97 research outputs found

    Physical activity level, accidental falls and associated-psychossocial factors in senior citizen centers

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    This cross-sectional study aimed to estimate the level of physical activity (LPA) in Senior Citizen Centers (SCC) users and the possible association with accidental falls and other related variables. The sample included 291 senior citizens from three different SCC from Cuiabá City (Mato Grosso State, Brazil) who answered the Mini-mental State Examination-MMSE and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire-IPAQ. Descriptive Statistic and Ordinal Logistic Regression by Proportional Odds Model (POM) were used for data analyses (p<0.05). About 40% of the elderly suffered falls in the last year. Analyzing the LPA, 38.1% of voluntaries were classified as high level, 49.8% as moderate level and 12.1% as low level. The results of POM indicated that the oldest group showed lower chance to be classified as high LPA (OR=0.78: IC=0.96-2.92) than younger groups. These results were observed in seniors that do not have a job (OR=0.38: IC=0.22-0.67) and those with low cognitive status (OR=0.31; IC=0.31-0.38). Accidental falls occurrence did not show association with LPA.Este estudo seccional teve por objetivo estimar o nível de atividade física (NAF) de idosos que frequentam centros de convivência (CCI), analisando a possível associação com quedas acidentais e outras variáveis relacionadas. Uma amostra de 291 idosos de três CCI da cidade de Cuiabá (MT, Brasil) respondeu ao Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM) e ao Questionário Internacional de Atividades Físicas (IPAQ). Foram utilizadas para a análise de dados, estatística descritiva e a regressão logística ordinal pelo Modelo de Odds Proporcional (MOP) (p<0,05). Cerca de 40% dos idosos disseram ter caído no ano anterior ao inquérito. Quanto ao NAF, 38,1% dos voluntários foram classificados no NAF alto, 49,8% no moderado e 12,1% no baixo. Os resultados do MOP para NAF indicaram que idosos mais velhos têm menos chance de estar no NAF alto (OR=0,78: IC=0,96-2,92) do que idosos nas faixas etárias mais jovens. O mesmo foi observado em idosos que não trabalham (OR=0,38: IC=0,22-0,67) e aqueles com baixo índice cognitivo (OR=0,31; IC=0,31-0,38). A ocorrência de quedas não mostrou associação com o NAF.Universidade Federal de Lavras Departamento de Educação FísicaUniversidade Federal de São Carlos Centro de Ciências Exatas e de Tecnologia Departamento de EstatísticaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de EnfermagemUNIFESP, Depto. de EnfermagemSciEL

    portal hypertension

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    A hipertensão portal é uma síndrome clínica freqüente em nosso meio e acompanha-se de manifestações clínicas graves. Aqui são abordados alguns aspectos da hipertensão portal, com particular ênfase na fisiopatologia da síndrome e em suas manifestações clínicas.São listadas causas de hipertensão portal e discute-se a importância de informações obtidas durante a história clínica e no exame físico, que permitem o diagnóstico da síndrome e que auxiliam no esclarecimento da possível etiologia do processo.Portal hypertension is a common syndrome with serious clinical consequences. Some aspects of pathophysiology, causes and clinical features are discussed. The importance of making the diagnosis of the syndrome and determining the possible etiological factors involved were also discussed

    Genotipagem do vírus da hepatite B de pacientes crônicos com resistência ao tratamento com lamivudina na Cidade de Ribeirão Preto, Estado de São Paulo

