771 research outputs found

    Portuguese in Germany: considering issues of heritage language development and biliteracy

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    [Excerpt] Introduction: Germany has a strong tradition of immigration, which became an important feature of the German society from the early fifties on, when the country had to be rebuilt after its almost complete destruction during World War II. In the fifties and sixties, Germany signed bilateral recruitment agreements with several countries like Italy (1960), Turkey (1961) and Portugal (1964), allowing unqualified guest workers in the industrial sector to take positions with minimal training requirements (Feld et. al., 2017).[...

    Helping a visually impaired student to improve her social interaction skills at Andrés Bello University, Viña del Mar, Chile : an action research

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    Tesis (Pedagogía en Inglés)During the last decade, inclusion that is “Something which cannot be done to people, it is something in which people are actively involved” (Norwich, 1999), has been used by different educational institutions to define or highlight their programs and as a matter of promoting a very comprehensive education. That is why an action research was conducted, whose aim is to study and improve the social interaction between a visually impaired student and her professors and peers within the English Pedagogy Program from a university in the city of Viña del Mar. In this thesis project, several people who are part of the daily life of the subject of the study contributed to this thesis project by providing relevant information. These people were professors, previous and current classmates and family members who decided to participate in a voluntarily and active form. In order to collect the information from a qualitative nature, focus groups, semi-structured interviews, questionnaires and observations were used as instruments. Moreover, more support and guidance were delivered by professionals from the educational and medical fields, i.e a psychology and a psychopedagogue. These experts provided techniques in order to reach the objective of this research. In terms of results, these were unexpected because they changed the researchers’ perspectives and helped them to understand a reality that was present but, was not taken into account. After analyzing the results obtained from the strategies applied in the action plan, the researchers came into the conclusion that the subject improved her social interaction skills thanks to the different techniques that we applied with her. However, it was found out that the context played a key role in the interaction between the classmates and the subject because the dysfunctional characteristics of the peers made the student to react different to them as she interacted with the researchers.Durante la última década, inclusión que se refiere a “Una acción la cual no puede ser realizada por personas, es algo en que las personas están activamente envueltas” (Norwich, 1999) (Traducido por Ivette Aguirre, Camila Fernández, Bárbara Melo y Bastián Mendoza), ha sido utilizado por diferentes instituciones educacionales para definir o destacar sus programas como una manera de promover una educación completa. Por esta razón se llevó a cabo una investigación acción la cual pretende investigar y mejorar la interacción social entre un estudiante con dificultades visuales y sus profesores y compañeros en un programa de pregrado de una universidad en la región de Viña del Mar. Varias personas los cuales forman parte activa en el quehacer diario del sujeto de estudio contribuyeron con información relevante para esta investigación. Estos fueron profesores, compañeros, ex compañeros y familiares, quienes aceptaron participar de forma voluntaria y activa. Para recolectar la información de naturaleza cualitativa, se utilizó focos grupales, entrevistas semi-estructuradas, cuestionarios y observaciones como instrumentos. Además, más apoyo y guía fue entregada por parte de profesionales en el área de la educación y la salud como una psicóloga y psicopedagoga. Estas personas aportaron técnicas para el desarrollo del objetivo de nuestra investigación. En tema de resultados, fueron sorprendentes porque cambiaron mucho la perspectiva de los investigadores y ayudaron a entender una realidad que estaba presente pero no se había tomado en cuenta. Después de analizar los resultados obtenidos por las estrategias aplicadas en el plan de acción, los investigadores llegaron a la conclusión de que el sujeto mejoró en sus habilidades de interacción social gracias a las diferentes técnicas que se trabajaron con ella. Aunque, se encontró que el contexto juega un rol principal en la interacción entre los compañeros y la estudiante debido a que las características disfuncionales de los compañeros hicieron que la estudiante reaccionara diferente con ellos as que como interactuó con los investigadores

