174 research outputs found

    Mechanisms of the evolutionary arms race between Vibrio cholerae and Vibriophage clinical isolates

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    This review highlights recent findings on the evolutionary arms race between the causative agent of cholera Vibriocholerae and virulent bacteriophages (phages) ICP1, ICP2, and ICP3 isolated from cholera patient stool samples. We discussmechanisms of phage resistance such as a unique phage-inhibitory chromosomal island and mutations that affect phage receptorexpression. We also discuss the molecular characterization of ICP1 and its unique CRISPR-Cas system, which it uses to combatthe phage-inhibitory chromosomal island. The role of phages in the life cycle of V. cholerae has been increasingly recognized andinvestigated in the past decade. This article will review hypotheses as to how the predator-prey relationship may have an impacton infections within individuals and on the self-limiting nature of cholera epidemics. In addition, we put forth a strategy of usingphages as an intervention to reduce household transmission of cholera within a community

    Streptococcus pneumoniae Is Desiccation Tolerant and Infectious upon Rehydration

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) is a frequent colonizer of the nasopharynx and one of the leading causative agents of otitis media, pneumonia, and meningitis. The current literature asserts that S. pneumoniae is transmitted person to person via respiratory droplets; however, environmental surfaces (fomites) have been linked to the spread of other respiratory pathogens. Desiccation tolerance has been to shown to be essential for long-term survival on dry surfaces. This study investigated the survival and infectivity of S. pneumoniae following desiccation under ambient conditions. We recovered viable bacteria after all desiccation periods tested, ranging from 1 h to 4 weeks. Experiments conducted under nutrient limitation indicate that desiccation is a condition separate from starvation. Desiccation of an acapsular mutant and 15 different clinical isolates shows that S. pneumoniae desiccation tolerance is independent of the polysaccharide capsule and is a species-wide phenomenon, respectively. Experiments demonstrating that nondesiccated and desiccated S. pneumoniae strains colonize the nasopharynx at comparable levels, combined with their ability to survive long-term desiccation, suggest that fomites may serve as alternate sources of pneumococcal infection

    Self-assembly of ordered graphene nanodot arrays (vol 8, 47, 2017)

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    Change History: A correction to this article has been published and is linked from the HTML version of this article

    High Prevalence of Spirochetosis in Cholera Patients, Bangladesh

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    The microbes that accompany the etiologic agent of cholera, Vibrio cholerae, are only now being defined. In this study, spirochetes from the genus Brachyspira were identified at high titers in more than one third of cholera patients in Bangladesh. Spirochetosis should now be tracked in the setting of cholera outbreaks

    Immunization of Mice With Vibrio cholerae Outer-Membrane Vesicles Protects Against Hyperinfectious Challenge and Blocks Transmission

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    Background. Vibrio cholerae excreted by cholera patients is “hyperinfectious” (HI), which can be modeled by passage through infant mice. Immunization of adult female mice with V. cholerae outer-membrane vesicles (OMVs) passively protects suckling mice from challenge. Although V. cholerae is unable to colonize protected pups, the bacteria survive passage and have the potential to be transmitted to susceptible individuals. Here, we investigated the impact of OMV immunization and the HI state on V. cholerae transmission