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    INTRODUCTION: Lamivudine is a nucleoside analogue that is used clinically for treating chronic hepatitis B infection. However, the main problem with prolonged use of lamivudine is the development of viral resistance to the treatment. Mutations in the YMDD motif of the hepatitis B virus DNA polymerase gene have been associated with resistance to drug therapy. So far, there have not been many studies in Brazil reporting on genotype-dependent development of resistance to lamivudine. Thus, the aim of the present study was to determine the possible correlation between a certain genotype and increased development of resistance to lamivudine among chronic hepatitis B patients. METHODS: HBV DNA in samples from 50 patients under lamivudine treatment was amplified by means of conventional PCR. Samples were collected at Hospital das Clínicas, FMRP-USP. The products were then sequenced and phylogenetic analysis was performed. RESULTS: Phylogenetic analysis revealed that 29 (58%) patients were infected with genotype D, 20 (40%) with genotype A and one (2%) with genotype F. Mutations in the YMDD motif occurred in 20% of the patients with genotype A and 27.6% of the patients with genotype D. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the small number of samples, our results indicated that mutations in the YMDD motif were 1.38 times more frequent in genotype D than in genotype A.INTRODUÇÃO: Lamivudina é um análogo de nucleosídeo clinicamente utilizado para o tratamento da infecção crônica pela hepatite B. Entretanto, o principal problema do uso prolongado da lamivudina é o desenvolvimento de resistência viral ao tratamento. Mutações no motivo YMDD no gene da DNA polimerase do vírus da hepatite B estão associados com a resistência a terapia medicamentosa. Até o presente momento, não há muitos estudos no Brasil que descrevem o desenvolvimento genótipo-dependente da resistência à lamivudina. Assim, o intuito do trabalho aqui descrito foi determinar a possível correlação entre um determinado genótipo e o desenvolvimento aumentado da resistência à lamivudina em pacientes com hepatite B crônica. MÉTODOS: O HBV DNA foi amplificado por PCR convencional a partir de 50 amostras coletadas de pacientes submetidos ao tratamento com lamivudina no Hospital das Clínicas- FMRP- USP. Posteriormente, os produtos foram seqüenciados e a análise filogenética foi realizada. RESULTADOS: A análise filogenética mostrou que 29 (58%) pacientes foram infectados com o genótipo D, 20 (40%) com o genótipo A e 1 (2%) com o genótipo F. Mutações no motivo YMDD ocorreu em 20% dos pacientes com genótipo A e 27,6% em pacientes do genótipo D. CONCLUSÕES: Apesar do baixo número de amostras, nossos resultados indicaram que mutações no motivo YMDD são 1,38 X mais frequentes no genótipo D em relação ao genótipo A.Universidade de São Paulo USP - FCFR

    Estudo epidemiológico das lesões desportivas nos atletas de andebol na categoria de seniores femininos de Angola (Luanda)

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    Nesta dissertação, realiza-se um trabalho que visa analisar o processo das lesões desportivas, em particular na modalidade de andebol. A necessidade de se desenvolver esta temática é originada pelas frequentes lesões que os atletas seniores femininos de andebol de Angola têm tido. Esta investigação científica consiste em analisar as causas das mesmas. Angola tem recorrido a alguns países para pedir auxílio no tratamento de atletas, em diversas áreas da medicina desportiva, como cirurgia, ortopedia, análises laboratoriais e fisioterapia. O andebol é uma das modalidades desportivas mais praticada a nível mundial. Em Angola pratica-se desde 1974, e a prática da mesma é cada vez maior. No entanto, a mesma provoca alguns tipos de lesões nos praticantes. Assim sendo, o objetivo do presente estudo permitirá definir os fatores de risco que influenciam o surgimento das lesões desportivas e identificar quais as mais frequentes que afetam os atletas em questão: Propor um conjunto de medidas de prevenção de lesões nos atletas de andebol na categoria de seniores femininos de Angola. A metodologia, do presente estudo é quantitativa em que se aplica um questionário junto dos atletas que permitirá realizar um “Estudo epidemiológico das lesões desportivas nos atletas de andebol de Angola”, o mesmo visa elaborar um conjunto de ações para prevenção e conhecimento das lesões nos atletas de andebol da categoria de seniores femininos das equipas de Luanda

    Tic-Related Obsessive-Compulsive and Eating Disorders in Dandy-Walker Variant: A Case Report and Systematic Reappraisal of Psychiatric Profiles

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    : Dandy-Walker complex (DWC) consists of a continuum of brain malformations involving the posterior fossa, often leading to psychiatric manifestations during adulthood. We discussed the case of a young woman with Dandy-Walker variant (DWV) and a comorbid complex neuropsychiatric presentation, who was diagnosed with an eating disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and a tic disorder. Afterwards, we conducted a Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) 2020-compliant systematic review reappraising all evidence of psychiatric outcomes in adults with DWC. Overall, 34 studies were eligible for data extraction, comprising 36 patients. Psychiatric profiles were more common among young adult males, with DWC lesions, especially DWV subtype, being often discovered incidentally after admission to mental health inpatient facilities. Most patients were diagnosed with psychosis and bipolar disorder, often comorbid with cognitive impairment. Psychotropic polypharmacy was frequently prescribed, generally leading to complete recovery. Evidence from our case report and systematic review indicates the importance of monitoring long-term psychiatric sequelae among adult patients with DWC malformations

    Electromyographic and magnetic resonance imaging evaluations of individuals with patellofemoral pain syndrome

