751 research outputs found

    Procesos erosivos (tasas de erosión) en los deltas mediterráneos andaluces: herramientas de análisis espacial (DSAS) y evolución temporal (servicios OGC)

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    En la presente comunicación se pretende evaluar y cuantificar la erosión de las playas como proceso continuo a corto, medio y largo plazo en los principales deltas de la fachada mediterránea andaluza, así como observar en qué medida la actividad antrópica ha podido alterar sus condiciones naturales. Metodológicamente, se ha realizado una digitalización precisa de la línea de costa a escala 1:2.500 para los años 1956, 1979, 1984, 2001 y 2009 mediante el uso de los servicios OGC disponibles a través de la Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales de Andalucía. Los criterios de digitalización han seguido una estricta base ecológica para la identificación del indicador de línea de costa, a diferencia de otras líneas oficiales, lo que hace que cada tramo costero sea identificado por un proceso distinto, diferenciándose procedimientos independientes para las formaciones sedimentarias expuestas, las costas rocosas o las infraestructuras antrópicas del frente litoral. Los datos digitalizados se han adaptado al modelo de datos presentado e integrado en el gestor de datos Postgres/PostGis. Las tasas de evolución de los distintos tramos costeros se han obtenido mediante transectos con un espaciado de 50 metros utilizando el programa DSAS integrado en ArcGis 10. El análisis diacrónico que permite la alta disponibilidad de datos de referencia a través de servicios OGC ha permitido el seguimiento de los deltas y de la influencia de la actividad humana en él.Beach erosion evaluation and quantification as a short, medium and long-term process in several Andalusian Mediterranean deltas is presented in this paper.From the point of view of the methodology, a precise shoreline digitalization at a scale of 1:2.500 for years 1956, 1979, 1984, 2001 and 2009 has been performed by using OGC services, from the Andalusian Spatial Data Infrastructure. Digitalization criteria were supported by a strict ecological basis for shoreline rate identification, in such a way that each shoreline segment is identified by a different process, according to its nature: exposed sedimentary formations, rocky coasts or anthropic infrastructures on the coast. Digitalized data has been adapted to the data model presented and integrated in Postgres/PostGis database manager. Each shoreline segment evolution rates have been obtained by 50 meters spacing transects, using DSAS software integrated into ArcGis 10. The diachronic analysis, allowed by the availability of reference data through OGC services, has made possible monitoring the evolution of deltas and the influence of human action on it.Junta de Andalucía RNM-6207Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CSO2010-1580

    In vivo absorption behaviour of theophylline from starch-methyl methacrylate matrix tablets in beagle dogs

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    This study evaluates in vivo the drug absorption profiles from potato starch-methyl methacrylate matrices∗ using theophylline as a model drug. Healthy beagle dogs under fasting conditions were used for in vivo studies and plasma samples were analyzed by a fluorescence polarization immunoassay analysis (FPIA method). Non-compartmental and compartmental (population approach) analysis was performed to determine the pharmacokinetic parameters. The principle of superposition was applied to predict multiple dose plasma concentrations from experimental single dose data. An in vitro-in vivo correlation (IVIVC) was also assessed. The sustained absorption kinetics of theophylline from these formulations was demonstrated by comparison with two commercially available oral sustained-release theophylline products (Theo-Dur® and Theolair®). A one-compartment model with first order kinetics without lag-time best describes the absorption/disposition of theophylline from the formulations. Results revealed a theophylline absorption rate in the order FD-HSMMA Theo-Dur®OD-CSMMA > Theolair®FD-CSMMA. On the basis of simulated plasma theophylline levels, a twice daily dosage (every 12 h) with the FD-CSMMA tablets should be recommended. A Level C IVIVC was found between the in vitro t50% and the in vivo AUC/D, although further optimization of the in vitro dissolution test would be needed to adequately correlate with in vivo data.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia MAT2004-0159

    Los "Bienes Democráticos" en la Economía del Bien Común : cuatro vías para su delimitación conceptual

