8,099 research outputs found

    Factors associated with postharvest ripening heterogeneity of "Hass" avocados (Persea americana Mill)

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    Indexación: Web of ScienceIntroduction. 'Hass' is the main avocado cultivar commercialized worldwide. The extended flowering period, very low percentage of fruit set and inability to ripen on the tree renders the fruit heterogeneous and unpredictable during postharvest management. The "triggered" and "ready-to-eat" growing markets for 'Hass' avocados are affected by the variable postharvest ripening or ripening heterogeneity which creates severe logistical problems for marketers and inconsistent quality delivery to consumers. Synthesis. The dry matter content, the current avocado harvest index that correlates very well with oil content, has been extensively used to harvest 'Hass' avocados to comply with the minimum standards to guarantee consumer satisfaction. However, previous work and empirical experience demonstrate that dry matter does not correlate on a fruit-to-fruit basis with time to reach edible ripeness. Thus, avocados of very different ages are harvested from individual trees, resulting in heterogeneous postharvest ripening of fruit within a specific batch. Several preharvest factors related to environmental and growing conditions and crop management as well as postharvest technology strategies influence the observed variability of postharvest ripening. Conclusion. Modern approaches based on studying the composition of individual fruits displaying contrasting postharvest ripening behavior, combined with non-destructive phenotyping techniques, seem to offer practical solutions for the fresh supply chain of avocados to sort fruit based on their ripening capacity.http://www.pubhort.org/fruits/2016/5/fruits160045.ht

    Adjustable speed operation of a hydropower plant associated to an irrigation reservoir

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    This paper deals with the issue of adjustable speed operation (ASO) of hydropower plants. The main idea of this technique is to allow the turbine speed to change in accordance with hydraulic conditions, thus improving the overall unit efficiency. General technical aspects of ASO are further discussed with special emphasis on the energy and operational benefits that may potentially result from its application. In order to assess these benefits, annual operation of a hydropower plant associated to an irrigation reservoir has been simulated under different scenarios, with both adjustable and fixed speed. Turbine operating range proved to be wider with ASO. In addition, simulation results confirm that considerable energy gains are expected to be obtained

    Evolution of clonal populations approaching a fitness peak

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    Populations facing novel environments are expected to evolve through the accumulation of adaptive substitutions. The dynamics of adaptation depend on the fitness landscape and possibly on the genetic background on which new mutations arise. Here, we model the dynamics of adaptive evolution at the phenotypic and genotypic levels, focusing on a Fisherian landscape characterized by a single peak. We find that Fisher's geometrical model of adaptation, extended to allow for small random environmental variations, is able to explain several features made recently in experimentally evolved populations. Consistent with data on populations evolving under controlled conditions, the model predicts that mean population fitness increases rapidly when populations face novel environments and then achieves a dynamic plateau, the rate of molecular evolution is remarkably constant over long periods of evolution, mutators are expected to invade and patterns of epistasis vary along the adaptive walk. Negative epistasis is expected in the initial steps of adaptation but not at later steps, a prediction that remains to be tested. Furthermore, populations are expected to exhibit high levels of phenotypic diversity at all times during their evolution. This implies that populations are possibly able to adapt rapidly to novel abiotic environments.CAPES-IGC

    Monte Carlo simulation of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory with light gluinos

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    In a numerical Monte Carlo simulation of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory with light dynamical gluinos the low energy features of the dynamics as confinement and bound state mass spectrum are investigated. The motivation is supersymmetry at vanishing gluino mass. The performance of the applied two-step multi-bosonic dynamical fermion algorithm is discussed.Comment: latex, 48 pages, 16 figures with epsfi

    EU fusion for Iter applications

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    Electronic circuit implementation of chaos synchronization

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    In this paper, an electronic circuit implementation of a robustly chaotic two-dimensional map is presented. Two such electronic circuits are realized. One of the circuits is configured as the driver and the other circuit is configured as the driven system. Synchronization of chaos between the driver and the driven system is demonstrated

    Cell death induced by the application of alternating magnetic fields to nanoparticle-loaded dendritic cells

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    In this work, the capability of primary, monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DCs) to uptake iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) is assessed and a strategy to induce selective cell death in these MNP-loaded DCs using external alternating magnetic fields (AMFs) is reported. No significant decrease in the cell viability of MNP-loaded DCs, compared to the control samples, was observed after five days of culture. The amount of MNPs incorporated into the cytoplasm was measured by magnetometry, which confirmed that 1 to 5 pg of the particles were uploaded per cell. The intracellular distribution of these MNPs, assessed by transmission electron microscopy, was found to be primarily inside the endosomic structures. These cells were then subjected to an AMF for 30 min, and the viability of the blank DCs (i.e., without MNPs), which were used as control samples, remained essentially unaffected. However, a remarkable decrease of viability from approximately 90% to 2-5% of DCs previously loaded with MNPs was observed after the same 30 min exposure to an AMF. The same results were obtained using MNPs having either positive (NH2+) or negative (COOH-) surface functional groups. In spite of the massive cell death induced by application of AMF to MNP-loaded DCs, the amount of incorporated magnetic particles did not raise the temperature of the cell culture. Clear morphological changes at the cell structure after magnetic field application were observed using scanning electron microscopy. Therefore, local damage produced by the MNPs could be the main mechanism for the selective cell death of MNP-loaded DCs under an AMF. Based on the ability of these cells to evade the reticuloendothelial system, these complexes combined with an AMF should be considered as a potentially powerful tool for tumour therapy.Comment: In Press. 33 pages, 11 figure

