2,615 research outputs found

    Identification of students' mental models about the milk transformation in yogurt

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    A review of the scientific literature reveals that there are still few researches on the conceptions of secondary school students about chemical reactions involving microorganisms, especially those related to the mental models that students use in their explanations. This paper describes a study concerning the different mental models related to the milk transformation into yogurt with 83 students from a Spanish secondary school of 8th and 9th grade (13-16 years) developed in the framework of a research that intends to use the elaboration of this product as a context for the teaching and learning of chemical reactions through modeling approaches. In order to identify the mental models of the students, in this paper we consider the milk transformation into yogurt as a process in which its main components are: the entities involved (milk and bacteria), the interaction between them and the result (yogurt). A simplified school model of this process would involve students considering that bacteria use the sugar in milk to transform it into lactic acid through a chemical reaction to obtain the necessary energy. Using this scheme in interaction with the students' answers, the underlying mental models were identified. Although almost half of the students showed great difficulties explaining the process, five models have been identified. Students often consider the milk transformation into yogurt primarily as a physical process of agglutination or change of state. These models are far from a school model of reference in which the bacteria have a fundamental role in the transformation of milk into yogurt by a chemical reaction.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Territorialidad y política El caso de la división del municipio de San Felipe del Progreso, Edomex

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    La división de municipios en México responde formalmente al interés por hacer más equilibrado el desarrollo económico, político y social. Este artículo explora la relación de las motivaciones oficiales para la división de un municipio del Estado de México, con otras de índole político que no son abiertamente expuestas. El análisis muestra la profundización de diferencias económicas y sociales, al tiempo que la homogeneización de la política electoral en dos territorios

    A Qualidade em Atividades de Grupo de Fitness: Construção e Validação do Questionário “Qualidade do Instrutor de Fitness – Atividades de Grupo” (QIF-AG)

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    Sabendo que comportamentos inadequados ou não gostar do instrutor são motivos invocados pelos praticantes de atividades de grupo de fitness para abandonar a prática, é cada vez mais recomendado aos ginásios implementar estratégias para diminuir o abandono e aumentar a fidelização dos praticantes (Franco, Pereira, & Simões, 2008). Pelo referido, é objetivo deste trabalho construir e validar um questionário que permita avaliar a qualidade do instrutor em atividades de grupo de fitness. A construção teve por base um modelo teórico constituído por 4 dimensões e 25 categorias (Campos, 2015). Após cumprimento das várias fases subjacentes a este processo, nomeadamente após análise fatorial exploratória e confirmatória, o questionário QIF-AG é considerado válido, apesar de com algumas limitações, apresentando uma estrutura fatorial com 2 fatores correlacionados: Qualidade Relacional (11 itens) e Qualidade Técnico-pedagógica (14 itens).The quality in fitness group activities: construction and validation of the questionnaire "Fitness Instructor Quality - Group Activities" (QIF-AG): Knowing that inadequate behaviors or don’t like of the instructor are reasons presented by group fitness participants to dropout, it is increasingly recommended to gyms to apply strategies do decrease the dropout and increase the loyalty of participants (Franco, Pereira, & Simões, 2008). By that, the aim of this study is to construct and validate a questionnaire to assess the quality of the group fitness instructor. The construction was based on a theoretical model with 4 dimensions and 25 categories (Campos, 2015). After completing of the several underlying phases of this process, in particular after the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, the questionnaire QIF-AG is considered valid, although with some limitations, presenting a factorial structure with 2 correlated factors: Relational Quality (11 items) and Technical-pedagogical Quality (14 items).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Olhares cruzados e experiências de políticas de salvaguarda do patrimônio imaterial: o caso da Quaresma e Semana Santa de São João del-Rei (Brasil) e Braga (Portugal)

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    Resumo:  A Quaresma e a Semana Santa são especialmente celebradas nas cidades de  São João del-Rei (Minas Gerais-Brasil) e Braga (Minho-Portugal), conhecidas como "Roma Brasileira" e "Roma Portuguesa" respectivamente. O movimento global de defesa e valorização das especificidades culturais vem impulsionando iniciativas de identificação e reconhecimento deste patrimônio cultural. Este artigo aborda os significados históricos, culturais e simbólicos da Quaresma e da Semana Santa nestas duas cidades do mundo lusófono e apresenta algumas reflexões sobre os processos atuais de  "patrimonialização" destes eventos, considerados e valorizados como patrimônio cultural imaterial no Brasil e em Portugal, relacionando os pontos semelhantes e divergentes em ações específicas em Braga e em São João del-Rei.   Palavras-chave:São João del-Rei. Braga. Quaresma. Semana Santa. Patrimônio cultural imaterial. Patrimonializaçã

    On the identity of Myoxanthus scandens (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae), with a new species from Costa Rica

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    We present and illustrate a new species of Myoxanthus from Costa Rica, closely related to M. scandens. We present descriptions and illustrations of both species. The new species, Myoxanthus sotoanum differs from M. scandens, by its linear leaves, the brownish-yellowish flowers, the yellow petals and lip, the oblong, obtuse, subfalcate lateral lobes of the lip, the two keels extending nearly to the middle of the lip, and the shorter, triangular, acute teeth that flank the stigma. Myoxanthus sotoanum generally also occurs at lower elevations than M. scandens.Presentamos e ilustramos una nueva especie de Myoxanthus para Costa Rica, junto a la descripción e ilustración de M. scandens basadas en material costarricense. La nueva especie, Myoxanthus sotoanum, es similar a M. scandens, de la que difiere principalmente por sus hojas lineares, las flores café-amarillento, los pétalos y el labelo amarillos, los lóbulos laterales del labelo oblongos, obtusos y subfalcados, las dos quillas que se extienden hasta la mitad del labelo y los dientes más cortos, triangulares, agudos, que flanquean el estigma. Myoxanthus sotoanum generalmente se encuentra a elevaciones inferiores que M. scandens.Universidad de Costa Rica/[814-A7-015]/UCR/Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Jardín Botánico Lankester (JBL

    ONGs em Portugal, milhares invisíveis?

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    Podemos ignorar o envelhecimento e a incidência de cancro e demências?

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    Students' Academic Climate Perception Of The School Of Business Of A Mexican University

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    This paper discusses student perception of the academic climate of the School of Business in a private university in Tijuana, México. With the participation of 257 students out of 348 enrolled in five academic programs, the survey results show that students perceive that the criteria that make up the academic climate occur “Always” in 18%; 78% of the criteria occur “Frequently” 2% of the aspects takes place “Sometimes” and another 2% of the criteria occurs “Never”. There was a significant difference among the results of the nine semesters, while no significant differences were found between the results of the five academic programs and gender analysis. This paper provides information to higher education academic leaders for the design of educational quality improvement strategic actions