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    ¿Es posible delimitar una nueva categoría económica ?los Bienes Democráticos (BBDD)? para poner en marcha y operativizar un nuevo marco dentro del cual concebir la gestión de bienes más indispensablescomo derechos económicos, por su papel central en la realización de los Derechos Humanos? ¿De qué manera podríamos identificar tales Bienes Democráticos? ¿Qué directrices o principios rectores guiarían su búsqueda?Para responder a estas preguntas presentamos una propuesta con la que tratamos de proporcionar los fundamentos necesarios para establecer su delimitación conceptual, desde cuatro aristas o vías que le dan contención: (1) La sociohistórica, con un recorrido por las grandes transformaciones socioculturales de la Humanidad, en las que los BBDD se ponen de manifiesto, con un carácter vital y fundacional para la condiciónhumana. (2) La económica: con la articulación de los BBDD dentro del amplio campo de los commons, los elementos diferenciales que los distinguen, la cuestión de la reciprocidad sistémica y los tramos, en los que cada BBDD se especifica y concreta. (3) La política: que comienza con la toma de conciencia de la escasa institucionalización y funcionalidad real de las comunidades ?el sujeto activo que ha de gestionar estos bienes?, queal organizarse amplía el espacio que define las posibilidades políticas, creando gobernanza. (4) La jurídica: que pone en relación el modo de gestión de los bienes económicos señalados con algunos de los derechos fundamentales, estableciendo derechos económicos. Galtung (1977), Bruni y Zamagni (2007) y Felber (2010) nos aportan los puntos de partida

    Column water vapor determination in night period with a lunar photometer prototype

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    In this paper we present the preliminary results of atmospheric column-integrated precipitable water vapor (PWV) obtained with a new Lunar Cimel photometer (LC) at the high mountain Izaña Observatory in the period July–August 2011. We have compared quasi-simultaneous nocturnal PWV from LC with PWV from a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver and nighttime radiosondes (RS92). LC data have been calibrated using the Lunar Langley method (LLM). We complemented this comparative study using quasi-simultaneous daytime PWV from Cimel AERONET (CA), GPS and RS92.The AERONET sun photometer at Izana has been calibrated within AERONET- ˜ EUROPE TNA supported by the European Community – Research Infrastructure Action under the FP7 “Capacities” specific program for Integrating Activities, ACTRIS grant agreement no. 262254

    Seagrass Halodule wrightii as a new habitat for the amphioxus Branchiostoma californiense (Cephalochordata, Branchiostomidae) in the southern Gulf of California, Mexico

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    The first record of the amphioxus Branchiostoma californiense on seagrass patches of Halodule wrightii in the Gulf of California is reported. Sixty individuals (19 males, 18 females, and 23 undifferentiated) were collected in May 2017 at Bahía Balandra, Gulf of California, from subtidal seagrass patches at a depth of 0.5 m at low tide. The length and weight ranged from 15.88–28.44 mm and from 0.01–0.11 g for females and 11.7–27.9 mm and 0.01–0.09 g for males, respectively. The minimum size of sexually mature individuals was 11.70 mm for males and 15.88 mm for females; 62% of the specimens were sexually mature. Analysis of the total length-weight relationship suggested an allometric growth pattern among females, males and undifferentiated individuals, whereas an analysis of the entire sample suggested an isometric growth pattern. Typical and additional morphological characters were used to identify the amphioxi. High morphological variability between individuals was found, suggesting the presence of several morphotypes. Branchiostoma californiense had been previously reported as exclusively associated with bare sandy areas, but our study shows that this species can also be found in seagrass patches, using them as breeding and feeding grounds. Thus, seagrass patches are evidenced as suitable habitats for amphioxus

    Caffeine supplementation improves physical performance without affecting fatigue level: a double-blind crossover study.