    Bibliotecas públicas: Elementos para la formulación de una política en Chile

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    The following research seeks to describe the legal context that is limited to the public library in Latin America and the Caribbean, and identify through the literature review which of the elements in their laws could serve as a reference in the creation of a legal framework for Chilean public library. On the other hand, seeks to know through interviews, the perception of librarians, staff and other stakeholders involved in the management of public libraries in relation to the need to these libraries

    Data of Electric (Un)Availability in Brazilian Amazon's Extractive Communities

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    This study aimed to assess the availability of electricity, its energy sources, and mean dispersion per area in traditional communities living in Amazon's extractive reserves. The data set showed a situational description of the sample, allowing thus future conclusions about the level of energy justice in these reserves. The study provided the following information: local geography, relevant to analyses of appropriate methods for energy supply of these localities; territorial extension of the sample and number of families in protected areas, used to calculate the mean number of families per hectare; territorial location of the investigated areas, revealing the permeability of the municipal political division in terms of geographic boundaries of the protected areas. The data presented in this study may be used for comparative studies in similar contexts.O objetivo do estudo foi verificar a disponibilidade de eletricidade, e suas fontes energéticas, bem como a média de dispersão por área nas comunidades tradicionais das Reservas Extrativistas Amazônicas. O conjunto de dados apresentou descrição situacional da população da amostra permitindo futuras conclusões sobre o nível de justiça energética dessas áreas. O estudo disponibilizou informações sobre: geografia local, relevante para analises quanto à métodos adequados para suprimento energético dessas localidades; dimensão da extensão territorial da amostra e o número de famílias das áreas protegidas, permitindo o cálculo da média quantitativa do número de famílias por hectares; localização territorial das áreas investigadas, revelando a permeabilidade da divisão política municipal quanto as fronteiras geográficas das áreas protegidas. Os dados apresentados no estudo podem ser utilizados para estudos comparativos em situações análogas

    Apropriação do cinema no início da era digital: reflexões da obra de Farocki

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    Harun Farocki's work (1944-2014) has spanned for more than five decades, and has dealt primarily with the image, its meanings, its relationship with the mass ideology, and the possibilities and limits of its automation and mechanization in the digital age. Through the found footage technique, Farocki has established throughout his career different analytical strategies that have allowed him, through his film works, to propose an exhaustive review and criticism of the image and its implications. This essay seeks to propose reflections, based on Farocki's work, about the politics of the image, the relationship with the author / producer and its role in ideological, political and social spheres.La obra de Harun Farocki (1944-2014) se ha extendido por más de cinco décadas, y ha tratado de manera primordial la imagen, sus significados, su relación con la ideología de masas, y las posibilidades y límites de su automatización y mecanización en la era digital. Mediante la técnica de found footage, Farocki ha establecido a lo largo de su trayectoria diferentes estrategias analíticas que le han permitido, a través de sus obras fílmicas, proponer una exhaustiva revisión y crítica a la imagen y sus implicaciones. En este ensayo se busca proponer reflexiones, a partir de la obra de Farocki, en torno a las políticas de la imagen, la relación con el autor / productor y su función en las esferas ideológicas, políticas y sociales.O trabalho de Harun Farocki (1944-2014) se estende por mais de cinco décadas e trata principalmente da imagem, seus significados, sua relação com a ideologia de massa, e as possibilidades e limites da sua automação e mecanização na era digital. Por meio da técnica de found footage, Farocki tem estabelecido, através de suas obras cinematográficas, diferentes estratégias analíticas que permitiram-lhe propor uma revisão e crítica exaustivas da imagem e suas implicações. Este ensaio pretende propor reflexões sobre a política da imagem, a relação com o autor/produtor e seupapel nas esferas ideológicas, políticas e sociais, baseadas no trabalho de Farocki


