154 research outputs found

    a novel approach for imbalanced regression

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    Camacho, L., & Bação, F. (2024). WSMOTER: a novel approach for imbalanced regression. Applied Intelligence, 54(19), 8789-8799. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-024-05608-6 --- Open access funding provided by FCT|FCCN (b-on). This work was supported by national funds through FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia), under the project UIDB/04152/2020 (DOI: 10.54499/UIDB/04152/2020) - Centro de Investigação em Gestão de Informação (MagIC)/NOVA IMS.Although the imbalanced learning problem is best known in the context of classification tasks, it also affects other areas of learning algorithms, such as regression. For regression, the problem is characterized by the existence of a continuous target variable domain and the need for models capable of making accurate predictions about rare events. Furthermore, such rare events with a real-value target are often the ones with greater interest in having models that can predict them. In this paper, we propose the novel approach WSMOTER (Weighting SMOTE for Regression) to tackle the imbalanced regression problem, which, according to the experimental work we present, outperforms currently available solutions to the problem.publishersversionpublishe

    Correction to: WSMOTER: a novel approach for imbalanced regression

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    Camacho, L., & Bacao, F. (2024). Correction to: WSMOTER: a novel approach for imbalanced regression. Applied Intelligence, 54, 11160. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-024-05704-7The chapter WSMOTER: a novel approach for imbalanced regression, written by Luís Camacho and Fernando Bacao, was originally published without open access. Following the author’s/authors’ decision to opt for open access, the copyright of the chapter changed on July 29, 2024 to © The Author(s) 2024 and the chapter is now distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/..Open Access funded by: Open access funding provided by FCT|FCCN (b-on). This work was supported by national funds through FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia), under the project UIDB/04152/2020 (DOI: 10.54499/UIDB/04152/2020) - Centro de Investigação em Gestão de Informação (MagIC)/NOVA IMS.publishersversionepub_ahead_of_prin

    Hepoxilin B3 and its Enzymatically Formed Derivative Trioxilin B3 are Incorporated into Phospholipids in Psoriatic Lesions

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    In previous studies we observed that normal human epidermis forms 12-oxo-eicosatetraenoic acid (12-oxo-ETE) and hepoxilin B3 (HxB3) as major eicosanoids, both being elevated in psoriasis. We also observed that normal epidermis, in a reaction probably catalyzed by 12-lipoxygenase, only synthesize one of the two possible 10-hydroxy epimers of HxB3. We have now extended these previous studies investigating further transformation of HxB3 into trioxilin B3 (TrXB3) and esterification of both into phospholipids. Phospholipids were extracted from normal epidermis and from psoriatic scales. A combination of high performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis demonstrated the occurrence of HxB3 and TrXB3 in the phospholipids of psoriatic lesions. Alkaline- and phospholipase-A2-mediated hydrolysis of the phospholipids yielded similar quantities of both HxB3 and TrXB3 indicating their preference for the sn-2 position of glycerophospholipids. The thin layer chromatography analysis of the phospholipid classes after incubation of epidermal cells with [14C]-labeled HxB3, TrXB3, 12-hydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acid (12-HETE), 12-oxo-ETE, or 15-HETE showed that 12-HETE was the most esterified (12-HETE > 15-HETE > TrXB3 > 12-oxo-ETE > HxB3). HxB3 and TrXB3 were mainly esterified in phosphatidyl-choline and phosphatidyl-ethanolamine. HxB3 was also enzymatically converted into TrXB3 in vitro. HxB3 epoxide hydrolase-like activity was not observed when boiled tissue was incubated with [14C]-HxB3, this activity being located in the cytosol fraction (100,000 × g supernatant) of fresh tissue. These findings suggest that in vivo some part of HxB3 is transformed into TrXB3 and both compounds are partially incorporated into the phospholipids

    Robust Patterns in Food Web Structure

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    We analyze the properties of seven community food webs from a variety of environments--including freshwater, marine-freshwater interfaces and terrestrial environments. We uncover quantitative unifying patterns that describe the properties of the diverse trophic webs considered and suggest that statistical physics concepts such as scaling and universality may be useful in the description of ecosystems. Specifically, we find that several quantities characterizing these diverse food webs obey functional forms that are universal across the different environments considered. The empirical results are in remarkable agreement with the analytical solution of a recently proposed model for food webs.Comment: 4 pages. Final version to appear in PR

    Desenvolvimento de um modelo dinâmico aplicado à combustão de cargas de biomassa em fogões domésticos