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    OBJETIVOS: Analisar a atividade elétrica (EMG) dos músculos vasto medial oblíquo (VMO), vasto lateral longo (VLL) e vasto lateral oblíquo (VLO) de indivíduos com síndrome da dor femoropatelar (SDFP) durante contração isométrica voluntária máxima (CIVM) de extensão da perna com o joelho a 30(0), a dor por meio da Escala Visual Analógica (EVA) e o posicionamento da patela por meio da ressonância magnética nuclear por imagem (RMNI). MÉTODOS: Avaliaram-se 12 mulheres com SDFP e 12 clinicamente normais, que realizaram cinco CIVM de extensão da perna no ângulo de 30(0) para análise da EMG. Avaliou-se o ângulo do sulco (AS), ângulo de congruência (AC), ângulo de inclinação patelar (AIP) e deslocamento patelar (DP) pela RMNI. Utilizaram-se testes estatísticos: ANOVA, análise de variância de medidas repetidas para EMG; o teste Mann-Whitney U para análise da RMNI; o teste de correlação de Pearson (r) entre EMG e RMNI e análise de variância one-way para avaliação da dor (p<0,05). RESULTADOS: Verificou-se maior atividade elétrica do músculo VLL em relação ao VMO no grupo com SDFP. Em ambos os grupos, os músculos VMO e VLL apresentaram maior atividade elétrica que o VLO. Para o grupo SDFP, a RMNI revelou maiores valores do AS e menores do AC, e verificou-se uma correlação negativa entre VMO e AIP. CONCLUSÃO: Os dados sugerem que maior atividade elétrica do VLL, juntamente com o aumento do AS e diminuição do AC, possam ser fatores favorecedores da instabilidade patelar nos indivíduos com SDFP.OBJECTIVES: To analyze the electrical activity of the vastus medialis obliquus (VMO), vastus lateralis longus (VLL) and vastus lateralis obliquus (VLO) muscles of individuals with patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) during maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) of lower leg extension with the knee at 30°; to assess pain using a visual analogue scale (VAS); and to assess patellar positioning using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). METHODS: Twelve women with PFPS and 12 clinically normal women were evaluated. They performed five MVICs of lower leg extension at 30° for electromyographic (EMG) analysis. Using MRI, the sulcus angle (SA), congruence angle (CA), patellar tilt angle (PTA) and patellar displacement (PD) were obtained. The following statistical tests were used: analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measurements to assess EMGs; Mann-Whitney U test to analyze MRIs; Pearson's (r) correlation test between EMGs and MRIs; and one-way ANOVA to evaluate pain (p<0.05). RESULTS: In the PFPS group, there was greater electrical activity in the VLL than in the VMO. In both groups, there was greater electrical activity in the VMO and VLL than in the VLO. In the PFPS group, the MRI showed higher SA and lower CA values, and there was a negative correlation between the VMO and the PTA. CONCLUSION: The data suggest that, in individuals with PFPS, greater electrical activity in the VLL combined with an increased SA and a decreased CA may contribute to patellar instability.Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa (CNPq

    Efficacy and safety of Ombitasvir/Paritaprevir/Ritonavir and Dasabuvir ± Ribavirin for HCV in Brazilian adults with advanced fibrosis

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    Introduction and aim. Approximately 650,000 people in Brazil have chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. We evaluated the safety and efficacy of ombitasvir (OBV)/paritaprevir (PTV)/ritonavir (r) plus dasabuvir (DSV) with/without ribavirin (RBV) in an openlabel multicenter phase 3b trial in treatment-naive or interferon (IFN) treatment-experienced Brazilian patients with advanced hepatic fibrosis (METAVIR F3/4) and HCV genotype (GT) 1 infection. Material and methods. All patients received coformulated OBV/ PTV/r daily + DSV twice daily (3-DAA). GT1a-infected patients received 3-DAA plus RBV for 12 weeks, except for prior pegIFN/ RBV nonresponders with cirrhosis who were treated for 24 weeks. GT1b-infected patients received 3-DAA alone (F3) or in combination with RBV (F4) for 12 weeks. The primary endpoint was sustained virologic response (HCV RNA < 15 IU/mL) at post-treatment Week 12 (SVR12). Results. The study enrolled 222 patients, 214 achieved an SVR12 (96.4%; 95% CI, 93.1-98.2%), one GT1a-infected patient experienced virologic breakthrough, six (5 GT1a) relapsed, and one was lost to follow-up. SVR12 was achieved in 111/ 112 (99.1%) GT1b-infected patients, including 42/43 (97.7%) noncirrhotic, and 69/69 (100%) cirrhotic patients; and in 103/110 (93.6%) GT1a-infected patients, including 44/46 (95.7%) noncirrhotic and 59/64 (92.2%) cirrhotic patients. Overall there was a low rate of serious adverse events (n = 6, 2.7%). One patient experienced a treatment-related serious adverse event and one patient discontinued treatment because of an adverse event. Discussion. The results confirm that the 3-DAA regimen with/without RBV is well tolerated and had a favorable safety profile and is efficacious in GT1-infected patients with advanced fibrosis (METAVIR F3/4)