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    This study examined the effect of caffeine supplementation (CAFF) in a Wingate test (WT), and the behaviour of blood lactate concentrations (BLa) and neuromuscular fatigue (NMF), measured as reduced countermovement jump (CMJ) performance, in response to the WT. In a double-blind crossover study, 16 participants attended the laboratory twice, separated by a 72-hour window. In the sessions, participants first ingested 6 mg·kg-1 of either CAFF or placebo (PLAC), and then performed a WT. BLa was measured before (L-pre), and 0.5 min (L-post-0.5) and 3.5 min (L-post-3.5) after conducting the WT. The CMJ test was conducted before (CMJ pre), after (CMJ post), and 3 min after completing (CMJ post-3) the WT. The results indicated that CAFF enhanced peak power (Wpeak: + 3.22%; p = 0.040), time taken to reach Wpeak (T_Wpeak: -18.76%; p = 0.001) and mean power (Wmean: + 2.7%; p = 0.020). A higher BLa was recorded for CAFF at L-post-0.5 (+ 13.29%; p = 0.009) and L-post-3.5 (+ 10.51%; p = 0.044) compared to PLAC. CAFF improved peak power (PP; + 3.44%; p = 0.003) and mean power (MP; + 4.78%; p = 0.006) at CMJ pre, compared to PLAC, whereas PP and MP were significantly diminished at CMJ post and CMJ post-3 compared to pre (p < 0.001 for all comparisons) under both the CAFF and PLAC conditions. PP and MP were increased at post-3 compared to post (p < 0.001 for all comparisons) for both conditions. In conclusion, CAFF increased WT performance and BLa without affecting NMF measured by CMJ. Thus, CAFF may allow athletes to train with higher workloads and enhance the supercompensation effects after an adequate recovery period.post-print756 K

    Recovering long-term aerosol optical depth series (1976–2012) from an astronomical potassium-based resonance scattering spectrometer

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    A 37-year long-term series of monochromatic aerosol optical depth (AOD) has been recovered from solar irradiance measurements performed with the solar spectrometer Mark-I, deployed at Izaña mountain since 1976. The instrument operation is based on the method of resonant scattering, which affords wavelength absolute reference and stability (long-term stability and high precision) in comparison to other instruments based purely on interference filters. However, it has been specifically designed as a reference instrument for helioseismology, and its ability to determine AOD from transmitted and scattered monochromatic radiation at 769.9 nm inside a potassium vapour cell in the presence of a permanent magnetic field is evaluated in this paper. Particularly, the use of an exposed mirror arrangement to collect sunlight as well as the Sun–laboratory velocity dependence of the scattered component introduces some important inconveniences to overcome when we perform the instrument's calibration. We have solved this problem using a quasi-continuous Langley calibration technique and a refinement procedure to correct for calibration errors as well as for the fictitious diurnal cycle on AOD data. Our results showed similar calibration errors retrieved by means of this quasi-continuous Langley technique applied in different aerosol load events (from 0.04 to 0.3), provided aerosol concentration remains constant throughout the calibration interval.The AERONET sun photometers at Izaña have been calibrated within AERONET-Europe TNA supported by the European Community-Research Infrastructure Action under the FP7 “Capacities” specific programme for Integrating Activities, ACTRIS grant agreement no. 262254. The GAW-PFR network for AOD at WMO-GAW global observatories has been implemented by the World Optical Depth Research and Calibration Center (WORCC). Mark-I operation was supported by the Spanish National Plan of Research and Development under grant no. AYA2012–17803

    Clinical and functional characteristics of individuals with alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency: EARCO international registry

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    Background Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (AATD) is a rare disease that is associated with an increased risk of pulmonary emphysema. The European AATD Research Collaboration (EARCO) international registry was founded with the objective of characterising the individuals with AATD and investigating their natural history. Methods The EARCO registry is an international, observational and prospective study of individuals with AATD, defined as AAT serum levels < 11 μM and/or proteinase inhibitor genotypes PI*ZZ, PI*SZ and compound heterozygotes or homozygotes of other rare deficient variants. We describe the characteristics of the individuals included from February 2020 to May 2022. Results A total of 1044 individuals from 15 countries were analysed. The most frequent genotype was PI*ZZ (60.2%), followed by PI*SZ (29.2%). Among PI*ZZ patients, emphysema was the most frequent lung disease (57.2%) followed by COPD (57.2%) and bronchiectasis (22%). Up to 76.4% had concordant values of FEV1(%) and KCO(%). Those with impairment in FEV1(%) alone had more frequently bronchiectasis and asthma and those with impairment in KCO(%) alone had more frequent emphysema and liver disease. Multivariate analysis showed that advanced age, male sex, exacerbations, increased blood platelets and neutrophils, augmentation and lower AAT serum levels were associated with worse FEV1(%). Conclusions EARCO has recruited > 1000 individuals with AATD from 15 countries in its first 2 years. Baseline cross sectional data provide relevant information about the clinical phenotypes of the disease, the patterns of functional impairment and factors associated with poor lung function