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    Mestrado em Engenharia do AmbienteO trabalho desenvolvido e apresentado neste documento, visa uma melhor compreensão do processo de combustão de cargas de biomassa num fogão doméstico. Com base em ensaios experimentais e pesquisas bibliográficas, é desenvolvido um modelo numérico utilizando um software de simulação dinâmica, que tenta descrever os fenómenos que ocorrem na combustão de biomassa em fogões domésticos. Os resultados do modelo são comparados com a informação obtida experimentalmente, e são analisados alguns parâmetros do modelo. As principais dificuldades encontradas estão relacionadas com o grande número de factores que afectam o processo de combustão, e o seu carácter transiente neste tipo de equipamentos. O modelo calcula a evolução da temperatura, composição gasosa e trocas de calor no fogão. Os resultados experimentais revelaram que o modelo prevê qualitativamente o comportamento do sistema em termos detemperatura, embora quantitivamente exista algumadiscrepância entre os valores de temperatura previstos e osvalores obtidos experimentalmente.The work developed and presented in this document aimed a better understanding of the batch process of burning biomass on a domestic stove. Based on experimental trials and bibliographic researches, a numerical model, which attempts to describe the phenomena taking place in the burning of biomass in household stoves, is developed using dynamic simulation software. The results of the model are compared with information obtained experimentally, and some parameters are analyzed. The main difficulties founded, are related to the large number of factors affecting the combustion process, and with its transient nature in this type of heating appliancies. The modeling of radiation heat transfer in the combustion chamber also presented high difficulty, caused by the radiative properties of combustion gases. The model calculates the evolution of temperature, composition of the gas mixture, and heat transfers in the stove. The experimental results revealed that the model predictsqualitatively the behaviour of the system in temperature terms, although quantitatively there is some discrepancy between thetemperature values predicted and the values obtainedexperimentally

    Ambiente físico em eventos de eSports : a influência nas respostas afetivas e intenções comportamentais dos espetadores

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    Este estudo tem como objetivos (a) compreender as perceções dos espetadores sobre os atributos do ambiente físico de um evento de eSports e, (b) investigar o impacto nas respostas afetivas e nas intenções comportamentais destes espetadores. Foi efetuada uma recolha de dados no evento Lisboa Games Week (n = 328), através da aplicação de um questionário autoadministrado a espetadores que assistiram ao evento. O questionário analisa 7 dimensões - atmosfera, equipamentos, design da instalação, acessibilidade, respostas afetivas, intenção de revisitar e recomendação boca a boca. Recorreu-se à análise fatorial confirmatória (AFC) e modelagem de equações estruturais (MEE), para avaliar o modelo conceptual. Os resultados indicam que a qualidade das dimensões do ambiente físico do evento de eSports, à exceção dos equipamentos, influenciam as respostas afetivas, intenção de revisitar e passagem de informação positiva dos espetadores. A dimensão ‘acessibilidade’, deve continuar a ser incluída em futuros modelos, como um dos estímulos para as respostas afetivas e intenções comportamentais dos espetadores. Nas implicações gerenciais deste estudo, são propostos uma série de procedimentos a melhorar nas dimensões do ambiente físico, para que se obtenham respostas afetivas positivas e consequentemente uma maior retenção de novos espetadores em futuras edições de eventos de eSports.This study aims (a) t o understand the spectators’ perceptions on the constructs of physical environment of an eSports event and, (b) to research its impact on the spectators’ aff ective responses and behavioral intentions. Data collection was carried out at Lisboa Games Week event (n=328), by using a self administered questionnaire. The instrument analyses 7 dimensions atmosphere, equipments, facility design, accessibility, affec tive responses, revisit intentions and positive word of mouth. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and a following structural equation model (SEM) SEM), were used to determine the viability of the conceptual model. The results show that the quality of the phy sical environment dimensions, holds influence over the affective responses, revisit intention and positive word of mouth of the event spectators. Exception made on the equipment’s dimension, which did not have a relevant impact over the spectators’ emotion s and behavioral intentions. Furthermore, the accessibility dimension, as an antecedent of the spectator affective responses and behavioral intentions, should be included in future models. The practical implications of this study propose the improvement of the physical environment dimensions, so that a consequent impact on affective responses, leads to a retain spectators on a future edition of an eSports event


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    En esta primera década del siglo veintiuno vale la pena recordar hacia donde se debe dirigir la formación de los ingenieros, y al igual que a todos los profesionales, no hay que olvidar que se educa y se entrena a los hombres y mujeres para que sean personas íntegras. Para el caso de los profesionales de la ingeniería para que conduzcan los cambios tecnológicos teniendo en cuenta que deben trabajar en un contexto político

    Estudo Preliminar da Adaptação da Aeronave Crossover para Voo de Longa Duração a Grande Altitude

