Institutional grants and meet regularly. All but one adopts a fully virtual or a mixed face-to-face/virtual calling/attendance meeting model. It appears that the ACC MTB initiative is shaping a hub-and-spoke virtual MTB network reminiscent of non-redundant, cost-effective health-care organization models. Unfortunately, public awareness of MTB opportunities presently remains insufficient. Only one center has a website. Dedicated e-mail addresses are for the exclusive use of the MTB staff. More than half of ACC members consider a miscellanea of most or all solid and hematological malignancies, and more than one-third consider neoplasms arising at any anatomical location. The average number of Staff Members in MTBs is 9. More than 10 staff members simultaneously attend MTB meetings in 13 MTBs. A medical oncologist is invariably present and is in charge of introducing the clinical case either with (45%) or without previous discussion in organ-specific multidisciplinary Boards. All but two MTBs take charge of not only patients with no standard-of-care (SoC) therapy option, but also cases receiving NGS profiling in SoC settings, implying a larger number of yearly cases. All MTBs run targeted NGS panels. Three run whole-exome and/or RNAseq approaches. ESCAT-ESMO and/or Onco-KB levels of evidence are similarly used for diagnostic reporting. Most MTBs (11) provide a written diagnostic report within 15 days. Conclusions are invariably communicated to the patient by the medical oncologist.Conclusions: MTB networking is crucial not only for molecular diagnosis and therapy assignment, but also for healthcare governance. Survey results show that MTBs review therapeutic opportunities at the crossover between standard-of-care with off-label, the former task being much beyond their scope. Societal and scientific implications of this beyond-the-scope MTB function may be relevant for healthcare in Italy and abroad