    Retinoic acids increase expression of GLUT4 in dedifferentiated and hypertrophied cardiac myocytes

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    Sufficient expression of the insulin-sensitive glucose transporter GLUT4 may be crucial for the survival of cardiac myocytes in situations of stress. Expression of GLUT4 in cardiac myocytes correlates with cell differentiation and is reduced in the hypertrophied and failing myocardium. Adult rat cardiomyocytes (ARC) in primary culture undergo dedifferentiation and reduction of GLUT4 expression. Depending on the culture condition partial redifferentiation and/or hypertrophy follows. All-trans (at) and 9-cis retinoic acids (RA) are morphogenetic agents important for cell differentiation. Both atRA and 9-cisRA restored GLUT4 expression in dedifferentiated ARC, while only 9-cisRA could increase GLUT4 expression in hypertrophic ARC. The effects of RA were associated with improved differentiation of the cardiac myocytes, as assessed from the expression of atrial natriuretic factor and the morphology of the contractile apparatus. In neonatal rat cardiomyocytes, 9-cisRA, but not atRA, stimulated transcription from the glut4 promoter. In conclusion, treatment with RA can restore the down-regulated expression of GLUT4 in cardiomyocytes in association with a partial improvement of the differentiated phenotyp

    Local habitat disturbance increases bird nest predation in the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest

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    La perturbación del hábitat local aumenta la depredación de nidos de aves en la pluviselva atlántica del Brasil Evaluamos los efectos de la perturbación antropógena en el bosque atlántico del Brasil. Se distribuyeron nidos artificiales en fragmentos con distintos grados de perturbación antropógena. Observamos una mayor proporción de depredación de huevos en el suelo y en los fragmentos clasificados como de perturbación alta y media que en los fragmentos con un bajo grado de perturbación. La mayor depredación de huevos está probablemente relacionada con una vegetación de complejidad estructural baja y con la elevada accesibilidad de estas zonas para depredadores oportunistas. Con vistas a mantener la biodiversidad de especies de aves, proponemos que se conserven los fragmentos forestales con vegetación de complejidad estructural elevada y escasa actividad humana.We evaluated the effect of anthropogenic disturbance on nest predation in Brazilian Atlantic forest. Artificial nests were distributed in fragments with distinct degrees of anthropogenic disturbance. We found a higher proportion of egg predation on the ground and in the fragments classified as ‘high’ and ‘medium’ disturbance than in the fragments classified as ‘low’ degree of disturbance. The higher egg predation is probably linked to low structural complexity of vegetation and high accessibility of these areas to opportunistic predators. We suggest that forest fragments with high vegetation complexity and low human activity should be preserved in order to maintain the biodiversity of bird species.La perturbación del hábitat local aumenta la depredación de nidos de aves en la pluviselva atlántica del Brasil Evaluamos los efectos de la perturbación antropógena en el bosque atlántico del Brasil. Se distribuyeron nidos artificiales en fragmentos con distintos grados de perturbación antropógena. Observamos una mayor proporción de depredación de huevos en el suelo y en los fragmentos clasificados como de perturbación alta y media que en los fragmentos con un bajo grado de perturbación. La mayor depredación de huevos está probablemente relacionada con una vegetación de complejidad estructural baja y con la elevada accesibilidad de estas zonas para depredadores oportunistas. Con vistas a mantener la biodiversidad de especies de aves, proponemos que se conserven los fragmentos forestales con vegetación de complejidad estructural elevada y escasa actividad humana

    Metodología para seleccionar tecnologías Web 2.0 para la docencia

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    Actualmente existe un gran auge en el uso y difusión de las herramientas Web 2.0 tanto en el contexto profesional como en el personal. Su aplicación al ámbito de la docencia, tal y como sugieren algunos estudios, puede tener numerosas ventajas. Sin embargo, el abanico de herramientas Web 2.0 es muy amplio y por tanto sería de utilidad disponer de una metodología que pudiera guiar al docente a la hora de elegir la tecnología más adecuada a su proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje según los objetivos perseguidos, así como en su implantación y posterior evaluación de los resultados alcanzados. En este artículo, se presenta una metodología de ayuda a los docentes de cualquier área de conocimiento para la selección e implantación de la tecnología Web 2.0 que más se adapte a un determinado proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en base a criterios docentes y técnicos. Esta metodología es el resultado de un proyecto de mejora e innovación educativa en el cual se han llevado a cabo diversas experiencias docentes sobre la aplicación de herramientas Web 2.0 en asignaturas de distintas titulaciones universitarias.SUMMARY -- The use and dissemination of Web 2.0 tools in professional and personal context is becoming more popular every day. Its application to teaching, as it is suggested by some studies, may have numerous advantages. However, the range of Web 2.0 tools is very broad and it would therefore be useful to have a methodology that guide the teacher in choosing the most appropriate technology to their teaching-learning process, taking into account some final objectives, as well as implementing and evaluating the achieved results. This paper presents a methodology to assist teachers from any area of knowledge in the selection of the Web 2.0 technology that best suits a particular teaching-learning process. This selection is based on some educational and technical criteria. The presented methodology is the result of an educational innovation and improvement project in which various teaching experiences based on the use of Web 2.0 tools have been carried out in different subjects of science degrees.Peer Reviewe
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