    Non-Cardiogenic Thromboembolism in a Persian Cat with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

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    Background: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is the most common acquired cardiovascular disease in the feline species. A frequent complication of this cardiomyopathy is the development of cardiac congestive failure, left atrial enlargement and subsequent development of arterial thromboembolism. In a significant percentage of affected animals there is progression to congestive heart failure, resulting in cyanosis and dyspnea, often the first clinical signs reported by owners. This is a report of a 10-year-old Persian cat with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and venous and arterial thromboembolism of non-cardiogenic origin.Case: The patient was referred for cardiac evaluation, arterial thromboembolism was the suspected cause of tetraparesis. On clinical examination, a metacarpal pulse was present in all limbs; there was no cyanosis or peripheral hypothermia thus, ruling out a thromboembolic event in the limbs. Changes consistent with feline asthma and pulmonary edema were seen on radiographs, therefore hypertrophic cardiomyopathy was suspected. Treatment with enalapril (0.25 mg/kg every 12 h) for the heart condition and prednisolone (1 mg/kg every 24 h) for asthma was started. Nine days later, the patient developed mixed dyspnea (inspiratory and expiratory) and was hospitalized with signs consistent with arterial thromboembolism: paralysis and cold extremities in the right and left pelvic limbs. The patient was euthanized due to the poor prognosis. Post mortem and histopathological findings revealed left ventricular concentric hypertrophy, with no valvular changes; disseminated intravascular coagulation, with thrombi in the arterial (iliac arteries, pancreatic and renal vessels) and venous (pulmonary and renal veins) beds; as well as multiple neoplastic lung masses, identified as scirrhous pulmonary adenocarcinoma, responsible for increased interstitial radiopacity. Metastasis was also identified at the tracheal bifurcation, causing radiographic changes similar to the alveolar pattern of pulmonary edema.Discussion: The origin of the concentric left ventricular hypertrophy was not established. Both primary hypertrophy, due to breed-related genetic predisposition or secondary hypertrophy, due to systemic hypertension from chronic kidney disease are possibilities. However, despite the left ventricular concentric hypertrophy and the presence of thrombus under the mitral valve, it was not thought that the patient had cardiogenic thromboembolism, since this would not explain the venous thrombi. The arterial and venous thromboembolism in this case were the result of paraneoplastic syndrome due to pulmonary adenocarcinoma, which was a triggering factor for disseminated intravascular coagulation and multiple thrombus formation, both in arterial and venous beds. Tumor cells may promote direct and indirect modifications in the coagulation cascade and, thus hypercoagulability. The hypercoagulatory state promoted by the tumor associated with the Virchow triad seen in feline species, explains the occurrence of thrombosis in this case report. Sensitive imaging tests, such as computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, may be required in middle-aged cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and clinical presentations of thromboembolism or respiratory signs, in order to exclude pulmonary neoplasm as a differential diagnosis for thrombus formation and dyspnea. Furthermore, it is speculated that the antitumor effect of heparin used in the treatment for arterial thromboembolism may delay the diagnosis of lung neoplasia in cats

    Hepatitis C among former athletes: association with the use of injectable stimulants in the past

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    This study was performed with the purpose of testing the hypothesis that the high prevalence of hepatitis C among former athletes is associated with their past use of injectable stimulants. The study involved the participation of 208 former professional and amateur soccer and basketball players from the region of Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, who answered a questionnaire regarding their exposure to risk factors, including the use of injectable stimulants in the time they were engaged in sporting activities. ELISA tests were used to detect infection by the hepatitis C virus, and confirmed with PCR and genotyping for the positive cases. It was observed that the former use of injectable stimulants was a practice disseminated among the participants (24.5%), reaching 50.8% in the professionals. The overall prevalence for hepatitis C was 7.2%, with values of 11% among professionals and 5.5% among amateurs. In both categories, the presence of infection was markedly higher among those who admitted past use of injectable stimulants when compared to those who denied such practice (36% and 0.8% among amateurs; 21.9% and 0% among professionals, respectively). Multivariate analysis showed that the use of those substances was the only variable associated with the risk of hepatitis C. This confirms previous observations, performed with reduced sample sizes and without comparison groups, which indicated that the use of injectable vitamins was a risk factor of hepatitis C among former athletes.CNPqUSP - FAEP