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    O presente artigo tem por objetivo esclarecer os elementos contextuais formadores de uma nova realidade religiosa, cultural, política, social e econômica em Al-Andaluz no século XI – período subsequente ao desmantelamento de um núcleo de poder centrado em Córdoba. O foco da análise será o reino taifa de Sevilha e as trajetórias de al-Mu’tamid – terceiro governante da dinastia abbadita – e o poeta Ibn Ammâr, problematizando, dessa forma, seus contextos micro-histórico, internamente ao reino, e macro, na Península Ibérica e no mundo muçulmano

    Manifestaciones orales presentes en pacientes con COVID-19. Revisión sistemática exploratoria

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    The new COVID-19 is caused by the SARS-CoV2 virus, which has a high affinity for the human ACE-2 receptor, those that are in high presence in the oral cavity. There have been various oral manifestations associated with COVID-19, however, the prevalence and etiology of these lesions is still unknown. The objective of the study is to determine in an updated way, the oral manifestations in patients with the disease, identifying type of basic lesion, associated pathology, location and prevalence. In this study the databases used were Scopus, MedLine and Web of Science. 28 articles were included in this review, which included a total of 591 patients with COVID-19 and oral manifestations. Finally, we determined that there are three types of general oral alterations: neurological, oral mucosa and glandular manifestations. The neurological are the most prevalent, followed by those of the oral mucosa and finally the glandular ones. About location, the sites where it is most common to find basic lesions are the tongue and lips.El nuevo COVID-19 es originado por el virus SARS-CoV2, el cual posee alta afinidad por el receptor humano ACE-2, los que se encuentran en alta presencia en la cavidad oral. Se han presentado diversas manifestaciones orales asociadas a COVID-19, no obstante, aún se desconoce la prevalencia y la etiología de estas lesiones. El objetivo del estudio es determinar de manera actualizada, las manifestaciones orales en pacientes que se encuentran cursando la enfermedad, identificando el tipo de lesión básica, patología asociada, ubicación y prevalencia. En este estudio las bases de datos utilizados fueron Scopus, MedLine y Web of Science. Se incluyeron 28 artículos en esta revisión, los que engloban un total de 591 pacientes con COVID-19 y manifestaciones orales. Finalmente, determinamos que existen tres tipos de alteraciones orales generales: manifestaciones neurológicas, de mucosa oral y glandulares. Las neurológicas son las más prevalentes, seguidas por las de mucosa oral y finalmente las glandulares. Con respecto a la ubicación, los sitios en donde es más frecuente encontrar lesiones básicas vienen siendo lengua y labios

    Tipología de ríos en el Ecuador : análisis del régimen del caudal

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    Knowing the hydrological behavior of rivers and their discharge of water flow of water allows establishing a critical baseline for water resources management. In addition, it allows to relate the hydrological regime with the aquatic biodiversity, the ecological processes they mediate and the environmental services they maintain both at a local and regional level. This research seeks to establish a river classification in Ecuador in order to relate it to key ecological processes based on multi-year hydrographs that analyze flow regimes...Conocer el comportamiento hidrológico de los ríos y su caudal de agua permite establecer una línea base para la gestión de los recursos hídricos. Además, permite relacionar el régimen hidrológico con la biodiversidad acuática, los procesos ecológicos que estos median y los servicios ambientales que estos proveen tanto a nivel local como regional. Esta investigación busca establecer una clasificación de ríos en el Ecuador para relacionarla con procesos ecológicos claves en base a hidrogramas multianuales que analizan los regímenes de caudal..