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    Esta dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Aeronáutica descreve um projeto em parceria com a empresa Eurosport Aircraft para realizar um estudo de desempenho para alteração do moto-planador Crossover numa aeronave HALE UAV. O objetivo principal é de verificar a possibilidade de atingir uma autonomia de 168 h e atingir a altitude de 12160 m (40000 ft) realizando o aumento da envergadura da asa de 18 m para 25 m, com um MTOM de 1800 kg e colocando 2 motores Rotax® 915is turbo no Crossover. Para atingir os objetivos são utilizados vários programas de análise tal como o Xflr5, que permitiu obter a polar de arrasto do perfil e das asas utilizados nos casos de estudo; o Qblade e o Jblade, utilizados para obter o projeto e análise de desempenho das hélices utilizadas. Este estudo é realizado ao longo de diversas fases, onde na primeira fase é feito o dimensionamento das empenagens e a análise do desempenho do motor Rotax® 915is turbo. A fase seguinte envolve o projeto das hélices, sendo estas otimizadas com recurso ao Qblade e, por fim, são realizadas análises do desempenho das hélices em Jblade para vários ângulos de incidência para obter uma função de hélice de passo variável. Durante a terceira fase é estudada e analisada a polar de arrasto da aeronave com as diversas configurações para o painel novo da asa proposto pela empresa. Para verificar qual a melhor configuração para atingir o objetivo, são realizados diversos estudos de desempenho conceptual onde são testadas diversas hélices. Depois de uma análise detalhada é escolhida a hélice mais eficiente para as condições de voo e posteriormente é realizado o mesmo estudo para analisar/testar qual a configuração de asa mais adequada. Por fim, é realizado um estudo de desempenho com integração no tempo onde são comparados dois tipos de perfis de missão, o primeiro realizando um voo de cruzeiro normal a 12160 m e no segundo um perfil com funcionamento dos motores intermitente, realizando voo planado até uma determinada altitude mínima seguido com voo de subida até 12160 m, repetindo este processo até alcançar o peso de combustível mínimo.This dissertation for the master’s degree in Aeronautical Engineering describes a project in partnership with the company Eurosport Aircraft with the objective of developing a performance study for a modification of the motor glider Crossover into a HALE UAV. The main objective is to verify that if increasing the wingspan of 18 m to 25 m, inserting two Rotax® 915is turbo and having a MTOM of 1800 kg on the Crossover, if it is possible to have 168 h of endurance and reach an altitude of 12160 m (40000 ft). To reach the objectives it is used various analysis programs, such as XFLR5, used to obtain the drag polar of the aerofoils and wings used on the case studies; Qblade and Jblade are used to design and obtain the performance of the propellers tested in this work. This study is carried out over several phases, where in the first phase the dimensioning of the tailings and the performance analysis of the Rotax® 915is turbo engine are done. The next phase involves the design of the propellers, these being optimized using Qblade and, finally, the analyses of the performance of the propellers on Jblade performing it for various blade pitch angle to obtain a variable pitch propeller function. During the third phase, the aircraft's drag polar was studied and analysed with the various configurations of the new panel of the wing proposed by the company. To verify the best configuration to reach the objective, several conceptual performance studies are made where several propellers designs are tested. After a detailed analysis, the most efficient propeller for the flight conditions is chosen and the same study is then carried out to analyse/test the most appropriate wing configuration. Finally, a time-integrated performance study comparing two types of mission profiles is carried out, the first one performing a normal cruise flight at 12160 m and the second one shows a profile with an intermittent engine functioning, performing a glided flight to a certain minimum altitude followed by a climb to 12160 m, repeating this process until reaching the minimum fuel weight

    Time-resolved spectroscopic diagnostic of laser-induced plasma on germanium targets

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    The following article appeared in Journal of Applied Physics 109.10 (2011): 103304 and may be found at http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/109/10/10.1063/1.3590159Time-resolved optical emission measurements have been made in laser-induced plasma plumes following CO2 pulsed-laser (10.591 µm, 64 ns and intensity from 0.27 to 4.9 GW cm-2) irradiation of germanium targets. The temporal behavior of Ge atoms and ionized excited species Ge3+, Ge2+, and Ge+ is reported. The results show a faster decay of the continuum emission and Ge3+, Ge2+ ionic species than in the case of Ge and neutral Ge atoms. The velocity distributions for Ge3+, Ge2+, Ge, and Ge species are obtained from time-of-flight measurements. Electron density in the laser-induced plasma was estimated from the analysis of spectral data at various times from the CO2 laser pulse incidence. From the intensity decay with the delay time for Ge, Ge2+, and Ge3+, we estimated the three-body electron-ion recombination rate constants for these species.We gratefully acknowledge the support received in part by the DGICYT (Spain) Projects: MEC: CTQ2008-05393/ BQU and MEC: CTQ2010-15680/BQU for this research
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