    Análise das internações por causas externas não intencionais em menores de 15 anos em Florianópolis - SC

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Coletiva, Florianópolis, 2015.Objetivos: Determinar as características sociodemográficas, clínicas e evolução intra-hospitalar de crianças e adolescentes de até 14 anos, vítimas de injúrias de causas externas que necessitaram internação hospitalar, no município de Florianópolis, no período de abril de 2013 a março de 2014. Pacientes e Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo longitudinal, observacional, descritivo e analítico. Foram estudados os pacientes internados no Hospital Infantil Joana de Gusmão, em Florianópolis, vítimas de causas externas, no período compreendido entre abril de 2013 e março de 2014, por meio de um formulário aplicado aos responsáveis e por acompanhamento direto dos casos pela pesquisadora. Foi realizada a análise descritiva dos dados, sendo determinadas as medidas de frequências relativas e absolutas de cada variável categórica. Todos os dados contínuos de interesse tiveram distribuição não-paramétrica, e foram apresentados como mediana e intervalo de referência, isto é, entre os 5o e 95o percentis (IRP5-95). Resultados: A amostra foi de 211 pacientes, com 67,8% do sexo masculino e mediana de idade de 6 anos (IRP5-95:1-14). Houve predomínio de casos em menores da cor branca. O principal cuidador foi a mãe, os estados civis mais frequentes destes cuidadores foram casado ou união estável. A mediana de idade do cuidador foi de 30,5 anos (IRP5-95:19,5-47) e a mediana de escolaridade foi de 8 anos (IRP5-95:3,4-15,6). Os casos ocorreram principalmente em dezembro, novembro e setembro, nas quartas feiras e nos sábados, bem como no domicílio. Queimaduras foi a categoria de causa predominante, seguida pela categoria quedas. Os pacientes foram procedentes principalmente da Grande Florianópolis. A maioria dos casos não necessitou internação em terapia intensiva, ventilação mecânica ou intervenção cirúrgica. A mediana de tempo de internação foi de 5 dias (IRP5-95:1-23). À análise bivariada, as variáveis independentes que apresentaram associação significante com o desfecho internação prolongada (mais de 8 dias,tercil superior) foram injúrias do tipo queimaduras (pAbstract : Objectives: To determine the victims, children and adolescents up to 14 years of age, of accidents of externally caused injuries, requiring hospitalization in Florianópolis, from April 2013 to March 2014, taking into account the sociodemographic, extent of clinical injuries suffered and intra-hospital outcome characteristics. Patients Methods: This is a longitudinal, observational, descriptive and analytical study. In the period between April 2013 and March 2014, hospitalized patients were studied at the Hospital Infantil Joana de Gusmão, in Florianopolis, all were victims of externally caused injuries, by way of a medical questionnaire completed by parents and a direct follow-up of cases by a researcher. Descriptive analysis was performed and determined the frequency of relative and absolute measures of each categorical variable. All continuous data of interest had non-parametric distribution, and are presented as median and reference range, i.e. between 5% and 95% percentiles (IRP5-95). Results: The sample consisted of 211 patients, 67.8% male; median age of 6 (six) years (IRP5-95: 1-14). There was a predominance of cases in caucasian children. The main caregiver was the mother, the most common marital status were married or common-law marriage. The median age of the caregiver was 30.5 years (IRP5-95: 19.5 to 47) and the median schooling was 8 (eight) years (IRP5-95: 3.4 to 15.6). The cases mainly occurred in December, November and September respectively, on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and at the victim's home. The must common category of cause was burns, followed by falls. Patients came mainly from Florianópolis. Most cases did not require hospitalization in intensive care, mechanical ventilation or surgical intervention. The average length of stay was 5 days (IRP5-95: 1-23). In the bivariate analysis, the independent variables that were significantly associated with prolonged hospitalization outcome (over 8 days, the highest tertile) were burn-type injuries (p <0.001), from outside Greater Florianópolis (p = 0.002) and under 6 years of age (p = 0.007). In the multivariate analysis, the model that best explained the "extended period" outcome included "burns" (OR: 2.55; 95: 1.34 to 4.84; p = 0.004). Conclusion: The profile of the sample is similar to other groups studied in the country and the world: home injuries, young and low-income mothers, being more severe in younger children, burnvictims. Such features should be taken into account when setting up control strategies in the Public Health system in order to control this meager cause of morbidity and sequela in children